Friday, August 20, 2021

Bee Skep Quilt

Good afternoon, my friends. It is another lovely Friday.

 The day is warm, and I am enjoying a day at the lake. 

My Bee Skep quilt has been on quite a journey. It lounged around an old dump dive chest as I spruced up my she shed porch with some sunflowers and apples.


 It then took a journey out to the farm where the buckwheat is in bloom, and the bees are buzzing about - too busy to stop for a photograph . 


The Bee Skep got its photo made with the bee box,


 and later on the fence with one of the sheds in the background. 


Don't you just love red sheds and barns?

 It later made its way to its home for the month which is on a wreath warmly tucked on a door. 


This little quilt is made from scraps dating back to the 90's . The skep was strip pieced from scraps and then needle turned appliqued on an 8 1/2" background piece of brown calico gifted to me by a dear friend. 

This basic shape would be great for a gourd quilt or a pear quilt for fall as well. If you would like to create your own scrappy bee skep, you can check out my pdf below or just drawn your own. 

It is a fun  way to use up some yellow scraps. 

Click here for Scrappy Bee Skep Applique Block. 

And it has been awhile since I have shared a country doodle with you. This is Cutie Pie a sweet little bee great for embroidery or whatever strikes you fancy. 

Click here for the Cutie Pie embroidery pattern. 

I am so delighted you stopped in for a Friday visit. As always...
Happy quilting, ya'll

I am joining these lovely ladies' link parties. I hope you check them out; they always have so many wonderful projects going on and provide the opportunity for other needleworkers to meet. 

Angela of  So Scrappy  for Scrap Happy Saturday

Alycia's of   Alycia's Quilts  for Finished of Not Friday

Sarah at Confessions of a Fabric Addict  for Can I Get a Whoop Whoop

Michelle  at From Bolt to Beauty for Beauty Pageant 141

Wendy at Wendy's Quilts for Peacock Party 

The hum of the bees is the voice of the garden. 
Hugs and Stitches!!!



  1. Just love the bee skip pattern--thanks for the PDF--i have so many yellow scraps this would be just perfect--hugs, Julierose

  2. I love the August Word Play colors you used. Are you able to share them?? I have all 12 months but I would love to make them more colorful. Yours is so pretty!

  3. Super cute! And yes I do love red barns and sheds!

  4. What a cute quilt. I enjoyed seeing its travels this morning. 🌻

  5. I enjoyed your post - especially with some of the pictures of where you live! I've always wondered why people became bee keepers - don't know much about that. Dd has thought about it since she lives in the country.

  6. It is darling! Thanks for giving us a wandering quilt tour!

  7. Just love all those scrappy, needle turned bee skeps and the way you quilted it. Yes, I love red barns and sheds, too. There's just something about them.

  8. I hope you are all right?
    I have missed your blog posts.

  9. Everything looks fab ♡ thank you keeping a hive safe and cared for. We sure need the fuzzy bee buns!

  10. I love that cross stitch in the first photo. Lovely quilt too. xx

  11. A very fun scrappy quilt. Love all the glamour shots of your newest finish.

  12. Wow, your spam is amazing! LOL, but thank you for the bee doodle and the skep. I lived most of my life never hearing the word skep and didn't know what it was when I first came across it. Out west, we just have bee boxes, and beehives in trees, and like that ... no skeps!


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