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Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Truckin' On Home

Happy , Happy Wednesday. Have you had a glorious week thus far? I sure hope so . Today Mr. Pinker and I will be packing up and truckin on home.  It has been a fabulous but short camping trip. We camped at Normandy Lake. I hope to return to this campsite again for it was nice, quiet and very relaxing.  

We were right on the lake. Fabulous site. 

 We enjoyed  a bit of kayaking . 

Mr. Pinker fished, but I paddled around the shoreline looking for photo opportunities. 


The sky looked amazing with the rolling clouds. 

Oh yes,! I did find a shady spot and put in a few stitches on Notforgotten Farms Peaceful Sunflower, but the with a slight breeze I did not stay still long.   


In the woods, there were some free primitive camping spots. Of course, you would have to walk into those spots. 

I did not see any wildlife while paddling around except for 2 butterflies which reminded me that I need to work on my butterfly applique blocks.


Now if ya'll are ever in a drought situation just invite Mr. Pinker and me to camp in your area for it is certain that rain will follow us. You know, I have never been on a camping trip yet where it did not rain even in the dead heat of the summer in the desert. ( Ask Mr. Pinker . We spent 2 weeks in the desert last year and it rained every day- we were like drowned  desert rats- 😂🐀🐀)  But rain never puts a damper on my fun.  

As Mr. Pinker and I were kayaking ,the storm clouds moved in ,and we high tailed it back to the shore.  When the rain hit that meant - shopping time.!  Whoo hoo! Thrift stores here I come. Lol. 

On Tuesday , Mr. Pinker and I woke up bright eyed and bushy tailed and hit the shops. I found a few finds which I will share with you when I get home.  When we got back to the campground , Mr. Pinker lite the  firepit and grill.  It was getting down right chilly. 

Two little birdies stopped by for a visit. Is this a House Sparrow?  

A steely eyed Grackle. 

Being a great cook that he is Mr. Pinker began supper while I  rared back and pulled out my stitching supplies . Oh what a view. 

I worked on my A Tisket A Tasket  A Little Yellow Basket quilt. 


I also finished my Truckin Tuesday piece called Freedom Truck. Sneaky Peek . 


I then began working on Lori Brechlin's of Notforgotten Farms' freebie Peaceful Sunflower

Oh , I forgot to tell you . While kayaking, I  paddled over to a willow tree and took a moment to craft a little wreath. Lol. I couldn't let a crafting opportunity go to waste. Doesn't every kayaker craft while they are on the water? 😄😀 

I will put the little wreath in a display when I get home.  Every year,  I weave  teeny honeysuckle  wreaths come spring time. This will be a great addition to those wreaths. 

Mr. Pinker and I wrapped up the night with a steak and then some time by the firepit. 

All in all it was a great get away.  Now I am refreshed and pumped and hope to be on track with posting some fun designs soon. 

Soooo ! Tell me what have you been up to.  Thank you so much , sweetie pies for dropping by for a hump day visit. Hope to get to chat with you tomorrow.  Tomorrow is embroidery Thursday.  As always...

Happy quilting and stitching, ya'll

Good friends are like stars. You do not always seem them but you know they are there.  

Hugs and Stitches!!! 🤗❤🧵

Do you know how much I appreciate each and every one of you? I truly do.  You make this ole' gal feel very blessed and I love ya from the bottom of my heart. Thank you so much, my friends for the sweet visits, the kind words, the likes ,  for stitching my humble designs  and for reading through my ramblings. Big hugs. 

Today is Witchy Wednesday. When I get home I will pull out a Halloween stitch to work on for a few minutes. Do you have a Halloween piece going on? 

Dedicated to my dear sister, Amy. I miss and love you so much


  1. Such a beautiful place in which to vacation, Melisa. And what an amazing view as you stitched away. Your Tisket A Tasket quilt is looking lovely. I must say too, your husband looks like a mighty fine cook.

    1. Oh thank you so much, Kim. It was very restful camping trip and the view was amazing. Lol hubby is a great cook. Have a great week and a wonderful weekend. Happy quilting.

  2. It sounds like you are having a very relaxing time. Have a lovely time during the rest of your camping adventure, happy stitching!

    1. Oh thank you so much, Gretchen. It was a great getaway but unfortunately too short. Lol. But I am looking forward to the next one. Have a lovely evening. Happy quilting.

  3. A beautiful site. Lucky you! We're in a campground in FL right now - out in the middle of nowhere with the occasional traffic but it sure is nice.

    1. Oh I love the middle of the nowhere camping spots. I hope you are enjoying your site. My inlaws are in Florida camping too. Great time to be down there. I wish I could get hubby to head down there for awhile. Lol. Hope the temps are staying comfy for ya'll.

  4. What a great site right on the lake! Looks like you had a wonderful time.

    1. Aah thank you so much, Deb. I was quite surprised that we were that close to the water. I loved it and it made it a lot easier to put in the kayaks. Happy Wednesday and thank you for the sweet visit.

  5. Good Morning, Melisa. Your sparrow friend looks like a Chipping Sparrow. Adorable little birds! Happy Wednesday!

    1. Oh thank you so much, Cheryl. I am not very familiar with the types of sparrows. I will have to look him up to learn more about him. He was a fun one to watch. He would back and forth on the mat to see if there were any crumbs about. Lol. Happy Wednesday.

  6. That looks like a beautiful spot for a getaway - very scenic! I love seeing peeks at your stitching, too. You could send some rain out west - Colorado is very dry!

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Diann. It was a great spot to camp. We hope to go back soon. Lol we dipped in and out of Colorado last year and each day it rained. I love Colorado. I wish I could send you some rain now. Happy quilting.

  7. Looks like a really nice camping spot. We also have the rain following us camping when ever we go. Once on a trip out west it rain so much it flooded and we couldn’t get back to our camper. Thank you for all the patterns. I think I’m going to start the strawberry embroidery quilt today. Of course I need another project-not, but can’t resist.

    1. Oh my , I have always had a fear encountering a flash flood while out west. I bet that was an ordeal. I hope you were in your vehicle and were not off hiking when it occurred. That sounds like quite an adventure . Aaah I hope you enjoy the little berry embroidery work. Happy stitching.

  8. It looks like you had a wonderful time at the lake, Melisa. What gorgeous views you had! I hope you are able to return there before the year is over.

    1. Oh thank you so much, Robin. I hope we are able to return again soon too. The camphost told us that the weekends are always packed to try on the weekdays so hopefully we will be able to go back and stay in the same spot. Hope you are having a great week.

  9. Beautiful camping site...Have a wonderful the idea of a Witchy Wednesday....maybe I will be ready for Halloween for a change..... Have a good day !

    1. Oh thank you so much, Libby. It was one of the best on the lake sites that we have been too in awhile. Very quiet and nice and neat too. I hope you do start a Witchy Wednesday stitch. I just spend about 15 minutes or so each day on a piece , but it gets me closer to a finish. Happy stitching

  10. I feel like I have been on a mini vacation just reading your blog post today :)
    What beautiful photos of hand stitching by the water!
    I'm so green with envy... it snowed here this morning.

    1. Lol thank you so much, Kathy. I wish you was down here to enjoy the lake and the warm weather. I bet you would have a ball . I am amazed at all of my friends that live northward that are still experiencing snow. I so hope it warms up for you soon. But it is good quilting weather though. Happy quilting.

  11. You had a great camping spot Melisa! Love the little wreath you made! Love the basket quilt too. Nice you were able to do so much. Oooh, I never think to do any Halloween stitching, maybe I’ll join you.
    Barbara xx

    1. Happy Wednesday, Barbara. It was a great spot. The best one I think we have ever had on a lake. We did not have to drag the kayaks far either. Oh that would be so fun . I hope you do pull out a Halloween stitch. I have a little witch that I am working on right now. I just spend a few minutes each Wednesday on it, but it gets me further along. Happy stitching. Hugs.

  12. What a wonderful little vacation! I love your site by the water. I could gaze at water all day and miss having the cottage to visit. You are so lucky to have the weather to do so. It is still too cold here in Wisconsin. Love all the needlework you do. You inspire me. Keep on stitchn.

    1. Happy Wednesday, dear. I was over the moon with our camping spot. I have to admit I think it was the best spot in the campground. I couldn't believe how close we were. I am the same way - the water is so relaxing to look at. I hope the Spring weather comes your way soon. Happy quilting and stitching. Hugs

  13. Loved the site you were staying at, it has all the good stuff that camping is all about! Quiet, birds, butterflies, clouds, water, fishing (for those that indulge) and a great outdoor cook!! Thank you for taking us along with you to enjoy the fun. Hugs from Arizona.

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Mary. I enjoyed every moment of the camping trip. It was just too short though. We headed back home because it is grandbaby time on Thursdays. Lol. Oh yes , hubby is a great cook. Everything was yummy. I hope you are having a fabulous week and you have been able to enjoy some gardening time. Sending love and hugs.

  14. What a perfect spot you had for your camping trip, Melisa! I relax just sitting by the water by a lake (the beach is not for me as I hate sand!). Glad you could get some thrifting in, too, and your little wreath is just the cutest! So glad you got to have this relaxing getaway. Enjoy this last bit of April ♥

    1. Aah thank you so much , Carol. It was a lovely site and the view was amazing. Lol. hubby says the same thing about the beach. Of course I love the beach as do my girls, but it has been awhile since I have visited the beach in awhile. The lake vacations do make me very happy. Hope your last few days of April are filled with joy and you are able to get in some last minute April stitching.

  15. Looks like you had a wonderful trip away, we go camping too! I dont know if I could cope with getting in a kayak though, what if I fell into the water it doesn't bear thinking about! It s always nice to take your stitching with you on holiday too.

    1. Oh I love seeing your camping trips, Jenny. I especially loved the one when you visited an area that had some Elvis memorabilia last year. Lol that is what I am always afraid of. I did actually fall into the water 2 years ago. I was not a happy camper. Lol. Thank you for the sweet visit.

  16. Oh how I love your view from your campsite! I can honestly say I haven't crafted while kayaking, but I have designed patterns in my head while going down the bike trail, LOL

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Vicki. How fun to bike and come up with great designs at the same time. I bet your mind feels free, relaxed and the creative juices start flowing. Oh yes! the campsite was amazing. We had a great time. I hope to go back soon. Thank you for the sweet Wednesday visit. Happy quilting.

  17. Your trip looks so relaxing! I am excited for some summer camping we have planned! We are also bringers of the rain which I love. We yurt camped in Arkansas and I cannot even tell you how peaceful the sound of rain was inside that yurt.

    1. Oh how fun, Hope. I have never yurt camped before. I can only imagine how relaxing it was to hear the rain overhead. We tent camped a few years ago in the Ouachita National Forest. It was a great trip. Arkansas is a great state to visit. I hope that your summer is filled with lots of camping adventure and fun. Thank you so much for the sweet Wednesday visit.

  18. I am all into butterflies right now, Penny. I used to see them all the time. I am hoping there will be more around this year. I plant plenty of flowers for them. Happy Wednesday.

  19. Looks like you are having so much fun and stitching. I wish I was camping. Where is Normandy Lake? Have not gone camping in about three years. Tree fell on our camper and have small damage and then with Vivid, well I am just dying to get back to the lake. I so miss it.

  20. I've been up to wishing I could get a little Retro or rPod trailer and pull out for a warmer climate for a few weeks!


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