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Friday, August 23, 2024

A Sunny Sunflower Parade

It is a sunny summer day here in the holler!  Hmmm I do believe it is a perfect day for a parade . How about it? Are you up to marching in a field of sunflowers . Yep, I am talking about a "Sunflower Parade"  - a parade of doodles and stitches that have a sunflower or two in them. It would brighten my day if you would come along with me. Soooo..... Come on let's go!😀🌻🌻🌻

Ooops Hold your horses! Let's first get some Advice from a Sunflower. Hee! Hee! 

Advice From a Sunflower

"Be bright, sunny  and positive

Spread seeds of happiness

Rise , Shine and hold your head high. "

Hmm. Wise advice. I think we can do that. 🌻🌻🌻 Don't you? 

  If you see any doodles or stitches you are interested in , just click on the colored text and you will magically be whisked away to that post. I hope you enjoy! 

Block 8 Sunny Sunflowers


Summer Cabin

Mini Sunflower Sampler

Autumn Stamp

I was quite surprised that I  had stitched so many sunflowers in the last few years. Now if I could only get in the groove of growing large healthy sunflowers.  Oh well, I guess for now I will stick to the stitched ones. Thank you so much for joining me on the "Sunflower Parade". Have a super day!

As Always...

Happy quilting and stitching, y'all


"Be the strongest, brightest , tallest bloom in the field.  "

Hugs and Stitches!!! 🤗❤🧵

Dedicated to my sweet baby sister, Amy  who was a ray of sunshine!  I love and miss you so much, Amo! 💗💗💗


  1. Good morning, good morning the best to you this morning! I hope you have fun plans for the day!
    Oh Boy, Oh Boy if I wasn't already a fan of sunflowers I would be at the end of your post. So many beauties and now I need to stitch sunflowers.
    Have a lovely day, sweet friend! Stitch the day away!!! Big, Bigger and Biggest Hugs!!! DarleneJ

    1. Happy Happy Friday, dear Darlene. It is such a beautiful day here, but the heat has crept up on us. I know you are familiar with the hot sunny days. So I hope you are staying cool and enjoying some stitching and quilting time yourself. Have a beautiful day, sweet friend and thank you for bringing me a big ole' smile. Big hugs from the holler.

  2. Such lovely sunflower stitcheries you've made, Melisa;))) I haven't had luck growing those either--but do love those huge, floppy heads dancing in the breeze...hugs for a great weekend

    1. Mom has volunteer sunflowers grow straight from scattered birdseed that the birdies miss. They grow to be glorious. But I have no such luck even when I plant them intentionally. LOL. But they are such a beautiful plant. Thank you so much Julierose for the sweet sunny visit. I hope your day has been going well. Hugs

  3. You have a wonderful stitched garden of sunflowers!

    1. Aww thank you so much, Kate. I did not realize I have so many stitches with sunflowers in them until I started looking back. It is amazing how the garden has grown. LOL. I hope you are enjoying your day. I am working on a little mini quilt right now. Hugs and Blessings.

  4. These sunflower patters are all so adorable, Melisa. I've moved on from bees and given myself a few days of sunflower stitching...let's see how many of these I can get done. Thank you for sharing. Hope you have a great day and even better weekend ahead!

    1. That's a great idea, Jeanna. At least get a sunflower stitch or two in before moving on to fall stitching. I always like to at least stitch one sunflower pattern a year. Have a wonderful weekend and I hope you get in a lot of stitching time. Hugs.

  5. All the beautiful sunflowers in the Pinker neighborhood. Loved stitching a lot of them. Thanks for sharing the sunflower parade with us. You have a great sunny day my friend. ❤️🤗

    1. LOL, I did not realize the neighborhood had so many sunflowers until I started looking back. Hee! Hee! Aah I am so touched that you have stitched so many , dear Patti. Thank you for making my day. Have a wonderful weekend, Sweetie.Hugs.

  6. What a wonderful parade to see this morning, Melisa! So cheerful are the sunflowers!

    1. Sunflowers always bring a smile to my day. Hee! Hee! Thank you so much, Robin. I hope you are having a sunny day. Have a wonderful weekend . Hugs.

  7. My sunflowers have grown to their 12 ft height. The seeds are Russian Giants and always do well here in my garden. The birds love them. Love your blog Melisa..thanks for writing. It's lovely to see your post in my email each day 😊

    1. Oh Val, your sunflowers sound magnificent. I am going to have to look up that variety. I can just imagine the birds having a grand feast. Are you able to save any of the seeds to plant next year? Aaah your kind compliment really warms my heart. I can not tell you how much it means to me . I am so touched and so very grateful that you spend a few minutes out of your day with me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Have a wonderful weekend . Hugs.

  8. Melisa you should be publishing these in a book - I'd buy it! You have the cutest designs. I just saw one I missed and had to go download it.

    1. Aaaaw shucks! That is the sweetest compliment, Linda. Wow! I feel very blessed to have been able to share these humble designs; it has brought me a lot of joy. The stitching and quilting community is just so wonderful . Isn't it? Thank you so much , sweet friend for bringing a big sunny smile to my day. Hugs.

  9. Replies
    1. Awww thank you very kindly, Meari. It was fun for me to revisit previous post and see all that I have done. It was more than I had imagined. LOL. Have a beautiful and blessed weekend. Hugs.

  10. Love me some sunflowers!! Thanks for the lovely parade Melisa! Hugs!

    1. Now don't sunflowers always brighten your day? They sure do mine. Have a wonderful weekend, sweet friend and thank you for dropping by to visit me. Hugs.

  11. Thank you for the Sunflower Parade! So bright and happy! We have one that came up in the blackberries that is blooming so pretty. I think the seed was dropped from the birdfeeder. It's happy accident.

    1. Happy happy Friday, dear Ginny. Oooh a sunflower in the blackberry bushes - how cool is that ? Did it bloom when the blackberries were in season? I just love happy little accidents like that. Mom has that often with sunflowers and millet . Me? Well I am not that lucky. Hee! Hee! I wish you the most lovely weekend. Thank you for the sweet Friday visit. Hugs.

  12. Love all your sunflower samplers--sunflowers do have a way of 'growing' on you--even if just stitched ones!!! hugs, di

    1. Good afternoon, Di. Oh yes , I am a sucker for a sunflower! Hee! Hee! Thank you so much for the kind compliment on my sunflower stitches. I was a bit surprised by how much my stitched garden has grown over the years. LOL. Have a blessed day and have a great weekend. Hugs.

  13. Those are lovely sunflowers! My son has grown some lovely sunflowers.... the green thumb skipped me! I need to toss a coin - do I start the heart embroidery stitch along or the found cross stitch sampler that I have all prepped from a few years ago ready to go? We will see on Sunday!

  14. Oooh, what a parade. I love sunflowers. They always give a sunstream on a cloudy day. We once had a sunflower in the garden, it was 3m tall.
    Hugs. Gabi

  15. That was a fabulous Sunflower Parade! So many cute designs. Sunflowers certainly do hold their heads up high!

  16. You know I love stitching sunflowers, and these are wonderful designs, Melisa! Thanks for sharing them. I still need to finish the August sunflower heart, but you're making me want to start something new!

  17. Sunflowers are a wonderful flower. . .so bright as they raise their heads to the sun and so many different varieties too! As a kid, I only wanted to grow the tallest ones! My mom said we didn't have room in the garden for them though! I like your newest sunflower doodle stitchery. It is so sweet!--TerryK@OnGoingProjects

  18. You are amazing! So many beautiful sunflower pieces that you've not only stitched, but designed, too. Hard to pick a favorite :) I just love being able to look out my kitchen door and spotting all those huge sunflowers smiling at me. ♥

  19. I love the embroidery with sunflowers and I have finished the alphabet that you shared and I am waiting to publish it.
    I hope to find time to publish it soon.

  20. I just love all you have done with sunflowers and I hope you'll do more!


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