🍎🍏 The Lord is good to me,
and so I thank the Lord
For giving me the things I need,
The sun, and the rain,
And the apple seed,
The Lord is good to me. 🍎🍏
- Johnny Appleseed Grace
Have you guessed it? Yep! Today is Johnny Appleseed Day . A day to celebrate the lively and colorful pioneer Jonathan Chapman who traipsed across the United States spreading kindness, generosity and a whole lot of apple seeds. 🍎🍏
I am celebrating the day with my hutch all decked out in apple goodness. A few months ago while on a camping adventure, Mr. Pinker and I visited the most glorious antique shop that was filled to the brim with antiques and collectibles. It was one of those shops that you had to inch your way through because it was packed, and it would take weeks to take it all in. But anywhoo. The shop had an amazing old homemade stepback cabinet filled with all things apples. My heart went thumpity thump with all of that red. ( Ya'll know me and my love affair with the color red) . Unfortunately, I did not have my camera, but the red goodness has been seared into my memory . So I tried to recreate the look with what apples and red items I had on hand.
For me this is a light look in respect to my country clutter. Normally I like to fill every nook and cranny. 😂😁😆
On the top shelf is an apple gourd that I painted about 20 years ago.
I started off layering a gingham curtain and some red cloth napkins down as shelf liners. I then went to town or should I say I "went to the apple orchard" and filled in the shelves.
All of the items are either homemade , bought at the thrift stores or the Dollar General years and years ago.
I pulled out some vintage tins and Granny's old sifter that I painted .
In 2021 my sister and I went in search for goodies on the World's Longest Yard Sale; I told her I was looking for apple items. Low and behold the very next day she pulled up in my driveway beaming with the gift of the apple tea pot that she bought for a dollar. This is one of the last gifts she gave me. 🤗❤🍎
A little hen sits in a sifter.
You can never have too much enamelware.
The bottom shelf has some of my old brown crocks. I love collecting them. A small apple basket holds some sweet quilts.
I moved my red scales from the counter over to the hutch.
Sshh! We will not discuss that I have a "scale collecting addiction" Lol.
I think it would warm Mr. Appleseed's heart to see my hutch filled with apple goodness. Don't you?
Now I would like to share with you a darling quilt that I am calling Apple Crate. It is just a simple rail fence and a fast easy quilt to make.
APPLE CRATE measures 20" x 20"
My fabrics are all chosen.
To Make This Quilt You Need.
Cut 80 - 1 1/2" x 5 1/2" scraps
EACH BLOCK IS MADE UP OF 5 of these 1 1/2" x 5 1/2" strips.
Using a 1/4" seam allowance, sew the 5 strips together. Press.
I made 2 different color ways of the blocks and then alternated them in my layout.
This quilt has a total of 20 blocks measuring 5 1/2" square unfinished which will be 5" finished.
I hand quilted it in the ditch.

Well that's all from the apple orchard!
Thank you so much for celebrating Johnny Appleseed's very special day with me.
As always,
Happy Stitching and Quilting, ya'll
Do not worry about being worried, but accept worry peacefully. Difficult but not impossible. - Johnny Appleseed
Hugs and Stitches!!! 🤗🧵
Dedicated to my dear sister, Amy my sweet thrifting cohort. I miss and love you so much. 🍎❤