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Saturday, April 15, 2023

Just a Ramblin' About

 Good evening, ya'll. I thought I would pop in for a visit. With the SAL going on I haven't really had a chance to chat with you. I so appreciate ya'll following along and stitching with me.  

It  has been a busy week, and I have been fluttering about going here and there and everywhere . I sure would like a jammie day!!! 😀🤗  But the running around keeps me on my toes. 

The grandbabies have had ballgames the last 4 evenings with us not getting home till late at night. Balls have been hit ; bases have been ran.  

Lowes had their Springfest sale So I bought 2 ferns for the porch. My ferns from last year did not survive ; well 3 of them are alive but scraggly.  

Here are last years ferns. They were very happy in a shady nook by the patio. 


On the porch is Mama bird.  Oh goodness, she has made a very messy nest  on the porch pole , and I just did not have the heart to remove it as she was making it.  Soon little ones  will be chirping away, and I will get to enjoy them for a few days. In the meantime, I will enjoy Mama as she flutters back and forth while I am sitting on the porch stitching away. She keeps me company. 

 I hung up my 1st hummingbird feeder this week and  Woo hoo!! one  day later I heard the sweet chime of a hummer. I haven't spied it yet though, but I am pretty sure it was  making its way to the feeder. 

OOOH! I  have to tell you about  my thrifty find. I went to the thrift store twice this week.  Since most of ya'll are stitchers or crafters, I know ya'll will appreciate my find!!! Look at this bag filled with spools of thread- $4.99! 😲As soon as I got it home I counted 124 spools of thread . Eeeeh!! I am in thread heaven. Lol. 🧵🧵🧵🧵🧵🧵 Other than that it was slim pickins'  at the thrift store. 

With all of the bustling about, I was able to squeeze in a bit of quilting time. 

My needle wove its way in and out  along the pastel patches of my  Easter quilt which allowed me to move the hoop once. 

And one night I made a wee bit of progress on Plum Street Samplers  Cinnamon Stars until my youngest grandbaby tagged a player out on 3rd and then all stitching went to the wayside for I was cheering him on like a Grandma Cheerleader📣

Well that's what's been going on in my neck of the woods.  So what about you ?  Have you been hustling and bustling about this week?  Or has it been a quiet one? It has been good to hear that the weather has been warming up for many of you so that you can enjoy time outdoors. 

 Well sweeties, thank you for dropping in for an afternoon visit and to listen to my ramblings.  I am sure I will drop in tomorrow for a little slow Sunday stitching rambling. 

As always...

Happy  Stitching and Quilting, ya'll


Thank you for the sweet visit. 

If you see someone without a smile today, give em' yours- Dolly Parton

Hugs and Stitches!!!!🤗🧵❤

Dedicated to my baby sister, Amy. Love and miss you, Amo. 


  1. Hi Melissa wow you sure have been busy,isn’t it the best thing to watch our grandies playing sport. Love your Easter quilt and plum street sampler and well done on your thrifty find you should be right for cotton for awhile now .🌹🤍🌹

    1. Oh thank you so much , dear Shez. I think hubby and I will have another busy week at the ball field. I will take along some stitching to work on as we watch. I hope you have a wonderful week . Happy quilting.

  2. Score on the thread from the thrift store, Melisa! It sounds like baseball season is going well for the boys and for Grandma Cheerleader. We had our first hummer sighting on the 11th. I think there are 2 out there to go with the two feeders the Mister hung.

    1. Oh yes, the boys are having a great time at the ballfield. Isn't it exciting when the hummingbirds return? I hope to put out more feeders this week. I think the weather is supposed to be nice so hopefully more sweet hummers are on the way. Have a great week. Hugs.

  3. I once scored a nice collection of threads at a thrift store, too. I was in "Hawg Heaven!"

    1. Oh you know the thrill then! Lol. It will be nice to be able to dip into my stash whenever I need thread . Thank you for the sweet visit, Kim. Have a very lovely week.

  4. Your grandchildren keep you on your toes. But they grow up so fast and you can't get the time back so it's good to cheer them on - like a granny cheerleader.
    Your Easter quilt looks wonderful, you can see the small motifs on different fabrics.
    enjoy your week

    1. Good morning, Martina. I cherish every minute I spend with the grandboys and you are right they grow up too fast. Thank you so much on my Easter quilt. I have one more hoop of the body to quilt and then I am on to the border. Thank you for the sweet visit. Have a great week.

  5. You are blessed to have your grandsons nearby, Melisa! I haven't seen Mr. B in almost two months and it's driving me mad... Hopefully, my husband's shoulder will be healed to allow travel to resume soon :) What an amazing find in that thread--such a great deal and I know you'll put it to excellent use! Have a great day ♥

    1. I do feel fortunate to have the grandbabies nearby. I know you miss Mr. B. so much. I bet he is growing like a weed too. I wish your dear hubby a speedy recovery on his shoulder . I am sure as soon as he is feeling better you both will be ready to hit the road to see your dear family. Have a great week and thank you for the sweet visit.

  6. I can relate to your thread haul. I inherited a huge hat box of threads a while back. What a thrill! I am too far away to go to games of gr'sons, but their mom sends me pictures and I talk to them on the phone to hear all their excitement and victories! The Plum Street stitch is coming along beautifully! Your mama bird looks a bit alarmed at having her picture taken! LOL

    1. Oh my, Ginny!!! A hat box of thread -that is thread heaven!!! Don't you just love looking at all of the colors and trying to date the threads based on the labels and prices? Lol. I am sure you will put them to good use. How sweet that the grandsons tell you all about their games. I just know that warms your heart and you feel like you are their with them. Thank you for the sweet visit. Have a great day.


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