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Friday, April 28, 2023

A Finish and the Farm- Butterfly Kisses

Like a Butterfly
"You have wandering eyes, my dear"
Why should you when I have been so near?
Like a butterfly you flutter 
Erratically here and there! 
- S. R. Senxer 

Good afternoon, ya'll and Happy  Farmhouse Friday!!!
I am doing the barnyard hoedown happy dance!!! Why?  
Woo Hoo !!!!I have a finish!!!

 Since August of 2021, I have been working on this butterfly quilt in tribute of my sister. 

My sister loved the farm so it was only befitting to photograph the quilt top at the old corn crib. 

See the holes in the side of the corn crib shed. They were put in to allow tobacco poles to be hung. 
 As children,  all of us kids played in the  original corn crib which is the taller portion of the building. We had furniture in the loft where we played house and what was fascinating to us as youngsters was  there used to be  a door at upper level of the crib . We would drag a ladder to the door and go into the loft that way rather than the indoor entrance.   That section is now covered with tin . 
As a child, my sister and brother would climb and crawl through the hole at the eave of the corn crib and shed . 

She and my brother would then climb the roof of the corn crib to the  very tee top and look over the farm below, and I can imagine they dreamed of their next adventures as they admired the bright blue sky as well. Mom still  talks about how often she would look out the window and see her  on top of the roof. 

So I thought it was befitting to photograph the quilt top  at the corn crib where Amy's dreams of owning her own farm soared. 

There are 20  butterfly blocks  in this top . The blocks are 15" finished. I used 3" sashing and a 5" border. 

This quilt will be going into the quilt hoop soon. It will be stitched  with love and tears. 

Well , my friends. I am so grateful  that you took time out of your day to visit me.  I will be sharing more of this quilt as the days go by. I would love to have it finished by August, but we shall we. 


P.S. Blogger is acting up again. I can only reply to your sweet comments on my blog and not by email. Hopefully, all will return to normal soon. Mr. Pinker says me and technology just do not mix.  Oh goodness! 😅


Have a beautiful day and ...

As always...

Happy  Stitching and Quilting, ya'll


Don't be afraid. Change is such a beautiful thing, said the butterfly. - Sabrina Newby 

Hugs and Stitches!!!!🤗🧵❤

🦋 Dedicated to my dear sister, Amy. I miss and love you so much, Amo. I send my love with butterfly kisses. 🦋

 I am joining these lovely ladies' link parties. I hope you check them out; they always have so many wonderful projects going on and provide the opportunity for other needleworkers to meet. 

Nina at Creations, Quilts, Art , Whatever by Nina for Off the Wall Friday

Alycia's of Alycia's Quilts for Finished of Not Friday

Michelle  at From Bolt to Beauty for Beauty Pageant - Friday

Wendy at Wendy's Quilts for Peacock Party - Friday

Sarah at  Confessions of a Fabric Addict  for Whoop! Whoop! - Friday

Frederique at   Quilting Patchwork Applique for Patchwork & Quilts - Saturday


  1. Your butterfly quilt is such a lovely memory of your beloved sister. I'm sure you will enjoy the hand quilting, tears together with happy smiles, as you relive your childhood adventures.

    1. Working on this quilt has certainly been comforting during this time. I can already tell it will be one of my most cherished quilts. Thank you for the sweet visit, dear Jenny. Have a lovely weekend. Hugs

  2. Wow amiga que bellas tus 🦋 🦋 🦋 . Me encanta el edredón. Te felicito cariño.
    Besos de ru amiga
    Dianet de Parchesdeamor 💝😘🇨🇺🌹

    1. Aaah thank you so much, dear Dianet. I can not tell you how excited I am to have it all pieced and ready to go into the hoop. I look forward to putting the 1st stitches in it this weekend. Have a wonderful evening , my friend. Hugs

  3. Your butterfly blocks make a beautiful quilt, Melisa! What a great place to photograph it, too - full of good memories. Looks like a beautiful day at the farm!

    1. This quilt came out better than what I imagined, Diann. I was so thrilled to see it all come together. I had a great time at the barns taking photos of it. It was a beautiful day indeed. Thank you for the sweet afternoon visit. Hugs .

  4. What a beautiful quilt you've created with so much love, Melisa. Your sister would be smiling ear to ear to see it photographed on the family farm. How you must miss her... I can't imagine. ♥

    1. Oh , Carol You are so right. I just know my sister would love this quilt. It is not her colors, but she would love it just the same. She always loved being out at the farm. We have so many good memories. Thank you for the kind words and sweet Friday visit. Have a wonderful weekend. Hugs.

  5. i love all of your daily entries. i look forward to reading them everyday. You are such an awesome person. So kind and loving Melisa. I can't wait to do the summer and winter stitch-alongs. looking forward to it. haven't started the Spring one yet and will be printing the Autumn one very soon. they are amazing projects. love, love, love them. you're the best!!!

  6. What a beautiful quilt top and you have such wonderful memories. You are so blessed. ❤️❤️

    1. Oh, Patti, I was so excited when the quilt started to come together. The reds and blues just speak to me with all of the colorful butterflies. I think my sis would love it. Thank you so much for the sweet visit. Hugs and blessings.

  7. It's not just you having blogger issues! What a beautiful story you tell of your siblings, but it creeps me out that they stood out on the roof-I have a fear of heights! I bet your sister has been looking down on you as you have been making these lovely butterflies. Hugs to you.

    1. I am so glad to hear that I am not the only one with tech issues. Hopefully it will be resolved very soon then. Lol , my sister was a daredevil that was for sure. I wish I had half of your adventuresome attitude. Lol. I do think she would love the quilt and would be quite honored. Thank you for the sweet afternoon visit. Have a great weekend. Hugs.

  8. Wonderful sharing of your childhood memories with your brother and sister. The quilt is just so happy and sunny! A great tribute to Amy.

    1. Ginny , this has been such a comforting quilt to work on. I think Amy would love the quilt. She leaned toward earth tone colors but her personality is like you said "happy and sunny" which is how I will always remember her. I so appreciate your kind compliment and visit. Have super weekend. It is supposed to rain here , but it is going to be nice and warm though. Hugs.

  9. No need to respond, it's okay. Blogger does it's periodic pain-producing things. =) Love the top. Love the stories about the corn crib. So I guess you live on the same farm you grew up on ... or you aren't talking about YOUR corn crib as much as about the one on your childhood farm. What wonderful memories!

    1. Well Susan , blogger kicked back into gear and now I can respond. Not sure what is going on, but glad it is working. Lol. I actually live between the 2 farms, but I am at both every day.I have very fond memories of both and I am so glad that now my grandbabies and nephews are making fond childhood memories there as well. Hugs and blessings.

  10. Beautiful tribute to your sister! Gentle hugs to you, dear Melisa.

    1. Aah thank you so much, Darlene. It has given me comfort these past 20 months. I worked on it today and began pulling out fabrics for a new butterfly quilt. Hugs.

  11. What a beautiful quilt - and hand quilting it will bring back such memories for you. Don't be afraid of them. They will be treasured too.
    My dd and family are starting what's called a hobby farm where they are raising chickens and growing crops for their family. Reminds me of you. :-) Blessings

    1. Oh thank you so much, dear Donna. You are so right it does bring back lots of memories. Today was tears tomorrow may be smiles, but I love working on it. Aaah I wish your daughter all of the best on her farm. There is nothing like home grown fruits and veggies. I bet her chickens are characters. I miss mine. Lol. Have a wonderful weekend. Hugs.

  12. Oh Melisa, this is just a wonderful quilt and such an awesome setting for the photo. I know your sister would approve. I'm sure you'll have tears while you are quilting this, but, as with this post, I'm sure you'll have some wonderful memories. Hugs and blessing to you!

    1. Aaaw thank you so much, Brenda. It has been a comfort to work on this quilt and I was thrilled to have it completed. As I was photographing it , I thought of her at the barns. The farm is not the same without her. Thank you for the kind words. Hugs.

  13. A wonderful stitched tribute to your sister! It looks like the butterflies tried to fly away during the photo shoot!

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Kathy. I thought the same think as the quilt fluttered. It reminded me of my sister because she was always on the go and never stayed still long. Lol. Hugs.

  14. Love your butterfly quilt and the tribute to your sis, Melisa! Great personal stories! I was having the same problem with blogger--I think we all were. Seems to be back to normal now.

    1. Aaw thank you so much, Nancy. I am going to enjoy working on this quilt over the next few months. It has given me comfort so far. I think my sis would love it. I am glad it the blogger was not just me. Lol. Mine started working late last night . Have a great weekend. Hugs.

  15. A lovely tribute to your sister! It is fitting to have the photos taken at a place where you have so many fond memories or your sister! Hold on to those!

    1. Oh thank you so much, Dawn. The farm is filled with fond memories of my dear sister; to be honest it is not the same without her, but I do believe she would have loved the quilt. I so appreciate the sweet visit and kind words. Have a great weekend.

  16. Your butterfly quilt is a beautiful memory in honor of your beloved sister, and the barn is so appropriate for a quilt display. I can only guess how difficult it is to lost a sister, but I send you all my love and support.
    Thank you for sharing your lovely quilt and family memories, and linking up. Hugs.

    1. Aah you are so vey kind. Thank you so much for the heart warming words. I truly appreciate you . Working on this quilt has been a comfort . I hope to complete it by the year's end. Thank you for the sweet visit. 

  17. What a lovely tribute to your sister and how nice to bring forth the memories of your childhood together while photographing the quilt.

    1. Aah thank you so much, Bree. This quilt will always be dear to my heart. I look forward to quilting on it each day. It brings back lots of fond memories of my dear sis. Have a beautiful day and thank you for the sweet visit.

  18. What a beautiful tribute quilt and wonderful memories!! I think that is so cool that you have those memories - but that you are still on the family place - that is just awesome!!!

    1. Oh thank you so much, Alycia. This quilt is a comfort to work on. The farms are amazing and full of memories ; I do feel fortunate. Have a blessed week,


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