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Sunday, August 7, 2022

Back to School Time

Good morning, ya'll. Happy happy Sunday.  Last year, my dear sister, Amy started a new tradition of having a Back to School Bash for the kiddos. 
The Prim Alphabet Pincushion is a freebie from Appleseed Prims blog

She joked that we are always looking for a reason to cook and celebrate which she was right. This brings such  fond memories but tears as well. Any way, I will continue her tradition ,and today we are going to have a Back to School cookout for the kiddos. The overwhelming concensus was that the boys wanted hot dogs. So hot dogs it will be.  

Can you believe it is school time already? I remember when school always started after Labor Day. 

Last  week before our camping trip,  I began Buzz by Bent Creek.

 This sweet chart was gifted to me by dear Joan. Eeeh! BUZZZ!  I can not wait to add it to my bee collection. I just need to FFO it which will be on the agenda for the evening. 


 Speaking of bees, I tried my hand at making a bee skep. Guess what I used as a form.  A gallon milk jug ! I did however cut the jug down in size.

 Last year dear Pat sent me the most  darling bee skep which was made by her sister. Isn't it precious with the honey and teeny bees?  Mine is not as pretty as this  one. But hey I tried.  Plus I had lots of fun. 

Bee Blessed was a free design by  my dear friend, Vicki at Stitchy McFloss.  blogspot . I smile every time I see those stinkin' cute bees. 

Another finishing project on today's agenda is  October House Fiber Arts Twirl freebie

 This freebie was posted on their blog in the June 30, 2022 blogpost. I used DMC 930, 932, 223, 815, 3346. 

As far as quilting goes, I will be working on a long time UFO that has been  banished to the Quilt Nest for years. Every time I went to the quilt nest this little quilt would look at me so lost and forlorn ,and I swear I thought I heard some sniffles coming from it. Well alas this little devil  weaseled itself back into my heart ,and now I am quilting on it again.  It is smiling happily now and we are having a good time. 

I probably pieced this one 7 or 8 years ago .  

This summer I took my grandbabies to the public library to enjoy the Summer Reading Program. We had so much fun especially since the theme was oceans. I am proud to say that the boys met their goal of 100 books each. 

That's my Sunday ramblings. So what are you up to today?   Thank you so much for the sweet visit and as always...

Happy  Stitching and Quilting, ya'll


Thank you for the sweet visit. 

School bells are ringing loud and clear; vacation is over, school is here. Winifred  C. Marshall. 

Hugs and Stitches!!!!🤗🧵❤

Dedicated to my baby sister, Amy. Love and miss you, Amo . I know you would have been cooking up a storm today for a Grand Back to School Bash. 

I am joining these lovely ladies' link parties. I hope you check them out; they always have so many wonderful projects going on and provide the opportunity for other needle workers to meet. 

Frederique at   Quilting Patchwork Applique for Patchwork & Quilts - Saturday

     Kathy at Kathy's Quilts for Slow Stitching Sunday

Kate at Life in Pieces for  Stitching Stuff ( Sunday) 

Cynthia at Quilting is More Fun Than Housework for Oh Scrap - Sunday 


  1. Know everyone will enjoy the Back to School Bash! Your bee skep looks fabulous, Melisa. Lovely stitches you featured! Have a wonderful Sunday!

    1. It was a fabulous day with the kiddos. Fun was had by all.They boys even got in a bit of swimming and fishing . Thank you so much, Robin. I hope your day was filled with many blessings. Hugs.

  2. You did well with the bee house, and the embroideries are so lovely! Well done!

    1. Aah thank you so much, Frederique. I had a fabulous time working on these little projects. It has been a good productive week that is for sure. I hope you have a wonderful week yourself . Happy quilting. 

  3. Well done to the boys for reading 100 books! That is a great accomplishment that they can be very proud of!
    Don't you hate it when an old UFO starts to whimper and whine to come out of the closet and get some attention?!? I put in ear plugs! LOL

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Kathy. I think the grandbabies had a ball this summer in the reading program and I so look forward to taking them next year too.  Ear plugs sound like a great idea to ignore those pesky UFO's . Lol . Have a wonderful week. Happy quilting. Hugs. 

  4. I like that idea of a back-to-school party. Making memories with family. We had a family get-together yesterday, remembering my husband's sister whose birthday was Friday and celebrating his birthday on the 6th. Glad you got your UFO out. It's will be a cheerful addition and a fun project.

    1. Good evening, Susie. We had a wonderful Back to School bash. I am so happy to be able to continue this new tradition that my sis started. Aah I think that is so wonderful that you remembered  your sister in law's birthday with a family gathering along with your hubby's. Those celebrations certainly become even more precious as time goes by. Have a wonderful and blessed week and thank you so much for the sweet visit. Hugs and blessings. 

  5. Back to School Bash is going to be a wonderful tradition to keep in memory of your sweet sister. You were a busy girl doing those cute sititcheries, way to go. And how could you not finish the sweet Sunflower quilt, no wonder it was crying. A great big Congratulations to the Grandsons for reaching the goal of 100 books!! Way to go boys!! Enjoy your Sunday and looking forward to tomorrows blog. Hugs from Arizona.

    1. Aah thank you so much, Mary. I am so glad that I was able to continue the Back to School Bash with the kiddos. They had a great time. Lol now that I look back at the Sunflower quilt , I can not believe that I had banished it to the quilt nest . So glad it whined enough that I would pick it back up again. Stay cool and have a very blessed week. BIg hugs.

  6. First of all, as a retired librarian, I LOVE the fact that your grandsons are readers, Melisa! Good for them. My sons all were (and still are as grown adults) and that makes me very happy. I'm sure your sister is smiling down knowing that you're continuing the back-to-school bash. School doesn't start here for two more weeks, but, you're right--when we were growing up I think the entire US waited to start until after Labor Day. I kind of prefer it that way :) Beautiful bee hive and stitching. Have a lovely week ♥

    1. Oh thank you so much, Carol. I am very proud of my grandbabies. They had a ball at the library this year and I look forward to taking them next year. I do believe I could feel my sweet sis by my side today. She certainly would have enjoyed being with all of the kids. Have a wonderful and blessed week. Hugs.

  7. Such cute little readers you have there, Melisa! A back to school celebration sounds like a lot of fun, and I know your sister will be right by your side as you get together with the family. Lots of fun stitching going on at your house! I love the quilt in your hoop with its pretty sunflowers.

    1. Aaah Diann, Thank you so much. I am very blessed to have those little munchkins and your kind words about my sister being by my side melted my heart. I do believe she was here too. 🤗 Hugs and blessings.

  8. Your little readers are so cute! Hope they have a great first day of school! Thanks for all the shares and happy to see you got in lots of family time this summer in between your stitching!

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Shelly. I am certainly a proud grandma and very blessed. Thankfully the boys love school so I know they will have a super day. We tried to keep the kiddos busy this summer and I think it was a good one for them. Thank you again, dear Shelly. Happy stitching.

  9. Your hand stitching is so lovely! How sweet are those teeny bees? 😊
    Isn’t hand sewing so soothing? I’m sure your quilt is happy to be out again!
    Congratulations to your grandsons for reaching their goal!

    1. Aah thank you so much, Miaismine. I agree I am the most relaxed when I have a needle in hand. I hope you had a wonderful and blessed day. Happy quilting.

  10. Back to school party sounds such fun! As are the bee skeps, the cute little gifted one, and one you mae yourself, aren't you clever!

    1. Oh, Jenny. We had such a great time. The kiddos are now officially ready for school. Lol. I had a ball making the bee skep . Fortunately I had some jute twine around the house . It was a fun project. Have a great week and thank you for the sweet visit. 

  11. There's always so much fun DIY decorating to admire on your blog, Melisa!!! Happy back to school! Although I think it still starts the day after Labor Day in our neck of the woods. Love those bee skeps! And the GK are on a good road of reading!!!

    1. Aaah you are so kind, Nancy. Thank you so much. I can not believe it is school time already, but I think the grandkids will have a fabulous year since they love school. Have a wonderful week . Happy quilting. 

  12. Send me a boy who reads, and I will show you a grown man who moves mountains! Reading is the best skill, other than knowledge of our Savior, that a child or an adult can develop.


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