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Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Biscuits and A Sampler - A St. Patrick's Day Freebie

Butter my buns and call me a biscuit!!! 

It's Wednesday already - how did that happen!!! 

Good  morning ya'll . Is that a growling tummy that I hear? Maybe its my own .😋 I have a hankering for biscuits. How about you? Well just grab an apron .I am not too shy to ask for help in the kitchen . 😄 Now come on; I promise I won't ask you to wash the  dishes. 

I have bookoos of biscuit recipes. 

Now the ones we are making today are not the biscuits that I showed a couple of weeks ago , but they are sure to quiet the rumbly in your tumbly .

 This is a 2 ingredient recipe and quick to prepare as well. 

 Ok, you grab a bowl, and I will get what we need out of the fridge and pantry-

 Hmmm we need heavy cream and flour.  We will use Granny's old rolling pin. It looks pretty rough, but it does the job perfectly. It's my favorite rolling pin.🤗 

We can't start without the recipe can we?  You can grab the image and print the recipe - Sorry it scanned sorta cockeyed. 

Preheat the oven to 450 degrees. Do you mind if I get a pinch of the yummy raw dough? 


Pat and roll! 

Mason jar lids are great to use as biscuit cutters.  Another tip from Nanny. 

Nanny always said "Don't twist the cutter but push it into the dough".

Two skillets ready to go into the oven. 

While the biscuits are in the oven, let me show you what I am working on now.  It is another mini sampler but this one is for St. Patrick's Day. Just a simple lower case alphabet with a few shamrocks.

I have high hopes to finish it by evening. If you would like to join me and stitch one yourself, then grab the chart and your favorite green floss and then you can go to town on it. 

UPDATE: I finished my Mini Sampler . It came  out cuter than I imagined. 

If you are interested in stitching St. Patrick's Mini Sampler  ,grab the images below. Many of ya'll know but I always encourage you to read my little disclaimer and note about getting my charts. 

NOTE: Normally I have been able to create links to the charts and instructions which were in JPG form. For some reason, recent updates on Google Docs. has prevented me from doing that and I am not able to create a pdf without having to deal with storage issues.  Many dear stitchers say they right click, save the image and then print.  I think some have copied and pasted it to a Word document that they can print off as well. I hope you are able to find a way to enjoy this chart. You will have to click each page to save. Thank you so much for your patience and understanding and for all of the helpful tips and ideas. 

I stitch my little designs for fun and to decorate my home. I feel very blessed by this community and love sharing my little charts, but I am not a professional designer. And I do not have professional software. Thank you for understanding . I am always grateful for your kind encouragement , your visits, and for stitching my little designs.

I think our biscuits are about ready.  Don't those look mouthwatering.  Oh, shucks! They didn't rise as high as I had hoped .

 NANNY's BISCUIT TIP  # 200 - Pack the biscuits close together.

Sorry Nanny, I'll do better next time. Lol.  My Nanny was an amazing Southern cook. 

 Grab you a plate and mug of milk. I even have honey from our on bees.  

Let's dig in and eat and then we will go stitch. 

I  am so happy that you dropped by and spent some time with me today. 🤗

More biscuit recipes will soon follow. 

I appreciate the sweet Wednesday visit. 
As Always...

Happy  Stitching and Quilting, ya'll



Creative clutter is better than idle neatness. 

Hugs and Stitches!!!!🤗🧵❤

Dedicated to my baby sister , Amy who loved to cook and grocery shop just as much as Nanny did.   Love and miss you, Amo. 

Candy dish of old biscuit cutters. Some were gifted to me by my sis. 



  1. What a simple recipe that looks SOOOO delicious! Honey & butter sound sinfully good on these. Thanks!

    1. They were so good. I do love biscuits; my favorite is with gravy. Hubby like molasses on his . Thank you for the sweet visit. Hugs.

  2. I love old fashioned, tried and true recipes like this that have been feeding families for generations. Thank you for sharing!

    1. Oh thank you so much, dear. We grew up on biscuits and gravy. I do not think I ever tire of eating them. Have a very lovely Wednesday.

  3. Who knew one could make biscuits from 2 ingredients! And baked in a cast iron skillet no less!?! So good, Melisa!!! And I'm sure grandma's rolling pin will forever be the best!!!

    1. They were simple and quick . We change out what biscuits we make , but this one is always a quick on. Out of all of my rolling pins, Granny's with no handles is the best. I don't know why , but it is magical. Lol. Happy Wednesday, Nancy.

  4. I make biscuits pretty well you I only use White Lily Flour. I only use Crisco and I mix sweet milk and buttermilk. ( for all the non Southerners, Sweet Milk is whole milk:)) I put mine in a really hot cast iron skillet, close together as you said Melisa and I bake at 450 as well. Nothing like a hot biscuit and some apple butter, honey or jelly. I also like biscuits and gravy!! I try not to make that too often as I like it too much!! Oh Melisa, I was getting out my summer saltboxes and guess what? I had already stitched Strawberry House!!! So on to Candy Corn those saltboxes.

    1. Oh Arlene that is my favorite recipe using Crisco and buttermilk. I think everything is yummy being prepared in cast iron. Don't you? Lol. Nothing beats biscuits and gray. Eeeh I am so excited that you are going to be working on a new house stitch. I hope you enjoy every stitch in the Candy Corn House.

  5. The biscuits look incredible and I bet so very tasty. Interesting recipe for biscuits! Thank you for the little shamrock sampler.

    1. Oh they are yummy, Robin and super easy especially if you have heavy cream in the fridge. I have just finished my little sampler and hope to stuff it into a pillow soon. Wednesday hugs.

  6. These "lifelong" recipes are exquisite and take us back to childhood!
    Thank you for sharing it as well as the sampler that is beautiful.

    1. So true, Isabel. We grew up on biscuits and gravy and every day that I visited my Nanny in the evening she would have biscuits waiting in the biscuit tin. She would wake at 4 in the morning to bake them. Have a wonderful day and thank you for the sweet visit.

  7. Well that's a first for me, Melisa! I've never had biscuits using heavy cream. Sounds awesome! Of course, I love biscuits...even my keto biscuits! LOL Thanks for sharing. Your little sampler is cute!

    1. These biscuits are oh so yummy, Brenda. I love biscuits too ; I do have to limit myself though. Lol. It is a beautiful sunny day here ; I hope you are enjoying some sunshine in your neck of the woods. Happy Wednesday. Hugs.

  8. Dear Melisa,I wish we could stitch together! What a great time we would have...eating delicious cookies and stitching the time away! Hugs from me! Marianne

    1. Oh dear Marianne I wish you were here to stitch the day away too. What a delightful time we would have stitching up a storm and chatting away. Hugs and blessings.

  9. Melisa, I loved making biscuits with you today! Brings back memories of Chicken and Biscuits, Beef Stew with Biscuits, Strawberry Shortcake on Biscuits, and hot biscuits with butter and dark Karo syrup for a right-out-of-the-oven treat. I'll catch the sampler later. I'm off to the kitchen to make biscuits!

    1. Mmmm ! Mmmm Good!!!!! Now I am wanting Strawberry Shortcake. Lol. Oh yes and we eat them with dark Karo syrup and butter as well. Lol I can smell you biscuits baking from here. I hope they are just as delicious. Thank you so much for stopping by for a sweet Wednesday visit. Hugs.

  10. You are amazing those biscuit look and I am sure taste so good. I think of you and your sister offend.

    1. Aaaah you are the sweetest and so kind. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for keeping me and my sister in your thoughts; that truly means the world to me. I hope you have a wonderful day . Blessings and hugs.

  11. Your biscuits look amazing. Will have to try them. Every biscuit I've made so far have been dry and crumbly.

    1. Oh thank you so much, Donna. They were very yummy especially with gravy. I use different recipes , but this one is  quick on especially when you have heavy cream on hand.  Have a very delightful Wednesday. Hugs. 

  12. I have never heard of a recipe as simple as that with only 2 ingredients! I bet they were delicious! My hubby made us fresh bread this morning, oh the smell of something baking while we are having a winter storm was wonderful!

    1. There is nothing like the smell of fresh baked bread. Sounds like the perfect day to stay inside and quilt the day away. Stay safe, warm and cozy. I wish I could seen you some warm sunshine. Happy Wednesday, Vicki

  13. I've made biscuits all my life but self-rising flour isn't a common thing in my world, so hearing about 2 ingred. biscuits is a fairly new thing to me. Seeing them has my mouth watering. Using them for shortcake is one of my favorite things with fresh, sweetened berries! OMGosh, I see biscuits being made before this day is over. Thanks for the sweet sampler.

    1. These are Mmmm Mmmm good, Ginny. I have several recipes that I really like. Growing up we always had biscuits and gravy. And Strawberry shortcake is the best with homemade biscuits. I am glad I got you in the mood for biscuit making. Lol. Have a wonderful evening. Hugs.

  14. White Lily Flour! Haven’t seen that bag for a long time! My mother-in-law made homemade buttermilk biscuits regularly with White Lily flour…..yummy! I’m going to try your recipe! Thanks!

    1. Lol we use White Lily or Martha White . Both are so good. I love buttermilk biscuits too ; they are probably my favorite!!! I hope you enjoy . Have a great evening, Donna.

  15. What a wonderful recipe! I never heard of a 2-ingredient biscuit before, but this definitely wants to be tried in my kitchen. Thank you for sharing it, and the cute St. Paddy's day alphabet.

    1. Oh thank you so much, Susan. It is an easy recipe when you don't want to fix the more traditional biscuits. They are very yummy as well. I hope you have a very lovely day .Hugs.

  16. Those biscuits look fabulous, Melisa--homemade breads, muffins, and such are my main weakness--even more than chocolate! Love your little sampler for St. Patrick's Day--a quick stitch for a fun day :)

    1. I think I am the same way, Carol. I love homemade breads especially biscuits. The older that I get however the more I am craving chocolate which is weird. Lol. Thank you so much on my little sampler. It was a quick stitch. Hugs.

  17. I love old recipe cookbooks! You have a beautiful treasure. Even if you find good recipes online I always prefer and love to look at them in a book. The biscuits look so lovely, I will have to make them. And your sampler is so pretty!

    1. I am the same way, Diana. I love cookbooks, especially older ones. I am fortunate to have my grandmother's . It is always interesting to compare recipes in the older books to the recipes online. Thank you for the sweet visit. Hugs.


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