Thursday, June 8, 2023

Home Again Happenings

Good morning, ya'll. It has been forever and a day since I last chatted with ya'll. I sure hope you are doing well and the last few weeks have been good to you.  Have you been quilting or stitching the days away? Or have you just been enjoying the long summer days doing whatever catches your fancy?  I hope you have been enjoying yourself either way. I sure have  missed ya'll!!!!🤗 😘

 Well let me tell you what has been going on here in the holler. First,  Mr. Pinker and I had a wonderful vacation . It was nice to be off the grid roaming around the countryside in the ole' red truck and with  Annie the raggedy little camper.  

We named her after our first camper ( Raggedy Annie # 1 which was an older camper that we used to have. She wasn't pretty , but she was built well). This one is a little raggedy too, but she fit our needs perfectly and both the truck and the camper had a great trip considering they are over 20 years old. 

Abiquiu Dam

 Anywhoo, Mr. Pinker and  I rolled back into the holler after almost 2 weeks on our trip westward. We traversed around Oklahoma and New Mexico visiting some of our favorite boondocking camping spots and even enjoyed discovering some new ones . 

Echo Amphitheater  in New Mexico was closed . 

It rained just about every day, but the sound of the rain on the roof of the camper , made a good night's sleep for me. 

We did not see as many animals as usual, but we did see a few. While in Valles Caldera  National Preserve, we saw 2 wily coyotes traipsing along the prairie dog fields.  

The barks of the prairie dogs warned that predators were around. 

Thankfully, I did not witness them getting  an afternoon snack. Aren't the prairie dogs as cute as a button? 

We visited a lot of the same sites that we have been to before . 

Sandstone Bluffs- El Malpais National Monument, NM

The lava flows at El Malpais National Monument were spectacular. We always enjoy hiking them . 


We were disappointed that we could not go into the lava tubes and caves this year. 

The sandstone cliffs were amazing. 


The flowers were not in full bloom as they usually are in late June , but they were still beautiful. 


When in New Mexico, we always stop at Blake's Lotaburger .  Ya'll , it was yuuummmy!

Every year that we travel out west, the last day of our travels , we always spend the night at the edge of Oklahoma/ Arkansas ,and then I shop the Goodwills along I- 40 as I make my way back home. I will show you my finds in another post.

Slug Bug Ranch, Conway, TX

Cimarron River near Eagles Nest, NM

  By midnight, we were back at home in our own beds. After unpacking and settling back into our routine, we soon realized that our internet was out.  ( I'm old school and do all of my browsing , blogging and checking emails on the computer so that meant I was off the grid still. ) Yikes! 😬😳🖥

Mr. Pinker determined that we needed to upgrade our modem and router so that meant waiting for a few day for them to arrive.

 In the meantime,   just a couple of days after getting home, Mr. Pinker was off to the hospital to have a scheduled surgery.🤕🩹 He is doing well and recovering at home . I do believe he is bored and is ready to go back to work , but that will be in due time.  

Soon afterward the router/ modem came and as soon as Mr. Pinker was feeling up to par , we installed it , but it was a no go. Long story short.- well, we had to wait until  our cable/internet provider sent a service worker to our home to repair it.   But I think I am back in business .  😀

Sooooo- that's what's been going on in and out of the holler. 

Thank you so much for all of the kind messages checking on how Mr. Pinker and I was doing.❤🤗 It warmed my heart something good. Ya'll are the sweetest!!!!

 I had hoped to get online as soon as we returned , but I am sure you understand. I am hoping to get back into routine . I will be posting my June doodle tomorrow as long as the Lord is willing and the creek doesn't rise. 

Rio Grande Gorge Bridge

Well ya'll it may take me a few days to catch up,  but I will get there.  Have a beautiful day, my dear friends and ...

As always...

Happy quilting and stitching, ya'll


Live life with no excuses . Travel with no regret. - Oscar Wilde

Hugs and Stitches!!! ðŸ¤—❤🧵

Dedicated to my dear sister, Amy. Love and miss you., Amo ❤❤❤


  1. Melisa, I am so glad for both of you that had such a great time away! It sounds like you had two adventures… one going away and two being back at home. I missed you ❤️

    1. Aaah thank you so much dear; it just warms my heart to be missed. ❤🤗. We had a fabulous time and got to see and do a lot too. You are so right- we had two adventures. It takes some adjustments to not having the internet or tv when at home compared to camping. Lol. I hope your day is a blessed one. Hugs.

  2. Comme je suis contente de pouvoir vous relire, très souvent je suis allée voir sur votre blog pour avoir des nouvelles qui n’arrivaient. Merci de nous faire voyager dans de si beaux paysages tout en étant assise chez moi. Merci et bonne santé à vous

    1. Aaah thank you so much, dear; your kind words warms my heart . It feels good to be missed. I had hoped to be back on the blog a lot sooner. In fact I was hoping to post while traveling but we were just not in areas where we had service.But we had a wonderful time and the landscape is amazing to see. The photos do not do it justice. Thank you for the sweet visit. Have a beautiful day. Hugs.

  3. Oh great, what beautiful pictures of your vacation, thanks for showing them. You don't see anything like that here in Germany.
    Glad to hear your husband is doing well, he's recovering now.
    Enjoy your time

    1. Good morning, Martina. I hope your day is off to a good start. Thank you so much for the kind words on my husband and on my photos. We had such a wonderful time. It is beautiful in that area of the US and so different from where I live. We had a great time. Have a blessed day. Hugs.

  4. You don't find those wide landscapes in The Netherlands. Beautiful and thank you for sharing the pictures with us.
    I wish your husband a speedy recovery !

    1. I think that is why I am drawn to this area of the US. You can see for miles and the colors in the landscape is amazing. Thank you so much for the sweet Thursday visit, Annelies and the warm well wishes for my hubby. Have a beautiful day. Hugs.

  5. Hello Melisa!

    First of all, I hope that her husband is fully recovered after surgery.

    Second, technology works great when it works. If not, it's desperate. It is a matter of patience and of the technicians to be able to solve it.

    Third, a beautiful vacation! The places that you share with us are spectacular. They are huge!!! Thank you for sharing them, so we can admire them.

    Kisses from Spain,

    1. Good morning, Pilarin and thank you so much for the well wishes for my hubby. He is doing a lot better than I expected. Oh I agree on technology. I am so thankful that hubby finally called the technicians. It is so much better already and will make getting on the internet a lot more enjoyable. We had a fabulous vacation. I just marvel at the beauty of this area of the US. Have a beautiful day, my friend. Hugs.

  6. (Little Penpen) what a wonderful trip!!! Good to hear from you. Glad hubby is doing ok.

    1. We had such a wonderful time, Penny. It is so nice to get away every now and then and thank you so much for the kind words on hubby and the sweet visit. Hugs.

  7. Oh Melisa, thank you for sharing the beautiful photos from your trip. Our country is filled with beauty. Hope Mr. Pinker's shoulder is mending well. Glad you are back up and running with the internet. Happy Thursday!

    1. Aaah thank you Robin. I am in love with that area of the US . I can certainly understand how NM got its nickname for I am enchanted by it that is for sure. Have a great weekend. Hugs.

  8. That looks like a fun trip, with many beautiful sights along the way! I'm sorry you came home to technical troubles, but sounds like you finally got them figured out. So glad hubby is doing well after his surgery. Welcome home!

    1. It was an amazing trip, Diann. I can not get enough of that area. We had hoped to go into Colorado this year, but in the end didn't ( another one of my favorite states as well. )It was nice to have mild weather as well. Thank you for the kind words about my hubby and the sweet visit. I look forward to catching up on what you have been up to. Hugs.

  9. Welcome home! Always something, isn't there? :-) Good to hear Mr. Pinker is doing well and recovering. His boredom means he's ready to get back into the swing of things - maybe! LOL! Your pictures are wonderful - thanks for including them - especially the cactus. I love to save them to my phone or computer and go to Google Lens to find out what they are.

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Donna. I think you are right- Mr. Pinker is ready to get back to work; it is hard for him to stay still . Lol . I love taking photos of all the cacti when I go westward and I do the same thing- gotta find out what they are. Lol. Hope you are having a great trip. Hugs.

  10. Welcom home Melisa, I am so happy that you and Mr Pinker had a wonderful vacation. Seems as it is always something when we return, if it isn't family it is technology!! I have been having my own teck problems. I can't wait to see your finds at the Goodwill stops and all of the stitching that you accomplished. Glad to hear that the mister is doing so well, boredom is a sign that he is healing well!! Loved all of your pictures. Hugs from sunny Arizona.

    1. Aaah thank you so much, dear Mary. We had an amazing time, but ain't it the truth about coming home- Lol. You never know what might happen while away when you are gone for awhile. Thankfully, it was just tech troubles this time. I sure hope you get yours resolved soon. It can be frustrating sometimes- don't you think. Oh yes, I think Mr. Pinker is ready to go back to work; he is certainly bored . lol. Have a great weekend. Hugs and blessings.

  11. What a great trip! You saw so many interesting things. Sorry your Internet was out but thankfully you're back on. Welcome home!

    1. Good morning, Susie. It was a great trip. We saw a lot and was able to relax too. Since we had the repairman come out to fix the internet/ cable , it has made a world of difference. Tech woes is never fun. Lol . Have a great weekend. Hugs.

  12. Welcome home! Sounds like you had a fabulous trip. I'm glad Mr. Pinker's surgery went well and that he is "bored." Bored is always a good healing sign of an active "boy!" I'm glad the two of you figured out the technology issue. . .when it works it is great; when it doesn't it is worse than awful!--TerryK@OnGoingProjects

  13. Holaaaaaaaaaaaa mi bella amiga que gusto tenerte de vuelta ya en casita la verdad TE EXTRAÑE muchísimo!!!! pero leyendo tu aventura valió la pena esperarte!!!
    NO esta nada mas tomarse unos días de descanso de todo incluyendo internet! Las fotos maravillosas cuantos lugares interesantes pudieron visitar pero sobre todo DESEO que el sr Pinker SE RECUPERE PRONTO ..... y que así pueda volver a su día a día pero saludable!!!
    Mañana también salgo de viaje a mi segunda casa Barcelona España pero No te perdere de vista jajja.
    besitos amiga y hasta muy pronto
    tu amiga

    1. Good morning, dear Dianet, I missed you as well. I can not wait to catch up and see what all you have been up to. I know you have been busy creating so many beautiful pieces. I hope you have a safe and wonderful trip as you travel and I wish you the most blessed weekend. Hugs and love.

  14. Welcome back Melisa! Looks like you had a wonderful time! You have been missed! Hugs!

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Christina. You just brought a big smile to my face:) . It feels so good to be missed. I hope you have been doing well. Have a wonderful day. Hugs and blessings.

  15. Looks wonderful, glad to have you home safe.

    1. Aaah thank you so much, dear. We had a wonderful time and everything went smoothly on the trip which is always good. Have a beautiful day. Hugs.

  16. Glad you had such a good trip. I live in Albuquerque and have seen most of the sites. Always beautiful! I would have invited you to stop by but we were on a trip to Montana. Also had a great time. Hope hubby is 100% soon and you can settle back in at home.

    1. Oh, Marsha, you live in the most beautiful state. I love going out there. We usually visit every year or so or at least pass through. We were in Albuquerque for a day but did not stop at the national monument this time. . We did eat at one of the Blakes Lotaburgers though. I bet you had the most fabulous time in Montana ( another amazing state as well). I sure hope you got to see a lot and enjoy nature. Thank you so much for the kind words on my hubby . Have a wonderful weekend. Hugs.

  17. I'm so pleased you had a wonderful trip in your smart camper. And its always do nice to see holiday scenery pictures too. I'm pleased your hubby is recovery well from his OP no doubt he will be raring to get on with farms chores, especially after your time away. Welcome back

    1. Good morning, Jenny. We enjoyed every minute of our vacation . This was our 1st trip in the truck camper and we enjoyed it a lot more than pitching a tent. Oh, yes, hubby is ready to get back to work and after being away he can think of a million and one things to do. Lol. Hope you have a blessed day and thank you for the sweet visit. Looking forward to catching up with what you have been doing as well.

  18. (Jaw open!!!!) Truly amazing especially for this "flatlander!" Can only imagine the grandeur of it all "full size!!!!" Thanks for taking us with you!

    1. Lol I am always amazed at the beauty in those states as well and the photos do not do the scenery justice. In some areas you can see for miles and miles which is a lot different than where I live. Thank you for the sweet visit, my dear. You are so kind. Have an awesome weekend. Hugs.

  19. Melisa, I was so glad to see this post in my email! I had missed you and hoped all was well. It was great to hear that you and Mr. Pinker were out gallivanting and enjoying yourselves ❤️

    1. Aaah , Cheryl . You just made my day. Thank you so much for making me feel special. Mr. Pinker and I had a wonderful time; we got to see a lot and relax as well. I am already dreaming of the next adventure though it may be awhile. Lol. Have a blessed and wonderful day. Hugs.

  20. Sounds like you had a great trip. Bummer on the internet issues but it looks like you are up and running again. Hope hubby is recovering well.

    1. Oh, Deb, it was a wonderful trip. It was nice to unwind but explore as well. Tech woes are always frustration especially after a trip , but I am so grateful that it is finally fixed. Thank you so much for the warm well wishes for my hubby. Have a wonderful weekend. Hugs.

  21. Welcome back! I could almost see the smile on your face as you posted the neat pictures. I'm late to the list, but so glad you had a safe trip and some fun adventures! Home always looks good when you have been away...minus the internet problem, that is. Hoping Hubby continues his recovery and you enjoy these first few days before the "home" routine takes over. Kris

    1. Aaaw thank you so much, Kris. We had such a fabulous time. Posting the photos made me want to jump back in the truck and head back, lol, but it is nice to be home too. Thank you so much for the well wishes for my hubby. He is doing well. Have a blessed week. Hugs.

  22. Contente de vous lire Melisa .Je vois que vous avez passez de belles vacances et merci pour le partage de ces magnifiques photos .
    Prompt rétablissement à votre mari .
    Bon week-end

    1. Aaw thank you so much for the sweet visit and the kind well wishes for my hubby, Monique. We had a lovely vacation before his surgery which was so nice. I hope you are doing well and are enjoying your summer.

  23. Ah, my home stomping grounds! Love all those places, visited them over and over, since we spent a lot of time in southern CO and northeastern NM. We boondocked often during our 5 years on the road, and there's nothing like beeing out there in the wild! I'm so glad you had a great vacation. I want another vehicle of some kind, and I'm not too picky about what it is, just want to be self-contained. Thanks for sharing your adventures!

    1. Oh Susan I bet your time in CO and NM was delightful. It is a beautiful area isn't it. I hope that the photos brought back fond memories and that you will be able to get on the road again in the near future. You sound like a wanderlust like I am . Hugs.

  24. Welcome Home!! Thanks for sharing your travel pictures! What interesting places you went and visited.

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Ginny. We had a ball. We love to go to historic places, national parks and such. There is so much beauty to explore. Hope you are having a lovely summer thus far.

  25. Welcome back, Melisa! So glad you had safe and fun travels in spite of the rain. I sure enjoyed seeing your photos--we live in an amazing country filled with all sorts of beautiful wonders, don't we? I hope your husband continues to heal well and that your internet gets back to normal. Can't wait to see what goodies you brought back with you from the Goodwill stores! ♥

    1. Aaw thank you so much, Carol. I  agree ; this is a beautiful country that we live in. Thank you so much for the well wishes for my hubby. I hope your is doing well too. Mine had shoulder surgery too . So it is going to be a few weeks. 

  26. Welcome back, Melisa! It looks like a memorable trip! And good to hear Mr. is already back up and getting things done around the house. That slug bug ranch made me smile!!!

    1. Oh thank you so much, Nancy. It was a wonderful trip with lots to see and do. Lol we had to stop at the slug bug ranch. Just wish I had thought to bring some paint along. Hee Hee!

  27. Happy you are home safe and sound, and that you get the internet flowing again!

    1. Aww thank you so much, Kathy. We had a wonderful trip and I am over the moon that the internet is back on track. Lol. Happy quilting. 


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