Blog Archive

Monday, March 4, 2024

Goodbye Red Quilts. Hello Spring Quilts.

 Goodbye February quilts, Hello Spring quilts! 

Welcome, Sweetie Pies.  How is your Monday starting out?  I hope with a smile and a ray of sunshine!

 The red quilts have been taken down , and the spring quilts are hopping out.  I just thought I would share a few . I hope you enjoy! 

A simple heart appliqued for a mug rug. 

Pieced Hearts

I shared Apple Crates with the measurements last year along with a tour of my hutch decorated in apples. 

Apple Crate

This a design by Pam Buda called "Glad Tidings" .

A little quilt made from teeny scraps and my daughter's childhood dress. 

I bought tea pots at the thrift store for $1.99. Ooooh ! I made out like a bandit! 

A darling quilt top from the thrift store. 

I bought the Maple leaf blocks which were hand pieced at the thrift store. 

 I pieced this quilt in 2018 and hand quilted it. 

My Scrappy Carrots quilt. 

A wee wall hanging. The only quilt kit I have ever bought . I am not sure if this was a quilt shop design or not.

I kept it short and sweet today!!! 

Have a super duper day and...

As always...

Happy  Stitching and Quilting, y'all


"Take off with enthusiasm, and soon you'll be soaring through the skies of success. "

Hugs and Stitches!!!!🤗🧵❤

Dedicated to my dear sister, Amy. . Love and miss you, Amo. 


  1. So many cute, sweet, pretty, lovely, etc little spring quilts. I hit the wall in August and have not sat at my sewing machine since then. I have little to no desire! Too much of a good thing had to come to an end. LOL Enjoy your Monday, Melisa! Darlene J

    1. Aaah I wondered if you have been working on your minis. Well it is nice to take a break every now and then. I completely understand that. It has been hard for me to get to my sewing machine like I want to plus I get sidetracked. LOL. I am sure you are staying busy though. Thank you for the sweet visit and have an awesome week. Hugs.

  2. Very sweet decorations! I'm not celebrating spring yet even though the temps are warm for now. It can easily snow here through April! Happy stitching!

    1. Happy Monday, Gretchen. We have been having nice weather here lately, but I wouldn't be surprised if we had a cold snap. Wheww I sure hope you do not have snow in April. It is hard to believe that we are already in March and Easter is just a few short weeks away. Enjoy your week and thank you for the sweet visit. Hugs.

  3. the carrot quilt is a cute one for Spring,great finds at the thrift store ! It's always a win win when you can find half the work done for you😄

    1. Oh yes, I am always over the moon when I find a quilty thrifty find. I enjoy quilting the quilt tops pieced by another quilter more than I do my own. Lol. Thank you for the sweet Monday visit, Helen. Have a fabulous week. Hugs.

  4. I love that you rescued quilt tops from the thrift store. Many don't appreciate the hard work that went into them. Love your wall hangings - I've only done one, also from a kit. Have a great week! Blessings!

    1. I have had a lucky couple of years on finding quilts or tops at the thrift stores. It always makes me a little sad for the quilter, but I am happy that I can give them a new home no matter what condition they are in. Hope you are enjoying some nice weather , Donna. It has been a cloudy day here. Thank you for the sweet visit. Hugs.

  5. Love your pretty quilts Melisa. Don't you just love "rescued" quilts! I only have one, but I am so happy to give it a loving home. The kitties adopted it as soon as it came into the house. I've never repaired it, but I should.

    1. I am always looking for quilts and quilt tops to rescue when I go to the thrift stores or yard sales. I have been pretty lucky here lately. Aaah it is so sweet that your kitty is enjoying the rescued quilt. It is being loved. Thank you for the sweet visit, Linda. Have a very lovely week. Hugs.

  6. Lots of quilty eye candy today. Love the colorful maple leaves, but I think my favorite is the carrots. That's a really fun quilt.

    1. The maple leaf quilt was a joy to work on. It has a lot of memories because it kept my mind at ease when our house flooded and we had to have renovations. The carrot quilt is one of my favorites too. I have a scrappy strawberry quilt in the works similar to it. Have a great evening, Kate. Hugs

  7. What a wonderful assortment of quilts you featured, Melisa! We have bright sunshine here to start the week in the holler. Haircuts this morning; trying someone new as our regular person has temporarily closed up shop. Enjoy your Monday!

    1. Oh how wonderful, Robin. We had a cloudy day here in the holler; rain is in store for us tomorrow. Keep enjoying the warm sunshine. I hope all went well at the new hair dresser. We had the grandbabes here- they had tummy aches and had to stay home from school. Have a great evening. Hugs.

  8. I loved your carrot quilt! What fun projects you make. Thank you for sharing your projects with us!--TerryK@OnGoingProjects

    1. Terry, I had so much fun working on the carrot quilt. I also worked on a scrappy candy corn and Christmas tree quilt that year. I have a strawberry quilt in the works now. Have a blessed day and thank you for dropping by for a visit. Hugs.

  9. I'm always so impressed with all your thematic quilts, stitchings and dishware Melisa!!! Love looking at all your quilty photos! Thanks!

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Nancy. I have been collecting and quilting for years and it seems like I have been a thematic at quilting and decorating from the very beginning. LOL. I guess that is the collector in me. Hee! Hee! Have a great week in the quilt studio. Hugs.

  10. Replies
    1. Aaah thank you so much, sweet Isabel. You are always so kind. Have a wonderful week, dear friend. Hugs.

  11. Your home is singing "Spring, Spring, Spring" with all those wonderful quilts decorating your home, Melisa. All are delightful!

    1. Oh Kim, like you , I enjoy the happy colors and Spring just speaks to me. It has been such a delight to pull out the bright happy quilts for the season. Have a very lovely week knitting and thank you for the sweet visit. Hugs.

  12. Replies
    1. Aah thank you , Brenda. It was a fun quilt to work on. The blocks were all hand pieced.. They were a treasure to find at the thrift store. It is always a joy to bring it out for the season. Have a lovely evening. Hugs.

  13. So many pretty things to see today! Boston Commons, Teapots, the teeny, tiny pieces in that wallhanging with your daughter's dress, the carrots, the much quilty goodness! Wonderful!


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