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Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Wordless Wednesday - A Stroll in the Holler

 A wonderful Wednesday to you! Would you like to take a leisurely stroll in the holler today? It is not too hot so it will not be too bad as we weave our way up and down the hills . Watch out for snakes! Let's go ! 

Poke weed is growing. 

Mulberries will be ripe soon. 


A boulder hugging the tree. 

Is this comfrey? 

The old cotton shack. It is probably 100 years old. 

The top of one of the ridges. 
We are almost home. Do you see the house? 
Wheew ! No snakes today!  Thank you for dropping by on this lovely summer day. 

Stay cool and comfy and ...

As Always...

Happy  Stitching and Quilting, ya'll


Explore the world one step at a time

Hugs and Stitches!!!!🤗🧵❤

Dedicated to my dear sister, Amy. I love and miss you so much.. Love you , Amo. 

               A Heart for Amo! 

Do you see the heart in the tree trunk? 


  1. Glad it wasn't hot in the Holler for your walk, Melisa! And always a good thing about not seeing snakes. Happy Wednesday!

    1. It was a nice stroll. I am glad I got the walk in before this weekend; it is supposed to be a scorcher. Walking up and down the hills can wear on you with all of the humidity. Lol. But I would have been running up them if I saw a snake. Yikes! Have a great day, Robin. Hugs.

  2. Your views are just beautiful! Glad you didn't see any snakes sunning themselves. :)

    1. Aah thank you so much, Linda. It was a good day to take a stroll. I always keep my eyes peeled for snakes especially copperheads. We have been known to see a few here in the holler. Have a blessed day. .Hugs

  3. Looks very green and lush. So glad you didn't find a snake on your walk.

    1. Everything has greened up nicely. As the summer progresses it will get wild and woolly in some areas. Thankfully no snakes were spotted today, but I did spy a snake skin in the flower bed the other day. Yikes! Lol. Have a wonderful day, Kate. Hugs.

  4. Lovely stroll, Melisa! I'm really glad you didn't see one of Satan's little hand puppets while you were out! Boy, that poke week took me back! One of our neighbors who helped us in the fields in the summers loved it! She would grab it up when she saw it and take it home and make poke salad! Dang girl, now I'm gonna have Poke Salad Annie rattling around in my head all day!! LOL Hugs!

    1. LOL. I would have been running for home if I had seen a snake, Brenda. Gosh, we have poke growing everywhere. I have always been too scared to make poke salad, but like you we have had neighbors ask us if they could pick some for themselves. They say it is mighty tasty. Lol now you got me listening to Poke Salad Annie.- the Elvis version. Eeeh! Happy Thursday , sweet friend. Hugs.

  5. I loved your stroll. It reminds me of my gramie's home in PA - she had oodles of land with forests like yours. Thank you for sharing it. Looks like you've had some cool weather. Hope it stays that way for you. We're expecting 100 today in Ogallala. :-O! Time to veg and stitch! Blessings!

    1. Aww I am so glad this brought back fond memories of your gramie's. I bet you enjoyed exploring the woods as a kid. We did have nice weather, but it is supposed to heat up. Oh my it is going to be a scorcher there. It is so exciting that you are in Ogallala. Will you be going to Lake McConaughy? We usually stop at the Goodwill in North Platte. Nebraska is one of my parents favorite states to visit. I hope you are having a great time. Stay cool , sweet friend, but enjoy all of the sites. Hugs.

  6. Such a beautiful spot there, Melisa! I'm glad there weren't any snakes! Lots of other fun things to see, though.

    1. We had a great stroll. I was so relieved that we did not spot a snake.In fact , we did not see any critters ; usually we spot a deer or two. Thank you for dropping by. Hugs.

  7. Without a doubt it has been a very pleasant walk!!
    Thanks for sharing

    1. We had a lovely time strolling the woods. Anytime spent enjoying nature is a blessing. I wish you a beautiful day, Isabel. Hugs

  8. Lovely walk! Have you shared the saltbox pattern in the mainline picture with the gold house, flags, eagle, and the banners under it?

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Donna. It was a good day for a stroll. That little house is called Lucinda Hawkins Saltbox. I will be sharing that little home next. I hope within the week. I am so touched that you asked about it. I wasn't sure about the colors, but I really enjoyed stitching it. Have a beautiful day and Happy stitching. Hugs.

  9. So pleased you didn't find any snakes!

    1. Oh I am too , Jenny. I do not do well with snakes. Lol. Have a blessed day and thank you for the sweet Wednesday visit. Hugs.

  10. Phew! So glad your beautiful walk didn't come across any snakes, Melisa :) Hope you're enjoying a lovely day--it's finally warmed up a bit here in Pennsylvania so I'm smiling! ♥

    1. I am too, Carol! I would have screamed and ran for the hills if I ran upon one. Hubby usually does not tell me if one is about if he spots one and it is nowhere close. He knows I am scared. Lol. I hope you are able to enjoy the nice weather outdoors. Hmmm perhaps enjoy some stitching time on the porch or patio? That would be delightful. It is supposed to be hot this weekend, but for now I am enjoying the outdoors. Have a blessed day. Hugs.

  11. So fun to see your sweet Holler, so green and lush. Lucky girl, no snakes.... Warm hugs from sunny Arizona, it is for sure summer here!!! Great mornings still but they will be getting warmer also.

    1. Happy Thursday, dear Mary. The scorching temps are supposed to hit our area this weekend ; of course it is nothing like what you experience, but it is going to be hot. Morning times is best time to be out and about on days like that. Everything has greened up nicely. I really enjoy this time of the year when the trees are full and the flowers are blooming. Thank you so much for dropping by for a sweet visit. Hugs from the holler.

  12. I thoroughly enjoyed our stroll. Thank you for taking me along. Darlene J

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Darlene for going along with me. It was a great day to be out and about plus we beat the heat. Lol. Hope your day is a lovely one. Hugs

  13. Such a nice, leisurely walk. It's so green and lush there. I saw the heart right off. Not sure about those plants and their names. What kind of snakes are common in your area?

    1. It was nice to get out and beat the heat. Later in the season, it will be wild and woolly in some areas with blackberry vines , brush and such . I guess those are the snakes hiding places. Lol. We have copperheads, rattlesnakes, and rat snakes . We have killed a few copperheads on the patio. The grandsons are notorious about picking up snakes, but thankfully they recognize the difference. Though I would prefer they not pick up any at all. One year we had a rat snake get in the house and I about had a heart attack. Thankfully, hubby was able to capture it within minutes of its discovery. I put mothballs around the house that year in hopes to deter any snakes. Come to find out, it somehow came through the chimney. Hubby had to fix that situation. Lol. Thank you for dropping by , dear Ginny. Hugs.

  14. Your farm is a beautiful place to stroll.

    1. Aaw thank you so much, Jeanna . It was a nice day for a stroll and not too hot either. Have a blessed day and Happy Stitching. Hugs

  15. I almost passed on your post as just the mention of snakes sends me running. So glad I didn't. I so enjoyed our walk :)

    1. Lol , I can not do snakes! I would have been running too, Sharon. Thank you so much for the sweet visit and for the giggles. You brightened my evening. Hugs.


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