Blog Archive

Saturday, March 16, 2024

Hitching Up the Wagons and Heading South...

 Yee Haw! Mr. Pinker and I are hitching up the old wagon and hitting the road again. This time we are heading south  . Where will we land? Where ever suits our fancy; we rarely have plans set in stone! We fly by the seat of our pants  which always makes for a great adventure. We will eventually  make our way to the great state of Texas however.  

I will keep it short and sweet! As of right now, I have no prescheduled posts.   If I have the opportunity, I may pop in to say howdy, but normally we are in very desolate areas where there is little to no service .  I hope that the rest of your  March is a productive . Keep your needle and thread in hand and love in your heart!  I will talk with you later, Sweeties. 

As Always....

Happy stitching, Y'all


"The world is filled with adventure- all you have to do is find it. "

Hugs and Stitches!!!!


  1. Dann wünsche ich euch eine gute Zeit. Ich werde deine tollen Beiträge vermissen. Lasst es euch gut gehen.
    Liebe Grüße aus Deutschland

  2. Have a fun adventurous trip. Can't wait to hear about it all when you return.

  3. Enjoy your trip and stay save ! Hugs !!

  4. Safe travels and wonderful adventures, Melisa!

  5. Have a safe trip! I can't wait to see all the treasures you bring home.

  6. Have a fun trip! I hope you've got some stitching all ready to go for when you have some time to relax!

  7. Have a wonderful time, Melisa! Stay safe and have fun! Hugs!

  8. Have fun Melisa! Which part of Texas strikes your fancy?

  9. Happy trails to you. Until we meet again!
    Be careful and take good care.
    Gonna miss ya but we will see you very soon. Hugs! DarleneJ

  10. Have a wonderful trip and enjoying exploring as you travel along. I'm sure you will be taking plenty of hand work with you as well

  11. In my mind's eye I can see a team of horses pulling that blue wagon. =) Much safer and comfortable though, to travel in your van. Have the best time, lovely Melisa. I know you will!

  12. Bon Voyage Melissa and Mr Pinker. Safe travels!

  13. Have a wonderful and safe trip. I'm looking forward to seeing and reading all about your adventures!--TerryK@OnGoingProjects

  14. Native Texas here. Enjoy your trip.

  15. Enjoy - just returned from TX

  16. Have a wonderful time! Be safe - maybe one day we can meet up! Blessings!

  17. Have a fun trip. Is your plan to be in Texas for the eclipse?

  18. Safe travels to you and enjoy your adventure.

  19. Have a wonderful time! Hope the weather cooperates and you have lots of sunny days and some good fishing holes to enjoy!

  20. Happy trails, Melisa! I sure do envy you with your spontaneous trips!

  21. God Bless You All on your travels!!!

  22. Have a great time and stay safe. It was in the high 70's today in south, south Texas!!

    1. Forgot to sign my comment--Sonja Preston


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