Blog Archive

Monday, April 10, 2023

Spring Stamp SAL Stamp 3 Bluebird and Bees

A very lovely Monday to you , my sweet friends. How was your Easter weekend?  I do hope it was a delightful one. Was it a quiet one or were you hustling and bustling about? 

We had a great holiday, but we ate way too much. 

 I tried to fix cupcakes like my sister used to, but the kitchen got so hot that the icing began to melt and was soon oozing off the cupcakes . 🙄🥴But they were gobbled up in no time . 😋
 The grandbabies had a grand Easter egg hunt and by the end of the day they had pulled out their waterguns for more fun. 
Hey, the golden egg!!!

I wanted to also to tell you how grateful I am to all of you who have given tips on how to print the charts. Ya'll are amazing!!! Thank you for not only helping me but also other stitchers who might need help. I have been giving a variety of ways as to how ya'll may  print out the charts . I will list them below close to the charts . 

Saturday, I shared  STAMP 2 Spring Planting.  
Today's stitch is called "Bluebird and Bees" . 

Bees are so important to the garden so I had to include them in our stitch. They pollinate the flowers which allows the plants  to produce fruit and seed which in turn attracts more wildlife such as bluebirds.  Aren't bees the best? 
The beautiful bee skep and doily were gifts from dear Pat. They stay out in  my living room year round. Pat's sister made the bee skep. Aren't they darling?  Thank you, Pat. ❤

If you are interested in stitching along with me, place grab the image below.

Many of ya'll know but I always encourage you to read my little disclaimer and note about getting my charts.  ⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇

NOTE: Normally I have been able to create links to the charts and instructions which were in JPG form. For some reason, recent updates on Google Docs. has prevented me from doing that and I am not able to create a pdf without having to deal with storage issues.  Many dear stitchers say they right click, save the image and then print.  I think some have copied and pasted it to a Word document that they can print off as well. I hope you are able to find a way to enjoy this chart. You will have to click each page to save. Thank you so much for your patience and understanding and for all of the helpful tips and ideas. 

I stitch my little designs for fun and to decorate my home. I feel very blessed by this community and love sharing my little charts, but I am not a professional designer. And I do not have professional software. Thank you for understanding . I am always grateful for your kind encouragement , your visits, and for stitching my little designs.



So many sweet stitching friends have shared different ways in which they are able to get the charts. I would like to share them with you.    

*TIP 1- One of my dear stitching friends told me exactly how she was able to print the chart to the correct size. 

Using her phone she saved the image of the chart to her photo gallery and then emailed it to herself. From her computer or whatever device she was using she was able to then print the chart from her email and it came out without resizing it. It worked for her, maybe it would work for you if you are having trouble. 

* TIP 2 . Another stitchy friend said she did the same as in TIP 1  using her phone , but rather than emailing the chart to herself. She connects her phone directly to the printer and prints from there. Hmm! I learned something new again. 😀

* TIP  3 Another dear stitcher said she enlarged the chart on her browser and then took a screen shot of it and then printed it.  She also saved the screenshot to her photos on her iPad for reference. 

TIP  4 Another  sweet stitchy friend said she clicks on the photos, presses the screen save buttons and then edits until she finds the photo she wants and then saves to photos. But she does not print it from photos because it comes out too small so she then saves it to books and  prints from there as an A4 size page.   How ingenious!! It works for her. 

TIP  5  Another option shared by another dear stitchy friend , said she right clicks the image. Several options will pop up Click  "Open image in new tab". Right click this new image and click "Save Image as..." Title it and hit save. It will save to your download file. Open and print.    

If you have any other tips, I would greatly appreciate it . Ya'll know I am not too tech savvy. I do well to have got this far. 😂😏



Did you notice the bees have little stripes on their bodies?  I used 1 strand of 3371 to create them. 

Below is a schedule: 


Introduction- April 1st

Border & Header - April 3rd

Stamp  1 Spring Watering Can - April 7th

STAMP 2- Spring PlantingApril  8th

STAMP 3- April 10th

STAMP 4-April  12th

STAMP 5- April 14th

STAMP 6 -April 15th

STAMP 7- April 17th

STAMP 8 -April- 19th

STAMP 9 -April 21st

FINAL REVEAL (FFOd) -  April 22nd


In order to make it quicker for me to stitch a stamp .I  usually have several needles loaded and ready to go. 




301, 356,  782, 815, 898,  931, 3345,  3346, 3371, 3740


Can you guess what will be in Stamp 4? 

Feathers, sticks and straws are best 

To make this home called a ___

Eggs have hatched and you will hear 

A chirp or two from birdies near. 


 Do you have an idea what Stamp 4 is going to be about ? I know you do.😁😀  Well you will see on Wednesday. So until then, I hope you have a lovely time stitching away on these stamps or whatever strikes your fancy. 😀🤗

As always...

Happy  Stitching and Quilting, ya'll


Thank you for the sweet visit. 

The keeping of bees is like the direction of sunlight. Thoreau

Hugs and Stitches!!!!🤗🧵❤

Dedicated to my baby sister, Amy.  I hope the 1st swarm of bees we catch is from using your bee trap. Love and miss you, Amo. 

Please  use #springstampsal and #pinkernpunkinquilting   so I can follow along or you can direct message or email me so I do not miss your stitch.  Let me apologize beforehand if it takes me a few days to reply. 



  1. your third motif is also very cute.
    I stitched your spring freebie, you can find it on my blog, I really enjoyed it and I like it a lot.
    Enjoy the day,

    1. Aaah thank you so very much, Martina. It was such a delight and honor to see your beautiful stitching. I am so grateful you shared it on your lovely blog as well. Have a wonderful weekend.

  2. Thank you stamp 3 .stamp 4 bird nest?

    1. Aaah you are so very welcome , dear. and Yep you guessed it. I hope you enjoy. Blessings.

  3. I tried Tip 5. It worked perfectly! Thanks for sharing.

    1. Oh yah!!! I am so glad that you found a suggestion that worked for you and your device. I have learned a lot from my dear friends. I hope you enjoy . Happy stitching

  4. You've got some great readers with great tips - thanks to all. Looking forward to the next stamp - nest? Love the bees! Your grandson reminds me of the little boy from Willy Wonka - "I've got a golden ticket!" Blessings.

    1. Oh, I agree, Donna. I have learned so much about how to print the charts from my dear readers. I am not very tech savvy so it has been a blessing to learn all I can. Lol. the grandbabies were passing up the colored eggs; they were searching for the golden egg. Hugs and blessings. 

  5. Sweet bluebird and bees block, Melisa! It sounded like you had a wonderful Easter. Happy Monday!

    1. Oh thank you so much, Robin. It was a good Easter and I was glad that the weather was nice as well. The kiddos had a great time. Have a great weekend Hugs

  6. I'm loving these sweet stamps. I'm pretty sure we'll have a nest in the next one! Thank you!

    1. Oh thank you so much, Susie. I am having a great time sharing them especially as the days begin to get warmer and warmer. They make me want to be outside . Lol. Have a great weekend.

  7. As a busy Beekeeper and a HUGE Bluebird fan/feeder I am loving this stitch. I'm even set to get another NUC of bees (a queen and her court) on the 22nd so I'm busy today getting another hive box ready. And I also just found out that I am going to be a "Hunny" in October...My DIL picked my grandmother name since I'm a Beekeeper and the spelling is much cuter than the original honey...Happy Spring and THANKS for the cute stitcheries! 🐝

    1. Oh how exciting, Tiffanee! Congratulations on your new grandbaby on the way and what a cute name too! Perfect! I hope you enjoy this little stamp as well. We have 3 traps out right now in hopes to catch some new swarms. Fingers crossed they will take to a box. Enjoy your new hive.

  8. Thanks for the new patterns!

    Because I don't print charts until I'm ready to stitch, this is what I do -
    On the iMac, I save each pattern page to the downloads folder. Then use "command" & left-click to select each file IN ORDER. Then while all are highlighted, right click and go down to "quick actions" and select "create PDF". Magic happens and all 3 jpegs are turned into one PDF file that I then rename to the pattern name and move it to where I want. Then I delete the jpg files to save space & confusion. When it comes time to stitch, I print out as I do for any other PDF file.

    1. Oh thank you so much, Gail for the tip on how to do that. I did not know how to create a PDF so this is very helpful and I am sure it will help others as well. Have a great weekend.

  9. Another wonderful design! You are so creative. It was quiet here after a noon dinner, and I slept and slept and slept! It's one side effect of my Friday chemo shot - can't keep awake by Sunday afternoon! Not as annoying as some others, though, since rest is healing.

    1. Aaaw thank you, Susan, It has been a joy to share these stamps. I hope your sessions go well this Friday. You body needs the rest afterwards. I admire your strength and good spirit. That means so much in your healing . Sending hugs and blessings.

  10. That is a pretty design, just lovely with the bees and the bird! And wow what a wonderful Easter Feast! The food looks delicious and your grandbabies had a lot of fun!

    1. Oh thank you so much, Diana. I was excited about this little stitch especially since we have been tending to our bees this past week. The Easter meal was quite yummy ; we have been eating on leftovers for days. Hugs.

  11. SO fun! Thanks for the printing tips. I hope I will be able to stitch these some day!

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Kathy. It has been a blessing that so many stitchers have shared how they print the charts off. I have learned so much in the process as well. Have a great weekend

  12. We had a wonderful Holy Week in Seville, Melisa!!
    I have enjoyed a lot with my family and I also ate too much... hahaha.
    I love the delivery of embroidery today ... very spring.
    Hugs from Spain

    1. Oh I am so glad that you had a wonderful Easter, Isabel and thank you so much on  my latest stitch. I hope you have a great weekend. Hugs. 

  13. A beautiful little blue bird contemplating the hive of industrious bees.
    Beautiful, Melisa!!
    Kisses from Spain,

    1. Aah thank you so much, Pilarin. This was a fun little stitch to share. We have been enjoying watching our bees as the days warm. They are busy visiting the flowers and tending their hives. Have a great weekend.

  14. Belated happy Easter Melisa! We had family in the house and no time to sneak away until evening when I was too tired to think! LOL I love the bluebirds and will try to catch up soon!

    1. It sounds like you had a grand Easter as well, Sandie. Lol. I know the feeling I was pretty tired afterwards too, but it was a great day. I hope you have a wonderful weekend . Hugs.

  15. Just adorable! Cannot wait to start stitching! Thank you so much for sharing these. I love your site! Shelli

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Shelli. You are so very kind. I am so touched that you are stitching along with me. I hope you enjoy this SAL. Have a wonderful day and Happy stitching.

  16. Thank you so much for your darling cross stitch designs! I love your ceramic bluebirds as they remind me of "the good old days". I will be stitching these up separately for a little Spring "bowl". I have some big projects going but I always like to have some smalls so it feels like I've accomplished something! LOL! You are so kind, talented, and generous. Thank you again.

    1. Aaah thank you so much, dear. I hope you enjoy this little designs. I enjoy quick stitches for the same reason. These will look darling in a spring bowl. Happy stitching.

  17. I finally got started stitching last night and, though it's been quite a few years since I did cross-stitch, I'm falling back into it rather naturally and enjoying the process. Thanks for the inspiration and patterns!

    1. Aah I am so grateful that you are joining me, Kim. Hearing this brought a smile to my day. I hope you enjoy every stitch. Have a great weekend.

  18. Your Easter looks like it was perfect. Thank you for the latest stitch.

    1. It was a lot of fun to watch the grandkids on Easter, Ginny. They had a grand time which always makes me very happy. Have a great weekend. Hugs.

  19. Looks like you had a real feast on Easter, Melisa! I was a bit sad this year as we stayed home while my husband heals from his shoulder surgery--didn't dare be around a rambunctious 2 year old :) Anyway, I hope to see everyone for Mother's Day! Your little designs are so charming and it must be very rewarding to see all of the people stitching them. I loved the printing tips--there is never just one way of doing something when it comes to computers that's for sure! Hope you are having a lovely week ♥

    1. Aaw thank you so much, Carol . I am sure you missed seeing your sweet grandbaby for Easter, but it will not be long until Mother's Day. I hope you dear hubby is doing well with shoulder surgery and is making a speedy recovery . Have a wonderful weekend. Hugs


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