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Saturday, May 14, 2022

Lazy Days and Freedom - A Small Patriotic Free

Happy Saturday, ya'll . Mr. Pinker and I decided to hitch up the camper and head on down the road for a day  or so; we will spend lazy days on the river . 

 We arrived at our camping spot Thursday evening. We were just 1 site down from where we camped a few months ago.

 There are more campers here than there were in March , but it is still fairly quiet.  Friday we drove into town.  You know I had to hit the thrift stores; I found a few treasures ,but  did not make a grand haul. I was merrily walking down the aisle in one of the thift stores and I thought oooh! I bet I can find something for Amy for her birthday . And then reality hit me and a small tear formed. But I composed myself and continued looking . I still feel like my sweet sis is still here; it is such a strange feeling.❤ 

 Later in the evening , we lounged by the river , and I  stitched the evening away. 


A sneak peek at a new design . 

The wild and wooly vine is all stitched. Have any ideas what will go in next? Oh, you will have to wait. ๐Ÿ˜€

 Now tell me .Do you save those teeny scraps of cross stitching fabric?  Being the hoarder , I mean,  thrifty person that I am, I save ever inch. So I decided to start a new series called Patriotic Wordies Bowl Fillers.  If you are interested in joining me,  grab some scraps, a needle,  your favorite red, whites and blue flosses, and  don't forget the bowl .

 These are teeny  simple quick to stitch pieces that will not take more than a few minutes to stitch and can be made into teensy bowl fillers.   

Freedom paired with one of Blackbird Design's Emily Strawberry. 


 The first one is called Freedom. I stitched this while sitting in the school pick up line. 

Click here for the jpg chart. 

This is how I finished my pin pillow. I trimmed my cross stitch to 4 1/2" W x  2 1/2" H . 

I rummaged through my red  , whites and blues and chose 4 strips. I cut them to 1 1/2" x 3 1/2" . 

 I sewed the strips together and then added the cross stitch.

 After finding some backing fabric, I whipped it into a little pillow, but..... as an after thought, I decided to add a bit of lace to the seam.  Sweet Pat, to the rescue. Some of you may remember that Pat sent me a bit of lace last year, and I can not tell you how many times I have added a tad here and a tad there  to my projects. Thank you so much, Pat. I am still enjoying every bit of the vintage lace. So I tacked the lace in place, and then I did a little happy dance to seal the deal that I had a finish! ๐Ÿงต๐Ÿ’ƒ๐Ÿ’ƒ๐ŸŽ‡Whoo Hoo!

Last year I shared a couple of small word stitches.  

Here is Liberty along with Sarah Jane's 1776 Saltbox that I shared last year. 

Click here for Old Glory.

Red , White and Blue was a little bigger piece. 

That's my ramblings for the weekend. I truly appreciate the sweet visit. Have a beautiful day and a fantabulous weekend. 

Happy quilting and stitching, ya'll

Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it on to our children in the  bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected and handed on  for  them to do the same. - Ronald Reagan

Hugs and Stitches!!! ๐Ÿค—❤๐Ÿงต

Dedicated to my dear sister, Amy . 


  1. I just love your camping spot, Melisa! That is my idea of the perfect place to sit and stitch and unwind. Your little bowl filler series is off to a great start with the Freedom design--thank you!

    I totally understand about the little triggers that remind us of our departed loved ones. I was in Homegoods the other day and spotted their display of Mother's Day cards and began holding back tears right there in the aisle when I realized I would never be able to buy my mom another Mother's Day card again. It's so hard, but we both know our loved ones want us to go on living and be happy. Today would have been my mom's 95th birthday so I'm having a bit of a tough day... Anyway, loved your patriotic designs and I think I'll be stitching up at least one in the coming summer months! Take care now ♥

    1. Oh, Carol. I know your day was difficult. It is very hard and so true the tears hit at the strangest of times. Holiday and birthdays are so difficult. Sending you love, hugs and blessings.

  2. So nice to have a lovely couple of lazy days away in your camper, enjoying pretty river views, while doing a little stitching. I'm sure you both enjoyed every minute of your short time away.

    1. Oh Jenny, it was a nice getaway. Hubby likes to be on the river so he can fish. I enjoy the view and an occasional kayak trip. I hope you will be able to enjoy a camping trip soon. I know it has turned cooler in your area. Thank you for the sweet visit. Hugs

  3. Sweet new design, Melisa! Can't wait to stitch it up!

    1. Oh thank you so much, Robin. It was just a quick teeny stitch. I hope to make more very soon. Have a great weekend. Hugs

  4. Wonderful designs for the patriotic (that's me)! I am adding this little stitch to my collection, thank you! Love your sweet get-away spot, so tranquil enjoy the days that you have together! Hugs from Arizona.

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Mary. Lol. I love anything patriotic and this was simple and fast. To be honest I just wanted to use up some of those teeny scraps lol. Big hugs.

  5. Love the patriotic designs. Summer will soon be here and it'll be time to bring out the red, white, & blue beauties!

    1. Susie, I can not wait for summer . I love everything about it especially pulling out the patriotic. Every year I start pulling it out sooner and sooner. Have a great weekend. Hugs.

  6. I really like your Freedom mini pillow, I'll put that on my stitchin' list as I could use a few new patriotic designs.


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