Blog Archive

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Rootin Tootin' Spring Quilt and Doodle Parade

A very lovely day to you  !  

Root a Toot Toot!!! Pull up a chair and bring out the popcorn!!!! We are having a parade!!!!   🎺🎉🥳A  parade of Spring doodles and quilts that I have shared in the past. 

Image is from Pinterest.

If you see anything you are interested in , please do not hesitate to click on the colored text,  and then  you will be wisped back in time to a previous post .  I hope  you enjoy!❤🤗  

These are blocks from my SAL Summer Days quilt that I shared last year. 

 Little Blue Birdie  ,Time to Plant  ,   A Bowl of Berries ,  A Basket of Blooms , Buzz Buzz  ,  Red , White, and Ewe , Summertime Treat  , Lemonade  , Sunflower Basket ,A Jar of Coneflowers  , Home Tweet Home  , Bowl of Tomatoes.

Green Apple Butter Quilt


Bee Skep Applique Block Pattern 


Spring Chicks

Fresh Strawberries

Sweet Strawberry Pickers Quilt 


Little Hen Applique Block

Chicken Applique Pattern

When Life Gives You Lemons

May Berry Basket 

Spring Checklist 

Mason Jar Blocks

April's Bunny and Watering Can 

Eggs and Chicks Doodles

Chicken Scratch

 Oh, what a delight that you joined me on this parade of doodle, stitches and quilts!  I do thank you for keeping me company. Perhaps we will have another parade soon! We shall see!  😀 

Image from Pinterest.

 May your day be filled with love , happiness and let's not forget some stitching time! 

As always...

Happy  Stitching and Quilting, y'all


Parades are a reminder that life is meant to be celebrated. - unknown

Hugs and Stitches!!!!🤗🧵❤

Dedicated to my dear sister, Amy. . Love and miss you, Amo. 


  1. That carrot applique is super cute! it is so appropriate for this time of year!--TerryK@OnGoingProjects

    1. I have made several carrot quilts over the years. They are so much fun to work on and display come Easter time. Have a wonderful day, Terry and thank you for dropping by. Hugs.

  2. Thank you for the parade. I made your carrot quilt and put it out with my bunnies this week. It was so fast and fun to make. Has baseball started for your grandsons? We have started and now I have softball with my grand daughter. They had the first game yesterday. I'm busy going to both but I love it.Have a blessed rest of your week.

    1. Aaah I am so touched , Joy. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for making the little carrot quilt. I bet it looks adorable with the bunnies. Eeeh baseball and softball!!! Our little one had his first game last Saturday . I am hoping the oldest starts soon. How exciting that you grandchildren are playing as well! Don't you just love it? Oh yes, going from one game to the other keeps one busy. Do they have games on the same day or at the same complex? Sometimes hubby and I set up chairs at 2 different fields and go back and forth watching the boys. I have to admit that softball is my favorite though - girls - seem to be all in ! Hee! Hee! Enjoy the baseball and softball season! Happy quilting. Hugs.

  3. Love your parade. The chicken applique quilt is darling! You are so talented. Blessings!

    1. Happy Wednesday, Donna. I think the chicken applique is one of my favorites. I still need to finish my little chicken quilt. Perhaps I will pull it out today. Thank you for the sweet visit. Hope you are enjoying the sunshine! Hugs and Blessings.

  4. Always enjoy your parades, Melisa! Always enjoy viewing your doodles and your quilts!

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Robin. I have enjoyed creating and sharing all of this spring pieces. It is a bright sunny day here in the holler. I hope to sit out and enjoy some stitching time . Enjoy your day. Hugs.

  5. Thank you for that cheerful parade! All your patterns are so cute, and you are so generous with them. I had to go have another look at your Green Apple Butter quilt, I just love it!

    1. Oh thank you so much, Linda. Green Apple Butter was a quick fun quilt to work on. I would like to make another one of those in different colors. Have a lovely day in the quilt studio. Hugs.

  6. Such fun spring projects. Lots of pretties to display during the season.

    1. Good afternoon, Kate.I hope your day is going well. Thank you so much for the kind compliment. I just adore this time of the year. It is inspiring to work on new projects. Hugs and Blessings.

  7. Beautiful, fun parade, Melisa!! I LOVE your chicken applique quilt. I had to go download that one as for some reason, I did not have it!

    1. The chicken quilts are some of my favorites. I still have not finished my little chicken quilt. I was thinking about it when I pulled this post together. I do need to finish it. Thank you so much, Brenda. I hope you have an awesome day. Happy quilting.

  8. Always a great day when it starts with one of your parades, Melisa. So many happy stitches and quilts in this one. Thank you for sharing!

    1. Aaah how sweet, thank you so much, Jeanna. I am so touched by your kind words. Have a blessed and beautiful day. Hugs.

  9. Sew much goodness you share, thank you Melisa!

    1. Aaah thank you kindly, Vicki. Spring time is in the air. Enjoy your day . Hugs.

  10. I do love a parade and this one was adorable, Melisa! Your April bunny and watering can block is so sweet! Hope you're having a day filled with lots of laughter and sunshine :)

    1. Happy , happy Wednesday, Carol. I had a ball pulling all of the little doodles and quilts together. It is fun to look back at previous posts too. It is a beautiful day here. It is supposed to get up to 77 tomorrow.I am excited. Lol. Have a wonderful day. Hugs

  11. Yay another parade!!! Spring is my favorite season so a Spring Parade filled my heart with joy. I love a parade!!!! Cuteness everywhere I looked. Have a great day. DarleneJ

    1. Eeeh! I am so happy you enjoyed the parade , Darlene. It was a joy to look back at all the projects for me. Have a beautiful day. Hugs.

  12. Replies
    1. Aah thank you so much, dear Isabel. Have a beautiful day, sweet friend. Hugs.

  13. So many cute projects, and you're always so generous to share them with us, too! I'm going to work on finishing up my version of "When life gives you lemons" this afternoon. I wish I would have outlined the straw in red like you did, because it shows up so much better. Maybe I will go back and re-do that!

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Diann. I had lost my When Life Gives you lemons.. I have been on a mission to find it since I have seen your SAHRR and guess what? I found it last night! I have it on the table to work on when I return from our camping trip. I think yours looks amazing! Hugs.

  14. Too many wonderful, creative things to comment on. Your parades are the best and a reminder of just how generous you are! So much inspiration! I have that fabric you used in your little carrot quilt! Only pieces of it left now but I recognized it! I am determined to do something today even if it's wrong. LOL Got a quilt that's giving me fits!

    1. LOL, Ginny , I use that phrase all the time- "Do something even if it is wrong" . I hope you found something fun to work on- maybe with that pretty fabric. I wish I still had more of that too. Good luck on work on the quilt that is being unruly right now.I hope you got it tamed. Hee! Hee! Hugs.


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