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Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Wordless Wednesday - Winter in the Holler

 Happy happy Hump day! It is a Not So Wordless Wednesday post. A couple of weeks ago , I shared photos of my views in the holler. I am surrounded by trees - right now leafless trees, but come spring time the holler is filled with color. For now however, here is more "Winter in the holler" photos.  I hope you enjoy for I live a very country life.

Have a beautiful day , dears. 

As always...

Happy  Stitching and Quilting, ya'll


Thank you for the sweet visit. 

There is peace and tranquility that can be found in the country. 

Hugs and Stitches!!!!🤗🧵❤

Dedicated to my baby sister , Amy who was a country girl through and through.  Love and miss you, Amo. 


  1. A country life is the best life!!! Have a wonderful day!

    1. I so agree. Thank you so much, Joy for the sweet Wednesday visit.

  2. I do love your pics of your home and area. Thank you for sharing!

    1. Thank you so much, Donna. It is a very peaceful area to live. Have a very lovely weekend.

  3. Lovely pics, Melissa! Winter definitely has it's own beauty. Are those poke berries?

    1. Thank you so much, Sue. Most days it is gray and overcast and a little darker here in the woods, but I do find it beautiful Those are berries from my lirope grass, but come summer time we do have poke growing.

  4. Your winter in the Holler looks very similar to mine. The fourth picture down reminds me of our prebuilding days here in the Holler.

    1. You know exactly what it is like to live in a holler. We have some steep hills here and lots of wildlife to see. Thank you for the sweet visit.

  5. Country life is the best <3! I travel between our Texas and Arizona homes and both are out in the country - I was born in San Antonio, but don't want to ever live the 'city life' again. The dandelion is certainly a scrappy plant, blooming in the winter. It seems like there's a lesson in that for all of us :-) Happy Wednesday!

    1. You live in 2 of the prettiest states. We visit Texas , AZ and NM almost every summer and enjoy the secluded areas that we find. I agree country life is the best. The dandelion is the first bloom I have seen this season. Then the other day , I noticed that buttercups are beginning to come up. It has been nice to enjoy a bit of warm weather. Have a very lovely weekend and thank you for the sweet visit, dear.

  6. Beautiful pictures Melisa, I enjoy seeing country life. There are a lot of farms near where I live and a lot of forest trails to walk, I love going on those trails so much and just contemplate and breath the nice fresh air. Happy Wednesday!

    1. Oh thank you so much, Diana. This is the only life that I have ever known. It is very quiet and peaceful . How wonderful that you are able to find lovely places to visit and enjoy the same peace and quiet. Have a wonderful weekend, dear.

  7. Replies
    1. Oh I definitely agree, Brenda. There is nothing like it. Happy Friday

  8. What a beautiful walk you shared with us today, Melisa! I don't live in the country, but am blessed with an acre of land with a pond and woods, too. I can't imagine living in a city and not looking out to see all of that green beauty :) Enjoy your day! ♥

    1. Oh thank you so much, Carol. It is very peaceful here. The grandbabies love to go exploring in the woods and often take me along with them. I am so glad that you have a very peaceful and lovely area to enjoy as well.

  9. Living in such delightful surroundings must be so good for the soul!

    1. Jenny you are completely right. It does. I enjoy the peacefulness and the beauty. Thank you so much for the sweet visit.

  10. Love your pictures. I agree, there is peace and tranquility found in the country. Except when I step outside during the night to let my elderly dog relieve herself and I hear the coyotes howling and it sends shivers up my spine.

    1. Oh thank you so much, dear. Lol. I understand about the coyotes. We hear them howl in our area quiet often. Every now and then we get a glimpse of one. At night we have a lot of raccoons . They even come sit on my porch and look in the doorway. Lol.

  11. Replies
    1. Oh thank you so much, Mary Ann. It is very peaceful. I am surrounded by trees and just hear the occasional car pass by . We love to watch for wildlife that strolls through the yard .

  12. You just can’t beat life on the farm.

    1. Oh I agree . That is all I have ever known. It is a very peaceful and simple life but it does my heart good. Thank you for the sweet visit, dear.

  13. These photos are so interesting. The squirrel feeder must have been put there ages ago. I am going to guess that the berry is an elderberry? Would really love to know what tree has the striations spiraling down. Even in the dead of winter the wildflowers/weeds are still going strong! I don't know the name of the purple one but it sure is a pretty one, isn't it? LOL

    1. Oh thank you so much, Ginny . Usually hubby has a cob of corn on the squirrel feeder for he knows how much I enjoy watching them. We have all kinds of wildlife in the holler. The purple berries are from my lirope grass. I cannot believe they are still on it. When we moved here over 20 years ago there was English Ivy everywhere which we still have. Some has grown up my walnut tree which is the striations. Every year I go and pull down the new ivy trying to prevent it from creeping up any further, but the ivy has set in for sure. Thank you for the sweet visit, Ginny


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