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Friday, May 28, 2021

Friday Finishes and Fabulous Friends

 Happy Happy Friday!  What a beautiful day it is. Warm and muggy but lovely nonetheless. It is Memorial Day weekend. Hubby and I drove through the campgrounds last night. Most of them are filled, and campers  are setting up for a long weekend of fishing , boating fun ,as well as a bit of relaxation. I will be at home this weekend, no fun on the water for me because Mr. Pinker has to work. But on Monday we will have a big family cookout at the farm.  I will bring a few sides and maybe a dessert or two.

 Just in time for Memorial Day, I have my Flag Quilt completed. I completed the quilting Sunday night and finished the binding earlier this week. I am so excited to hang it above the buffet soon. 

I have so enjoyed pulling out red fabrics, in this month's RSC challenge from Angela at So Scrappy.

  I pieced this small flag quilt . Of course , you can probably tell that I swing by the seat of my pants and paid no mind to placement of fabrics because some of the same fabrics are near each other. 


This pattern is from Little Quilts Patriotic Quilting. Such a fun book with all kinds of inspiration. I made my flag quilt a little bigger. 


I am dying to share my happy mail with you from my sweet friend, Sue on IG. She sent me a chicken download  called "Rooster Sampler" from Tracy Campbell Designs and a box filled with all kinds of goodies including the floss and fabric to begin the project. Isn't that the sweetest?  Look at the gorgeous fabrics Sue sent  me, and the sweetest little milk can which is going on my hutch immediately! And more buttons for my button collection. Eeeh ! 😃 Sue knows me well. Lol. Thank you so much , Sue.  You are the sweetest!!!   I am going to be stitching "Rooster Sampler " today, and I hope to share my progress soon. 

I fully finished my Lizzie Kate Strawberry freebie

My finish was inspired by two wonderful stitchers on Instagram- Nancy @nygren.nancy  and Karen @farmhouse.stitcher.  Nancy and Karen are both so creative in their finishes, and I always learn something new from their posts. I wrapped jute twine around my little pillow making several loops around like I have seen Nancy do on some her finishes and added a sweet strawberry bloom - Karen uses floral picks in such fun ways in her finishes.   Karen also has a flosstube  channel called Farmhouse Stitcher .    Speaking of flosstube have you seen Rachel of RachelQ Stitches  ? She just posted her 20th episode.  She is always so kind and supportive of me and is a joy to watch. She is a quilter and likes to go thrifting in search of treasures just like I do. lol  Her Instagram is @rachelqstitches as well. 

There are so many wonderful stitchers on Instagram and Youtube that bring me daily joy and inspiration. I wish I could shout  everybody out and tell them how much they enrich my life . 

Well there is stitching and quilting to be done so I am off to enjoy some stitch time on the porch. If I am lucky I might catch sight of Finley and Flo again. 

Thank you for the sweet visit and as always...

Happy Quilting and Stitching, ya'll,


I am joining these lovely ladies' link parties. I hope you check them out; they always have so many wonderful projects going on and provide the opportunity for other needleworkers to meet. 

Angela of So Scrappy  for Scrap Happy Saturday

Alycia of Alycia's Quilts   For Finished or Not Friday

Sarah at Confessions of a Fabric Addict  for Can I Get a Whoop Whoop

Michelle  at From Bolt to Beauty for Beauty Pageant 131

Wendy at Wendy's Quilts for Peacock Party 

Good friends are like stars. You don't always see them but you know they are there. 


  1. Wonderful flag quilt! You must be so proud of it!

    1. Aah thank you so much. I was so happy to get it completed. I finally got it hung last night. I think this one will hold a lot of memories. Happy quilting.

  2. Your quilts looks lovely, Melisa. I love your strawberry pin cushion. xx

    1. Aah thank you so much, Christine. That little design was so much fun to stitch. I lingered on finishing it but I am so glad that I finally got it completed. Have a lovely week.

  3. Your decorating is so lovely! Great quilts, have a wonderful weekend with family. Happy stitching!

    1. Thank you so much, Gretchen. You are always so kind. I was so happy to get the patriotic quilt completed. To be honest I did not think I could get it done by Memorial Day but I did. Have a fabulous week, dear.

  4. Your Flag quilt is lovely. All finished for Memorial Day. The little strawberry pin cushion is so pretty. Your home is brimming with loveliness with all your handmade pretties that are stitched with love.

    1. Hi, Kim. I hope you are doing well and thank you so much for the sweet visit and comment. I was so excited to get my flag quilt completed and finally got it hung up in the living room last night. It is a joy to be able look at it- for at least a few months. Have a very lovely week.

  5. Your Flag quilt is simply stunning, Melisa. Hmmm, I should say both of them. What a wonderful assortment of goodies you received! Your strawberry finish is adorable. Have a relaxing weekend!

    1. Thank you so much, Robin. That little flag quilt holds a lot of memories already and I was thrilled to get it completed. I was going to put away my strawberry pieces since the season is ending here but I am enjoying them so much, I think I will keep them out a little longer. Have a fabulous week.Hugs.

  6. Love the flag quilt. Thanks for the link to the Lizzie Kate freebies.

    1. Aaah thank you so much. I bet you will find some cute little stitches at the Lizzie Kate freebie site. I would love to eventually stitch them all. Thank you again for the sweet visit and comment and hope you have a very blessed week.

  7. Oh what a fabulous flag quilt!!! and dinner at the farm - with desserts and all ... On my way!! Hoave a wonderful time!!

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Alycia. It was a fabulous Memorial Day weekend with lots and lots of food. Boy am I stuffed . Wish you could have been here ? Lol Thank you for the sweet compliment on my flag quilt . I am so tickled to have it completed. Happy quilting , dear.

  8. Your flag quilts are so lovely, Melisa! And I do love the strawberry pincushion, too. Sounds like your Memorial Day weather is better than hours--it is only 50 here and rainy :( Going down to 44 tonight--I don't ever remember temps this cold at the end of May! Enjoy your family cookout on Monday--it sounds delightful ♥

    1. Thank you so much, Carol. It was so much fun to finish the little pinkeep though I did struggle on what to do with it for awhile. Brr that was cold for a Memorial Day weekend. Hubby had to work the lake and he said it was the 1st time he had to wear a jacket on Memorial Day weekend. lol. Happy stitching.

  9. I absolutely LOVE both of your Flag quilts, Melisa!! Perfect use of those RED scraps for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge. Have fun finishing up that little quilt!

    1. Aah thank you so much, I had so month fun with the RSC red challenge. I guess it is pretty easy since red is my favorite color. Lol. I hope you have a fabulous week dear and happy quilting.

  10. Your flag quilts are so fun! I really love that little one where the flags are made of 4 patches. The strawberry embroidery is really calling to me! Where did you find that pattern?

    1. Aah thank you so much. The small flag quilt was so easy to make. I just changed my squares to 2 1/2 " rather than the called for since I have lots of 2 1/2" scraps. I find the strawberry stitch at where there are several cute freebies. I hope you check her out. I also have a link in my blog post. I hope you have a very blessed week, dear and happy quilting.

  11. Can you tell me the name of the large cross stitch pattern on your home page, I love it. I just found your blog and am in love with it!!!

    1. AAh thank you so much, Candie. That is one of mine that I free hand stitched last year. I am going to have to chart it out. It was a fun challenge and a learning experience since I had never tried to create my own designs. When I do get it charted I will post it. Have a very blessed week and thank you again for such a nice compliment and for visiting my blog.

  12. Great timing to finish your flag quilt just before Memorial Day!!! Enjoy the day with family!!!

    1. I was so excited to get it completed, Nancy. When I started quilting on it at the beginning of the month, I thought there is no way I will get it completed but woo hoo! I did it. Lol. Thank you so much for the sweet visit and comment and have a very blessed week.

  13. I love how your flag quilts turned out, so cute. I like scrappy and unplanned, that is my life, LOL! We are doing Memorial Day celebration today on Sunday afternoon. My son is a retired Army Sgt Major. Have a great and wonderful holiday weekend.

    1. AAh thank you so much, Mary. I got so tickled because I am just like that too - "Scrappy and unplanned" lol. I hope your Memorial Day weekend was a joyous and thank you and your son for his service in the military. I have a daughter in the USAF. Have a very blessed week , dear.

    2. Melisa, Thank you to your daughter for her service in the USAF. Our day was joyous and fun and very filling, so we dived into the pool! Was a little chilly but very refreshing here in Arizona. In about a month it will be like bath temperature but still cooler. Hoping your day was the best and joyful.

  14. Everything looks so pretty and I love the sweet vignette at the end of this post!! Just darling!! I hope you are enjoying the holiday weekend!!

    1. Hi, Deb. I hope you had a fabulous Memorial Day weekend. All I can say is we stuffed. Lol. Thank you so much for the kind words and visit. That little chicken vignette is one of my favorites. Have a very lovely week.

  15. I have a few Little Quilts books but not that one. Their flag quilt idea interpreted by you is great. You’ve been a busy gal. I hope you bring out you patriotic quilts again for July 4.

    1. Hi Bonnie. Thank you so much on my Little Flag quilt. I finally got all but 1 of the Little Quilts books. I just love to look at the photos and vignettes. There is a sweet little churn dash quilt that I hope to work on soon. I hope you have a wonderful week .

  16. I love your blog I did a banner of flags for outside, unfortunately the sun really got to the fabric. Oh well, I just need to do another one. I am going to my LNS and getting some patriotic fabric; need to support them.

    1. Aah thank you so much for the sweet visit. I have always wanted to do a flag banner and it is definitely on my to do list. I have seen other quilters display their quilts on the side porch on their walls and have wondered if the sun ever gets to them . But I think it is so cute. I hope you find the perfect fabric for a new banner and have it all whipped up soon. Have a fabulous week.

  17. I am delighted that you added a comment to my post ( time4stitchn). And I am thrilled to have found yours. I restarted cross stitch last summer and LOVE your designs and shelves full of decorations. I can't wait to start some. What a sweetie you are to offer free patterns!

    1. Hi , Debbie. You have a very cute blog and loved visiting it and of course look forward to future visits as well. Thank you so much for the kind compliment and for visiting me as well. I just got into cross stitching a few years ago and have only been creating little designs for about a year . It has been a fun little journey though. I hope you have a very blessed week and happy quilting.


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