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Saturday, July 10, 2021

It Really Happened!! - Another Bee Freebie

It happened - it really happened!  ( Picture me  jumping up and down) Lol.

 I'm sorry in my excitement I neglected to say  good evening and Happy Saturday, ya'll.  Please come sit with me and let me tell you the news. 

 Hubby moved the bee trap a few weeks ago to the strawberry field on the farm. The strawberries had bloomed and were now out of season, but there was a whole field of sweet clover. It was a long shot to catch a swarm; we thought it was getting pretty late in the season. And they came-Yes they came!  Bees swarmed to our trap. 

We were super excited when dad called to tell us the news. Mr. Pinker waited till evening, and then he and his friend, Mr. M. went out to  the farm. With no problem whatsoever, they  moved these sweet honey makers into a new home which was located at the other farm. Our fingers were crossed they would stay, and hip hip hooray- they liked their new home! So I am very proud to announce that we are bee keepers again!  The bees are happily buzzing in and out of the bee box and visiting each bloom of clover near by. 

Hubby will be planting some buckwheat soon which should make them very happy as well.  

So in celebration , I have an itty bitty stitch to share with you . It is another bee freebie. Ya'll know I am all about bees right now. It is a super quick one .


 Just choose your favorite yellow and black and white floss and you can go to town on this one. It is called Bees.


 It only measures 42 W x 20 H. So on 14 count aida that is just 3 " x 1 3/8" .

 I made this into a teeny little pin pillow using black and white gingham from an old sheet and used a bit of Baker's twine from the Dollar Tree as embellishment. 

Many of you know , but I always like to leave this little disclaimer.  

I stitch my little designs for fun and to decorate my home. I feel very blessed by this community and love sharing my little charts, but I am not a professional designer. And I do not have professional software. Thank you for understanding that I  have to put each page on separate pdf downloads because of the devices I use. I apologize for that.  And I am always grateful for your kind encouragement , your visits, and stitching my little designs.

Click here for instruction page. 

Click here for colored chart and for black and white chart. 

Other bee charts that I have posted are The Bee Keepers  , Bees, Blooms and Chickens  , and  Bee Sampler   , Aunt Bea's Summer Home ,   Buzz BuzzHome  , Beelieve in Freedomand  Bee Skep 1869 Crock  . Just click on the names to visit those posts. I am super excited about displaying these together with my bee stitches from years past. . My hive of bee stitches is certainly growing. 

Oh while you are here I would love to show you the thrifty find I from the Goodwill.  It is a honeycomb box in purple.

 One gentleman in line told me it was Fenton, but I am not for sure. He said they made several colors.    

I also got this pair of nesting boxes at the Dollar Tree- great deal for both boxes.  

Since today is such a bee-autiful day, I think I need a new start . My dear friend, PJ , sent my the adorable chart from Heart in Hand  called a "Pocket Round Bee". I need this in my bee collection. 

I will be sharing what other goodies PJ has sent me in the future. Thank you so much , dear.  

I am so happy you popped in for a visit today and allowed me a moment to share my excitement. You are the sweetest. I will keep you updated on how the bees do in the future. Maybe we will be in for some honey come next year. Fingers crossed. 
 I hope you have a wonderful day and are off doing something fun and relaxing. As always...
Happy stitching, ya'll 
Bee Happy ! Bee Positive ! Bee Kind ! Bee Awesome! 


  1. Replies
    1. I am beyond excited . I can not believe that they came . Fingers crossed these little honey makers will stay happy.Thank you so much for the sweet visit.

  2. Melissa,
    Thanks so much for stopping by!! How cute those sweet Bees are!! Stay safe, healthy and happy!!

    1. Thank you so much, Debbie for the sweet visit. I hope you have a wonderful weekend, dear. Hugs

  3. How wonderful the bees wanted to stay in their new home. The little Bee stitchery as well as your bees collection are so cute!

    1. Thank you so much, Astrid. We were quite surprised but elated. I do hope they stick around and just maybe we will have some sweet honey soon. Happy Sunday.

  4. Squeal!!!! 🐝 I’m so happy for y’all. I never knew you had to catch the bees. I figured you’d just buy you a bunch. ☺️ Can’t wait to watch your bee journey!

    1. Oh I am so excited, Penny. I never knew how to catch them either. In the past we have bought them, but so glad hubby tried this and it actually work. Thank you for the sweet as honey visit. Happy stitching and quilting.

  5. I am so delighted that your new bees are happy and making a new home with you. When I was young(a million years ago, LOL) we had hives in the back field and they loved the clover. Living in AZ, in a subdivision, I don't think the bees would love it here. I do have lots of butterflies, although it is monsoon here. We need the Bees!

    1. Good morning, Mary. I am beyond thrilled that we actually caught a swarm. I hope they stay. I went out to the farm yesterday to look at them and they seemed very busy. We used to have a lot of butterflies here but in the last couple of years not so many. I am so glad they are visiting your area. Have a blessed day and thank you for the sweet visit.

  6. Melisa, I love to see you on my mail feed, it always makes me smile. I just love your enthusiasm about your life and you show it. I would love to be your neighbor but I am in a way. 😀. I am so happy to hear about your bees, we need to keep them thriving. You have a beautiful day and thank you for another sweet chart. You are awesome. ❤️♥️

    1. Aah thank you so much, Patti. You are always so sweet and supportive. I can not tell you how much that means to me. Oh yes I am excited about these little honey makers. I hope we can keep them very happy . Lol. Big hugs

  7. That's such wonderful news about the bees. There's nothing like the taste of fresh honey. Love the honeycomb jar. I have a few pieces of amber depression glass. I'd have a house full if I could! Thank you so much for sharing your sweet bee design. I'm starting it tonight. 😊

    1. Aah thank you so much , Sue for the sweet visit. I have to admit I have not had fresh local honey in some time. So I am hoping by next year I will have some. I love depression glass too and like you I wish I could have my whole house filled . Lol. Have a great week and I hope you enjoy this little design.

  8. Good news about the bees! Thanks for another bee-pattern,I will stitch it and hang it in my Honeytree,full of your Bee-patterns and a dozen feltbees...I'm so happy to have found your weblog! Happy stitching from the Netherlands,Marianne

    1. Oh I am so excited that you will be adding this to your honey tree, Marianne. That was the cutest tree I have ever seen. I am so happy that you have found my blog and very honored that you visit me. Hope you enjoy this little design. Happy stitching.

  9. Such wonderful news I’m absolutely delighted for you. I know the bees couldn’t have found a better home. Love all your bee stitches 💛🖤💛🐝💛🖤💛

    1. You are the sweetest , Karen. Thank you so much. I certainly hope the bees stay happy; I know they have made me a happy gal. Lol. Have a beautiful and blessed week dear.

  10. What luck! That is so exciting!!! I have wanted to keep bees for such a long time. Finally friends from church that used to keep bees moved and didn't have a place to put their bees. I volunteered that they move them to our property. We tried it. The bees didn't stay. I still have the bee box. Maybe someday they will remove another swarm that someone doesn't want and try again. Congrats!!! I love all your bee projects!

    1. Aah thank you so much,Kathy for the sweet visit. I hope that you are able to try beekeeping in the near future. This was our 1st time trying to catch a swarm and I couldn't believe it worked. Fingers crossed they will stay . Lol. Have a wonderful week and happy quilting

  11. How awesome that you were able to catch a swarm! I hope they will stay. Sweet bee freebie!

    1. Thank you so much, Robin. I was quite surprised but thrilled beyond belief. I peeked in on them and they looked like they were happy. Hopefully we will have honey in the near future. Have a wonderful week. Hugs


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