Blog Archive

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Winter Stamp SAL Final Reveal

Howdy do, Sunshine and welcome!  

It has been a whirlwind of a month with lots of posts in the Winter Stamp SAL, but "it is all she wrote" as they say.

  I finished the large piece . Eeeh I am doing the "Snowman boogie"!

 I can not thank you enough for the sweet visits, words of encouragement and support as I have shared all of the little stamps.

 As many of you know, Mr. Pinker and I  have been camping. Each time that we had internet service,  I was excited to read your sweet messages. 

I finished Winter Stamps in a thrifted frame which has a few dings in it , but I am ok with that. 

Below is a schedule:  ( If you have missed a stamp, click the colored link, and you will magically be transported to that post. )



BORDER `  -   January 4th ( Saturday)

 HEADER-  January 6th ( Monday)

STAMP 1 January 8th ( Wednesday)    

STAMP 2- January  11th (Saturday)

STAMP 4-  January 15th ( Wednesday)

STAMP 5-  January 18th ( Saturday) 

STAMP 6 - January 20 th ( Monday)

STAMP 7 January 22nd  ( Wednesday )

STAMP 8 -January 25 th ( Saturday )

STAMP 9 - January 27th ( Monday)

BONUS STAMP - January 29th ( Wednesday)

FINAL REVEAL (FFOd) -  February 1st ( Saturday) 

Upon my return home, I will be finishing my little individual stamps into pin pillows. I have also designed another winter stamp which I will share later in the year. I may design more as inspiration comes to me- I am thinking I need a snowman tree come Christmas time. 

I have enjoyed each and every minute of sharing these stamps and I so appreciate all of you. 🤗

 As Always, 

Happy  Stitching and Quilting, y'all


Thank you for the sweet visit. 

"Let us love winter for it is the spring of genius." -  Pietro Aretino

Hugs and Stitches!!!!🤗🧵❤

Dedicated to my baby sister, Amy. Love and miss you, Amo. 


  1. It's adorable, Melisa!!! No one will ever notice the 'dings' and if they do, so what. It means your hands are busy and you're obviously having fun. What's next dear lady? Darlene J

  2. Hi Melissa, Thank you for such an adorable SAL! Stamp 3, snowman sledding is missing from the stamp release schedule. Can you add it?

    1. Yes, please add Stamp 3 that’s missing! Thanks!

    2. Please post Stamp #3. Thx!


  3. So cute and wintry! Congratulations!

  4. What a great finish Melisa! The patterns are waiting for me when we have a fair in ten days and after that a visit to Bornholm,I'm sure Kate will love it too.Thank you so much!Have a lovely weekend...hugs from me...

  5. Just a beautiful finish, Melisa; this is a lovely piece you've created!! Really says
    "Wintertime Fun":))) hugs Julierose

  6. I love your finish, Melisa - I'm still working on the frame! Counting, counting, oops, rats, ribbit,! Hope you had a wonderful time camping with dh - your pictures have been great! Blessings!

  7. Another cute set of postage stamp stitcheries.

  8. This will be my first "Stamp along" -- but I dyed my white fabric too dark (used too much dye). Can you tell how much dye you used to get that light blue color? I used the Rit liquid in denim. Thank you so much.

  9. So Adorable!! I stitched each stamp as a small pillow and am going to put in a wooden tray as a centerpiece for my dining table. I did that with the Autumn Stamps last year and put in a red ceramic bowl. I finished Cardinal House (or And the Snow Fell) last night too. Now on to the next Saltbox and start on the Spring Stamp collection!! Your beautiful creations keep me stitching each day and I love that you share them with everyone - cannot thank you enough for your generosity. Carrie

  10. Beautiful finish, Melisa! Have fun as you continue on your adventures! Hugs.

  11. This has been such a delight to stitch! I even dyed my own fabric like yours! Thank you as always for your generosity and adorable designs.

  12. The whole piece looks fabulous in your chosen frame, Melisa! Happy February!

  13. Thank you for the SAL. This is the first one I have participated in and am enjoying it. When I dyed my fabric, first I worried that it was too light, then I thought it might be too dark. I think it is just fine, a little more mottling than yours. I have a few more stamps to stitch, but hope to finish it soon. When I fully finish I'll try to post a pic on Instagram.

  14. So adorable!! I am about halfway through your sweet designs and I absolutely loved the Bonus design. Thank you so much for your talent and your generosity of sharing with all of us! Sending you hugs from sunny Arizona.

  15. Totally adorable! The colors, the shape of the designs and the layout. . .just perfection!!!--TerryK@OnGoingProjects

  16. You have created some ideal stamps for this composition that I have followed with interest one by one, Melisa.
    I love how it looks framed.
    Happy February!!

  17. I have all the stamps but Number 3. Can't seem to locate the pattern in your blogspot. Can you help me locate it please?

  18. Thank you for this wonderful design. I've been doing some catch-up with saving charts and blog notes but I hope to begin on the design soon. Just wanted you to know that this one and MANY others are fabulous; you're a gem.

  19. Melisa, ha sido un verdadero placer hacer este SAL que nos has regalado. Es maravilloso!!!
    Yo lo terminé el día 30 de enero y todavía no sé si enmarcarlo o hacer un banner. Pero sea lo que sea, estoy muy contenta del resultado. Y el tuyo ha quedado precioso con ese marco tan bonito que le has colocado.
    Lo lavaré y, en cuanto lo tenga preparado, publicaré en mi instagram el resultado, etiquetándote por supuesto. Esta joyita hay que enseñarla :)
    Melisa, gracias por tu generosidad y por haber hecho que disfrutemos tanto con este proyecto.
    Besos y abrazos desde España.

  20. This Winter SAL finale is beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful example of your creative generosity. I've been sharing with others every time I see another mention of it - 🎇🎇🎇*******BLOCK 3 is on Jan. 13th. Keep hitting "Older Post" til you get to that date and you will find BLOCK 3.******🎇🎇🎇

  21. Such a sweet finish, Melisa! I think your frame looks perfect for it. I'm about ready to start Stamp 3 - loving every stitch!

  22. Jolie finition de ton SAL hiver ,bravo !
    Merci pour le partage des grilles !

  23. That is the cutest, Melisa! Thank you so much for sharing your charts and your talent with each of us! ♥

  24. Couldn't resist stitching this cutie pie! First PinkernPunkin I've done, but not the last! Your designs are so sweet! Thank you!

  25. Oh Melisa what a beautiful finish! I just love this collection of stamps so much! I'm currently doing number 7, but next time we'll have a winter break and I'll be able to finish, can't wait!

  26. Liebe Melisa, tausend Dank an dich für die schönen Motive. Ich habe mein Bild gestern beendet und bin so glücklich damit. Mein Favorit ist Nr. 4 - ich liebe den kleinen Schneemann im Handschuh.
    Umarmungen sendet dir


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