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Sunday, January 1, 2023

Quilting My Way into the New Year

Happy Happy New Year, my friends. Did you see the new year in? I quilted my way into the  new year working on my quilt that I call "Grandma's Love". 

This quilt top was gifted to me by my husband a few months ago for my birthday. It went into the hoop on Dec. 26. I have already quilted 9 blocks. I hope to quilt 3 more today. 

It is hand pieced except for the outside border which is machine pieced and there is a bit of hand applique where patches were appliqued onto the string piecing. Hmmm what do you think  maybe from the 1940s or 1950s'? 

As I quilt on it, I think of my grandmothers, and I wonder about the quilter who made this. I think she was as frugal as my grandmothers were for she used lots of colorful feedsack materials . I can imagine sweet dresses and aprons made from these fabrics as well. 

Speaking of aprons, I pulled out a new vintage apron to display for the month of January.

 It is a blue one from the Goodwill. Do you collect or wear aprons? I love them. Sometimes I even wear them when I am bustling about the house. I do like the ones with pockets though. 

Today is Santa Sunday so I will be working on a new Prairie Schooler Santa. 

 A little doodle just for you. I may squeeze this project in later tonight. 

 Did everybody have their hog jowl and greens today  ? The family gathered for our usual New Year's meal- hog jowl, black eyed peas, cornbread , sweet potatoes, and turnip greens. Oh so yummy and starting the year off right. 

Are you going to be making any New Year's resolutions? Mine is to slow down, smell the roses and seek as much happiness as possible.  

The goals for the week are ...

1. to start  a new embroidery.

2. Start a new saltbox cross stitch. 

3. Quilt 9 more blocks in Grandma's Love quilt. 

4. Pack away Christmas. 

Hmmph ! Well my goals are not too lofty for the week are they ? πŸ˜€πŸ™„πŸ˜€ That 's okay that will give me more time to stop and smell the roses. πŸŒΉ

Thank you for stopping by for a sweet  visit. As always...

Happy quilting and stitching, ya'll


Let your dreams take flight in the new year. Happy New Years. 

Hugs and Stitches!!! πŸ€—❤🧡

Chicken Mitten Doodle

Dedicated to my dear sister, Amy.  The 2nd New Year's without you. We missed your laughter and cheer. . Love and miss you., Amo ❤❤

I am joining these lovely ladies' link parties. I hope you check them out; they always have so many wonderful projects going on and provide the opportunity for other needle workers to meet.

Frederique at   Quilting Patchwork Applique for Patchwork & Quilts - Saturday 

Kathy at Kathy's Quilts for Slow Stitching Sunday

Kate at Life in Pieces for  Stitching Stuff ( Sunday) 

Cynthia at Quilting is More Fun Than Housework for Oh Scrap - Sunday 

Melva at Melva Loves Scraps for Sew & Tell- Sunday

Brenda at Songbird Designs for Monday Musings

Beth at Love Laugh Quilt  for Monday Making
Judy at Small Quilts Doll Quilts for Design Wall Monday
Joy at Days Filled with Joy for This and That
Carol at Quilt Schmilt  for To Do List Tuesday 

I finished my Snowman January Doodle. I stitched him on a 7 1/2 squared piece of fabric and then trimmed it to 6 1/2" . I framed him with 2" strips . 


  1. No hog jowls and beans here, my husband got carryout pizza! I thought that was a great way to start the New Year! Happy stitching!

    1. Pizza is always good. Fast clean up as well. Lol. Happy New Year, Gretchen

  2. Lovely quilt. It's a fun library of yesteryears fabric. The sashing (navy blue? purple?) has quite a shine to it. Is it cotton too? It is a beauty! Your husband has a great eye for finding little treasures. Enjoy! ;^)

    1. It is so much fun to look over the fabrics, Chantal. I do blue the navy blue is cotton; it has about the same weight and feel as the red fabric as well. I was over the moon when hubby gave me my gift. He bought me one other quilt that I hope to get to this year as well. Happy New Year.

  3. That's a beautiful quilt! I had to look up hog jowl, never heard of it. My tradition (from Norway), we always have roasted pork ribs on Christmas Eve. New Year's Eve came and went, normal day for us. No resolutions for me, they always fail! That said, I have a long UFO list and my goal is to finish as many as possible this year.

    1. Happy New Year, Astrid. We have hog jowl once a year and that is on New Year's Day, It is always a treat. Roasted pork ribs sound so yummy; I have not had that in ages. My resolutions usually fail as well. Lol. But what a great goal to try to finish as many UFOs as possible. Wishing you a very productive year.

  4. Don't you just love the NewYear's Day meal? Mom had to make 4 trips to the grocery store to get the hog jowl otherwise we would have chicken as well. Donna, you have me craving cabbage now. Lol. Happy New Years.

  5. Happy New Year! I don't make resolutions, but I set goals each year. It keeps me focused and sets priorities.

    1. I usually do not make resolutions either for I know I never can keep them, but I do have goals in mind as well. Happy New Year, Sharon. I wish you the most blessed year.

  6. Good luck with this week's goals! Happy New Year and thank you for linking up with my Sunday Stitching Time linky party each week.

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Kate. I hope you have a wonderful week as well. Happy quilting.

  7. That's a really beautiful quilt you're working on. An unusual design. Loved seeing all of your beautiful stitched works. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Aah thank you so much , dear. I was over the moon when hubby brought this quilt top home to me. I have a goal to have it quilted in a month's time, but we will see. Have a very Happy New Year and thank you for the sweet visit.

    2. Aaah thank you so much, dear. I was so excited when hubby brought this quilt top home to me. I hope to quilt it in a month's time, but we will see. Have a very Happy New Year and thank you for the sweet visit.

  8. Happy New Year Melisa. It's always fun to see what you have been working on. One of my goals for the year is to take an intentional slower pace as I regain my strength after a 4th quarter of illnesses. Wading into the pool is a wonderful way to begin the year. :) Blessings! Melva

    1. Melva, I think that is a great goal. It is nice to slow down and try to enjoy all that is around us; of course sometimes that is easier said than done. Wishing you a wonderful new year filled with blessings. Hugs.

  9. I love string piecing and you Grandma's Love quilt is a beauty! Is that the pattern name?Normally, lentils & pork of some kind are on the menu for New Year's Eve or Day(they are suppose to represent coins) but our house was down with a bug. I don't even remember what we had. LOL Your menu sounds yum!

    1. Ginny, I think string pieced quilts especially feedsack ones are some of my favorites. I always marvel at the fabrics. I am not sure what the design is called but I just named it Grandma's Love because the red reminds me of hearts . I sure hope everyone is feeling much better in your household. Happy New year , my friend. Hugs

  10. Bought momma the last can of black eyed peas on New Years Eve. :) Love the quilt top with all those feedsack fabrics!

    1. Black eye peas are so yummy. I am so glad that you was able to get some. My mom had trouble finding hog jowl, but after 4 trips to the grocery store she finally scored. Wishing you a blessed new year and thank you for the sweet visit.

  11. Ah, what fun to see that quilt your husband found. Paul used to find them for me, too, and I miss that. I love the hand quilting. I don't do the traditional meal - can't eat most of it, but I do like sweet potatoes, and can have them!

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Susan. I am sure you have many fond memories of your dear hubby and his support of your quilting and I know you will treasure them forever. Hubby has a great eye and knows what I love. I was over the moon with his finds. Happy New Year, Susan . Have a fabulous rest of the week. Hugs.

  12. Hi Melisa! Grandma's Love is just beautiful. That's a lovely apron. I don't collect aprons, but I do love to "rescue" things from Goodwill - lol! I cooked up a pot of black eyed peas before the New Year, froze them, then forgot to get them out for January 1 (head slap).

    1. Oh thank you so much, Linda. Hubby has a pretty good eye on finding quilts that I love. Lol You will have to pull out the black eye peas and enjoy soon. I do love them so. I hope you have a very blessed year.

  13. Your quilt is beautiful, Melisa! Hubby did a good job rescuing that quilt! You know this is the first year I can remember not having black eyed peas on New Years! We decided to go Mexican after church. I actually had some peas to cook but they still sit!! LOL Gary hates most veggies and black eyed peas are no exception, but early in our marriage I did get him to eat a few one New Year's day...12 to be exact! LOL Never before, never again!! You had the perfect New Year's meal, just like I remember growing up! Thanks for linking up with Monday Musings! Have a fantastic week!

    1. Oh thank you so much, Brenda. Mexican sounds pretty yummy for New Years as well. My hubby used to hate turnip greens until he tasted my mom's and now he loves them. The New Year's meal has became his favorite.

  14. I made Hoppin' John for our New Years Day dinner. Love the antique quilt in all its glorious red!

    1. I have never had Hoppin John, but have always wanted to try it. I do love black eyed peas. I wish you a very blessed new year, Susie


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