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Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Home Sweet Home


Racing clouds and whistling winds, 

Coats slapping in the breeze

Bright kites circling the skies 

The dance of swaying trees. 

The cheerful sight of crocuses,

The first sweet breath of spring

Just part of all the many moods

The month of March can  bring. 

"March" a freebie from Rainbow Gallery website, Shamrocks Word Stitch a freebie from Helen D. on her flosstube #76, Putting on the Green and Shamrock Mini Sampler freebies of mine. 

Happy March, ya'll.

Whooa there 2023! You need to slow down!"  Don't you agree? This year is going way to fast.  

I would be quite remiss if I did not wish you Happy National Pig Day as well. 😀😁🐷 Lol. Did you know there was a national day for pigs? I didn't until my dear friend, Patricia told me, and she sent me this darling sow!!! Isn't it a ham?!!!! Lol. I love it, and it will be in my kitchen to enjoy year round. So perfectly cute and prim. 💓❤🐷🐖

Our happy camper pulled into the driveway earlier this week after spending the weekend at the lake.  Mr. Pinker and I went on our 1st camping trip of the year.

 Mr. Pinker was in a fishing tournament while I enjoyed some quite time at camp. 

                                     🐟  🐟   🐟  🐟  🐟   🐟  🐟

Very few campers were about  . We were greeted by a lone raccoon who seemed to visit each campsite with a rig. Perhaps she was wanting a sweet treat.  " No treats here, cutie!" 

Earlier fisherman waded out near the marina and fished for a short time. I do not believe they caught anything for they were gone within an hour. 


Of course , Mr. Pinker and I did go out to the thrift stores. I found a couple of vintage salt and pepper shakers , but no grand finds.


I brought along lots of projects to work on , but found myself more interested in working on embroidery and quilting on Flurry & Flakes.

The woods beside the campsite. 

When we got home we high tailed it over to mom's for dad was celebrating a birthday and of course we had to have cake and a small party. 

A little March Ewe Doodle just for you. 
A sweet ewe nestled in a garden basket.  
So far I have shared the January Snowman  and the February Pansies and Groundhog Doodles.

Each block is stitched  on a 7 1/2 squared piece of fabric and then trimmed it to 6 1/2" . The block is then framed  with 2" strips .

Well that's my Wednesday ramble. I hope to get back into the stitching and quilting groove soon.  Enjoy your 1st day of March. Warmer weather is on the way.  Hugs

As always...

Happy quilting and stitching, ya'll


Springtime is the land awakening. The March winds are the morning yawn. - Lewis Grizzard. 

Hugs and Stitches and Warm Winter Wishes !!!🤗❤🧵

Dedicated to my dear sister, Amy . Love and miss you., Amo ❤❤

Ya'll come back now, ya hear ! 

Amy's forsythia bush in bloom. 


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you so much, Isabel. I enjoyed stitching the little gal and look forward to working on next month's doodle . Happy March.

  2. pues claro que el cerdo tiene que tener un dia.
    Aqui en España hay un dicho que dice
    "Del cerdo hasta sus andares"
    Quiere decir que del cerdo lo aprobechamos todo, y debe de tener un dia para él.
    La oveja love

    1. What a wonderful saying, Mayte. I agree the pig does need it's on special day. We adore the pigs that we have on the farm. They can be quite funny and the each have their on personality. Thank you for the sweet visit.

  3. Enjoy stitching away during your camping excursion! Happy Birthday to your Dad! Today is my daughter's birthday.

    1. I hope your daughter had a very lovely and joyous birthday, Darlene and thank you so much for the sweet birthday wishes for my dad. He had a great day. Hugs.

  4. Oh, March's doodle is adorable! Thank you! I am doing mine is all the different floss colors. Not sure how the framing colors is going to go but I will worry about that later! Forsythia! We are a long way from ours blooming. I am glad to hear that your camping trip went well. Not a real fan of raccoons. Such destructive little critters! Cute, but.....

    1. Oh how fun, Ginny. I am so honored that you are stitching the doodles along with me. I bet they look amazing using different floss colors . For some reason I have been on a redwork kick, but I have been dreaming of another project with all colors. Lol hubby ran the raccoon off soon after I snapped the photo. The can be vicious that is for sure. Happy March. Hugs.

  5. My forsythia bush is blooming, too, and hyacinths, and Bradford pears and tulip trees. Thank you for the great Ewe doodle!

    1. Oh I bet they are all so beautiful, Susan. It seems like are trees started budding overnight. Bradford pear trees are so gorgeous. Thank you so much, dear Susan.

  6. I'm pleased you enjoyed your short weekend tripn away in your camper, wonder why the fish weren't biting?

    1. It was a great trip and nice to get away for a bit. Hubby went about 30 minutes away on down the river and was successful at fishing, but the fishermen at the marina were not having the same luck. Hopefully they found a better place later on. Lol. Happy March, Jenny.

  7. Thank you so much for your blog, Melisa, words cannot express how much it brightens my day! I found you quite by accident and just love seeing your hutch and everything you create. I appreciate all your freebies you so generously share! I think I'm going to try punchneedling the little ewe in the basket.

    1. Aah I can not tell you how much your kind words means to me right when I needed them. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for lifting my spirits and for your sweet visits to my humble blog and home. I think the little ewe would look amazing in punch needle. I do need to get back to doing that myself. I hope you enjoy, dear . Hugs.

  8. Seems to be a day for celebrating lots of random things. I know I've looked at a list on the internet somewhere before. It's interesting -- wonder how they do the choosing for what should have a specific day. Looks like you had a nice camping trip and stayed productive as always. The vintage s&p shakers are very cute. Always nice to find something unique. And always lovely to visit your corner of the world. Happy March.

    1. I have wondered the same thing, Tammy. There is a list of National holidays and there are some random things that are celebrated, but it is fun to see what is celebrated and why. I was delighted to find the little salt and pepper shakers. They will be cute to put out in autumn Thank you for the sweet visit

  9. So nice you could already go out camping!!! Our forsythia bush is under a foot of snow. March is a hopeful month!!!

    1. We had a great time, Nancy. It was nice to get away after what seems like a long winter, but goodness I bet it seems longer for you. I can not believe ya'll still have snow. Brrr. Stay warm and cozy.

  10. (Little Penpen) happy March!! I love seeing what you are working on. Cute raccoon !

    1. Happy March, Penny. This year is moving fast isn't it? Lol. Oh yes, I thought the raccoon was a cutie too. Mr. Pinker shooed it away just as soon as I snapped a photo. Have a great week. Hugs.

  11. It sounded and looked like you had a wonderful first camping trip of the season. How did Mr. Pinker do in the tournament? We have been having raccoon issues here, but hopefully with putting the bird feeders away each night has put an end to their visits.

    1. Oh yes we had a wonderful time, Robin. I think Mr. Pinker did pretty good. He placed 23 out of 96 so not too bad. He had a great time just being out on the lake. Goodness those little pesky raccoons. They are notorious about getting into feeders.I am amazed how crafty they can be.

  12. I am a little jellie you got to go camping already this year! Isn't it nice to just have time to yourself to stitch in your camper, and then do it by a lake, oooh lala!

    1. Lol, I enjoyed every minute of it too. Hubby got to fish and I got to stitch the hours away. The only thing better if it would have been a tad warmer, but hopefully the next camping trip. Thank you so much, dear Vicki.

  13. I can't believe it is already March!! Where does all the hours dissappear to, seems that since I retired the years are just flying by...I guess that I am doing things that I really love as opposed the the 8-10 hour work days, lol! Love your March Doodle, I think that I am going to make a small wall hanging of each month for my kitchen wall next to the my calendar of birds. Love it!! Glad that your camping trip was restful and enjoyable all around. Many warm hugs to you from sunny(not) Arizona. A little weary of this gloomy weather ;-(

    1. I guess it is true what they say "Time flies when you are having fun". I feel the same way, Mary. The days are just flying by especially this year. I am so touched that you are going to stitch this little doodles. That is what I am going to do as well. I thought it would be a cute addition to my kitchen or maybe my hall. Happy March, dear Mary. Hugs.

  14. Love your doodles, and your blog! SO adorable, and that sow, beyond cute!!

    1. Aah you are so very kind Karen. That little pig just warms my heart every time I look at it. Thank you so much on my little doodles. I am enjoying working and sharing othem each month. Hugs

  15. So glad you enjoyed your little getaway, Melisa! And the trip to the thrift store brought you such cute owls. Beautiful blooming forsythia--ours has a ways to go, but, hopefully, soon. The sun has been shining the last few days so I know spring is almost here :) Happy March! ♥

    1. Oh thank you so much, Carol. We certainly had a great time and I was happy to come home with a couple of goodies from my thrifting adventures. I hope it warms up very soon so you can enjoy some blooms of your own. Hugs.

  16. Glad you had fun on your camping trip! Thanks sew much for this cute little March basket! I have added it to my collection!

    1. It was so nice to get out and enjoy time away. I am already looking forward to the next camping trip. Thank you so much, Brenda. Hugs.


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