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Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Moseyed Home

Hello, Sweet Pies! And a very lovely September Tuesday to you!  
I want to thank you for all of the sweet visits to my blog these last couple of weeks as Mr. Pinker and I have been gallivanting around .   Big Red and our little raggedy truck camper moseyed on home over the weekend.  I have been bustling about unloading the camper and doing all of those pesky chores like laundry. 

We had a wonderful time. 

We went to a couple of tractor pulls. 

One was held at the Obion County Fair.  Near the pavilion was a cute display which included a ferris wheel planter.  Now isn't that nifty? 

The tractor display makes me want to decorate the yard with fall decor  . Look at those patriotic scarecrows- how stinking cute!!!

And you can not have a fair without a cow . 😀🐄🐮

I worked on binding a little quilt as I sat at the fair. 

After visiting the fair/pull, we traveled on to other adventures which included a new campground where I worked on Flaming Butterflies.

Mr. Pinker cooked us up some pork chops. Oh yum!

We spent some time at Land Between the Lakes in Western TN and KY. 

No trip to LBL would be complete without visiting the Elk and Bison Prairie. 

There are 44 bison and 42 elk on the prairie. 
We saw the whole herd of buffalo at the entrance . They were lounging about on this hot summer day. 

The elk were elusive . We only saw one and he was sitting in the woods near a pond. Do you see him ? He was hard to see.  

The turkeys were very active  . We probably saw around 50 or more. 

The gobblers were off in another section of the field . Some of them were fluffing- they were all puffed out!

Wildflowers were in bloom at LBL. 


One day we went to Paducah and I went to Hancock's Fabrics of Paducah.  The warehouse was filled to the brim with rows and rows of fabric. I purchased a few pieces. It was nice to visit Hancocks, but I do agree with a lot of the online reviews that I have read. 

My best fabric haul was found at the thrift stores. Over 23 fabrics for a grand total of $15.00.  I do not think that is too bad. Do you?  I also purchased some sheets to use for backings. 

We saw some beautiful farm lands in southern Kentucky with crops such as corn , soybeans and   tobacco .

Of course, I did come home with some "junk" or as I call it treasures. Hee! Hee!😁😀 Now you know this ole' gal loves her junk! 

Lots of advertising tins

And a few more Campbell Kids Mugs to add to my collection.  Some of you may remember that I created a Campbell's Soup Display earlier this year. Click here if you would like to visit it that post . You will certainly get an eye load of clutter. 👀😁😜 

I found the framed appliqued piece in the background at the Goodwill this year. 

I came home with other goodies too including a quilt top, but I will show them later. 

Well, Sweeties, I have talked your ears off . I do apologize for being so long winded. Hopefully, in a few days I can get back in the groove. 
I do have some stitching to FFO including this piece that was in the works when we left called A Pumpkin or Two .

I will be posting the September doodle tomorrow so I do hope you will drop by for a visit then too. 

I guess my luggage is not going to unpack itself so off I go. 😀😘

As Always...

Happy quilting and stitching, y'all


"It is all about the journey not the outcome.  " Carl Lewis

Hugs and Stitches!!! 🤗❤🧵

Dedicated to my sweet baby sister, Amy  !  I love and miss you so much, Amo! 💗💗💗

See ya' later!

Sculpture at Kenlake Resort State Park



  1. Paducah and Land Between the Lakes--want to jump in the car and make that trip again!
    Enjoy your posts. Thank you!

    1. Isn't that area just a pretty place to visit? LOL. We had a ball. Oh yes, jump in the car and go for a road trip. Hee! Hee! I know you would enjoy every minute. Thank you so much for the sweet visit. Hugs.

  2. Is that your first time at Hancock's? I went once while at the Paducah show a few years back. I loved it!! Been to LBL one day years ago to picnic when our daughter lived in Clarksville. So what state do you live in? Your trip sounds delightful!!

    1. It was my first trip to Hancock's ! Wow I was in heaven in respect to all of the fabric. I could have looked all day but I knew I better be good and just get a few fabrics and make my way out. LOL. Isn't LBL beautiful? We have camped there a couple of times . I live in TN . How fun that your daughter lived in Clarksville that is not too far from LBL. Have a great evening, Vicki. Hugs.

  3. Welcome home, my gallivanting friend! What wonderful pictures you shared of your adventures, Melisa!

    1. Lol thank you so much, Robin. It is good to be home. We are slowly settling in and getting back into the groove of things. Big Hugs.

  4. Looks like you had a wonderful adventure. The packing and unpacking are always the hardest parts of the trip. Hope you've managed to get most of that done and can settle back into your at home groove.

    1. Oh yes, we had a grand time, Kate. You are so right the packing and upacking is the pits- especially unpacking. Hee! Hee! I have got all of the clothes put away. I hope to put away my sewing projects this evening. Thank you so much for the sweet visit. Hugs.

  5. Sounds like such a fun trip Melisa. I'm so glad you got some great buys - thrift shops are the best!

    1. It was a great trip, Linda. We were able to do a lot of things in a short time as well. I was thrilled with the thrifty finds. There were  some good thrift stores in the area. Have a great evening and thank you . Hugs. 

  6. That gallivanting sounds like a great time. You came home with a lovely collection of tins. I've only found a few here and they were priced a little too high, I think. Welcome home :)

    1. We had a great time , Jeanna. Earlier this year we had visited the same area when the grandsons had a fishing tournament. We found a lot of good thrift stores so I knew I wanted to visit them again. The tins were pretty cheap - well at least for me. I bought most of them for $1.99. But I remember when you could get tins for a quarter. I sure do miss those days. LOL. Thank you for dropping by. Hugs.

  7. It sounds like you have had a busy and fun summer, Melisa! We visited Land Between the Lakes in April when we traveled between Nashville and Paducah! What a beautiful area - being a western girl, I didn't even know it existed or why until we were going through there and stopped at the visitor center. Fun to see your photos of it!

    1. Hi Diann. While we were visiting the area, I was thinking about you and your trip. I was trying to remember if you went to LBL or not. Isn't it a pretty area? You got to see a lot of the farm land during early planting. How fun. Thank you so much for dropping by. Hugs.

  8. Well, I believe I've been asleep at the wheel because I missed this post. Big sigh!! Just popping in to say Howdy!!! DarleneJ

  9. Oops I took another little snooze. You've been a busy traveler!!! I hope you're having fun. Hugs to you. DarleneJ

  10. You and Mr Pinker are having entirely too much fun. LOL While you were working on the binding on the little quilt did others stop to admire your work and ask what you were doing? That's always fun but nothing gets accomplished. LOL DarleneJ

    1. Howdy do, sweet Darlene. LOL you always brighten my day with your sweetness. Oh yes we had a grand old time traveling about. I only had one person come up and ask about quilting . I guess there was too much other action to watch. Lol. I was happy to get that little quilt under my belt though. Big hugs from the holler and thank you for bringing a big smile to my evening. Hugs.

  11. I've visited LBL before but didn't know about the Bison & Elk Preserve. Maybe I'll get a chance to stop off there one day and see for myself. I've been to Hancock's of Paducah and was totally overwhelmed with so much fabric & notions. Love your Apple Crate quilt. It is darling!

    1. LBL is a wonderful place to visit. We have camped there a couple of times. We didn't this time , but wish we had. We saw 2 sets of buffalo herds. One was out of the preserve and the other was fenced in as well. The buffalo are my favorite. Oh yes,I understand about being overwhelmed by all the fabric. It was hard for me to remember where I saw what. Lol. So many beautiful fabrics. Thank you so much for the sweet visit, Susie. Hugs.

  12. Living in a completely different side of the country, I really enjoy all the things you share with us. I have history with buffalo in WY and those signs are very true. They are EASILY spooked! Such majestic animals, though. So much fun shared. Elk, bison, tractors, fairs, flowers, fabric hauls (!!), interesting places I would love to visit. I'm sure being home is good after such a whirlwind, but look at the memories you've made along the way!


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