Monday, February 3, 2025

Oh I LOVE a Valentine's Parade! A Parade of Past Valentine's Freebies- 2025

 Happy, happy parade day!!! Yes, I am ready to celebrate this beautiful day with a whole lot of LOVE! You guessed it - it's a Valentine's Parade of past freebies. I would love for you to join me. If you see any stitches or doodles you are interested in, just click the colored links and you will be transported back to that particular post. I hope you enjoy!!!

Country Mail Delivery

Love Delivery

 I will post a finish of this piece soon. 

Love You With All My Heart

The little heart pillows are made from old clothing. 

Roses, Hearts and Chickens 

Cupid Stamp

Dorothy Mae's Spring House.

Luv Ewe 

Ewe Have My Heart- 1869 Crock 

May Basket Trifle  ( This was a May stitch but would look so cute or Valentine's or February displays too) 

 Love Trifle 

And Love Grows

Heart & Keys

 Heart & Home

Love You

Love Quilt Star

Prim Winter Love ( Though it was a Christmas ornament , it is still super cute for February.) 

Elizabeth Hartline's Saltbox

Elizabeth Hartline's Saltbox is nestled in a darling tobacco basket ornament gifted to me by sweet Shelly.


Filled With Love

Love Basket and Doodle

Red Heart Mini Sampler 


Love Bird Trifle

Ewe Have My Heart 

I have shared a few Love Doodles too. 

Luv Ewe 

Luv Chick

Luv Moo

Sew Sweet! Doodles

My Valentine stitches are slowly growing. Hopefully more "love stitches" will be on the way in the coming days.  

Thank you for the sweet visit. Have a beautiful day, Sweet Friends and ...

As Always....

Happy stitching, Ya'll


"Love does not need to be perfect, it just needs to be true!"

Hugs and Stitches!!!!

Other Links that Might Strike Your Fancy! 

🌞 2025  A Parade of Homes- A Parade of Home themed freebies. 

🌞Time to Dye- How I tea/ coffee dye my fabric- the messy version. 

🌞 2024 Holly Jolly Christmas Parade- A parade of Christmas/ Winter cross stitches. 

🌞 2024 Two Shakes of a Lamb's Tail- A Parade of St. Patrick's Day freebies up to March 5, 2024.

🌞2024 A Blooming Parade- A Look at Spring & Easter Previous Freebies - A Parade of Spring and Easter freebies up to Feb. 29, 2024.

🌞2024 Rootin Tootin Spring Quilt and Doodle Parade  A Parade- of Spring doodles and quilts up to March 13,  2024. 


  1. Love them all Melisa, and want to stitch them all! Happy day Melisa. 😁🙋‍♀️👍💜💜💜🥰🤗xx Barbara @flashinscissors 👋👋👋

  2. Wow, wow and wow!!!! I love them all, as well, Melisa and would enjoy stitching them all. Big Sigh Darlene J

  3. As usual, your patterns and stitching is wonderful! Thank you for your generosity. Blessings!

  4. SO many lovely Valentines stamps, Melisa...All just so adorable...I love me a parade, ;))) too..especially of such beautiful pieces--thanks for sharing hugs, Julierose

  5. You post the most interesting and diverse parades! So many lovely Valentine themed stamps!!--TerryK@OnGoingProjects

  6. That's a lotta love, Melisa! Thanks for the parade!!

  7. I love all the love! So much beauty you have brought into the world! I'm going to start Mini Heart Sampler! for a Valentine's project!

  8. I've stitched a few of these, but it looks like there's lots more Valentine stitching in my future! My basket of bowl fillers needs a few more in it. Thanks, Melisa!

  9. So much love to start the week with ~ thank you :)

  10. Beautiful designs to share...I love them all!!!
    Thank you very much

  11. Thank you for the "LOVE-ly" parade. So creative and generous. Some inspiration for February stitching, for sure.

  12. I loved seeing all your beautiful Valentines stitcheries, so pretty.

  13. So many beautiful red, white, and pink creations, Melisa! You must be so proud seeing them all together in this post. ♥

  14. I don't usually comment because I look at your post in my email....and I surely do look forward to everything you post! Thank you so much for your generosity in sharing so many wonderful charts and your charming collections! I just love your spirit and wish you were my next door neighbor!

  15. What a great round up of Valentine Stitchery

  16. So many pretties! How do you keep up with all of them? You have the finished objects, the patterns, and the photos. You must have very organized computer files!


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