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Friday, August 12, 2022

Mystery Autumn Stamp SAL - Stamp 1 A Basket of Apples

Good morning, ya'll and Happy  Friday! What a beautiful day.  

Eeeh! Are you ready for the  the first stamp in the Mystery Autumn Stamp Stitch Along? 

Grab  a cup of tea and a plate of yummy apple dumplings, and let me show you my little stitch. 

It is called  A Basket of Apples.

 I have many fond memories of apple picking as a child . How about you?   In fact my  childhood tree house was in a great big apple tree. My sister and I would love to climb the limbs and pick those tasty treats.

A Basket of Apples  Stamp is a small with a design size of  35 x 35.  I used just 6 floss colors which were 898, 355, 3345, 815, 469, 782. Of course you could use your favorite fall apple colors. 

 I am stitching the stamps as a large piece  and as small dough bowl pinkeeps. 


I purchased this dough bowl at the Dollar General Store last year for $6.00. This was the medium sized one. I am not sure what kind of wood it is made of ,but it is very light weight. I look forward to filling it up with fall goodness. 

Sorry for the blurry photo. 

Speaking of fall goodness. My mom makes the most delicious Apple Dumplings. I thought I would share the recipe with you. Let me know how they come out if you decide to make them. She has made them with pears too. 




2 Granny Smith apples

2 cans of Refrigerated Crescent rolls.

3/4 cup of melted butter

1 cup of packed brown sugar

1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon

2/3 cup  of 7- UP


1. Heat oven to 350 degrees. 

2. Grease or spray a  13 x 9 inch baking dish .  

3. Peel and core apples

4. Slice into about 16 pieces. 

5. Unroll dough into 16 separate triangles and place apple slice at short end of triangle and begin to roll toward the point. Place in dish. Do the same for the remaining apple slices. 

6. In a medium bowl mix melted butter, sugar , and cinnamon. Pour over dumplings. 

7. Pour 7 - UP along center and edges of baking dish. 

8. Bake 33-36 minutes or until golden brown. 

9. Let cool and serve. 

Enjoy! Yum ! Yum! 

  If you are interested in stitching the Basket of Apples Stamp, please check out the link to the jpgs below. 

Click here for a Basket of Apples Stamp. 

Sometimes I have a number of needles threaded with different floss colors so that I can pick them up quickly and stitch. It certainly  makes the piece go quickly . So I thought I would tell you the floss colors that you will need for tomorrow's stitch in the PREP YOUR NEEDLES. 


898, 310, 3345, 469, 780, and 782 

Let me give you a hint about tomorrow's stitch. It involves one of my favorite birds. If you have followed me for awhile, you know I love several different birdies , but this one comes up quite often in my stitches in one form or another. Can you guess what it is? 😀

Thank you so much for the sweet Friday visit. Have a wonderful and blessed day and as always...

Happy  Stitching and Quilting, ya'll


Thank you for the sweet visit. 

Timely advice is lovely like golden apples in a silver basket. Proverbs 25:11 

Hugs and Stitches!!!!🤗🧵❤

Dedicated to my dear sweet sister, Amy. I can feel you getting me through this month, Amo. Love and miss you. 


  1. The apple dumplings look delicious! Enjoy your SAL, it will be perfect for autumn!

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Gretchen. Oh they were delicious , but not as good as what mom makes. Lol. Have a great weekend. 

  2. 7-up with apple dumplings! Who knew? :-) Haven't even started the border for the whole piece...just got it coffee-dyed! Love the apples. As for the bird...a crow? A 🐔?

    1. Happy Friday, Donna. Mom started making these years ago and I was surprised too. You can also use Mountain Dew or Sprite. They are yummy. I am so excited you are going to stitch along. Lol yep one of those guesses is right. Hee Hee.

  3. I'm guessing a crow for the next SAL stamp. I think I'll try those dumplings. Sounds interesting and delicious!

    1. Lol yep, I do love crows. . Let me know what you think about the dumplings. They are so yummy. The grandkids always request them come Fall. Have a great day, Susie.

    2. Melisa, these apple dumplings were delicious! They were a hit with my hubby and my mother over the Labor Day weekend. Simple ingredients, easy to assemble, super delicious! Everything I love in a recipe! I can't wait to make these when everyone comes to visit over the holidays!

    3. Oh Susie, I am so excited to hear that your family loved them. They are a family favorite of ours and my daughter always requests them. We have even had them with pears- yummy! They will make a great holiday dessert. Thank you so much for letting me know how they came out. You brought a smile to my evening. Have a great weekend. Hugs

  4. So adorable! Next up is a cardinal I think :)

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Kathy. Lol Cardinals are one of my favorite birds too. I do have the tendency to put them in a lot of my stitches that is for sure and I have slowly been building a cardinal collection of knick knacks. I do love my birdies.

  5. This is adorable, Melisa! I am collecting the parts because I haven't decided if I am going to stitch them individually or together!

    1. That's a fabulous idea. I can not wait to reveal the whole piece and the individual ones all together. It has been a lot of fun working on these.

  6. The apple dumpling recipe sounds delicious. I love the first block on the Autumn SAL. Thanks for sharing with all of us. Happy Stitching !

    1. I am so thrilled that you like the first block , Sandi. I used to love decorating with apples so this had to be the first block for me. Lol. Have a great day and hope you try the recipe.

  7. Love the apple basket stamp. The dumplings look yummy! Thanks for both!

    1. Aaah you are so welcome, Ginny and thank you. A Basket of Apples was such a quick stitch. I now want to go apple picking. Lol. Happy stitching.

  8. The little apple basket is adorable! I never would have thought of 7-Up for dumplings - after thinking about it, the citrus flavor certainly goes well with apples, and the sugar would carmelize nicely during the baking. I'm definitely going to try this recipe :-)

    1. Aaah thank you so much, dear. I am so happy that you like the little stitch. Oh yes the apple dumplings are yummy. Mom started making these years ago and have been a family favorite ever since. Have a great weekend.

  9. My vote is crow, but I would be happy with a chicken too . Sweet basket of apples, I lived in Illinois as a child and very close to an apple orchard. The best apples and they always had a great fall get together with cider and apples and games and pumpkins. Thanks for the sweet memoriy. I may have to do both versions and let my daughter choose the one she wants. Many hugs from sunny Arizona.

    1. Oh yes, Mary, I do love crows. I am not sure why , but I just do. Lol. What a wonderful memory. I can imagine how much fun fall time at the orchard would be. We used to visit a pumpkin patch years ago until it closed down. Lots of fun there. I am so happy that you are joining in, dear Mary. Hugs and blessings.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Thank you Melissa. This is the first SAL I have ever done. Not that I'm new to stitching but because I am a slow stitcher and I thought this one was do-able. I just started following you about a month ago and I really enjoy your blog. We have so many of the same interests. Peace and blessings.

    1. I am so grateful and honored that not only you are joining in on the SAL but that you are a new follower. Thank you so much. Your kindness really means so much to me. I hope you enjoy the SAL . Have a blessed weekend.

  12. Aah thank you so much ,Sandra. I hope you enjoy the SAL and am so touched that you are going to stitch along. Have a very lovely weekend.

  13. I discovered you through Instagram a few days ago and had been meaning to come and see your blog after seeing so many beautiful things and your SAL. You have a wonderful blog and a new fan. And even though a little late, I will try to stitch the autumn SAL, thank you for sharing!

    1. Aaah I am so thrilled that you hopped over to visit my blog , Diana. You are the sweetest and your sweet compliments on IG means so much to me as well. I hope you enjoy the Autumn SAL. Have a very lovely weekend.

  14. Oh how kind you are to be making these sweet offerings, both in stitchery and recipe form. All wonderful stuff!

    1. Aah thank you so much, Jocelyn. It certainly keeps me motivated and busy which is what I like . Have a blessed weekend.


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