Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Bees, Blooms, and Chickens- Oh my! Freebie

 Hello, my dear friends . Can you believe it is already July? What an unusual 1st half of the year we have had.  Well, some of you know that I have been playing around trying my hand at a little designing or charting. I have always drawn and painted , but this is the 1st time I have charted anything. After posting a photo of one of my stitches I  was tickled when other stitchers expressed interest in the design.  

When I began to design this little piece, I originally started with a small scrap of fabric-- I was determined to squeeze some stitching onto this scrap. Waste not want not.  I knew I wanted chickens and bee skeps in the design as well.  It did not take long for me to have this little piece all sketched out.
As I drew I thought about our chickens that we once had. We have had a variety of chickens over the years and since I have always had an affinity for black chickens, they had to be included.   In the design, there is even one little chicken that is tailing at the skirt tail of the farm girl. This reminds me of one of our chickens, Lucy,  who as soon as we opened the truck door she would scoot right around us and into the truck seat she went. She was ready for a ride. 

Now there are a few differences in my design compared to the stitched piece, but very minute changes.   I stitched this up in a day so it is a quick stitch and a small. 

 When it came to finishing, I had all kinds of ideas on how to FFO this piece and had several thrifted items laid out , but at the last minute I remembered I had a wooden box that I had bought at the thrift store, and it fit perfectly. I just tacked it down with  a little tape because I may want to change it out later . `
   Anyway,  I thought I would post  this little design on my blog ( which I am new to as well- lol isn't learning fun). Now remember I am not a professional designer but someone who is playing around right now.   I am also not too tech savvy so I do not know how well this will show up on the blog. Please forgive me if it is not just right. Lol I'm learning.  If you take a hankering to stitch this piece,   please tag me on instagram or E-mail me a photo of your finished piece because I would love to see it.  And by all means if you feel like changing it up, please do so whether it be in fabric or floss choice- I  always  just use  what I have on hand. 

Click  here for the instruction page

Click here for the colored chart. 

Click here for the black and white chart. 

 Happy Stitching, ya'll and thank you so much checking me out. 

Be Kind. Be Happy. Be Positive .  Be Creative. 



  1. This is super cute! Thank you so much for the pattern! I will enjoy stitching this! I found your instagram and blog from Java Girl Stitches :)

  2. I am so thrilled, Laura. Thank you so much for checking me out and for your kind words. I am still in the learning process on all of this so if you have any trouble with it let me know. I hope to maybe post more if it all works out. This is a wonderful community. Happy stitching.

  3. So cute and love your writing - heard all about you on java girl

  4. Aah thank you so much for checking me out. I was blown away that Christi mentioned me.She is just the sweetest and is always inspiring. I am new to blogging and to IG but I am learning and having fun. I hope you will come back and visit me sometime. Happy stitching.

  5. I am trying to build up my bee decor. It is small right now but a few cross stitches will add a bit more. Lol. Thank you, Deb. Hugs Melisa

  6. merci pour cette jolie grille, bonne journée

    1. Aah thank you so much for visiting and leaving a sweet comment. I hope you enjoy this little stitch. Have a lovely day.

  7. Replies
    1. Hi Karen, I am so happy you visited my blog and thank you so much. This would be a fun stitch for you - just change the colors of the hens to match your sweet gals. Lol. I could just imagine your sweetie following you around in the garden. Have a great week .

  8. Thank you so much for the adorable patterns! So cute!


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