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Monday, April 25, 2022

Hitching Up the Wagon

Good morning, ya'll and a very Happy Monday to you. Are you ready for the most fantastic week?  I sure hope so. It is the last week of April, mind you. Where has the month gone? It just flew in and is flying right on out just as quickly. 


This weekend I spent my time gardening and boy, were my muscles aching. I planted several varieties of tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, squash, onions , sweet corn and zucchini. Fingers crossed the garden will produce. 


 Sunday was a grand day- we celebrated my oldest grandbaby's birthday.🎂🎈🎈 He turned 8!!!! I have no idea how that happened because he is still a baby to me. Lol  ( Oh Mae Mae! That is what he would say. ) 


His birthday is actually today, but all the kiddos gathered together for a Pokemon birthday party . Lots of finger foods, fun and of course a yummy Pokemon cake.  


Afterwards, Mr. Pinker and I packed our duds ,  hitched up our wagon and  hit the trail headed westward oh' . Yep!  We are on another camping trip.  No- now this is not our usual summer Wild West trip, but just a hop , skip and jump over the mountain and through the woods  2 hours west of where we live to a small " new to me" lake.  

This is Nesting Bluebird Trifle. If you want to see how I made the trifle , click here

We arrived just as the sun was setting. We are right on the water so today will be a kayaking day.  I will try to take better photos  of the lake this week. 

 Of course , I brought along some stitching. My friend, Joan and I, are enjoying a Truckin Tuesday SAL where each Tuesday we work on a truck stitch. I have 3 trucks in the works and one embroidered truck, but this is the newest one I am working on. It is called Freedom Truck and I hope to share it soon. 

 Last week, I spent much of my time working on my Easter Quilt each day. I know . I know . You are probably saying , " I am so sick of seeing her Easter quilt . FINISH IT ALREADY!"  Well, I hear you.  I am bound and determined to get it finished, but I did not bring it along on our camping trip. 

I did however bring my Berry Basket quilt. So at least 15 minutes of stitching will go into it while camping. Hmmm, I wonder if I can tuck that on the back of my kayak and paddle to a shady spot and throw in a few stitches? Lol. I have been known to do that with cross stitching. 

Do you have your To Do List made out  for the week?  Here is a recap of mine from  last week.  I give myself a C+. Lol. 


🇽1.  Applique Butterfly blocks

2. Quilt on Easter Quilt 

🇽3. Piece Flag Blocks

🇽4. Begin basket cross stitch

5. Work on Notforgotten Farms "Peaceful Sunflower" - a freebie on Lori' blog in the Feb. 28, 2022 post. Click here.  In the background is Bent Creek's freebie called Hope


6. Gardening chores

7. Ballgames , ballgames and ball games.  7 games are on the schedules. 


1. Camping fun. 

2. Quilt on Berry Basket Quilt

3. Start a new Basket cross stitch . 

4. Finish Notforgotten Farm's Peaceful Sunflower

5. Truckin' Tuesday SAL

6. Gardening later in the week

7. Buy me some peanuts and cracker jack's. Yep! I will be at the ballfields when we return for more grandbaby action packed baseball fun. 


Well, I have been rambling like a derailed train. And I know you have places to go, people to see , quilts to piece and stitching to work on. Thank you so much for dropping by for a sweet visit. Wishing you the most blessed,  busy ,  and beautiful week, my friends and as always...

Happy quilting and stitching, ya'll

Laugh out loud . Follow your heart and enjoy the little things. 

Hugs and Stitches!!! 🤗❤🧵

I am joining these lovely ladies' link parties. I hope you check them out; they always have so many wonderful projects going on and provide the opportunity for other needle workers to meet. 
Kate at Life in Pieces for  Stitching Stuff ( Sunday) 
Cynthia at Quilting is More Fun Than Housework for Oh Scrap - Sunday  
Beth at Love Laugh Quilt  for Monday Making
Judy at Small Quilts Doll Quilts for Design Wall Monday
Linda at Texas Quilt Gal for To Do List Tuesday - Tuesday

Dedicated to my sweet baby sister, Amy.  The days are not the same without you. Love ya, Amo! 


  1. Always lovely to see what you are working on and to know you can work on projects just about anywhere. :) Happy camping, stitching, quilting.

    1. Oh, thank you so much, Tammy. I always try to have a "to go project" just in case I can slip in a few stitches here or there. I hope you have a very lovely week . Hugs.

  2. Look at your sweet grandson and that big, wide smile if his. Time passes much too quickly doesn't it? Love the pretty colours in your April embroidery piece and as for your Easter quilt, I don't think I could ever tire of seeing this pretty quilt. It delights with all that happy colour. Enjoy your camping trip, lovely Melisa.

    1. Aah thank you so much, Kim. I am a very proud grandmother that is for sure. He was so excited to be turning 8 and had a grand day. I have been enjoying every stitch of my Easter quilt . I believe it is one that I could finish up soon - only to get the time. Lol. Have a wonderful and blessed week. Happy quilting.

  3. We've also hitched up our wagon so to speak and will be traveling to see family and sites on our bucket list. We travel April through October. Quilting goes into storage out comes cross stitch.
    You've had a busy week with gardening, a terrific birthday party, and now on the road. Looking forward to seeing your pics of your trip.
    Blessings, Donna

    1. Oh how fun, Donna. I bet you have a ball traveling all about to see the family and how wonderful to be able to get away for that long. Cross stitching projects are great travel projects aren't they? Wishing you safe travels and fun adventures . Happy stitching.

  4. I’m glad I’m not the only one who thought April zoomed by. That cake is adorable. You have so many talents. Good luck with this week's goals. Have fun camping.

    1. April sure did zoom by , Bonnie. I do not feel like I have got half the things I wanted to do for the month, but that is ok. I am looking forward to see what May offers. Thank you so much for the sweet visit and kind words. Happy quilting.

  5. Yes, it is hard to believe that April is just about over. I hope you have a fabulous time at the new to you lake, Melisa.

    1. Oh thank you so much, Robin. It has been awhile since our last camping trip so I was ready. It has been a great day with warm weather and a slight breeze. It feels good to get away and just relax a bit. Have a wonderful week. Hugs.

  6. Happy Monday! Loved seeing all the pretty things you are working on. Happy Birthday to your Grandson! Hope his team wins all the games. I am looking forward to your truck designs, too. Wishing you a lovely day and an awesome week. Enjoy the lake sweet friend. ((hugs))

    1. Good afternoon, dear. I hope your day has been a lovely one so far. I can not believe my baby is 8 years old. Lol. He had a big day. I am looking forward to finishing and sharing the little truck design very soon. I hope you have a wonderful week , my friend. Big hugs.

  7. Such a happy and fun filled blog...May your camping be everything that is necessary for you and your hubby. Stitching and lounging and listening to the birds and the water, what a wonderful way to spend the days!!! I am a little jealous of your trip but so happy for you. Sending love and hugs from Arizona/

    1. Oh thank you so much, Mary. It has been so much fun so far. Lots of time to relax and oh yes those little birdies. I am a big bird watcher. I hope your week is starting off just as fantastic. Sending hugs and love.

  8. Hope you have a great camping trip! Lovely to see your quilts as you work on them. Thank you for the link for stitching the Bluebird Trifles and finishing them, and I look forward to seeing your truck finished too! Happy Camping and stitching Melisa. 😁 Take care now!
    Barbara x

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Barbara. I am enjoying every minute of our trip. It is nice to get away even for just a few short days. My mind seems to come to rest and creative juices start flowing again. I so hope your week is a wonderful one. Happy stitching, my dear friend. Hugs.

  9. Have a great time! I really need to find time and tuck the kayak onto the truck and go for a paddle.

    1. Oh, my Deb. I hope you are able to take some time to do that soon. I know you would enjoy having time to yourself to enjoy nature. It was a bit breezy today, but I enjoyed every minute on the water. There was not as much wildlife to see , but hoping more will be out tomorrow. Have a beautiful day. Hugs

  10. A garden of vegies never goes amiss in today's inflation happenings. Hope the camping goes well and the quilting. Such fun too to return to grandees sport.

    1. That is so true, Kathryn. I hope the garden will produce. If so I hope to do a lot of canning. Lol. Have a great week and thank you for the sweet visit.

  11. Wow, your garden is in already! Not here yet! we had 19 inches of snow last weekend! It's melting quickly, but the moisture was welcome. I love he truck stitchery. Cool! hope your camping is a great relaxing time.

    1. Oh, my 19 inches of snow!!! Yikes! I hope it warms up for you very soon. I am sure you are ready for warmer weather. Aah thank you so much, I have really enjoyed stitching the truck . I hope to share it next week. Fingers crossed. Lol Have a great week.

  12. Your grandson looks so happy with his party! Is that the same one in the first baseball photo? Your camping adventure sounds like fun, I am imagining you kayaking to your shady spot to cross stitch. Your berry basket pattern is really cute, and I never tire of seeing your Easter quilt. Thank you for sharing with To Do Tuesday!

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Linda. That is my oldest. The little one is the youngest. This is his 2nd year in ball. Lol. I have had a great camping trip ,but goodness it was too short. Lol. Have a great week and happy quilting.

  13. Hi,
    Love your Basket Quilt...I may have to start one those. Have a great day!

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Sherrie. I enjoy quick and easy applique and these were very easy to work on. I hope you do start a basket quilt. Have a wonderful and blessed week and happy quilting.

  14. I'm with you: Where did April go! You have a lot going on so I guess I can see how yours flew by! Good luck on the to-do's!

    1. Aaah thank you so much Cheree. I try to stay as busy as possible, but you are right it does make the days seem to fly by . Have a very lovely week and thank you for the sweet visit .


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