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Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Wordless Wednesday Winter on the Farm

 Hello there sweet friends ! It's another beautiful winter day and today we are at the farm for a Not So Wordless Wednesday post.  So put on your work boots and jacket and let's head down to the barn for we have a barn full of the sweetest piglets  that need tending and of course there is other "goings on" at the farm as well.   I hope you enjoy . 

The gals who always like to see what is going on !

I appreciate the sweet Wednesday visit. 

Happy  Stitching and Quilting, ya'll


Thank you for the sweet visit. 

There is peace and tranquility that can be found in the country. 

Hugs and Stitches!!!!🤗🧵❤

Dedicated to my baby sister , Amy who was a country girl through and through.  Love and miss you, Amo. 



  1. Looks like a nice day with all the critters. Happy Wednesday.

    1. It was, Tammy. The grandbabies love to go out to the farm to see the animals and play in the barns.

  2. Lovely to see your piglets. My Grandad used to work with pigs on a farm & he would take me to see the piglets when I was a child. Happy memories.

    1. Aah that is a wonderful memory, Paula. My grandbabies were with me at the farm this day as well. They love seeing the pigs and the bees. Thank you for the sweet Wednesday visit.

  3. Sweet little piglets! Gave me a chuckle! Hope you have a great Wednesday.

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Susie. Each one of the piglets have their own personality. They are as cute as can be. Happy Wednesday

  4. Super pictures, Melisa! Enjoyed the visit! Happy Wednesday!

    1. Oh thank you so much, Robin. We had a great day at the farm. The grandbabies fed the pigs and played among the hay bales. Thank you for the sweet visit.

  5. Looks a lovely day there Melisa, and he piglets look so cute!
    Hope you’ve had a lovely Wednesday. 😁🙋‍♀️👍😘
    Barbara xx (The Flashing Scissors)

    1. Aah thank you so much, Barbara. I love going out to the barn to see the piglets. They always put on a show for us that is for sure. Happy Wednesday

  6. Life on the farm does not rest! Nice pictures, Melissa.

    1. That is so true, Isabel. There is always something that needs to be tended to, but we certainly enjoy it. Thank you for the sweet visit.

  7. How lovely to see some of your farm animals, and the busy bees too. Those piglets are adorable!

    1. Oh thank you so much, Jenny . I love going out to the barn to see the pigs and bees. The bees are seeming to do fine so far this winter. We are hoping they will survive any cold weather that comes our way.

  8. No bees buzzin' around or pigs smiling at the camera here, just snow. The wind was out of the north, so the trees are frosted on that side. So pretty, but more heavy wet snow to come this week. Thanks again for all the patterns. I'm half done with the Winter Manor, finished the Winter Crockbut (put 1973 on it for the year we were married), and then maybe I'll go to a Valentine stitch just for fun. I'm playing with fabric for the Snowman Door Quilt. Love that smile and bright charm square background! It would be perfect inside our back entry. Thanks also for the cheery chatter! Have a great week, Melisa. Kris in WI

    1. Oh goodness, it sounds like a winter wonderland, but I am sure you are tired of the snow and the coldness by now. You are staying very busy though and I am so honored that my little winter pieces are keeping you company. Thank you so much, dear. I am so excited you are working on the Snowman Door Quilt. You will have it whipped up in no time. Stay warm and cozy and dream of warmer weather. Hugs.

  9. Always enjoy visiting with you! Love your designs, too. I’m working on Dot’s Saltbox now for my Valentines display. What fun! Debbie B.

    1. Aaah you are the sweetest and I certainly am grateful for your sweet visits. I am so excited you are working on Dot's Saltbox. It will look darling for Valentine's . I am going to keep mine out too. A companion piece is Dorothy Mae's Spring House that I posted in Feb. 9, 2021. My Aunt Dot loved the color pink so it is a pink house too. Happy stitching, Debbie.

  10. Coming from a farm myself, I enjoy seeing your farm animals. Busy bees, the gals (they are always curious!) and the cutest piglets.

    1. Aaah there is nothing like farm life is there, Astrid. Lol those two heifers have to come see what we are doing every time we go out to the barn while the other cows do their own thing. Usually our donkey comes to greet us as well, but he was a no show on this day. Thank you for stopping by.

  11. Replies
    1. They are the cutest , Susan. I love going out to see them . Some are quite spooky while others are friendly. Thank you for the sweet visit to the farm.

  12. Oh-my-goodness! Those sweet piggies! I've never held a piglet, but they look so adorable. Thank you for the lovely farm visit today, Melisa!

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Carol. I do adore the piglets.Some can be quite fiesty. The little brown ones were a lot more friendly . They are as sweet as can be.

  13. Such cute little piggies. Thank you again so much for the lovely little stitching patterns. I have just finished Bee Sampler. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

    1. Aaaah thank you so much , dear. I hope you enjoyed the bee sampler . I am so very honored that you stitched it. Have a beautiful day, dear.


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