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Friday, April 21, 2023

Every Birdie Welcome - Spring Tree

I'm Back!!!! 😀😁 
Good afternoon, ya'll. Two posts in one day - oh here I go again- Miss Jabber Jaws!!!
I won't chat your ears off though . I promise  - Well maybe not.😜 😃
I have been gardening today. Nah not outside but inside !

 I decorated my raggedy ole' white Christmas tree in the garden theme.  

I keep this tree out year round and decorate it for the season or holidays.   A few week's ago I shared my Easter Tree which was decorated in cross stitch and lots of bunnies and such. Well I took those things down today and added birdhouses , flowers , seed packets and stitching - Oh yes you will find the kitchen sink in that tree too!!!😂 It is crammed full isn't it? 

This is an old 6 ft tree that I place inside an old bushel basket that has to be from the 1970's because it was my Nanny's and I remember her painting it. She used to have it in her sewing room and stored scrap fabrics in it.   Now it holds old small kitchen appliances with a  little raggedy tree stuffed ontop of that . Lol. 

No garden tree would be complete without a sly kitty welcoming every birdie. 

For my topper I used a birdhouse sign that I have had for 25+ years. I also added lots of flower picks. 

I just jammed those large birdhouses in the tree and wrapped the limbs around them to secure them in place. 

Lots of stitching including the Prairie Schooler Bunnies  from book 178 and Heart in Hands Needleart's Grow Whiligig  , dear Stacy gifted me that chart. .  

I will enjoy this Spring tree for a few weeks until I put up my patriotic tree which is always my favorite. 

I spy a sweet gift from my dear friend, Robin- the quilt stitched ornament. I keep it our year round.  🤗❤❤

On the little doll high chair, I draped a small yellow and red quilt and ole' Mr. Cock a Doodle Doo on it.   I pulled out a metal watering can added one of my Dollar Tree bunnies and an antique bug sprayer to it. 

The blue truck which was on my buffet is now filled with small quilts rolled up. 

Alrighty , ya'll. I didn't ramble on too much. I was just so excited and wanted to show you my country clutter of a tree.  In a few weeks, I will share my Patriotic tree, but if you would like to see 2021's  Patriotic tree, just click the colored text. 

Thank you for dropping in for an afternoon visit. 

As always,

Happy Stitching and Quilting, ya'll


To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow. 

Hugs and Stitches!!! 🤗🧵

Dedicated to my dear sister, Amy . I love and miss you. 



  1. Hi Melisa wow i just love your tree and your bunny stitchery is so cute ,hope you have a lovely day my friend 🌹🤍🌹

    1. Oh thank you so much, Shez for the sweet afternoon visit and kind words. I enjoyed working on it ; I haven't had my birdhouses out in years. Have a great day . Hugs

  2. It is nearly spring in WI. My champion dandelions are popping up and we have sparrows hauling dried grasses into the open end of our neighbor's clothes pole, a pair of mourning doves who like to roost on the top of hubby's shop roof, and hopes that the wren family will be back to take charge of the lilac bush. I need to get out the twig swag with the spring painted wooden cutouts on it and put it over my kitchen sink window! Happy spring and thanks for all the stitching and decorating ideas. Kris

    1. Oh it sounds like there is so much excitement in the birdie neighborhood in your area. Aren't all of the birds and their activities so fascinating to watch? The mourning doves seem to be the boss around the bottom of my feeders. Lol. Have a wonderful weekend enjoying all that spring has to offer dear, Kris. And happy spring decorating. Hugs.

  3. Those bunny stitches are so cute! The grass(?) bunny is something I've never seen before. Something very fun!

    1. Aah thank you so much, Ginny. I found those bunnies this year at the Dollar Tree. The other day they had all of their Easter on sale. I should have got some more. They are very light weight and oh so cute. Have a great weekend.

  4. Love that tree - I'm hoping once we settle down, I can have a small tree to decorate - probably a few years in the future but that's ok. I look at yours and admire it! Are those old seed packets or will you be doing more planting this year? :-) Blessings

    1. I have enjoyed decorating the little raggedy tree. Every now and then I think about taking it down but then I know I would miss it. Lol I will be doing some planting with some of the seed packets. I try to save my empty ones for the tree. Hubby was joking about the fact that I had them on the tree. Lol . I thought it was cute though. Hee Hee!

  5. Love it, Melisa!! You are so talented! Love the bunny stitcheries!

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Brenda. I had a ball decorating it. Hugs.

  6. I love the stitching in the first picture of the bunny watering the flower tree. Is this one of your patterns or one from a different designer? I'd love to stitch it. Thanks.

    1. Aaah thank you so much, dear. It is one of the bunnies from Prairie Schooler in the Bunnies book . I think booklet 178. I stitched it years ago and used brighter colors. It was a fun stitch. You may be able to find it at 123 stitch. Have a great week, dear.

  7. Such a cute tree! I wouldn't have thought the tree could support the birdhouses, no matter what you did, but it surely looks like it does!

    1. Oh thank you so much, Susan. I tucked those trees in good and then wrapped the limbs around them. It was the 1st time I had done that. I am happy with the way it turned out. Thank you for the sweet visit. Hugs.


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