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Sunday, March 28, 2021

Chicks and Berries

Good morning, sweet friends and happy Sunday. There is no porch stitching today or garden update ; it is a little bit on the soggy side out there, but that is ok. I have lots of plans for the day.  Would you like to hear about them? 

Last week, I shared some little chick embroidery doodles.
 I worked on those this week and have them all pieced into a small quilt.  The plan today is to put it in the hoop and begin the quilting process.
 Hopefully by the end of the week , there will be a finish. Fingers crossed. 

I also plan to do a little prep work on a new embroidery quilt. It is called "Fresh Strawberries" . I think this one will be completed in redwork. If you would like to join me, just click on the pdf's below and stitch away.

Fresh Strawberries Doodles page 1  Click here

Fresh Strawberries Doodles page 2 Click here .
 These are hand drawn so they are not perfect but sweet at least to me. 😄🍓🍓 When I babysit my grandbabies, embroidery work is a great no brainer project for me to work on between play time activities.
Speaking of strawberries ,  Woo Hoo! I got two more blocks completed on my strawberry quilt- a rolling pin and a wooden spoon. 
The blocks are slowly growing.  Though where they are going, I do not know. I rarely have a concrete plan. 
As far as stitch work, tonight's plan is to work more on Tree of Life Samplings " Beauty and Grace". It sure would be nice to fill in the windows and door and just  maybe start construction on the roof, but we will have to see . 

Last night, I worked on a little Stars and Stripes Saturday Stitching with this patriotic stitch called "In God We Trust " by The Primitive Hare. It was in the May 2015 Primitive Stitcher and Punch Needle Magazine. 

 At the beginning of the month, I joined Elm Street Quilts in the One Monthly Goal challenge. My goal was  to quilt one hoop on my Easter Quilt. I have been working on this quilt since 2019. I got a hoop's worth of quilting done. Goal met. But it looks like I will have to wait until next  Easter to enjoy a finish. 

So do you have stitching or quilting plans for the day? And have you already started planning for the week? Several sweet ladies share their goals list on their blogs each week, and I love reading them.  I often write mine down in my little journal. It does help me keep a little focused.
Thank you so much for the sweet visit. I know it was a short post, but I sure hope you come back for a visit soon. I hope to share another saltbox sometime this week. Have a beautiful day and as always...
Happy quilting and stitching, ya'll
Kathy at Kathy's Quilts  for Slow Stitching Sunday
Cynthia at Quilting is More Fun Than Housework for Oh Scrap
Beth at Love Laugh Quilt  for Monday Making
Judy at Small Quilts Doll Quilts for Design Wall Monday
Lynette at What a Hoot! for BOMs Away Monday
A little quilt stack in a vintage child's suitcase. 

Listen to the strawberries- Soak up the sun. Let your ideas ripen and jam to your own beat. 
Hugs and stitches, 



  1. Cute, cute, cute! 🍓 I love those strawberries!

    1. Aah thank you so much, I started embroidering those strawberries last night. They are working up pretty quickly. Hope you have a fabulous week.

  2. Cute little embroidered chicks! Your strawberry quilt looks fun, great blocks!

    1. Aah thank you so much, I can not wait to get the chick quilt quilted up. Thank you so much for visiting me. I hope you have a great week.

  3. Those chicks are cute, Melisa! And Strawberries applique blocks are pretty.
    Those real strawberries look yummy. You have great cross stitching projects on the go. Happy Stitching!!

    1. Aah thank you so much for the sweet visit and comment. It will be strawberry season in late April so I am definitely looking forward to some fresh berries. Have a wonderful week.

  4. You have lots of fun things going on there! I love the patchwork/applique blocks and strawberry embroidery - so sweet!

    1. Aah thank you so much. I really enjoy working on applique projects. I started the strawberry embroidery last night . I hope you have a blessed week.

  5. Thanks so much for your pretty chicken pattern, I've printed it off. Thought it would look cute embroidered on a tea towel, that's the plan, but not sure when it will happen as I'm working on one already.

    1. Oh , Jenny thank you so much and what a great idea. I have always wanted to embroider on tea towels. I may just have to purchase some and try that. I hope you post the towel that you are working on now. I love seeing all handwork. Happy stitching.

  6. This post is overspilling with sweet whimsy. Those embroidered little chicks are adorable and as for your strawberry exquisite it is going to be with all your beautiful little appliqued blocks all dancing together. Each block is delightful. Your stitching and quilts bring sunshine to my day.

    1. Aah you are always so sweet , Kim . Thank you so much for bringing my a smile and for such a thoughtful compliment. My mind is a whirling with lots of ideas for the strawberry quilt. I want it to be all kitchen related too- so we will see. Have a lovely week.

  7. You have some lovely projects on the go. Your new strawberry one will look nice in red work.

    1. Aah thank you so much, Sarah. I just started embroidery work on the strawberries last night. I look forward to completing it. I hope you have a wonderful week.

  8. Very cute chicks and the strawberry patterns look yummy too!

    1. Aaah thank you so much, I look forward to getting the little chick quilt completed soon. Thank you for visiting me and have a wonderful week.

  9. I am starting to think your brain and hands are never still. Thanks for sharing your talent with us.

    1. Lol thank you so much. My husband jokes that my need for a needle in my hand is almost an addiction because it is rare that I am not stitching or working with fabric. I say there are worst things to be addicted too. Lol.

  10. So many cute projects going on here!!! The chicks, the strawberries, and that rolling pin and wooden spoon--all so fun!

    1. Aah thank you so much, Nancy. I was able to get a little done this week though I did not feel quite as busy. I hope you have a lovely week. Happy quilting.

  11. Melisa, your chick doodles are adorable. They make me smile. You have been busy with your quilting and your stitching. Happy Monday!

    1. Oh thank you so much, Robin. I am so excited to get the chick quilt completed this week. I think it will look great with my next little display I want to put on my hutch. I hope your day is going well. It has been a sunny day today . Hugs

  12. Oh, I just love your strawberry quilt! The chick doodle embroidery is wonderful, too. Enjoy those grandbabies and enjoy every stitch of your hand quilting. Happy almost-Easter!

    1. Aah thank you so much, Rebecca. I hope to work on a few more blocks for the quilt this week. I think I need an appliqued bowl stack . Lol. Have a lovely week and Happy Easter.

  13. I LOVE your little chicks! The strawberries will make a cute quilt too and I wish I could join you but I still need a lot of practice.

    1. Oh thank you so much, Marti. I have been a little rusty on embroidery too, but I am getting back into the groove stitch by stitch. I started on the strawberry embroidery last night and started quilting the chicks as well. Thank you for visiting me and have a Happy Easter.

  14. Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and congrats on your finish.

  15. Your chick stitcheries are ADORABLE! I'm sure the strawberries will be super nice, too. So much goodness in this post. Love your applique blocks, too.

  16. Thanks for the strawberry doodles. I was thinking about that jello pie your mom made. I can't eat any fresh berries, but if I could find some freeze dried or dehydrated ones, I believe I could eat that pie. I'm going to look for some! I love strawberries and black raspberries, especially Marion berries. So many good things I can't have now, but thankfully, there are still potatoes to be eaten! Good Irish potatoes. =)

    1. Oh you are so welcome, Susan. I do enjoy a good berry pie especially during the summer. During the summer mom makes a lot of cobblers as well . Lol you can never go wrong with potatoes though. I think it is a staple in the south.


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