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Saturday, April 1, 2023

Hippety Hop- A Spring/ Easter Freebie

April changes her sweet mind
Every other second,
With her many moods and minds,
Nothing can be reckoned
I always carry an umbrella, 
It serves rain and sun!
I take my boots and out I go
To share in April's fun! 
- Lenore Hetrick

Goodbye March and hello , April!!! 

Good morning, ya'll. Can you believe it is April already? 

Rain moved in during the night but it  is supposed to be out by mid morning. Hopefully, we will then be greeted with the warmth of the sun's smile. 

I could not let the 1st day of April go by without sharing a little doodle with you. A little bunny by the watering can. 

So far I have shared the January Snowman  , the February Pansies and Groundhog  ,  and March Sheep Basket Doodles.

Each block is stitched  on a 7 1/2 squared piece of fabric and then trimmed it to 6 1/2" . The block is then framed  with 2" strips . 

Today I will begin working on next month's doodle. 

 I also wanted to share with you a quick prim stitch called Hippety Hop!!!  

 It stitched up lickety split. I wanted to add this one to my 1869 Bunny Hop stitch that I shared a couple of years ago.  So if you are interested choose your favorite floss colors and grab the image and you can be Hippety Hopping and adding this to your spring stitching too. 
Speaking of Spring stitching- I am going to be posting a 2nd post today around noon about a new Spring Mystery Stitch Along, so if you want to learn more about it, drop by back for an afternoon visit . 

Alrighty, Sweeties. I am off to see what the day allows. May your day be a blessed one. 

As always...

Happy  Stitching and Quilting, ya'll


Thank you for the sweet visit. 

Even the smallest one can change the world. 

Hugs and Stitches!!!!🤗🧵❤

Dedicated to my baby sister, Amy. Love and miss you, Amo. 



  1. Oh, thank you for the April bunny! I'm collecting them for after the snowmen. I'm slow, but block #2 is about half finished. Thinking about switching to perle from floss, because it doesn't show the shakiness as much. It will look funny with two in floss, but that doesn't matter to me at all. =) I love these little month blocks and, of course, I'm interested in a mystery stitch along!

    1. I am so glad that you like the little bunny, Susan. She was a quick one to stitch up and I am so excited that you are working on my snowmen.. Perle cotton is always so pretty and is so lovely to work with. You are so fortunate to have a dear friend to work on the cross stitch for you. I hope Moira enjoys working on the Spring green saltbox . I am still working on another embroidery SAL for Thursdays. I hope to post it very soon. Hugs.

  2. P.S. I tried XS again and it still isn't for me, so I'm paying Moira, who loves XS, to make the green house for me! =)

  3. Hi Melisa thankyou so much for the freebies your drawings are amazing and you are very kind 🌹🤍🌹

    1. Aaah thank you so much , dear Sheryl. I have fun creating little doodles and they are fun to share as well. IWishing you a wonderful day . Happy stitching

  4. Thank you again for the freebies - I really love the monthly embroideries - especially the Feb one - that groundhog is so cute. And love that Dancin' in the Rain! Blessings

    1. I have really enjoyed working on the monthly embroideries, Donna. The Dancin in the Rain is a quilt that I am working on foe my sister. I am just getting back to it. Thank you for the sweet visit and Happy April. Hugs.

  5. Now I'm trying to imagine what a bunny hop in 1869 would've looked like!?! You are such a good doodler, Melisa! Love that little bunny by the watering can! We got 7" of snow today, though!?!

    1. Lol I bet it would have been a sight Don't you? Aaah thank you so much, Nancy on my little doodles; they are fun and relaxing to create. I doodle just about every day . Now someone needs to tell mother nature that it is April and the snow has to go. Lol. I hope ya'll stay warm and safe. Wish I could send you some of our spring weather. Have a great week.

  6. What a darling bunny trio, Melisa! It is raining here and is supposed to get windy. Have a wonderful Saturday!

    1. Happy April, Robin. I hope the weather did not get too bad this weekend with all of the wind and there was no damage. It was windy here to but fortunately no trees fell and all is well. Have a wonderful week. Hugs.

  7. Those designs are so sweet and pretty, thank you for sharing with us! It is a rainy Saturday around here, I want to do so much sewing today, I hope I can finish a couple of projects and to some more of the Spring Green Saltbox!

    1. Rainy days are perfect for settling down with your favorite projects. I hope that you were able to get a lot accomplished, Diana. We have had spurts of rain off and on during the weekend, but then the sun would pop out at some point during the day which was nice. I hope you are enjoying Spring Green Saltbox, my friend. Have a very lovely week. Hugs.

  8. Your monthly doodles are adorable as are the cross stitch works. Have a good Slow Stitching Sunday!

    1. Aah thank you so much, Susie. It was a wonderful Sunday and I was able to get a lot more accomplished than what I imagined. I hope yours was a delightful one as well. Have a wonderful week and Happy April

  9. Thank you spring bird. 🐦

    1. Aaah you are so very welcome, dear and thank you for the sweet visit. Have a blessed day and happy stitching.

  10. Loving the Doodle of the month! The April bunny stitch is so sweet! You are so generous, Melisa! Thank you!

    1. Oh thank you so much, Ginny. I am enjoying sharing them and they are very relaxing for me to work on as well. I always look forward to the 1st of the month. Have a very lovely week , my friend. Hugs.

  11. I am excited to jump into the Spring SAL. I was curious, did you post the fabric color you used?

    1. I am so excited that you joining me , Cindy. I used 14 count aida that I coffee/ tea dyed myself. I was hoping it would be a little darker, but I was too excited to redye it , but I am happy with how it came out. I sure hope you enjoy these little stamps. Have a wonderful week. Hugs.

  12. What a sweet little bunny doodle and I love the little pillow as well. You are so generous with your designs, Melisa.

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Jeanna. He was a fun bunny to work on and the pin pillow whipped up in no time. Happy stitching, my friend.

  13. Very cute! I have a "thing" for bunnies.

    1. Aaaw thank you , Kim. I have an affection for bunnies too. In fact, our homestead used to be a bunny farm with the original owners. I can just imagine bunnies hopping all over the place . Lol. Have a great week, my friend. Happy stitching.

  14. I love your dancing in the rain. Just adorable

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Edith. I have been working on several embroideries about my sister and this is just one of them. I hope to get to this little project very soon. Have a blessed day.


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