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Saturday, August 26, 2023

Busy Buzzin' Bee Buffet Tour

Wheew ! It is one hot Saturday.  Welcome ya'll. Mr. Pinker and I are still enjoying our camping trip though we have to duck indoors from time to time to escape the heat. Tomorrow we will be truckin' back home. 

  Are you a sucker for home tours?  I have to confess that I sure am.  I love to watch them on Youtube and I adore home decor blogs especially those of quilters and stitchers. I always want to see how they display their goodies and handmades , and you bet your bottom dollar that I swipe an idea or two to use in my own small humble home. Every weekend, I feel like I wait on pins and needles for one of my favorite Youtubers to post either a yard sale or decor video. Lol. 

Have you watched Jean E . on Youtube ? She likes to decorate her home seasonally.  Earlier this summer Jean posted a video on her Bee and Lemon Kitchen. It was so gorgeous. 

Lisa at Crepe Myrtle Row also posts some amazing home videos. Last year she shared her Chicken and Bee Dining Room which was so lovely. Lisa likes to collect vintage items and has a fabulous strawberry collection. 

Well, I guess you know what all this leading up to. 😁😲Yep! It is good ole' Country Clutter time- where I share my clutter of a home. Now it is not as pretty as Jean and Lisa's , but I do enjoy displaying my seasonal stitches, quilts ,  and knick knacks.

 Now ya'll know I am no minimalist. The more the better is my motto. 😀😂 I know this is not for everyone, but it sure makes my heart sing. So grab you a big ole' glass of sweet ice tea and join me. 

My buffet was my Great Grandma Annie's who sold eggs to purchase a  dining room set which included 2 buffets.  I believe it is about 100 years old or there abouts. Above the buffet is a 1990's wooden shelf. I had Mr. Pinker add teacup hooks to it so I could store some of my teacup collection. 

On the wooden shelf above the buffet, I kept my Flag quilt which I pieced in 2020 and finished in 2021.


This quilt was a joy to work on during those long months of 2020. 

On the buffet sits a large scale that belonged to my Aunt Dot. It has always been on buffet for nigh close 50 years. So when I inherited the buffet the scales stayed with it . In my scales, I placed a number of Dollar Tree bee plates , some doilies and Beatrice's Bee Manor   which I shared yesterday.  Usually, I place some florals in Aunt Dot's milk glass vase, but forgot to do that this time. The old red kerosene lamp was Aunt Dot's too and sat in  my Great Grandpa's bedroom. 

 The buffet is overloaded with bee stitches and gifts from dear friends which I cherish. 

Center stage in the old frame is  A Basket of Honeysuckle  which I shared last year. It is my all time favorite bee stitch.   

All kinds of goodies are nestled on the ironstone plate, including  a small Sunflower truck stitch  which was a gift from dear , Joan. There is also the sweet Bee skep gifted to me by sweet Pat. Her sister made it for me.  The bee skep sits in a small metal tobacco basket Christmas ornament  that dear Shelly sent me. These gifts stay out year round and remind me of my sweet friends  and  how blessed I  am  . 🤗

Mini Bee Sampler and  Bees and Blooms also make their home on the ironstone plate along with a honey dipper and ring of old keys.  

Bee Berry can be seen in the corner in the above photo. I shared it earlier this week. 

Last year, I tried my hand at making a bee skep using a milk jug, and some twine that I found at the Goodwill.  I placed it on a small compote and nestled  Aunt Bea's Summer Home below it. 

Below is a photo of the bee skep on my hutch last year. 

The big yellow rooster who struts around the house found his way onto the buffet for the month of August. 

Sometimes he is in the kitchen and earlier this summer he hung out by my seasonal tree. I placed a Dollar Tree pip berry wreath around his neck.   Next to him is Bee Skep 1869 Crock which was finished on a Dollar Tree wooden box that I found in the craft section. 

This little area here is one of my favorites on the buffet. Bee Sampler ,   and Summer House   are 2 of my previous freebies that I shared, but what I adore is the little bear that Joan gifted me. Is he not the cutest?   

The big bee in the vintage yellow pot is from Big Lots. He has to be over 20 years old.And that busy  bee salt and pepper shaker buzzed right on  into a Dollar Tree small clay pot.  

Below it is my Beatrice stitch. I stitched her a couple of years ago and have not shared her- maybe in the future. (For some reason, I am a little self conscious about my "lady" stitches Hmm. I am not sure why. I have shared a couple such as  Amy Lou the Strawberry Picker )

Well, ya'll that is one busy hutch . Isn't it ? And I didn't even hit on all of the items on it. Lol, but you did see the highlights. 

If you  would like to see my bee decor in previous posts , just click on the colored links. I use a lot of the same old things in my decor, but I sometimes move things around or add something else.



Buzzin About Hutch Tour-2022

Bee Parade of Stitches June 2023 

Bee Sofa Table and Tiered Tray Tour- I Snuck One In- August 2023

Wordless Wednesday Buzzin' About the Farm - May 2023 

Thank you so much for dropping by for a visit. I am so sorry I was long winded. Sometimes I can be quite a chatterbox and can become snap happy with the photos . But I am so grateful that you take time out of your day to spend it with me. 🤗❤ Have a very Blessed day. 
As Always...

Happy quilting and stitching, ya'll

Hugs and Stitches!!! 🤗❤🧵

Love where you live with the passion of the bee. 
Dedicated to my sweet sister, Amy who was a busy bee herself .I miss you , Amo . Love ya. ❤❤❤ 

Oh, before I forget, do you have any suggestions of Youtubers or bloggers who like to share home tours ?  


  1. I always enjoy dropping by and viewing your lovely clutter. Bees are a good end of summer decorating theme. Happy vacationing!

    1. Aaah , Gretchen, you are always so kind. I can not tell you how much I appreciate you. Thank you. I have really enjoyed the bee decor this year as well as have enjoyed watching our own busy bees. They have been very busy. Maybe we will get some honey soon. Thank you again for the sweet Saturday visit. Hugs. 

  2. Oh my goodness, what an awesome tour you gave us. I love watching your home tours, you have so many pretties to check out. I’m going back to look at some of your older tours. Thanks for sharing with us. Have a great day sweetie❤️🐝🤗

    1. Happy Saturday, dear Patti. I so appreciate that you dropped by for a visit and it warms my heart to know that you enjoyed my humble tour. I have really enjoyed having out my bee stitches this summer. Soon it will be time to pull out fall. Can you believe it? lol. Have a great weekend. Hugs.

  3. I've watched some quilt studio tours; but, no home decorating tours. I think you should video your decor as you have a magical hand for creating beautiful and interesting displays!--TerryK@OnGoingProjects

    1. Happy Saturday, Terry. Oh, I just love to watch quilt studios too. I sure do wish I could turn my quilt room into a magical place , but alas it is a disaster zone of creativity. Lol. Aaah , you are the sweetest. Thank you so much for the kind compliment about my displays and for the sweet encouragement. You just made my day. Have a great weekend. Hugs.

  4. I agree with Terry above - you should You-tube yours! :-) I don't follow home decorating tours - I don't even follow RV decorating ones as they are usually for 5th wheels or travel trailers. I just do what I can with what I have ;-) Blessings!

    1. Happy Saturday, Donna. I sure hope that you arrived at your destination safely and it is not too hot. Aah thank you so much for the sweet encouragement about videoing my home. You brought a smile to my day. I love watching RVers on Youtube, but I like to see where they go and camp just to get ideas for ourselves. Mr. Pinker and I still have dreams of full timing it ourselves in the near future, but we will be doing that in a truck camper. Won't be much room there, but I think we will enjoy it. Lol. Have a very lovely evening. Hugs.

  5. Oh Melisa, what a treasure you have with your great-grandma Annie's buffet! Your bee buffet tour was awesome. How is Mr. Pinker's shoulder doing? Happy Saturday!

    1. Happy Saturday , Robin. I certainly feel lucky to have great grandma's buffet. I sure wish I had known her , but I did know my Great Grandpa and he was a hoot. Mr. Pinker is doing well- he is a little sore, but has worked his way up to 2 lb weights, but he will get there. Lol. Hope you had a great stitching day. Hugs.

  6. I love this post so much Miss Melisa! It's very evident that you enjoy and live your best life. I love your "clutter". I'm dealing with clutter but not the good kind. My home has become a hot mess and I'm trying to rein it all in. Haven't threaded a needle or made a stitch in over two weeks - so much happening in my life. Ugh! Hopefully I'll be able to settle down very soon. Enjoy your camping fun!

    1. Happy Saturday, Darlene. Well I sure hope you rein that clutter so you can get back to stitching and quilting fun. I have that clutter too, but I sometimes have a blind eye to it. Lol. I know you will feel all refreshed and relieved after organizing and completing the tasks at hand though. Thank you for the sweet Saturday visit. Hugs.

  7. One of the youtubers I follow is stitching the Housewives. Priscilla has some home and garden tours on her channels

    1. Oh yes, they are great too. Priscilla has such an eye for detail and has some of the cutest vignettes. Thank you so much , dear for the sweet afternoon visit and suggestion. Have a blessed evening. Hugs.

  8. You have such cute things for every theme and season, Melisa! It's always fun to see how you put it all together. I especially love your flag quilts. I followed the link to your previous post about them, and realized I have one of those "Little Quilts" books, and now I'm trying to decide which of those quilts to make!

    1. Aaah you are so kind, Diann. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I am definitely a seasonal decorator as well as stitcher. The Flag quilts are some of my favorites. I finally finished the little  flag quilt from  Little Quilts. Aren't there so many cute projects in  the Little Quilts books ?  I can not wait to see which one you choose. Hope you are  having a good weekend thus far. Hugs. 

  9. Another great tour, Melisa! I love all your goodies. Your flag quilt is so awesome. I will have to check out that link and make one of those! Safe travels as you head back home. Hugs.

    1. Happy Wednesday, Brenda. I have to admit the flag quilt is one of my favorites. Lots of fun scraps that brings back fond memories were used in it. I really do need to make a larger one. Hope you are having a great week. Hugs.

  10. So much cuteness and so many pretties today, I was thankful for the last photo of the quiet, glorious pastoral scene with the beehive. I just LOVE the flag quilt. Is it your pattern or someone else's? The dimensions of the other flag blocks you've shown are different than this one. If you can, help a gal out, would'ja, please? Hope it is a bit cooler for you today.

  11. I really enjoyed your bee hutch tour, Melisa. You've collected so many cute things to use and they all work well together. You really do have an eye for such sweet decor. I love that you made a bee skep from a milk jug and end to your talent. I don't know any You-tubers that have home decor tours, except for Priscilla (but you already know that one). I'll keep checking the comments on this post in case someone else has suggestions.

    1. Aah thank you so much, Jeanna. My bee collection has slowly grown. It was nice to add a couple of new stitches to the collection this year. I have been watching  a lot of fall home tours this week, not many have stitching or quilting pieces in the home tour but I still enjoy watching and getting ideas. I hope you are having a lovely week and thank you for the sweet visit. Hugs. 

  12. Oh so many beautiful things you have designed and stitched. If you do share your Beatrice stitch, I for one will stitch her. She is adorable, as are all your designs.I love that she is part of the bee series. Blessings to you always sweet friend. :)

    1. Aah thank you so much , dear friend. Though I stitched , Beatrice awhile back this is the 1st time she has been on display. I do need to find a frame for her so she can be displayed properly . Lol. Maybe when I have her all framed I will not be self conscious about her. Hee ! Hee! Have a beautiful day, sweet friend. Hugs.

  13. Melisa!
    O My! did I ever enjoy this post!!! First of all, I too am addicted to you tube and I am a huge fan of Jean E....For 76 years old, she is my hero!! I also love Arlynn's Country Corner as she too just lost a bunch of weight 83 pounds so I relate to a lot of what she says and I love her home! And I am addicted to the The Queen who is a shop with me You Tuber...I watch her videos and know exactly what is out in every store and know what I am going for...Also love the Living It Country home tours!!! Especially for Fall and Christmas!!! Now to the task at hand...LOVE, LOVE your buffet and your hutch all decked out with the beautiful Bee theme!!! I am going to get a bit more into that next Summer. And I love your tea cups...When you get a chance, stop in to visit my last post about my Sitting Room...Some of my tea cup collection is shown in that post....Again, I adore all your stitchery and wish I was as talented as you but I did buy 3 stamped cross stitch kits at a church flea market that i hope to start to work on...Thanks so much for stopping by and for your sweet words!! You visits always make my day!!!

    1. Good evening, Deb. It is so exciting to hear that you enjoy some of the same youtubers. I think I watch all of those , but Living It Country. I am going to check them out tonight. Thank you so much for the suggestion. I think me and you like a lot of the same things. I can not wait to see your teacups. I will certainly be dropping by. My hubby always jokes about my teacup and plates collection . It is hard for me to resist them when I find them of thrifty prices. I look forward to seeing your cross stitch in the future. Thank you so much for the sweet visit. Hugs.

  14. I love each and every one of your bee stitches. No way you can have too many. Thanks for sharing as always.

    1. Oh, Susie I agree - you can never have too many stitches or may I add quilts. Lol. Thank you for the sweet visit. Hugs.


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