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Thursday, August 31, 2023

Gettin' Corny Hutch Tour

Well hello there , Sunshine! 

It is hard to believe that we are saying goodbye to August. This month flew by . Well , I will also be saying good bye to my August hutch display.  

I have to admit that my late summer hutch display looks a little   "Corny ". I just knew I wanted a bright sunshiny display and corn and sunflowers fit the bill. Besides  it had been ages since my ceramic corn decor had seen the light of day so I pulled it out to enjoy. Are you ready for  my Gettin' Corny hutch tour? Let's go! 

Hubby built this hutch almost 30 years ago. It is not a very big hutch, but it holds a lot. Well let's just say I cram it plumb full.  The bottom holds my Christmas dishes. 

Usually, the tip top of the hutch stays the same with my vintage Coca Cola crates and Campbell soup tin which is filled with plates.  But I did add some household corn related items to the mix like my cast iron corn pone pan , and Jiffy corn muffin mix from the pantry and of course with Grandma's Molasses label being yellow it had to go on display too. 💛💛💛😀.  I keep the "Gather" sign out year round. I think it was a Thanksgiving decoration. 

Now to the top shelf.

In 2020, there was not much that we could do, but one evening Mr. Pinker , the grandsons and I went to the lake; my grandson pulled a wooden board out of the water for me to craft with and I did just that. I made the Sunflower sign.  I always think of him when I display it.  

You can barely get a glimpse of the  sunflower  and  yellow plates that I used as a backdrop on each shelf. I bought them at Dollar Tree. Almost everything has been bought at the thrift stores, Dollar Tree or was given to me by my sister. 
The covered corn dish sits on top of a Dollar Tree bowl. I found the large corn salt and pepper shakers last year at a thrift store. 

I just had to leave  Little House Needlework's Hen Party out on display - it has a large stalk of corn right beside the house. Cute as can be. Don't you think? 

Here and there , I tucked random sunflowers which I had taken apart from a Dollar Tree floral pick. 

More corn salt and pepper shakers are in the opposite corner. 

Let's skip down to the 2nd shelf , shall we?

I have a small strand of white Christmas lights that is strung along the shelves . They are so pretty at night. In the corner is an  Argo corn starch box  and a pretty vintage spice tin. The yellow tobacco basket was a Walmart find years ago. 
The corn bowl , sunflower candle holder,  plate as well as the darling yellow chicken are all thrifty finds. 

Also on the 2nd shelf is one of my favorite nesting chicken candy dishes.   Do any of you collect nesting hens?   They are a lot harder to find now. If you would like to see my collection sometime, let me know. 

Mom gifted me the glass corn years ago. 

Have you ever seen a corn cookie jar?  I hadn't until I saw this one at the thrift store years ago. Hmm what kind of cookies should I put into the cookie jar?  

Hanging off the side of the hutch is Heart in Hands Needleart's  Summer Whirligig. I stitched it years ago. I do believe it needs a revamp on its finish. 

Corn sprouted on the bottom shelf as well. Good thing I have the vintage Lee Corn Cutter to help me cut  the corn from the cob. 

I always enjoy the graphics of the Clabber Girl containers. I placed a small corn dish on top of it. 

And finally the grand rooster is on guard. I guess he wants all of the corn for himself.  I don't blame him. 🐔

 On top of the scales is a bowl gifted to me from my sister. I filled it with old corn cob forks.

 Do ya'll remember using them? As a child , I always thought it was a treat when we got to use them. Now I look back upon that memory and smile- lol the simple joys of a child. 

Since I am on a roll talking about corn, I thought I would share the  most requested recipe when we have family gatherings - Creamed Cheese Corn. Such a simple side dish. Have you made it before?  If you add cream cheese to anything, I am sure to gobble it up. I love cream cheese. 🧀🧡

I change this recipe up quite often . Sometimes I use frozen corn, sometimes canned corn. Sometimes I make it in the crock pot ; sometimes on the stovetop. 


2 (15 oz.) cans of whole kernel corn, drained
2 ( 8 oz. ) package of cream cheese
1/2 cup of butter 
1/2 cup of milk
1 Tablespoon of sugar
Salt and pepper to taste

 Combine  corn, cream cheese, butter, milk , sugar,  salt and pepper into the crockpot. Cook on low for 4- 6 hours or high 2 - 4 hours.  

1. The average ear of corn has 800 kernels in 16 rows. 
2. The world record for the tallest cornstalk is 35 feet. 
3.  Corn cobs always have an even number of rows. 
4. More than 90 million acres on earth is dedicated to planting corn. 
5. Corn can take from 60 -100 days to harvest. 


All right, ya'll. I better boot, scoot and boogie. Thank you so much for dropping by to see what 's going on in the kitchen today. This will all be coming down soon. Have a blessed day and...

As always...

Happy  Stitching and Quilting, ya'll


A light wind swept over the corn, and all nature laughed in the sunshine- Anne Bronte

Hugs and Stitches!!!!🤗🧵❤

Dedicated to my dear sister, Amy. I love and miss you so much.❤❤👼  


  1. I’m enjoying your emails and thank you so much for the freebies!

    1. Aaah you are so very kind and thank you from the bottom of my heart for dropping by for a visit. Your warm words certainly brings a smile to my day. Hugs.

  2. Your hutch is always so entertaining! I love all the corn stuff, some of the items were a visit back to my childhood: Argo cornstarch and Clabber Girl! My mother had a cast iron corn pan also but I don't remember she ever used it. And those corn holder prongs, oh yes, so many memories. Have a happy day!

    1. Aaah I am so glad this post brought back some fond memories of your childhood and your Mom bustling about in the kitchen, Gretchen. It seemed like every summer corn was on the table. Now not so much - well at least not home grown corn. Thank you so much for stopping by for a visit. Have a great weekend.

  3. Good Morning! Loved your tour today! And thank you for the recipe - it looks yummy. After you mentioned the corn cookie jar and corn cookies, I had to find a corn cookie recipe and find I did! LOL! So here's a recipe or two for you!
    Have a great day! Blessings

    1. Happy Friday, Donna. Aah thank you so much for the kind words on my hutch tour. It was nice to pull out all of the corny pieces. Oh those recipes sound so yummy . I am very intrigued about cookies made from creamed corn and caramelizing the liquid and the King Arthur recipe sounds easy and delicious as well. I am going to have to try them. Thank you so much for the sweet recipes. A warm batch certainly will be nice , but I don't know if they will make it to the cookie jar. Yum ! Yum! Lol. Hugs.

  4. Your hutch tours are always so enjoyable. You have a great eye for putting things together...seems like I have told you that before!?! I love corn but can't have it anymore due to tummy issues. I'm with you, anything that contains cream cheese is a favorite.

    1. Aah , Jeanna, you are always so kind. Thank you so much. I enjoy puttering about moving things around. It's so sad that you can not enjoy corn anymore. I bet you have to stay very mindful since so many things are made with corn as well. I hope you have a wonderful weekend. Hugs

  5. What a fun hutch tour! Totally enjoyed it, Melisa! I remember those corncob holders. I remember my grandpa using one to hold onto an ear of corn as he "shaved" the corn off the cob.

    1. Aah I am so touched that this brought back warm memories of your grandpa, Robin. I now cut my corn off the cob too, but I had never thought about using the corncob holders to hold it as you cut- how clever. I will be doing that from now on . Hope you have had a great day and thank you for the sweet visit. Hugs.

  6. I enjoyed seeing all of your corn "stuff"! I really love those corn bowls and would love to find one myself!!! Thanks for sharing!!!

    1. Aaah thank you so much, dear. I really enjoyed having the corn pieces on display this month. It was something different. I found all of these at the thrift stores over the years. Every now and then I will see a corn related item. I am not sure what really got me to collecting them. I hope you are able to find some corn pieces for yourself. Hugs.

  7. We are so lucky!! Two hutch tours this month!! Love all of your "corn" collections, so much to look at and remember fondly from childhood. Thank you so much for these wonderful little bits of rememberings. Would love to see your nesting chicken collection and I am in love with the wonderful handsome Rooster!! Warm hugs from sunny Arizona this last day of August.

    1. Happy Thursday, dear Mary. Lol I changed out my hutch to the corn display on a whim after running up on my corn pieces. I enjoyed having all of the corn stuff out for a couple of weeks. Now I am ready to change it out for fall. Lol. Can you believe I got that big old rooster at the thrift store for only a couple of dollars. He was a lucky find and is heavy. Not sure what he is made of though. Hope you are staying cool and have had a great day, Mary. Hugs.

  8. It's always fun to have a new hutch tour, Melisa. I love corn so this one is right up my alley : ) And yes to the corn holders! I used them as a child and still use them today! My husband never heard of such a thing until he married me. Thank you for the recipe--it looks so yummy! Have a wonderful Labor Day weekend ♥

    1. Happy Friday, Carol. I still think it is a thrill to eat corn on the cob with the corn holders. I wish I had the ones my mom had , but am happy to have found some similar over the years. Have a very lovely Labor Day weekend as well and thank you for the sweet visit. Hugs.

  9. What a delightful hutch tour. We used the corn holders on a regular basis but I believe they're long gone now. I always enjoy your hutch tours.

    1. Happy Thursday, Darlene. Aah thank you so much for the kind words on my hutch. I decided to do something a little different and have enjoyed it. We used to always use the corn holders too. Now I am just waiting for some fresh home grown corn. Lol. Have an awesome weekend. Hugs.

  10. Ha! As the youngest child in our family, I got to use the corn holder, too. My brother was 4 years older and he had to use his hands to hold the hot corn. I sure was spoiled! I'm going to check out Donna's cookie recipes, but perhaps adding sunflower seeds to a sugar cookie recipe would be an interesting treat and while it's a stretch, it would go with the corn/sunflower theme.
    And yes! Please share your glass nesting chicken collection one day. Your hutches and displays are always so much fun. Thanks once again for sharing your treasures! Kris

    1. Lol, how lucky was you to get to use the corn holders. I bet your brother was green with envy . Hee ! Hee! .It just warms my heart to hear that this brought back fond childhood memories. Donna's recipes look so interesting and sound very yummy. I am going to have to try one of them this weekend. It is hard for me to resist a good cookie. Have a blessed weekend, Kris and thank you for dropping by for a visit. Hugs.

  11. My dad told me that fact of corn having an even number of rows. . . remember eating / er counting so many Cobbs of corn to find one with an unequal number of rows. . .never did find find. What a memory that brought me! Thanks! I love your sunflower sign and the memory behind it! You have a super special family. . .especially your hubby!!!--TerryK@OnGoingProjects

    1. Aaah what a sweet memory, Terry. I had never heard of that fact until recently . Well now hearing that you tried finding a cob with an unequal number of rows saves me from trying to count the rows. I know I would certainly be tempted to do it since learning of this fact. Can you believe we have not had any homegrown fresh corn this summer? We didn't put any in and it has way to expensive to buy. Oh well , we will enjoy the canned corn for now. Lol. Have a wonderful weekend. Hugs. PS. Thank you for such kind words on my family. I am quite proud of them and feel very fortunate. Hugs.

  12. Love the “corny” hutch tour! Always enjoy seeing all of your goodies! My Mom has some of the corn dishes, too. I know hers are at least 60+ years old. She has the large covered ear of corn, plus some bowls. I always enjoy hearing about all the special treasures you’ve found! I’ll be checking in for more! Debbie B.

    1. Oh, Debbie, I bet your Mom's corn collection is fabulous. I always thought the covered dish piece would be great to put some type of corn casserole in. I am not sure what prompted me to start collecting corn pieces long ago. I would pick them up here and there at thrift stores for no more than a dollar or two. It was a delight to enjoy them for a few weeks of the summer. Thank you so much for the sweet visit, Debbie. I am so touched that it reminded you of your mom's collection. Hugs.

  13. Dear Melisa,what a lovely corn display...all those memories!I just finished my Autumn decor,I couldn't wait any longer..Autumn is my favorite season!I will send you some pictures this week...have a good weekend,hugs from Marianne from the Netherlands!

    1. Happy September, dear Marianne. I can not wait to see your Autumn decor. You always inspire me. I set up a little squirrel vignette inspired by your fall decor from last year. I will have to take photos to send you as well. Thank you for the sweet visit. Hugs.

  14. I enjoyed the corny tour this morning. Yesterday I put on display your Autumn Stamp cross-stitch and am enjoying seeing it by my coffee station. Thanks for sharing the tour and the pattern.

    1. Good afternoon, Kim and Happy September. Aaah hearing that you pulled out your Autumn Stamp just warms my heart and brings a smile to my day. You have reminded me that I need to find mine as well. Have a wonderful Labor Day weekend. Hugs.

  15. A nesting hen collection? Yes, please. I want to see it. We use the corn on the cob holders every time we have corn on the cob. Such a sunny display with all of the yellow. The corn cob S&P shakers made me smile. My mother collected shakers and had some very unique sets. Your recipe sounds really good. I was introduced to a new holiday dish while living in ND. Corn casserole or Scalloped corn. Very often served during the holidays and very tasty. Check it out if you like corn.

    1. Happy happy September, Ginny and Happy Friday as well. I will definitely have to take photos of my nesting hens. They bring back fond memories as well. I bet your Mom had an amazing collection of shakers. I enjoy collecting them as well, but I do not have them all on display. The antique ones can be quite pricey now. I looked up the corn casserole recipe . I found Paula Dean's. I am going to add that to my recipe collection. It would be a great holiday casserole as well. Thank you so much for the recommendation. Have a great Labor Day weekend. Hugs.

  16. I still use Jiffy corn muffin mix - it tastes like Grandma's. Maybe she used it, too! I haven't checked lately, but I've always used Argo and Clabber Girl, too. I loved seeing this hutch, and would love to see all the things you want to show. I STILL think it's a treat to use the corn forks! Some things should never change. =) I can't eat corn on the cob now, with my dietary issues, but there's nothing better than sweet white corn on the cob or off of it. I miss that! Everything on this hutch is up to your usual standards. =)

    1. Good afternoon, dear Susan and Happy Friday. I hope you have had a very lovely week. We still use Jiffy corn muffin mix too though it has been awhile since I have used Argo. I agree it is a treat to use the forks. I just wish I had some fresh corn to use them on . Lol. I wish you a very lovely month of September. Enjoy the Labor Day weekend. Hugs.

  17. I'm loving the corn hutch, Melisa! And that recipe sounds awesome!! May have to give it a try at our next family meal! Have a great weekend Labor Day weekend!

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Brenda. It was a lot of fun to do something different on the hutch for the month. The cream cheese corn is a super easy recipe . I hope you enjoy. Hugs.

  18. Melisa,
    OMG! HOW CUTE IS THIS!! Kudos to you because I would have never thought of decorating a hutch in a corn theme..BUT I LOVE IT!! All your corn pieces are simply fantastic! and it all works so well with the Sunflowers... When I saw those corn forks, I smiled as my Mother had those and seeing them brought back so many happy memories of Summer cook outs...In fact, I was smiling the whole time reading and looking at all your pictures of this charming hutch...Made my morning!! Thanks so much for sharing and for taking time to visit!! Happy Labor Day!

    1. Aaah , Deb, Thank you so much; your kind compliment means so much to me. I am so very honored. I had not had the corn pieces out in years . It was fun to do something different. I am so very touched that this post brought back fond memories of summer cookouts and of your dear mom- how sweet. Thank you for the sweet visit and have a blessed day. Hugs.   PS.  I hung up a new shelf in the kitchen today and decorated it in red; I thought about you and your adorable kitchen. Hugs. 

  19. What a fun display! I love how you included corn starch! 😆

    1. Aaah thank you so much, dear. I was pulling anything that had corn on it. 😄😂 The corn hutch certainly brightened the kitchen for the month of August . Today I took it all down. Now the pumpkins have come out. Have a wonderful week. Hugs.

  20. I loved all your pictures - always do but this time it was special. We had a lot of the 'corn' dishes while I was growing up. They were hand-me-downs from my aunt and we used them almost everyday. Never have seen the salt and pepper shakers, though. Thanks for the 'facts' on corn. Even though I live in corn-country (Iowa), there were some of those facts I'd not heard. Thanks for your postings. Fun and interesting. Thanks.

    1. Aaah you just made my day. I am so happy you enjoyed my little post and am touched it brought back fond memories. I bet the corn dishes were darling; it would be a treasure if you or one of your family members had them. Doesn't eating corn on special dishes make it even more special? I sure think so. Thank you for the sweet visit, dear and hope you have a blessed week. Hugs.


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