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Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Little Red Schoolhouse Mini Sampler Freebie

Lunch box ☑ Pencils✅  Crayons  ☑ Paper ✅ 

Oh my, do I see some of you moms doing the Happy Dance???!!! Hee! Hee!  😅😃😄Lol that's okay ! Break out into a full dance show!  I know my daughter is!

 It is Back to School Day and the kiddos are heading back to school  for their 1st full day.  My daughter said she could not pack those backpacks quick enough! 😂 

I am sure my grandsons will wake up bright eyed and bushy tailed because they are excited to see their friends. ( They are social butterflies . Hmmmm do you call boys social butterflies? Probably not , but they like to socialize. ). My daughter said the teacher of the youngest grandson will have her hands full because most of the little football / baseball players are in the same room. LOL.

  As a kid, I was always excited to return back to school with a new wardrobe as well as sporting a new Trapper Keeper. Do you remember those?  

Do you have any fond Back to School memories?  One of my most memorable was the weekend before my senior year. I was stung in the face by a hornet! YIKES! What a disaster especially since I am allergic to bees. ( Yep, I am allergic, but I still love  my honeybees. )

Lizzy's Prim Pin Keep    a 2021 freebie. 

 Anywhoo , my face swelled up, and I could not see . Mom used all of those home remedies to ease the discomfort and bring down the swelling like applying a baking soda paste.  I just knew I would be mortified showing up on the 1st day with my face as big as a balloon. Fortunately , by Monday morning the swelling had subsided to where I was not too monstrous. 👾👾👾

 I decorated the top of my shelf in the Back to School theme. I will be snapping away when the boys arrive here - that is  taking photos of the boys . 

Do you take Back to School photos of your youngins' or grandchildren?

A school display for the new school year. 

Yesterday , I pulled out the large chalkboards and made each grandson a "Back to School" photo prop. It is a tradition my daughter does every year. 

  The boys  including my nephews had their last Summer sleep over the other night. We made a bonfire, popped popcorn and later watched movies. I have to admit this ole' grandma is going to miss the summer time fun. They all have been very entertaining. 

In celebration of "Back to School" time, I created a little mini sampler  called the Little Red Schoolhouse  Mini Sampler

Monday night I worked diligently and finished this little piece in two shakes of a lamb's tail- well actually it was around 2 1/2 hours-- long enough for me to watch the master sleuth ,Columbo on TV. Hee! Hee! 

I finished it into a little pin pillow . Because I am so thrifty, I used yarn that I purchased from the thrift store for the trim. I simply twisted two strands tightly and pinned them in place. 

I am twisting 2 strands of yarn to create a yarn cording trim. I use pins to help me keep it in place. 

I usually work one side at a time . Twisting, and pinning.  I use matching thread to the yarn that I use. I also pay close attention to the direction of the the thread in respect to the twist of the yarn ; I try to make them marry nicely. 

I whip stitch the trim in place using matching thread .  I constantly adjust the coil/ twist of the yarn. 

Soon Little Red House Schoolhouse Mini Sampler was complete and ready to add to my "Back to School" display. 

The little sampler is completed and all ready for school time. 

I had thought about stitching my schoolhouse in white since most of the  old one room schoolhouses around here were white, but at the last minute, chose reds.  I used 8 DMC floss colors including 3857, 3781, 730, 930, 822, 420, 3721, and 3799. The design size is 63 x 38 and is stitched on tea/ coffee dyed  14 count aida which I dyed myself.  (I will be posting a coffee/ tea dye post next week. ) On 14 count aida, the stitch will measure about 4 1/2" x 2 3/4". 


If you are interested in stitching this piece,  just grab , the images. For printing tips, refer to the post Tips for Printing which has loads of tips from my sweet friends. 


If you missed any mini samplers, I invite you to check out the links below. 

 Shamrock Mini Sampler   Red Heart Mini Sampler  Mini Apple Sampler,   Mini Sunflower Sampler ,  Mini Bee Sampler Mini Squirrel Sampler,    Mini Pumpkin Sampler ,  Mini Tulip Sampler,  Mini Bunny Sampler , Mini Strawberry Sampler Mini Flag Sampler

Gosh, I have been quite a chatterbox today haven't I? I apologize for all of the jawing. I guess it was just one of those days for rambling. Hee! Hee! 

I wish you the most beautiful and blessed day, Sweet friends and remember- I love ya'!!!

Now go out there and do that happy "Back to School " jig . 

As always,

Happy Stitching and Quilting, y'all


"Education is the foundation upon which a thriving society is built."- Laura Bush

Hugs and Stitches!!! 🤗🧵

Dedicated to my dear sister, Amy who always held the best Back to School bashes for the kiddos. I miss and love you so much.   ❤👼

Do you remember the Critter Sitters? Cute! Cute! Cute!


  1. We usually only take photos on the first day of school and celebrate with the family. Then the children can unpack their school bags. On that day they get to know their new classmates, their teacher and the school building or school grounds. There are only 1-2 hours of lessons, then the children can go home and celebrate. We always invite the children's sponsors.
    The little sampler is very pretty.
    Have fun with the boys.

    1. Oh that is so interesting, Martina. The first day of school is always exciting. The grandsons met their teachers the other day, but only got to spend just a few minutes with  them. They are especially excited to see their friends. . Next year my oldest grandson will be moving to a new school  so he will have to go through the process  of learning the school grounds.  I wish you a lovely day and thank you for the sweet Wednesday visit. Hugs. 

  2. Well Martina said it already. Photos are taken on the first day of school. My kids have gotten a big bag full of things like rubber, pencils etc and of course some sweets. One of the bags I still have on the attic. My son liked school but my daughter... Gosh you should have seen her face.
    I think she thought hope it is over soon. Well they finished school successfully and I am proud of them.
    My schooltime was ...well... successful but I hated it from 2nd grade on. I remember my first English teacher saying to me: you will never learn English. So what now?
    Some schoolbooks are still on the shelf and one exercisebook, I am very proud of, is about the USA. I had to speak about in front of the class.
    Your little samplers are really very nice.
    Have a happy day,

    1. Aaah what sweet school time memories, Gabi. Your daughter sounds like my oldest daughter. She disliked school too - well except for the socializing. LOL. It is so sweet that you still have on of your children's school bags. I wish I had my kiddos. I do have some of their papers which are a hoot to look at. What a treasure to have some of your schoolbooks. It makes me sad that your 1st English teacher was discouraging, but you showed her. Thank you so much for sharing; you really made my day. Have a beautiful day. Hugs.

  3. I loved the first day of school and couldn't wait to see my friends. Oh those memories!!!
    No Trapper Keeper for this old girl but definitely for my daughter. On that first day of school we spent a while after school covering our books with paper book covers. More memories. LOL
    I hope your Grands had a wonderful day.
    My daughter sent me a picture of my youngest granddaughter - goodness she has grown like a dandelion. 5th grade and almost 11 - how did that happen?
    Happy Wednesday!

    1. Happy Wednesday, Darlene. Oh yes, I forgot about covering out books with paper ; we used paper grocery bags and then would decorate them. LOL. I hope your granddaughter has a great school year. It seems like once they get in the middle school- times flies. Stay cool , sweet friend. It is a scorcher here today. Hugs.

  4. When I was a senior in high school we had homeroom for the first hour of the day on certain days. If we joined a club we would go to the club meetings during that hour. In order to get out of having quiet hour of study my best friend and I joined the FHA(future homemakers of america) with no intentions of taking it seriously. It was supposed to be a time for us to giggle and have fun. Many of our friends had also joined this group. During the first meeting a vote was held for that years leaders of the group. My friend and I voted for each other on every available position. We laughed and said the only thing we could lead them to was trouble. In the next meeting the votes had been counted and I was elected PRESIDENT! My hour of playtime was nipped in the bud! I told the teacher I couldn't possibly fill this position, she needed to give it to the runner up. Her eyes began tear up and she explained how this had never happened before and blah blah blah...I was president against my will. Meetings, speeches, organizing this and that. I should've stayed in homeroom.

    1. Oh my goodness, what a great memory, Lea Anne! I bet you and your best friend were a hoot! I just had to laugh when you said y'all voted for each other not knowing that you would be elected. Aaah but your classmates thought a lot of you and just knew you would b a great president. So much for that sweet senior "playtime" huh. LOL. Thank you for bringing a smile to my day along with giggles. You certainly brightened my day. Have a fabulous day. Hugs.

  5. What a darling new mini sampler you created, stitched and finished, Melisa! Thank you for sharing your creativity/designs with us. I hope your grandboys and nephews have great first days and the best year yet.

    1. Oh thank you so much, Robin. It was a quick simple stitch to work on . I just received photos of the boys at school from my daughter. They were all smiles which is a good thing. Have a great day. Hugs.

  6. What a lovely mini schoolhouse sampler you've made;)))
    I used to be torn at "back-to-school" time as a youngster--wanting to see my friends yet already missing the free summertime days of no schedules....; but as parents, we Moms, would get together for coffee and chat when all the "littles" had boarded their buses back to school...;))) a little bit of silence in our homes...;)))
    Being married to a teacher, though now both of us are retired, we still get that "back-to-school vibe every year...;))) hugs, Julierose

    1. I have to admit that I get the "back to school vibe" each year too especially when I see the school supplies out. I think I was like you - torn. Those long summer days of playtime were hard to give up. LOL. It is certainly quiet when the kiddos are not at home. I wish you a lovely day, Julierose. Hugs and Blessings.

  7. I never had a Trapper Keeper but my kids did! I know your grandsons will have such good summer memories of their time with you. What a cute schoolhouse sampler, love the yarn twist frame. You're so, so creative Melisa. :)

    1. I was looking the other day in my closet and found my old 1st grade bookbag. There is no telling where my Trapper Keepers are though . I always enjoyed adding the paper and the pencil bag stuffed with pencils and erasers. LOL. I guess now kiddos take spiral notebooks to school. Thank you so much, Linda for the sweet Wednesday visit. I hope you have a great day in the quilt room. Stay cool; it is going to be a hot one here. Hugs.

  8. I'm a retired teacher so these back-to-school days are always a little happy/sad for me. Loved teaching, but don't really miss it anymore, if you know what I mean. Your grandsons always sound like great kids and I hope their teacher loves them - I would have! The schoolhouse sampler is fun as can be, Melisa - I'm putting it on my list to stitch!

    1. I know exactly what you mean, Diann. I loved school but do not miss it at all especially with all the changes . I do not think I could keep up. LOL. I talked to my grandsons last night and they were so excited. My oldest said he already loves his teacher. My daughter sent me photos a few minutes ago and they both were grinning from ear to ear so it looks like the 1st day of school is going off without a hitch. LOL. Have a fabulous day! Oh and I thought of you when I was stitching this piece. Hee! Hee! Hugs.

  9. The new sampler is a great nod for the back to school kiddos!

    1. Oh thank you so much, Vicki. Back to School time could have not com quick enough for my daughter. LOL. But the boys would have enjoyed having a few more weeks of summer vacation. Have a great day, Vicki and enjoy time in the quilt room.Hugs

  10. Everything your needle touches turns out so cute! Thank you for sharing!

    1. Aaah you are always the sweetest, Shelly . Thank you from the bottom of my heart. This was a simple stitch, but I am thrilled with it. Have a blessed and beautiful day. Hugs.

  11. The mini schoolhouse turned out so adorable! Summer goes by so fast, doesn't it?

    1. It sure does, Meari? And summer seems to fly by even faster for the youngins'. The grandsons had a great fun filled summer vacation and stayed active the whole season. I am sure they will have a wonderful school year though. Thank you for the sweet visit and have a blessed day. Hugs.

  12. What a sweet little sampler. Thank you so much. Seems we didn't even get a summer up here in Iola WI. It's been so wet..they say unusually this is my first spring here and i can't believe how much it has rained. Now this week we have cooler was only 56 degrees when i got up at 7am..brr. It feels like fall already. The cool temps is ok i guess because humidity is down but i really missed having a summer . Oh well. I guess i'll have to stitch my summer blues away.... have a great week.

    1. Aaah well it sounds like you are going to miss all of the summer heat. The weather has been strange this year. We had 2 weeks of showers which brought down the temperatures, but it is heating up again. I hope your rains have not caused any damage or flooding. I agree- I enjoy all that summer has to offer even the warm sunshine. Stitching the summer blues away sounds perfect to me. In no time it will be fall. But I am with you- I like the summer time. LOL. Have a beautiful day, Jennifer and thank you for the sweet visit.

  13. I don't know a mother who hasn't, if not outwardly, at least inwardly, done the happy dance when the kiddos finally return to school. By the end of summer even the reluctant students that my boys were, gladly went back to school even for only the friends they would see again. I enjoyed school mostly. I just, this last weekend, had my 50th HS Reunion. 50 years!! How did that happen?! Thank you for the sweet schoolhouse sampler. Perfect timing!

    1. I think visiting their friends is my grandsons ' favorite. My daughter said it was a lot quieter with the kiddos gone. LOL. Tomorrow we will be picking them up so I look forward to seeing them. Oh gosh time does fly. My class never has had a reunion; I am not sure why. Thank you for the sweet visit, Ginny. Hugs and Blessings.

  14. I love this. Can’t wait to use it in a dough bowl. Your sunflower mini is my sunflower dough bowl

    1. Aaah that just warms my heart . I hope you enjoy it. The sunflower mini is one of my favorites. Thank you for the sweet visit and for bringing a warm smile to my day. Hugs.

  15. Your post are so adorable, I am always so excited to check in and see what you've been up to. (nwpaintedlady)

    1. Aaah you are the sweetest and lifted my spirits! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for dropping by to visit and also for the heart warming compliment. It means more than you will ever know . Hugs.

  16. I missed the first 3 days of my senior year due to stepping on a bee going into anaphylactic shock. My parents rushed me to the emergency room for help. That was the very last time I went barefoot outside! That was 58 years ago and I rarely go barefoot in the house let alone outside. My daughters-in-law have always taken first day of school and last day of school pictures. I really like your mini samplers, I have stitched a few of them already. Thanks for sharing your talent. Have a wonderful week

    1. Yikes , Gail that sounds very painful not to mention the allergic reaction! I do not think I have ever been stung on the foot. I can imagine the swelling and pain you went through. That certainly is a memorable start to your senior year. I used to go barefoot outside all the time until I stepped on a prickly pear cactus. I learned my lesson. LOL. That is a great idea about taking photos at the beginning and end of the year. I am going to have to tell my daughter. I bet your DIL can see how much the kiddos have grown in just a few months when comparing them. Thank you so much , Gail . I am so touched that you dropped by . I can not tell you how appreciative I am that you have stitched some of my humble designs. Hugs and Blessings.

    2. It’s you we all are thanking, I look forward to reading your blog! I truly appreciate you sharing your talent. Besides the mini samplers, I have stitched so many more of your delightful designs. I have previously shared with you my version of your Autumn and Spring samplers! Spring is still up in my dining room, it will be replaced by Autumn in September. Again, thank you 😊

    3. Not sure why my replies keep changing to Anonymous, but above comment is from me

  17. It certainly seems like back to school comes sooner than it did when I was in school. Your school house sampler is very cute. Hope you got good photos of the grand kids on their first day this year. That wasn't one of our traditions, mainly because My Guy was the school drop off person and he'd usually forget.

  18. Very cute stitch, Melisa! Ours start today, Thursday. She always does the photos for first and last day of the year. Can't wait to see the ones from today! Have a great rest of your week, my friend. Hugs!

  19. Such a cute pillow for this time of year, Melisa! Thank you, as always! I was one who always loved back-to-school time: the new clothes, the fresh school supplies, the reuniting of friends I hadn't seen over the summer. We don't start school here until the 22nd. When I was growing up we didn't go back until after Labor Day! ♥

  20. A super cute stitch for back-to-school, Melisa.

  21. Thank you for the cute chart! I stitched it up a week ago or so. Just need to fully finish into a pillow :)


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