Blog Archive

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

One Quilt , Two Quilt , Three and Four

Well I am certainly late posting today. Good evening, ya'll. It is a blustery rainy evening . Today  I have stayed indoors and enjoyed some quilting time. I have also been doing some catch up on all of the lovely blogs that I follow. 

 Cheryl at Meadow Mist Designs is hosting a link party of the Best or Favorite Posts of 2021. I have enjoyed reading  other bloggers' favorites so much that  I decided I would join  in as well. I hope you take  some time to pop over and visit Cheryl and the other wonderful bloggers.   Thank you so much, Cheryl for hosting the link party. 

This year was a year of small quilts- mostly doll size . I have to admit I enjoyed every minute of making them.  These are some of my favorite completed quilt projects of 2021. 

The little Green Four Patch.   

 I had many sweet compliments and questions about this little quilt. This was the 1st time that I created an almost all green quilt.  Most of these fabrics have been in my stash for years. 

Spring Chicks  is another one of my favorites.These colors are me. Lol.

I started the Flag Quilt in 2020  during the shut down. I was so excited to complete it this year . 

 My fourth favorite quilt post for 2021 is my Chicken Quilt. When I started this quilt, I knew exactly where it would hang during the summer time. I finished it , but not in time to hang by summer's end.  

Both the quilts look so pretty hanging on the fence. 

 My last memorable post of 2021 is not a quilt post , but is the post of my sister, Amy's  passing. It is still hard for me to look back upon that post . 

I received so many kinds words of comfort and so many prayers. I truly believe your warm thoughts and prayers has kept me going through the days since.

 I so appreciate each and every one of you for being here for me not only during my time of need but all through the year. Thank you. 

Well those are my top posts of 2021 - mostly quilt related.  I hope you will pop back in tomorrow. Guess who will be here!  Frosty McChill in Block # 9.  Thank you for the sweet visit, my friends and as always...

Happy quilting, ya'll


Be like a flower, survive the rain, but use it to grow. 

I know you are blooming in heaven sweet Amo. Love ya !


  1. Congrats on all of the wonderful finishes for the year and I am sorry to hear about your sister. Thanks for linking up and Happy New Year!

    1. Thank you so much, Cheryl for the kind words and the fabulous link party. I really enjoyed visiting other quilters and finding inspiration.Happy New Year.

  2. Your quilts and stitching are all beautiful!!! So sorry about your beautiful sister passing.

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Sheri for the kind words; I truly appreciate it. Have a very lovely weekend and Happy New Year.

  3. I just love your posts. Yes I do love a little snow around this time of the year! Happy New Year!

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Robin. I hope you get to enjoy a bit of snow this winter season since you are a snow lover like me. I have my fingers crossed that we will get a little . Thank you again , dear for making my evening . Happy New Year


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