Blog Archive

Monday, August 21, 2023

Edna Has a Bad Day

 A very merry Monday to you, Sweet Peas. The other day I went out to the farm to take photos of my latest finish. The cows were in the lower field so we could leave the gate open as we headed up to the pig barn.

Well guess who greeted us!  Edna! She was not too happy either. She started pacing back and forth acting very agitated. 


She then  rared back her ears and gave me the look!!! You know the look - "The You  are Annoying Me Look"

Usually when she sees the camera, she frolics in glee to greet me, but not today. 

So I focused on the task at hand which was taking photos of my quilt all the while ignoring Edna. 

I moved around the fenced in lot scouting  places to take photos of my quilt . First was the old well house.

 This design is called "Antique Churn Dash " and is from  the Little Quilts Patriotic book . 

Soon I moved over to the fence row.  From the corner of my eye, I could see ole' Edna glaring at me. "What's wrong gal? "She gave a quick snort and began pacing again.

This Churn Dash was a quick quilt to piece, but I drug my heels on finishing it. 

The blue rectangular fabrics are from my daughter's pants from  when she was a child,  and some of the reds are from her shirts. Such warm memories in this wee quilt.

Soon the photo shoot was completed. " Goodbye, Edna" I said as I headed for the truck. Edna then scooted right past me and headed toward the gate. "Oh no!" I said to Mr. Pinker and off we went trailing behind her. Luckily , when she saw us on her heels she cut to the left and went into the lower field to be with her besties- the cows. 

I have noticed that Edna and the  cows have  been out of sorts since Bev the red cow has been moved out to the other farm.  

I do believe Bev needs to come back to this  section of the farm; maybe when she does she will have a little bun in the oven.๐Ÿ„๐Ÿฎ 

 Anywhoo, the 2nd quilt I completed was Pam Buda's of Heartspun Quilts Summer Days Quilt. Pam offered it as a freebie earlier this Summer. It is no longer a freebie but can be found on her website for a nominal fee. 

Susie at Knitty Quilter created Summer Blues in red. It is gorgeous. If you have a chance, hop over to her blog and see hers. 

I have the beginnings of a fall basket in the works. Now I need to fill it with Autumn cuteness. I will be working on this project today. 

Well I have chatted your ears off.  Haven't I ? I better let you go;  I know you have places go and things to do.  Hopefully the next time I go out to the farm for a photo shoot, Edna will be more congenial.  I will remind her of what a beauty she is.  So in closing I will leave a darling photo of Edna and her great big smile . Do you remember this photo? I have posted it before. Lol. 

What a darling smile! 

Have a fabulous day, Sweeties! 

As Always...

Happy quilting and stitching, ya'll

Hugs and Stitches!!! ๐Ÿค—❤๐Ÿงต


"Bad days happen to everyone, but at the end of the day, we should be able to find one thing to make us smile or laugh. "

Dedicated to my dear sister, Amy .I miss you , Amo .You could always smile even when you had a bad day.  Love ya. 

I am joining these lovely ladies' link parties. I hope you check them out; they always have so many wonderful projects going on and provide the opportunity for other needle workers to meet. 

Brenda at Songbird Designs for Monday Musings

Judy at Small Quilts Doll Quilts for Design Wall Monday
Joy at Days Filled with Joy for This and That


I will be finishing the Mini Squirrel Sampler that I shared yesterday. It will soon be turned into a pin pillow to put into a dough bowl or display on a shelf. 


  1. Your quilts are just stinkin beautiful. It will be so comforting to snuggle in that quilt that has your daughters fabric i it. How special it is. Edna probably was hoping you had brought her a quilt to snuggle in. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚. Your Mini Squirrel Sampler hollered at me from the Pinker pouch yesterday and told me to get started on him. He was getting pretty loud, so I’ll probably start on him today. Have a great day my friend. ❤️๐Ÿค—

    1. Happy Monday, dear Patti. Lol I bet that is what was wrong with Edna- she just needed a quilt. Hee ! Hee! Oh I am so excited you are going to work on the mini Squirrel Sampler . It will stitch up in a jiffy. I hope you enjoy. Have a super week and thank you for the sweet visit. Hugs.

  2. Those little quits are so cute - especially the one made from your daughter's clothes. What a perfect memory for you! It's amazing how animals miss their "pals". When our dog passed 1 1/2 years ago, our cats walked around a bit out of sorts due to her not being around. Now we have Dash, and they're "back to normal"...whatever that is! LOL! Have a great day! Blessings!

    1. Happy Monday, Donna. I had a wonderful time working  on the little quilts. The Churn Dash does bring back many fond memories. It is amazing how intuitive animals are . It is so nice to hear that your sweet cats are back to normal and have a new pal for companionship. Hopefully, our little donkey will be in a better mood soon. Have a great week. Hugs. 

  3. The blue quilt is stunning, vibrant. The photo is wonderful.

    1. Aaah thank you so much, dear. I enjoyed working on it especially since I used some of my daughter's clothes as well as some older fabrics. Have a fabulous week. Hugs.

  4. Your churn dash mini quilt looks fantastic, Melisa. Love the little blue and white one as well! Poor Edna! Hopefully when Bev returns, all will be right in Edna's world. Have a good Monday!

    1. Oh thank you so much, Robin. It took awhile for me to finish the Churn Dash , but I am so glad to have it completed. It will be perfect to hang during the summer and for the 4th. I think Bev is going to return around fall so I am sure she will be a lot happier then. Happy stitching. Hugs.

  5. What a terrific quilt of memories. . .I love a churn dash! Edna misses her buddy. She will be happy when her buddy returns. . .oh, the stories that will be shared. . .--TerryK@OnGoingProjects

    1. I am looking forward for Edna and Bev to reunite. Edna loves her pals that is for she. Thank you so much , dear Terry for the kind words on my quilt and for the sweet visit. Have a very lovely week.

  6. oh what a sweet Edna... maybe she just wants a quilt of her own haha!!
    Love your churn dash - it is so adorable!!!

    1. Lol, that is so true, Alycia. Usually every time she sees me , she comes up for a visit. Maybe next time I will take her a treat. Lol. Thank you for a sweet visit. 

  7. Poor Edna, at first I thought maybe the horse flies were bugging her. We have some big ones around here this summer! LOL there will be no living with Bev when she hears how much she has been missed by her buddies there.
    As always your stitchings are wonderful!! Tell Edna to hang in there!

    1. Usually during this time of the year the horse flies are something awful , but we have had a mild summer and not too many which has been a blessing. Lol I agree Bev is going to be quite proud that she was missed. Hee ! Hee ! Thank you for the sweet visit, Maureen.

  8. Hola mi bella y dulce amiga Meli. Que mini edredรณn churn dash tan bello y cuantos recuerdos no? Pobre Edna (adoro las avacas) y sobre todo las blanco y negro y NO se por que pero me encantan y sus ojos!!!!! Los adoro son tan bellos y dulces.... Ojala su amiga regrece pronto. Sera asi verdad Meli? Asi Edna sera feliz nuevamente y le contara todo lo que ha ocurrido en la granja en su ausencia jajjaj
    Por cierto YA ESTA DE REGALO en mi blog mi segundo grafico propio en PX. Espero verte por alli y mi MAYOR ilusion es que los bordes tambien.
    te quiero amiga
    Besos de tu amiga Cubana Dianet de Parchesdeamor

    1. Happy Monday, dear Dianet. Oh , I am so excited to see your new stitch. I will be heading over to your blog immediately . You finished it quickly. I will be adding it to my stitch list as well. Thank you so much for the kind words on my quilt and for Edna. I love cows too and I agree their eyes and expressions warm my heart. Sending a big hug.

  9. I have that Little Quilts book too! Great job on your finishes!

    1. Isn't it a darling book? I always enjoy looking over the Little Quilts books for inspiration not only on quilting but for decorating too. Hope your week is off to a great start, Kathy . Thank you for the sweet visit. 

  10. Poor Edna, do hope she feels better soon, it's sad that she is missing her friend the cow.

    1. She certainly was not a happy gal that day. I just found out that Bev the cow will be returning in a few short months along with a few more cows so Edna will be quite happy to have even more pals. Thank you for the sweet visit, Jenny.

  11. What great memories in your churn dash quilt! Hope Edna is feeling more herself the next time you visit!

    1. I am so delighted that I finished the little churn dash. I think it will be great to have out when I decorate for the 4th of July next year. I am hoping Edna will be in a better mood too. I think Bev the cow will be returning very soon. Thank you for the sweet visit, Pat. Have a great week. 

  12. Melisa, all your blog posts are amazing. Thanks so much for sharing. I love the little squirrel ๐Ÿฟ️

    1. Aaah , Kim , you are just too kind! Thank you so much for bringing a big smile to my day. I wasn't sure how the little squirrel would come out , but when I started stitching him, I was over the moon . Have a great week. Hugs

  13. I do love those Little Quilts books! Your little quilt is adorable and so special, made from special fabrics. That Edna is quite the character! A bit of a drama queen!

    1. Lol, Nancy. I agree. Edna is a drama queen. You would be amazed at some of her antics sometime. Oh, I love the Little Quilts books too. Each one is filled with so much cuteness. Have a very lovely week and happy quilting.

  14. That is a GREAT Edna smile! I hope she and the cows become congenial when their friend returns. What great little quilts you managed to photograph! Thanks for sharing a bit of your day.

    1. When Edna is in a good mood she is as sweet as pie. I think she will be a lot happier when Bev returns and I think she will be bringing some friends along as well. So we will see how Edna likes that . Lol. Thank you so much , dear Susan. Have a fabulous day. Hugs. 

  15. Your quilts are stunning Melisa! Poor Edna, hope she is happier soon. Love the little squirrel sampler. You are making good progress on that and all your quilting. Hugs, Barbara @flashinscissors ๐Ÿ˜˜xxx

    1. Happy Tuesday, Barbara. I hope you had a wonderful day. Thank you so much for the kind words on my little quilts. I have really been into quilting lately. Oh , Edna can be quite a character. I am sure she will pull out of her mood soon. Lol. Hugs.

  16. Poor Edna . . . I guess everyone is entitled to a bad day every once in a while. She's got quite the smile, though . . . she needs to use it! Love your little churn dash quilt....your quilting on it really enhances the design! It looks perfect there, hanging from the fence, too!

    1. Lol thank you so much, Denise. Edna can be quite a character, but I agree her smile can be infectious. Lol. The little churn dash was a fun quilt to work on. I am so glad to have it completed so I can move on to the next one. Have a super day.

  17. I love your little quilts, Melisa! I love Edna - she is so funny! I wonder what she was trying to tell you?! Maybe you had better move red cow back into the pasture with them and I do hope she has a that little bun to add to your herd!!

    1. I immediately noticed a change in Edna's and another cows attitude when the red cow was moved. Thankfully , she will be moved back soon. They get attached to one another. Lol. Thank you so much for the kind words and sweet visit. Hugs.

  18. Edna is a girl of character!!!! Beautiful your duvet friend Kisses

    1. Edna is always a joy to see even when she is not in a good mood. Lol. Thank you so much Isabel for the kind words on my quilt. I am glad to have it finally completed. Hugs.

  19. Edna's sweet little smile at the end was definitely better than the look she was giving you earlier. You could be right about her being mad because you took Bev away. Bev coming back "in the family way" will make fun times for the future. Both of your little quilts are just so nice. Beautiful work! I sure like how green it still is where you are. We are currently getting some much needed rain. It has been so smokey from the fires that are all around us.

    1. I am so glad to hear that you are getting rain, Ginny and I hope that it clears out some of the smoke. It is terrible to hear that there have been so many fires. I do think Edna will be a lot happier when Bev returns. She , Bev and one other cow seemed to be pals. It is always interesting to sit and watch them. Have a wonderful day, Ginny and thank you for the sweet visit. Hugs.

  20. Poor Edna, I hope she gets straightened out soon. Your mini quilts are so adorable. I love that you recycled your daughter's clothing. That makes the quilt even more special.

    1. Aah thank you so much, Jeanna. I think Edna will be more settled when Bev the cow returns. She senses something is not the same with her gone. I enjoy using my children's clothes in the quilts. It brings back fond memories. I asked my daughter if she recognized the fabrics. I laughed when she said she didn't . Oh well. At least I have the fond memories. Lol. Have an awesome day. Hugs.

  21. Your quilt is beautiful Melisa! I hope Bev will return soon, so Edna will be happy again! I always admire your embroidery scissors next to your stitching works, I really love them!
    I was able to go to the Dollar Tree store after reading about your finds on the other post, I came home with a lot of treasures, yay!

    1. Oh I am so excited to hear that you found some treasures at the Dollar Tree, Diana. I went to the Dollar General today and they had lots of cute things too, but I refrained from buying anything. Lol. Aah thank you so much for the kind words on my quilt and scissors. Can you believe I found those scissors at a national park gift shop?Have a beautiful day . Hugs.

  22. Oh I wish Bev and Edna lived near me!! They are just gorgeous! As are your quilts of course :) Thanks for joining in on Monday This and That! xx

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Joy . Bev and Edna are quite a pair of characters with a whole lot of personality. I sure like watching them on the farm. Thank you for the sweet visit. Have a great weekend, Joy.


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