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Saturday, December 25, 2021

About to Pop!

 Good evening, dear friends and  Merry Christmas.Did you have a blessed and joyous day? I sure hope so.

 Ok question: Are you sitting on the couch feeling as though you are going to pop?  Lol I do  ! 

The family gathered at my home for Christmas Eve. 

Lots of finger foods for hungry little bellies though the kiddos gravitated to the chicken nuggets and cookies. (Lol😃 those army men on the counter are not appetizers  Just a sign the little one has been through🧒).

 Today, we were off to mom's  where we stuffed our bellies with turkey and mom's good ole'country dressing. Of course  we had all of the traditional sides too like mashed taters, candied yams, mac and cheese and green bean casserole. Oh boy, what a feast!   

 So let's talk about crafting . Shall we?  For the last couple of weeks, I have been  trying to do a little crocheting. I say trying because I do not know what I am doing? lol , But I was inspired by my friend ,Connie . Sooo I jumped in with both feet and have been "trying" to crochet super cute dishclothes.


 Now I do not know if they withhold to being used, but I can decorate with them. I plan to finish my 2nd one tonight. 

 It has warmed up, and for the last couple of days,  it has been beautiful. 

I pulled out my Rudolph quilt and decided to do some porch quilting. Did I finish? Nope.

 I guess ole' Rudolph will be hanging in the hoop into 2022, but he may get some more stitches in this weekend.  

 I   have been working on Mary's Sampler  a freebie from Plum Street Sampler. 

In the background is one version of Mary's Sampler. 

My friend Patricia and I started this after Thanksgiving. I have been stitching this on Sundays and when I watch Days of Our Lives .  

You would think I would have stitched a lot more , but I am as slow as molasses when stitching on dark fabric. I won't point out all of the boos boos I have made, I do love how my blooms look . I blended DMC 304 with 355. 

Last night I tossed and turned. I was not able to sleep  a wink because every time I drifted into a quiet slumber I would start "dream quilting" . Do you do that -quilt in your sleep? There was nothing more to do than to sit up and make some quilting plans.  

I have been  thinking about 2022 's Rainbow Scrap Challenge with Angela at So Scrappy. I did not finish any of my 2021 RSC projects so they will continue on. They include my Chicken quilt

 and my Strawberry blocks.  

This was the 1st year I participated so I was not very focused. I am making a plan for 2022. I think I will be working on at least 2 applique projects and use some of my Depression era fabrics. Fingers crossed all will go well. 

Soon all of my Christmas decor will be coming down and snowmen will be taking Santa's place. 


Now I have a question or two  for you . 

When do you take down your Christmas tree? Do you change it up to a winter theme? 


 By 4:30 today, Mom had her tree down and in the attic. 🎄😀😲

 I have to admit I do love all of the lights. So mine will stay up a little longer

The rest of the evening is going to be spent watching Christmas movies and working on some stitching. Have a wonderful and blessed weekend and thank you so much for the sweet visit, dears. As always...

Happy stitching and quilting and Merry Christmas. 


I am joining these lovely ladies' link parties. I hope you check them out; they always have so many wonderful projects going on and provide the opportunity for other needle workers to meet.  

      Kathy at Kathy's Quilts for Slow Stitching Sunday
Kate at Life in Pieces for  Stitching Stuff ( Sunday) 

Cynthia at Quilting is More Fun Than Housework for Oh Scrap - Sunday 

Angela So Scrappy  Scrap Happy Saturday ( Saturday)

Frederique at  Applique Patchwork Quilting for Patchwork & Quilts on Saturday

Beth at Love Laugh Quilt  for Monday Making
Judy at Small Quilts Doll Quilts for Design Wall Monday
Lynette at What a Hoot!  for BOMs Away Monday
Linda at Texas Quilt Gal for To Do List Tuesday - Tuesday

Sarah at Confessions of a Fabric Addict  for Can I Get a Whoop Whoop-Friday

Wendy at Wendy's Quilts for Peacock Party - Friday 

May the spirit of Christmas bring your family hope, love and happiness. 

Hugs and Stitches!!!


  1. I love your chicken blocks! What a fun quilt they're going to make! It's lovely to see your Christmas tree and decorations. I don't take mine down until Jan 1, so get to enjoy it one more week!

    1. Merry Christmas Diann. Thank you so much for the sweet Christmas visit. That is when I start the take down of my Christmas . I am looking forward to replacing the Santas with snowmen though. Have a wonderful weekend. Happy stitching.

  2. Feliz Navidad, tus bordados son preciosos, y me guardo todos tus graficos¡¡¡....aqui en España desmontamos la decoracion el 7 de Enero, cuando han llegado los Reyes Magos¡¡

    1. Aaah thank you so much. I hope you had a very Merry Christmas. I usually leave my Christmas decor up till the Jan. 6th. I am always a little sad to see it come down. Lol. Happy New Year.

  3. We don't have a tree so I don't have to worry about when it comes down. Sounds like you had a wonderful time with family. Enjoy your planning for RSC 2022, happy stitching!

    1. Aah thank you so much, Gretchen. I am looking forward to the RSC 2022. I think I have some ideas for it - the key is sticking to them. Lol. Happy quilting.

  4. Happy to hear you had a Merry Christmas as did we.
    When the tree comes down, it stays down as it's on our table for dinner in the rv. :-) This year all decorations come down the 6th since we're headed back up to see d-i-l pinned as deputy and that's also where our storage unit is that we share with the family.
    No more decorations but new cross stitch smalls come out!
    New Year's Blessings,

    1. That sounds like so much fun, Donna. I hope to one day be traveling in our RV . I bet you enjoy your days traveling and seeing different sites. I hope you have a safe trip. Happy New Years.

  5. Your tree is so beautiful, Melisa. We will take down our tree around the 7th of January. Once the Christmas tree comes down, the wrought iron tree makes its return with winter related ornaments. Your Christmas Eve feast looked fabulous.

    1. I wondered if you kept your wrought iron tree up during the Christmas season. I just love it. Thank you so much, Robin. I hope you have a very Happy New Year.

  6. Looks like a wonderful time! I’m out of town and haven’t seen my Christmas tree for over a week, so I plan to leave it up for a few days after I get home. I didn’t pull out too much stuff this year, so it shouldn’t be hard to pack it away. I have pulled your mom’s trick a time or two, and had it all down by Christmas night I found a Rudolph scrub top like yours. It’s on my list of things to make in 2022.

    1. Lol Penny, you gave me a chuckle when you said you have pulled my mom's Christmas Day trick. I don't blame you on leaving out your decor a little longer since you didn't get to see it much this year. Eeeh I am so excited you found one of the scrubs. I hope you will send me a photo or post when you create your Rudolph quilt. That is so exciting.

  7. Lovely projects, and I always love seeing your beautiful decorations! Happy Stitching and Happy New Year!

    1. You are so kind, Karrin. Thank you so much. I hope you have a very blessed year and thank you for the sweet visit and for inspiring me with your lovely blog.

  8. Glad to hear you had a Merry Christmas.
    Your Christmas tree and decorations are so beautiful.
    Here we take off only on January 7th, while we wait for King's Day on January 6th, the lights, decorations and tree keep celebrating.
    Happy Holidays, Melisa!

    1. Aah thank you so much, Ivani. I started keeping mine up through the 6th a few years ago and I love it. I'm hearing more and more people are doing the same which is nice. Happy New Year, dear.

  9. Merry Christmas, looks like you had a wonderful time with two celebrations. I'm thinking of next years RSC too, as many of us are, although I still need to finish up a couple of projects from this year, with two late starters carrying over. Love your chicken pattern, it's on my "must make someday" list.

    1. Oh thank you so much, Jenny. I am excited about this new year's RSC; I guess because I have a tentative plan. I look forward to seeing your projects in the new year.Happy New Year.

  10. LOVE that porch quilting scene, Melisa!! To answer your question... We leave Christmas up until January 6th (or shortly thereafter.) I'm always sad when the holiday lights come down!

    1. Aah thank you so much. I love sitting out on the porch quilting especially when the birds and squirrels are out to entertain me. Lol. I'm with you- I'm a little sad when the holiday lights are put up. Happy New Year.

  11. I love your Christmas tree ;) And the porch seat is just so welcoming, what a beautiful place to stitch and quilt! Looks like you had a geat time with loved ones ;)
    Thank you for sharing these precious moments, and linking up!

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Frederique for such a lovely blog and link party. We did have a great Christmas. I hope you did too. Looking forward to seeing what all you accomplish in the upcoming year. Happy quilting.

  12. It depends on the year whether I take the tree down early or wait till January. Today I took down all the Santas and the nativities and put up some snowmen. I also took the Holiday quilt of the bed and put on the blue and white one. I also took the large Christmas quilt down from the wall and replaced it with a holiday oriented forest quilt. I looked at my phone health AP and I've gone up and down the stairs 11 times so far today just putting things away.

    1. Oh wow Robin. You have been very busy. It sounds like we do about the same thing. I start replacing Santas with snowmen and change the reds to blues. It does take a lot of work but it is so nice to extend the holidays a little longer. Have a happy new year and thank you for the sweet visit.

  13. If we have a tree, it comes down on New Years day. When it is just the two of us, we often get by with the holiday quilts! You musth have had a wonderful time with the kids. I got a kick out of the green army men! I guess they needed "nutrition" too! LOL

    1. Oh Christmas quilts are a lovely and warm way to decorate for the Christmas season. To be honest those are the first things I bring out. Lol my youngest grandbaby is obsessed with his army men. I didn't see those until the photo was posted . Lol.

  14. Replies
    1. Aah thank you so much, Christine. I hope you and your family had a very Merry Christmas and I wish you a very blessed New Year. I look forward to seeing all that you accomplish in the upcoming year.

  15. I take all the decorations down sometime between Boxing day and New Year's day. I try to time it so the next day it all gets hauled to the attic on a day the the weather isn't *too* cold. I don't really have anything for winter decorations. Or any holidays other than Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas, come to think of it.

    1. I think that is great to get it all organized and ready to put up in one day especially since you have to take it to the attic. I put part of mine in the attic and the other in the garage. It sometimes is a job, but I also watch the weather to avoid the cold days. Thank you for the sweet visit and happy new year.

  16. What a fun post! I don't have a set day to "undecorate". Usually when it's time to dust and vacuum. LOL

    1. That is the best way to look at undecorating- just when you are in the mood. It makes it relaxing . Thank you for the sweet visit , Sandy and I hope you have a very blessed new year.

  17. Sounds like you had close to a perfect holiday. A lot of food, family and a bit of stitching to go along with it. Your chicken blocks are such fun. Good luck with your plans for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge in 2022.

    1. Aah thank you so much , Kate. I can not wait to get the chicken blocks worked up into a quilt . I hope your family had joyous holiday as well. Happy New Year, my dear.


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