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Friday, September 6, 2024

Feedsack Beauty

 Happy happy Friday, y'all. It is a beautiful day on the farm.  The cows are enjoying the shade. Aaah those lazy summer days. 

 I am ready to enjoy some shade myself. What about you? 

Ginger , says "Howdy!" Isn't she a cutie? 

Meanwhile, Edna is too busy eating to greet us. " Hi, Edna!  Come on, gal . Be a little more sociable." 

"Neigh" Edna says.  

"Now don't you shake your head at me , sweet Edna. Hee! Hee! "

Eeeh ! I have a new quilt to show you!  Another super thrifty find that I snatched for a song and a dance  at a little thrift store in Alabama. 

This quilt has 30 scrappy nine patches. 

It is a full size quilt that is hand quilted.  Isn't the quilting just yummy? 

This is an oldie that is well loved.  There are a few small holes in it that reveals the cotton batting. 

This should be an easy repair. 

There are lots of scrappy nine patch blocks  that were lovingly pieced.   

Here is a wee patch made by a quilter long ago. 

Most of the quilting is just straight lines and diagonal quilting. 

Lots of pretty feedsack materials . Look at that adorable tea kettle fabric. How cute! 

And love that red and white stripe with the aqua fabric!  I think I will call this Feedsack Beauty. What do you think? 

The backing is  a muslin. The quilting shows up so nicely. 

So what do you think? Was this a great find or what? LOL.  I do believe I will spread this quilt out on the grass underneath a shade tree and enjoy the day.  You are welcome to join me if you want. 

Have a beautiful day, Sweeties! 😘

Shaggy is relaxing in the shade too. 

I am curious. Do you purchase quilts at the thrift store if they are a good price?

As Always...

Happy quilting and stitching, y'all


"True happiness can be found in the tiniest of things.  "

Hugs and Stitches!!! 🤗❤🧵

Dedicated to my sweet baby sister, Amy  !  I love and miss you so much, Amo! 💗💗💗

See ya' later! 

 I am joining these lovely ladies' link parties. I hope you check them out; they always have so many wonderful projects going on and provide the opportunity for other needleworkers to meet. 

Joy at Days Filled with Joy for Home Matters

Jennifer at Inquiring Quilter for Wednesday  Wait Loss- Wednesday

Nina at Creations, Quilts, Art , Whatever by Nina for Off the Wall Friday

Alycia's of Alycia's Quilts for Finished of Not Friday

Michelle  at From Bolt to Beauty for Beauty Pageant - Friday

Frederique at   Quilting Patchwork Applique for Patchwork & Quilts - Saturday



  1. Hi and good morning from far away. What a find. Great. The quilt reminds me on a song called Coat of many colors. A friend of mine found a quilt from times long ago. I remember that she told me it was from 1880. It is her biggest treasure.
    Well your cows enjoy the late summer days, so do I.
    Hugs and a great days,

    1. Good morning, Gabi and Happy Friday. I hope your day is off to a lovely start. Oh how wonderful that your friend found such a treasure. I bet it is a beauty. It is heartwarming to hear that the quilt has a home where it will be admired and cherished. Have a wonderful day and enjoy these last days of summer. Hugs

  2. The local thrift store I normally shop at does not have quilts. If they do have one come in, it is put into a glass case, along with other items, and auctioned in a silent auction. They accept bids for a week at a time. The store supports missions so it's for a good cause. I have old quilts that came through my family and my husband's family. Have a blessed day, happy stitching!

    1. That is so interesting, Gretchen. I have seen that done at a Goodwill in AL, but at the same time they had tops on the rack for sale too. I have collected quilts for many years and used to go to quilt auctions.Quilts go for a song around here. Have a great weekend and thank you for dropping by. Hugs.

  3. Wow - what a find! it sure is a beauty. I've have found quilts at "antique stores" that someone had recently made but never in a thrift store. Probably because the ones I go to have customers who know the value of one. Seeing it gives me ideas for using my stash. I'm sure eventually it will end up with family - hopefully, if in a thrift store one day, someone will see its value too. Blessings!

    1. I was thrilled to find this one. I had already checked out when I spotted it as I headed out the door. Of course, I had to go back and get it. LOL. I have been so lucky over the years. It seems like I find a quilt or a top every other month here lately LOL. Have a wonderful weekend and thank you for dropping by. Hugs.

  4. Melisa I love that precious quilt, and what a great find. Do the stores have their vintage quilts hanging, or are they in a pile? I did find an old quilt in a thrift store a few years ago for $35. It was promptly adopted by the kitties and they still love it. Is it something they smell in it, or is it just cozy? I've never repaired it, although it needs it. Loved seeing photos of your farm occupants, especially Shaggy. :)

    1. I was over the moon when I found this quilt. Hubby and I usually visit several thrift stores in this area in a day . It varies between thrift stores- most of the time the quilts are piled. Wow you found a great deal too. I just love old quilts and it sounds like your sweet kitties do too. Years ago when I would finish a quilt and lay it on the floor , dad's doggie would immediately run to sit on it. I am not sure why our fur friends do that. LOL. Shaggy is one of our strays. It looks like she is going to stay around. Have a great weekend. Hugs.

  5. What a beautiful quilt you found thrifting, Melisa! Enjoy your Friday and the weekend!

    1. Oh thank you so much, Robin. It is a cozy quilt with lots of pretty fabrics. I hope you have a great weekend as well. It is a little cooler today- well in the 80's but that's a lot better than last weekend's 103. LOL. hugs.

  6. What a lovely way to greet the day....Ginger and Edna's sweet faces! Thank you Melisa! What a sweet new treasure your quilt is! Great find...and at a thrift store! In the 90's I found some quilt pieces and used them in some sewing fun! I have a few family quilts that are very worn, so I use them gently as decor accents. They are such treasures to me, bringing back warm memories of my Great Grandma who made them. She was the one who taught me to thread a needle, hand sew, crochet and tat. Thank you for stirring up the treasure trove of memories this morning!
    Have a blessed and beautiful day!

    1. Aaah those are such heartwarming memories, Deb. Thank you so much for sharing them. You are so fortunate to have had your Great Grandma in your life and to teach you all of those skills. I know you cherish those memories. I think it is amazing that you tat. I had a neighbor who tatted and it was fascinating to watch. I would love to learn to do that some day. Thank you for the sweet Friday visit. I wish you a wonderful weekend. Hugs.

  7. What a beautiful quilt find! Enjoy your weekend!

    1. Oh thank you so much, Shelly , I was tickled pink when I found this quilt. I always have a great thrifting experience when I find something quilt of needlework related. I wish you a lovely weekend. Hugs.

  8. A very pretty find. It's fun to see all the different scrappy fabrics used in those blocks. I don't buy older quilts, I do have a stash of my Grandmother's quilts. But I make enough of my own that My Guy would probably revolt if I tried to add to my collection with purchased versions.

    1. Aaaw thank you so much, Kate. It was a lucky find. I enjoy looking at the fabrics and the stitches. You are so fortunate to have some of your grandmother's quilts . I know you treasure them dearly. Have a fabulous weekend and Happy quilting. Hugs.

  9. I haven't found any quilts at thrift stores, but have at flea markets. Often they are either too expensive, too tattered for me to deal with, or both. I have bought 3-4 quilts at flea markets. The quilt you posted today is Gorgeous. I love that not only are the blocks scrappy, but the little patches making up the blocks are scrappy little blocks themselves..what's today's term...made fabric(?). And add in that all the fabrics have aged into the lovely soft colors... fantastic quilt!

    1. Oh thank you so much, Gail . I was thrilled to find this quilt. I think the patches are charming as well. Over 20 years ago , our county used to have a flea market. There was one booth that always had vintage tops for just a few bucks. It was a joy to visit that booth, but alas the flea market is no longer there. It is so wonderful that you were able to provide a home to some quilts. It was my heart to  hear that they were rescued. Have a blessed day. 

  10. That is such a sweet quilt! I love the scrappy nine patches - and the squares are even made of scraps. How will you fix the places where the fabric has worn away and the batting is showing? I've never known how to do that. I'm not much of a thrifter, so haven't bought quilts that way, but I always love seeing what you find!

    1. Aren't those scrappy nine patches charming? I always enjoy studying older quilts to see how they used every scrap they had. I will have to study the worn places a little closer. I have a bin of vintage feedsack fabric that I can use for repairs and I may just applique a piece over it trying to match the seams that is what I have been doing on my Alabama Beauty quilt. Thank you for the sweet Friday visit, Diann. Hugs.

  11. A quilt so obviously well loved and worn through always makes me wonder about the maker. It gives the impression of "making do", I bet it is so soft, too. My luck with finding quilts at thrift stores is very, very minimal. I found a polyester quilt once but it stayed at the store. I have been given blocks and tops from people who inherit them and don't know what to do with them. Some amazing vintage things have come my way. I would die a happy gal if I had Ginger's eye lashes. LOL

    1. LOL isn't Ginger a beauty. She is one of my favorites. It is so wonderful that others have gifted you tops, blocks. They must know that you will treasure them . I enjoy looking over the fabrics and studying how the quilter "made do" as well. Those old scrappy quilts seem to give me permission to do the same. LOL. I wish you wonderful weekend. Big Hugs.

  12. I've never discovered a loved quilt at a thrift store. I don't frequent our thrift stores because it's usually purchased elsewhere and brought back to sell at an atrocious price. I understand that people need to make a living but...
    That scene of the cows walking away is a very familiar scene. My grandmother and I would sit out on the porch and she'd tell me all of their names. She loved her ranch so much and I'm blessed that I got to spend lots of time there with them, the cows, the chickens, roosters and goats. Great memories! Darene J

    1. Your grandmother's ranch sounds divine, Darlene. Those times were the sweetest weren't they? We used to go out to my Nanny's every afternoon and sit on the porch . We would watch the cows too as well as traffic that might pass by . Nanny would snap greenbeans during the summer while we caught fireflies or made mud pies. LOL. I have been very fortunate to find a number of quilts at thrift stores. For some reason they are really cheap around here. Have a great evening, Darlene. I am going to sit down to sew here soon. Hugs.

  13. You always find the best treasures, Melisa! I love previous little patch.

    1. Aah thank you very kindly, Jeanna. I am fortunate to live so close to some great thrift stores. I wish you a great weekend . Happy quilting and stitching. Hugs.

  14. I have never been lucky enough to find a thrift store quilt!! I do have one oldie that my
    Grand-mere made in which the fabric has begun to shred. I hope to patch it up over this Winter and use it. I used to be on my bed when I was a child...;)))
    I do love those scrappy 9 patches; I especially like faded feedsack fabrics--so beautiful and well-loved;))) thanks for sharing your lucky find, Melisa--Have a great weekend Hugs, Julierose

    1. Aaah what a treasure to have your Grand-mere's quilt. I hope you share it on your blog when you patch it. I would love to see it. I am sure it brings back so many fond memories. Oh yes, aren't those feedsack fabrics pretty even those that are faded. Thank you for the sweet Friday visit, Julierose. Hugs.

  15. Always here for Edna!!! I don't buy thrift store quilts--I have stacks of my own! But I do admire them!

    1. Isn't Edna a hoot! Lol. Oh I completely understand, Nancy. You certainly create so many beautiful quilts. I bet you do have quite a collection. I wish you an awesome weekend and thank you for the sweet visit. Hugs..

  16. Good morning Melisa! 🙋‍♀️ Wow, you were lucky finding your Feedsack Beauty. It’s amazing to think that quilts could easily be quite old. If your quilt is made from feedsacks how old do you think it could be? 😁🙋‍♀️👍 Barbara @flashinscissors. 👋💜💜💜🤗🥰xx

    1. Happy Happy Friday, Barbara. I hope you have had a super day. I am not sure on the age but the fabrics are vintage and it is filled with real cotton. The backing is a rough muslin or perhaps it could be feedsacks as well. It is interesting to study. I was thrilled to give it a forever home. LOL. Have a wonderful weekend. Hugs.

  17. The pictures convey a lot of calm and a peaceful day on the farm.
    The quilt is a treasure.
    Have a nice weekend!!!

    1. It was a good day. The livestock seemed to be in a good mood too. I wish you a wonderful weekend, Isabel and thank you for the sweet visit. Hugs

  18. You do so well with your thrift shop finds, especially when you discover lovely old well loved quilts. I dont go to thrift shops much, or OP (opportunity) shops as they are called here, so have never come across any old quilts.

    1. Oh thank you so much, Jenny. I feel very fortunate to have found so many quilts and tops at good prices. Thrifting is in my blood. My grandmother enjoyed going to yard sales and thrift shops so the tradition lives on. LOL. Have a great weekend. Hugs.

  19. What a delightsome post! That quilt is a treasure, tired places and all! I have a couple of those from my great grandmother and grandmother. I seldom find really good things at thrift stores, maybe just because in such a big place as I live, there are too many people who get there first.

    1. Oh thank you so much, Elaine for the sweet visit. I was thrilled to find this quilt. I live in a very rural area so it seems like the thrift stores are pretty good here. It is so wonderful that you have some of your grandmother's and great grandmothers quilts. What a treasure. I wanted to tell you that I pulled out the strips of fabric that you sent me. I am going to be playing with them soon. Hee! Hee! I am so excited. Thank you again. Hugs.

  20. Hi Melisa, I’m live down in lower Alabama. My daughter and I hit the thrift stores all the time. We have found a few quilts at good prices. It’s easy to find on Market place also. I really enjoy your blog and all the beautiful patterns you share with us. Hugs,

    1. Oh how fun especially since your daughter thrifts with you. Alabama is my favorite place to go thrift shopping. I always find great deals there. It is so fabulous that you have found some quilts for yourself. It is good to know they have found a good home. I haven't ever tried Market place. I will have to look that up. Thank you so much for making my day. You are so very kind and thoughtful. Have a wonderful weekend and a blessed day. Happy Thrifting too! Hugs

  21. That is a fantastic find, Melisa! I love the feedsacks and the quilting on this one is simple and beautiful! Thanks for sharing your finds with us!

    1. Aaw thank you so much, Brenda. It is a darling quilt . I always admire the old fabrics and wish that I had yards of them for myself. LOL. Have a wonderful weekend. I hope you get to spend time at the sewing machine. I finally got to sew on mine today after it gave me a fit with the tension. LOL. But it is humming along now . Hugs

  22. Gosh what a great find. I can just imagine the maker using all the scraps in their basket. LOVE that quilting too. Edna tho... oh Edna.... you are a character!

    1. I was over the moon, Alycia. I wish you could see it in person. Some of the squares has the teeniest of scraps. Thank you for the sweet visit, Alycia. Have a great weekend. Hugs.

  23. Drooling here in Washington over that gorgeous feed sack quilt ~ treasure at its finest :) (nwpaintedlady)

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Sharon. I was leaping for joy when I spotted it. I almost missed it in the thrift shop . I am so glad I looked back and spotted it. LOL. I hope you are having a great weekend. Hugs.

  24. Oh oh, it looks like you found a little treasure at the thrift store ;) The perfect quilt to lay on the grass, enjoying the company of the kind cows ;) Have a great weekend, hugs.

    1. I was super excited to find this quilt, Frederique. It is even prettier in person. Have a fabulous week and thank you for the sweet visit. Hugs

  25. What a pretty quilt! So happy you saved it and will repair the small holes to restore it to it's former beauty. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

    1. This was a lucky find. I am so thrilled to have been able to save this quilt and add it to my collection. Thank you so much, Jennifer, for the sweet visit.
      Have a great day.

  26. Oh that certainly is a beauty!! Thanks for sharing it with us and for joining in on Home Matters Linky Party! I will be featuring your post this week! #HomeMattersParty xx

    1. I was thrilled to pieces to find this well loved quilt. I am so very touched that you will be featuring this quilt, Joy. Thank you so much for making my day. Hugs. 

  27. Found you at Days Filled with Joy. You've got a very interesting quilt. Never seen such small scrappy squares. Love finding quilts of feed sacks. I've worn a few feed sack dresses.

    1. Happy Saturday, Joy and thank you so much for dropping by to visit me. I was excited to find this little quilt. Lots of fun and interesting fabrics in it as well. It certainly was well loved. Aaah I bet you have fond memories of wearing the feedsack dresses and those who made them. I have a feedsack dress that my hubby's grandma made for a baby. It is a treasure . Have a wonderful weekend and thank you again for the sweet visit . Hugs.


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