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Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Going on a Salamander Hunt- Wordless Wednesday

A very beautiful and wonderful Wednesday to you , my dear friends.

 Oooh , we are going on a salamander hunt in the holler. You wanta go!!!!  

This is a NOT So Wordless Wednesday post with snapshots of our grand salamander hunt with the grandbabies . These are things we do with boys in the holler - looking for slimy salamanders , frogs and dare I say snakes in the summer! What's the old saying about boys? - Made out of snakes and snails and puppy dog tails!!!!  😂


Down this hill and we will be home!

 No salamanders were harmed. The boys love animals and they  tucked the little critters  safely back beneath the rocks although one almost made it into my pocket as I have a little jokester in my midst. 😀😂🦎 

Thank you for the sweet Wednesday visit.

Happy  Stitching and Quilting, ya'll


While they don't stay little long, they always stay in your heart. 

Hugs and Stitches!!!!🤗🧵❤

Dedicated to my baby sister , Amy who would have gladly joined in the salamander hunt.   Love and miss you, Amo. 


  1. When we go camping with the grand kids, we often take a hike through the woods - you never know what they'll find! Squeals of ewwww! and squeals of cool! Blessings!

    1. Isn't it so much fun to explore with the little ones and see things with their wonderment? We had a great time. Thank you for dropping by for a visit. Hugs.

  2. What a wonderful experience for these boys! My daughter, when that age, would've also loved it. My son would've been a trusty onlooker but would never pick one up! hahaha

    1. Lol how funny ,Susie. All kids are different. The boys always have a great time looking for critters out here in the holler. There certainly are plenty for them to search for. Lol. Have a great weekend and thank you for the sweet visit.

  3. What fun you had wandering around the Holler with the grandboys, Melisa!

    1. They had a ball, Robin . I think they know every inch of the place. They are always ready to explore and see what they can find. . Hugs.

  4. Replies
    1. My cousin and I would look for salamanders too. Thanks for the memories.

    2. Aaah thank you so much, Nancy. The boys had a ball searching for critters and exploring the woods that is for sure.

  5. (Little Penpen) was that a morel mushroom? Yum

    1. Yum, indeed! Sautéed in butter with a dash of salt. Too early for morels in SC WI, but when the oak leaves are the size of a squirrel's ear, we will be out looking for them.

    2. Oh yes, Penny; we love morels. That's another thing the boys love to search for too. This one was a little too small to eat at the time. Thank you for the sweet Wednesday visit.

    3. That's how we love to eat them too , Kris. They are so yummy! I sure hope you find a lot of yummy morels when the weather warms. Hugs

  6. Oh what fun! There used to be salamander hunts around here, too (and we live in a suburban neighborhood), but I haven't seen any in years. Glad you got to spend time with those cute grand boys!

    1. The boys had a ball, Diann. They love roaming out in the woods and being outside in general. Oh how fun that your neighborhood used to have salamander hunts!!! It is a great learning experience for the kiddos. Thank you for the sweet visit.

  7. What a great day you had with the grands!! I have found memories of my son and grandsons! I would have to wash their clothes separate because I never knew what treasure were hidden in pockets that didn't get shaken out!! Always a challenge with boys but as your quote said "they don't stay little long, they always stay in your heart." Hugs from sunny Arizona.

    1. Oh how funny, Mary!!!. That's true - you never know what is going to be in their pockets. The little one get completely filthy every time he goes out , but he loves every minute of being out and about. I am so glad this brought back fond memories, dear Mary. I hope you have the most blessed Easter with your dear family. Hugs.

  8. What a fun day! You are right. They don't stay little near long enough!--TerryK@OnGoingProjects

    1. It was a fabulous day out and about. Of course, I think anyday with the little ones is fabulous. Nothing like the grandbabies . Lol. Thank you for the sweet visit, Terry. I wish you a very Happy Easter.

  9. Love your photos of nature.
    As a child growing up in Indiana my older brother would find a few morel mushrooms around the yard and Mom would saute them in butter for me and Denny. My uncle was the overseer and farmer of the Newton county home (if you know what a county home is). He would take us walking through the woods in search of mushrooms.
    So happy you are making precious memories with your grandkids. Enjoy every moment ❤️

    1. Aaah what wonderful heart warming memories, Cindy . Such good times. That is how we like to eat our morels too, they are so yummy . We look forward to searching for them ever year. The oldest grandbaby has an eagle eye for spotting them. Thank you for the sweet visit and for bringing a smile to my day. Hugs.

  10. Oooh, I'm not sure I would e joy that! But the kids certainly did.

    1. Lol the boys certainly take me on a lot of adventures. The little one is always trying place a salamander or a frog on me. He is a silly little goose. Lol. Thank you for the sweet visit, Jenny.

  11. I would love to win the celebrations chart. My email is
    I use to stitch a lot of houses, which I still love, but all things Americana is my favorite since that is how I mainly decorate. But I stitch many other things as well. Just love stitching and love all of yours. Thank You, Mary

    1. Good evening dear Mary. Thank you so much for the sweet visit. I love stitching houses too and I think anything patriotic ranks tops on my list as well. Happy Easter, my friend.

  12. How sweet! Cute little boys. I know they have a great time with you!

    1. Aaah thank you so much dear. I am a very proud grandma. I always have a wonderful time with the little ones. They keep me on my toes and full of life. Have a very Happy Easter.

  13. Melisa, you are such a fun Grandma and what fortunate grandchildren to have all these memories for years to come.

    1. Aaah you are the sweetest, Kris. I feel very blessed to have my grandsons. Just seeing their faces always brings an instant smile to my day. Thank you for dropping by for a visit. Hugs.

  14. That looks like fun, but where are the girls? Don't you have any who like salamanders? LOL What a great post.

    1. Lol no grandaughters though I wish I did have one. But my girls were the same way when they were little . They loved roaming the woods and got into all kinds of stuff.Lol Thank you so much , dear Susan. Hugs.

  15. Thanks for the memories of little boys AND girls. My daughter would have been right there with the boys and loved those sorts of things, too. The Morel got my mouth watering! Yum!

    1. Aaah I am so glad this post brought back such fond memories, Ginny.It is always nice to hear of little girls who would get right in their and enjoy what the boys are doing. My girls were the same way when they were young. We were so excited when we spotted the morels.They were still too small to pick. I do love them so . Thank you for the sweet visit.

  16. Oh……a morel tooo !!!!!! Score!!!!

    1. Oh yes!!! I will take morels over salamanders any day. Lol Thank you for the sweet visit.

  17. Lol. We moved almost two years ago. I was so excited when I found my first salamander!! All I could think of was how much my son would have enjoyed finding them. He'll be 22!! Enjoy these times. They fly by.

    1. Oh how fun! They are actually pretty cute. Aren't they? Lol. Of course, I love seeing any type of critters in the wild. I am so glad that you live in an area where you can enjoy the little critters as well. Thank you for the sweet visit.


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