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Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Scrapberry Mission

 I am on a mission! Good morning, Sweetie Pies . Welcome! Yep, I am on a mission to finish Scrapberries

It has been awhile since I have showed you my progress.  

Three rows of berries are quilted  . Now on to the 4th row! Each little berry has a heart stitched in the center. 

Do you think I will have it complete by the end of the year? I sure hope so. 

The figs are tee tiny this year.  A tad bigger than a quarter.  I am sure that is due to the lack of rain. 

Ever so often I will find a ripe one. The raccoons have been raiding the figs at night. 

Look up at the trees!👀 There is muscadine vines weaving through the limbs. 
Lots of muscadine vines are woven among the tree limbs. 

Mmmm the muscadines are ripe too and are dropping to the ground. 

With a little effort , I was able to gather a bowl full for an afternoon snack. 

The gorgeous dish cloth was made by sweet Karen. I love it so.  The crock is a recent thrifting find from last week's trip

Well this is a short and sweet post isn't it? 😀😁🍓

 Thank you for dropping by to see what's in the hoop.   

Have a berry beautiful day and... 

As always,

Happy Stitching and Quilting, y'all


"Quilting is a scrap of happiness."

Hugs and Stitches!!! 🤗🧵

Dedicated to my dear sister, Amy. I miss and love you so much.   ❤👼

A muddy heart rock on the river bank. 
 I found this at the river while with the nephews. A sign from my sis. 

The little quilt heart was from my dear friend, Patricia. It always warms my heart.

I have made little progress on my No Name Sampler . This is a slow stitch that I am  designing as I go. Perhaps I will pick it back up this week. 

 I am joining these lovely ladies' link parties. I hope you check them out; they always have so many wonderful projects going on and provide the opportunity for other needleworkers to meet. 

Susan at Quilt Fabrication for  Midweek Makers Wednesday

Jennifer at Inquiring Quilter for Wednesday  Wait Loss- Wednesday

Denise at For the Love of Geese for Put Your Foot Down- Thursday

Kelly at My Quilt Infatuation for Needle and Thread Thursday- Thursday

Nina at Creations, Quilts, Art , Whatever by Nina for Off the Wall Friday

Alycia's of Alycia's Quilts for Finished of Not Friday

Joy at Days Filled with Joy for Home Matters


  1. Oooh, what an amazing quilt! It looks super! I don't know if I have the patience to do such a work. I stay with my cross stitch.
    There are 3 squirrels (European ones) around. One is very dark, the other 2 are light brown .
    It is big fun to watch them. My SiL had made a wonderful pic of one some years ago. We call it "master of thieves" cause it has open the lid(?) of a bucket where the food was in. LOL! That's my story for the day.
    Have a wonderful day,

    1. Happy Wednesday, Gabi. Oh how funny ! I bet the Master of Thieves was a sight to behold ; that little squirrel wanted its snacks early. We had a raccoon that once twisted the hummingbird feeder apart for the food. Squirrels and raccoons are crafty critters. I wish you a wonderful and blessed day and thank you for the sweet visit . You brought a smile to my day. Hugs

  2. Love, love, love the strawberry quilt. It's fabulous 👌 I feel sure you'll finish quilting that beauty. I made the second little quilt today! I make two of each. Not sure what I'll do tomorrow but I hope for two more little quilts. Happy Thursday dear friend. Darlene J

    1. Woo Hoo! Now I sure hope you did the happy dance, Darlene! Hee! Hee! Have you decided on what pattern will be your next 2? I hope to put a little quilt in the hoop tonight. I have a few wee four patches that also need to make their way into a quilt. Enjoy your day, sweet friend and Happy happy quilting. Hugs

  3. Well done on getting 3 rows on your Scrapberries quilted, Melisa! It is looking fabulous. Have a pleasant day!

    1. Oh thank you so much, Robin. I was so excited when I realized that I was moving to the 4th row. Just 10 more blocks to go. I am seeing the light on this quilt. I hope you are having a great morning. It has been raining so it may be headed in your direction. Hugs

  4. Your scrapberry quilt is so, so cute! Love that checked sashing. I've never had a muscadine - pretty tasty? Do your figs taste the same, even though they are smallish? Have a great day Melisa!

  5. As you know, I just love your Scrapberries (even tho' I call it Strawberries haha); I especially like those little greenery toppers on each!!
    I am working one long table runner line a day--maybe if you can do just a few lines around a berry per day you can get it moving--amazing what 15 min per day can do...
    hugs {and a little nudge too} Julierose

    1. I thought about that yesterday when you said you was working on least one line on your quilt every day. Even just a few minutes of love will move it along and it is certainly better than me fretting about it which sometimes I do. Lol. I hope you have a fabulous day , Julierose and are able to get a lot accomplished. Happy happy quilting and Hugs.

  6. Beautiful progress of the strawberry quilt.
    We also grow muscatel grapes and figs here.
    It never ceases to amaze me how Amy sends you signals and leaves a trail in the shape of hearts.

    1. Happy Wednesday, Isabel. I am so happy with the progress that I have made on my strawberry quilt. I am looking forward to finishing it. I look everyday for signs. This is the 1st year that I have been finding heart rocks. My nephews were going to kayak down the river and when I saw this heart rock, I knew that my sweet sis was going to watch them as they made their way. Thank you for the sweet visit. Have a blessed and beautiful day. Hugs.

  7. Scrapberries is coming right along, Melisa! I think you can finish it by the end of the year. I'm not a huge fan of figs unless they are in a jar of fig preserves and have a hot buttered biscuit to go with them! Oooh, I would love some good wild muscadines. Haven't had any in years. My grandparents had a scuppernong arbor and I used to love to walk around under it and eat them right off the vine! Live was much simpler back then! Sigh! Have a great day, friend! Hugs!

    1. Oh don't you just miss those days of yesteryear especially time with the grandparents? Mmm scuppernongs are yummy. It has been a few years since I have those tasty treats. The muscadines are small this year but packed with sweetness. I will miss them when they are gone. Have a beautiful day, sweet friend. Hugs from the holler.

  8. The Scrapberries quilt is just wonderful, Melisa! I love those happy, scrappy blocks and the fun gingham border, too. Hooray for making progress on the quilting! Our apples are teeny tiny this year - not sure I can make anything out of them without having to cut up a million!

    1. Happy Wednesday, Diann. I hope you had a great day. I am super excited over how much I have completed on Scrapberries. Just 10 more blocks to go. Aaw that is too bad about the apples. It would have been nice to have a bumper crop for pies and such. We thought we were going to have a good crop of pears but the raccoons and squirrels took care of that. LOL. Have a great evening. Hugs.

  9. I've never heard of muscadines, but they look tasty. Are they berries or like plums perhaps?

    1. They are very tasty. They are a wild grape that grows in the southern U. S. Ours is small this year but packed with flavor. Thank you for the sweet visit, Jenny . Have a blessed day. Hugs.

  10. Scrapberries is looking super sweet, Melisa. Your sampler is coming along nicely. I haven't had muscadines in years...kind of made my mouth water :)

    1. I have been watching our muscadine vines all summer awaiting for them to ripen. Though they are small, they are super sweet. Thank yo so much for the kind words on my quilt and sampler. They are both coming along. Have a wonderful evening. Hugs.

  11. No name sampler is very pretty, happy stitching!

    1. Aaaw thank you so much, Gretchen . The colors in the little sampler are speaking to me. I hope to make a little progress on it this week. Have a blessed day. Hugs.

  12. Scrapberries is a beautiful quilt and I know you will finish it before the end of the year. I had to look up muscadines and now I know they are type of grape. We don't have them here but I hear they are pretty yummy. Do you make jelly or jam with them? The raccoons obviously know what's good to eat if they're grabbing all the ripe figs. Your no name sampler is really coming along. Pretty soon it will be done and then the perfect name will come to you. We got some rain this evening. Wahoo! Hope yours is on its way.

    1. I awoke to the pitter patter of rain too, Ginny. Thankfully it was a gentle rain and not a storm. We may get more tomorrow. Woo Hoo that you got rain too! We both needed it. I always enjoy when the muscadines get ripe. My uncle used to make muscadine wine years and years ago. But I haven't made any jam . It would be quite tasty though. Thank you for the sweet Wednesday visit. Hugs and Blessings.

  13. Your Scrap Berries quilt is wonderful! Every time you post about it, I drool a bit!! I can't imagine designing a cross stitch as you go as you are doing!!!! You are a remarkable and creative woman!!!--TerryK@OnGoingProjects

    1. Aaaw you are the sweetest , Terry. Thank you so much for lifting my spirits. I am really focused on Scrapberries. 10 more blocks to go - Eeeh! I need to start thinking on how I am going to quilt the border. Have a wonderful evening. Hugs.

  14. For sure you will have your berry quilt done this year. I have not heard of Muscadines, what do they taste like?

    1. I sure hope so , Vicki. My fingers are working up a storm to finish this quilt. Muscadines are wild grapes here in the south . They are very sweet . Where I live there are vines hanging from the trees all over. Have a beautiful day. Hugs.

  15. Your strawberry quilt is so sweet! I can't wait for the finish. Nor can I wait to see how you finish the design on the sampler. I love those flowers draping from the pot and that sweet blue bird! I hope inspiration finds you this week. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

    1. Oh thank you so much, Jennifer. I was able to get 2 more blocks quilted this week. I am moving right along on this quilt. I hope you had a great weekend . Hugs.

  16. You've been making slow progress on Scrapberry. It's such a fun quilt It will be something bright to work on as the colder weather starts to set in.

    1. Oh yes, it does make me happy to work on Scrapberries. It will be nice to cuddle underneath as I quilt away. Hopefully, I will make a lot of progress in the next few weeks. Thank you so much, Kate. Hugs.

  17. Love those scrapberries - what a cute idea! Sorry about your fig harvest. I'd be happy to share as my tree is overflowing with them this year!

    1. Oh thank you so much, Susan. I have really enjoyed working on Scrapberries. It has been a quilt that has been years in the making. It is time to wrap it up though. LOL. It is wonderful that you have had a bumper crop of figs. I hope we will have better luck next year. Hugs.

  18. Love your scrap berries, Melisa!!! Cheering you on!

    1. Oh thank you so much, Nancy. I got to work on Scrapberries earlier today. It is always a relaxing stitch. I wish you a great day. Hugs.


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