Blog Archive

Saturday, August 20, 2022

Mystery Autumn Stamp SAL - Stamp 9 - Cornucopia Stamp Freebie

Good morning, ya'll. What a fun week it has been ! 

Well did you guess what we would be stitching today?  Do you  have your basket of fresh fruits and vegetables ready for this stitch? 

It's the Cornucopia Stamp

This horn of plenty is filled with a pumpkins, grapes, apple and corn. It has been a good harvest. 

If you would like to stitch the Cornucopia Stamp , please check out the link to the jpg below. 

Click here for the Cornucopia Stamp. 

 The large stitch is complete.

 Now I just have to give it a good pressing and FFO it.  

 A dough bowl full of Fall goodness.  

But wait don't forget tomorrow I will be sharing a bonus stamp. So I am going to leave you with a little riddle for today's hint. 

I am usually green, sometimes yellow, but I am not grass. I grow on a tree , but I am not a leaf. I am a fruit , but not an apple. What am I?  

I bet you know what it is. 

Sometimes I have a number of needles threaded with different floss colors so that I can pick them up quickly and stitch. It certainly  makes the piece go quickly . So I thought I would tell you the floss colors that you will need for tomorrow's stitch in the PREP YOUR NEEDLES. 


898, 3345, 975, and 782 

Thank you all for the sweet visit. Tomorrow will be stamp 10 and Monday I will share my finished piece with my dough bowl. Hope to see you then. As always...

Happy  Stitching and Quilting, ya'll


Thank you for the sweet visit. 

There is always something to be thankful for. 

Hugs and Stitches!!!!🤗🧵❤

Dedicated to my dear sister, Amy. I love and miss you so much.❤❤👼  " The best thing about having a sister was I always had a friend."  - Cali Ray Turner. 

AUG. 18 post- STAMP 7 ACORNS
                  Aug. 19 post- STAMP 8 PUMPKIN PIE 



  1. I don't know how you come up with so much wonderful designs! Thank you for sharing them with us.

    1. Aaaah you are the sweetest . Lol I wish I could stitch all of the ideas I have whirling in my head but I would certainly need more hours in the day. I am so touched that you enjoyed these. Have a blessed day and happy stitching.

  2. This is so adorable, Melisa! Thank you for this entire Fall Stamp project!

    1. Aaaah thank you so much, Robin. It was a joy to share. Have a great week. Hugs.

  3. I love this one - in fact, I love them all - and am saving them for when I have my other stitch done. As for tomorrow, a pear? Blessings.

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Donna. I sure hope you enjoy them when you get started. Lol you are so right . That was a pretty easy hint wasn't it? Hee hee. Have a great day, my friend.

  4. I should have guessed cornucopia, it's one of my first fall decorations to pull out, lol. Thanks for a fun project - I am heading to a stitchery store (The West in Tucson - fabulous store!) to look for some linen to finally get started on these. I found an led floor lamp with magnification for $6 at the thrift shop, so I want to try linen :-) I'm going to guess a Pear for tomorrow - but you're pretty tricky and I could be wrong again, lol.

    1. Lol I love leaving the little hints. But you got me wanting to do a fall canning stamp. I love to can my harvest that is for sure. How exciting to find such a great find. You will put the lamp to great use. I hope you will let me know how you like stitching on linen. I have one piece that I have started on linen, but I do need some guidance. Lol. Have a great week and happy stitching.

  5. Thank you so much Melisa for this adorable stitch. I plan to make all of mine into small pillows to fill a basket. Have a beautiful weekend.

    1. Aaah I am so honored that you will be stitching these up, Pammie. I love the pillows too. I do not have much space so the smalls work for me the best. I sure hope you enjoy them. Have a wonderful rest of the week and happy stitching.

  6. A cornucopia, of course, my brain must have been on vacation, lol. Love the entire piece as a whole and I love the dough bowl stamps are so very cute. I think a pear, but as pbrenner has stated, you can be tricky.-) I enjoyed the little post from yesterday with the new applique, so cute. Have a wonderful day and I will be here to see #!0 for the finish of your stamp creations for the fall. We did get a little rain last night so hoping that the same is headed your way. Sending you many hugs from sunny Arizona.

    1. Aaah it has been a lot of fun to leave hints to each stitch. I love reading what others guess which gives me ideas for other stitches. Lol. Oh, Mary I know even just the wee bit of rain is welcomed where you live. We were expecting rain, but alas it never came. It has been dry here as well. So dry that some of the leaves are falling. Sending hugs and love.

  7. So cute!!! You've been designing AND stitching up a bunch of cute little pillows, Melisa!!! I always love seeing your arrangements, too!!!

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Nancy. I certainly have been in the fall mood. Have a great week and happy quilting.

  8. I think you are squash! Your SAL looks great, congrats on the finish.

    1. Aaah thank you so much, dear. I have had a great time working on the SAL and am so ready for Fall. Have a great day and happy quilting.

  9. Gorgeous filled bowl, gorgeous piece! As a newbie Cross Stitcher, I look forward to seeing how you FFO this. I may even try this one --- if I can finish the two I already have started, LOL!! Thank you for sharing!

    1. Aah thank you so much, Vivian. These are quick easy stitches. I hope that you enjoy them. Have a wonderful day and happy stitching.


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