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Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Carrot Pickin ' Country Hutch Tour

Good morning, honey bunnies.

Come on in ! Grab ya' a cup of tea. I would like to say that I had carrot cake to serve, but no baking this week. I do have some very healthy carrots to munch on. 

Many of you know that each season, I change out my country clutter on my hutch. So I wanted to show you my Easter Hutch this year . I am super excited. First off, let's look at last year's hutch decor-  the Theme , Bunnies and Yellows.

Click here  to visit the post . 

You will see some of the same things on this year's Easter hutch  tour, but I  changed out the theme to Carrots/ Color - Orange.

I am still in love using my old lace valance curtains as shelf runners . So they remained.  For the backdrop, I added Dollar Tree plates and vintage peach  lusterware plates. 

On the top of the hutch which  I rarely change, I put up  a sign from the Dollar Tree, and I added a carrot garland also from the Dollar Tree. 

Let' start with the top shelf. 

On the stack of plates is ceramic veggies- an old celery dip bowl, a cabbage creamer and salt shaker. 

A sweet bunny sits below a trio of stitches from Stitching with the Housewives that I finished on a piece of vintage Home Interior.  They are called  "Peep" , "Hello Spring" and  "Crunch".  

"Spring" was a freebie from   Cosmic Handmade  .

 In the other corner is another stack of plates and an old bunny/carrot pitcher, a thrifty find from years ago. I found the wooden carrots at the thrift store last year. This is their 1st time on display. 

Hopping down to the 2nd shelf.

 Hands on Designs " Hip Hop Chalk Full"  is in one corner. It is finished in a  metal serving  dish painted white.   

 In my old creamer , gifted to me by my dear sister are some Dollar Tree carrots. Old carrot dishes are behind the creamer  and a bunny music piece sits in the forefront. I filled a little egg holder with more carrots. In a lusterware mug , I placed a sweet bunny.   

This is one of my favorite pieces stitched year ago by The Trilogy called " Happy Bunny Bunny Day". 

A bowl of carrots and a bunny.  

Here we go to the bottom shelf. 

I changed out the bowl in the vintage juicer to an orange Dollar Tree bowl. . The Love stitch was a freebie from years ago. I can not remember the designer though.  Do you happen to know ?  On the stack of plates is a bunny sugar bowl and in the milk can which was gift from my dear friend, Sue, is a carrot.

In a big piece of vintage USA pottery is a bunch of carrots, lusterware and another cabbage.

I love the white dish cloth gifted to me by my friend, Patricia. It will be used throughout the year in my displays. Isn't it gorgeous?

 Finally my scale was topped with a doily and some Easter eggs..

 A cheerful quilt rounds out the hutch.


 I know , I know it is a whole lot of country carrot pickin' clutter, but it makes my heart sing. 

Have a beautiful day , my sweet friends and as always...

Happy stitching and decorating, 


I can not let you leave without me telling you how much I appreciate your sweet visits. 😊❤

Do more of what makes you happy!

Hugs and Stitches!!!

Dedicated to my dear sister, Amy. Every time I look at my hutch I am reminded of her and her love for thrifting. Miss and love you, Amo. 


  1. I totally enjoyed the tour of your carrot/bunny hutch, Melisa. Well done!

    1. Aah thank you so much, Robin. I had a ball pulling out all of the pieces together. I can not believe that I had that much orange that is not Halloween. Lol.

  2. Loved your tour and seeing your Easter sweet. I so much love dropping by and visiting with you. There is always something wonderful to see. Sending our big hugs and wishing you a day full of many blessings sweet friend. :)

    1. Aah you are the sweetest. You made my heart swell; thank you so much, dear. I have already started dreaming of my hutch decor after Easter and then eeeh! onto patriotic. I hope you are having a very lovely week. Big hugs and blessings.

  3. Replies
    1. Oh thank you so much, Maureen. It makes me smile too. The first thing I do in the morning is turn on my little lights on the hutch to enjoy throughout the day.Wishing you a very blessed day. Hugs.

  4. Oh, I love this years Hutch! (I loved last years Hutch, had to revisit, LOL) I am thrilled by all of the ceramic veggies and all of your many types of Carrots, so cute. What lil bunny wouldn't love to come and visit your hutch? These posts always take me 2 cups of coffe to enjoy each and every shelf and picture that you so generously include. Sweet and wonderful. Have the best day, I can't believe that there is only one more day to March! Time is flying and I am getting behind in my chores that need to be done before the Arizona heat comes into full power. Sending loving thoughts and many hugs to you from Arilzona.

    1. Aah thank you so much , Mary. I enjoyed pulling this hutch together. I didn't realize I had so many oranges or that I had amassed a good carrot collection. Lol. I can not believe March is coming to an end either. This year is flying by. We had a very warm day today. I was able to do a little gardening and a lot of weeding. My hands are tired to say the least. Have a beautiful day my dear. Hugs and love

  5. Carrots and bunnies, so sweet. My mother used to have some cabbage crockery when we were growing up, goodness knows where that went.

    1. Oh thank you so much, Jenny. I have collected most of these things from the Goodwill or the Dollar Tree. I love looking for veggie crocks and tureens though they are getting harder to find. I am so thrilled that this little tour brought back the sweet memory of your mom's cabbage crocks. Have a lovely day.

  6. Melissa,
    I LOVE this sweet buffet decorated with carrots!! I just posted my Kitchen Easter Tree and Hutch, also decorated with carrots!! You have a wonderful carrot collection!! And I just love this sweet hutch!!

    1. Oh thank you so much, Deb. I did not realize that I had collected so many carrots until I started to pull them out. I was quite excited. I can not wait to see yours. Your kitchen is my dream kitchen. Hugs.

  7. Oh I love seeing each shelf and having you share the special pieces placed there. I had been eying some fabric strawberries on EtSy then decided to see if I could find a pattern on line. Well two sweet you tubers had instructions and I was able to sit down this evening and using some of my scraps, make some for my dough bowl. I just need to run to Hobby Lobby for some felt or wool for the toppers. It is so fun to use what you have and learn something new!

    1. Oh how fun, Arlene. It sounds like you are having a ball creating strawberries. I have made a few in the past but would love to make them again. It will be strawberry season for us by the end of the month - looking forward to that. Thank you so much for the sweet visit. Have a beautiful day and I hope you get your berries completed very soon. Hugs.

  8. So many goodies to look at. Loved your Tour, so interesting to see all your special Easter decor.

    1. Aaaah thank you so much, Astrid. I have had enjoyed every minute of decorating the hutch and I am still pulling out Easter. Lol. I guess I am just excited that spring is here. I hope you have a great evening and a very lovely weekend. Hugs.

  9. Replies
    1. Aaah thank you so much, dear for the sweet visit and kind words. I have been enjoying my carrot pickin' hutch very much. It was a lot of fun to pull it all together. Have a very lovely weekend.

  10. What a lovely tour! How do you store all your beautiful country clutter in its off season? I tend to end up with storage boxes all over the place.

  11. Enjoyed viewing your country clutter


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