Thursday, August 12, 2021

A Bee Buffet Tour - A Parade of Bee Stitches

Good morning, honey! Oh, please come on in and have a seat.

 As you know, I have been on a kick lately
 even more so after hubby was able to catch a swarm of bees. So  I thought I would give a tour of my  bee buffet.  Now I must warn you- it is crammed full of stitching and good ole' country clutter.  That's just my style.   
My buffet and dining room set were actually my great grandmother's. She sold eggs until she had enough money to buy the set. Many of you have met my great grandmother in my stitches. She is Annie with her brood of chickens including  Edna, Dorothy Mae and Alma in a little series that I have stitched which includes Bees, Bloom and Chickens .  

 Behind the buffet, I did leave up my flag quilt because I had just finished it before the 4th of July and wanted to enjoy it a little longer.

  As long as I can remember ,the large scales has always been on this buffet - even when I was a child.  So when I inherited both the scales and the buffet , the scales remained in place on the buffet. It  holds some  thrifted chicken plates .

In an old thrifted frame is With Thy Needle and Thread's August Word Play. I change it out each season using the same frame.  Below it is a rough piece of wood from the handle factory that I painted white and added a bee.  

Home, Bees , and the Buzz Buzz and the Bee Sampler  are my designs that I have shared in the past. You can click on any of the names and go back to the post to read about them or get the pdfs.

  I just recently purchased these 3 bees wax candles at a yard sale. Perfect to add to the bee buffet. 
The great big wooden bee skep was a Big Lots find about 20 years ago. I still love it.  

The beautiful bee skep on my white thrifted tray was a gift from sweet, Pat.  Her sister  made it . Isn't it beautiful ? I will certainly will treasure it. 

Bees and BloomsAunt Bea's Summer Home and Summer House are all freebies that I have shared on my blog.

Bee Skep 1869 Crock  is one of my stitches mounted on a Dollar Tree box. On top of it is a Big Lots  wooden bee . 

Queen Bee is a Little House Needleworks design and  The Bee Happy, Bee Kind stitch on black aida is an old Prairie Grove Peddler freebie. 

  In my milk glass compote, I have filled it with little ceramic containers and stuck sunflowers throughout.

 In one milk glass container is another bee painted on rough cut wood and the other is Country Cottage Needlework's Bumblebee.

Throughout the display I have scattered Dollar Tree sunflowers. This bee buffet has certainly brought me a lot of happiness this summer. I can not tell you how many times I have rearranged it though. Lol. 

I sure do  appreciate you stopping by for a visit today and allowing me to share  a bit of my growing bee collection. Hmmm, I wonder what kick I will get on next? There is not telling. Have a beeautiful day and as always...
Happy stitching, ya'll

When you can be anything, bee kind. 

Hugs and Stitches!



  1. Oh melisa! It’s all so bee-utiful!! I think the flag quilt makes it all pop! Such a darling display!

    1. Oh thank you so much, Penny. The was so happy with the flag quilt. I pieced it last year using scraps and had so much fun. I was determined to get it completed and hung up. Maybe next year I will have a bee quilt for this spot.Lol . Have a great weekend.

  2. Melisa, enjoyed the tour of your bee buffet. And you already know how much I like your flag quilt.

    1. Thank you so much, Robin. I have certainly enjoyed the bee buffet and have really enjoyed the flag quilt. I think I am going to work on another small flag quilt today. Lol. Have a great weekend.

  3. I just discovered your blog. It is incredible! Thank you so very much for your generosity in sharing your cross stitch designs. They are beautiful!! I plan to go back to your first blog and stitch them all. What a wonderful weekend awaits me. May your kindness and generosity be returned to you ten fold.

    1. Aah I am so touched by your kind words. Thank you so much, dear. I am so happy that you found my blog. I have only been blogging a little over a year and have enjoyed every minute of it. I so hope you find some little charts that appeal to you. I am so honored that you will be spending the weekend looking over my blog. Have a blessed day, my dear and happy stitching.

  4. What a beautiful display! Your grandchildren must love it. I love the abandon with which you celebrate life! 🐝🎉☀️🌻🌻

    1. Oh thank you so much, Sharon. The grandbabies do like to look at my stuff. But the question I get all the time is "Mae Mae why do you love old stuff?" Lol. I get tickled each time that they asked me that. I just tell them that I do. I hope you have a blessed day my dear and a wonderful weekend.

  5. Such a fun, colorful and cheerful display!!! You are a very bizzy lady!

    1. Aah thank you so much, Maureen. Lol I do love color and the bright yellows have brought a bit of cheer to my living room. I hope you have a great weekend. I plan on squeezing in as much quilting and stitching as I can. hugs

  6. I sure enjoyed seeing your buffet up close!! Everything is so comforting and joyful!! Hope your bees are working away!! Thank you for your generosity!! xo

    1. Oh thank you so much, dear. My bee collection has grown and I have enjoyed each and every piece. Our bees are still doing well and I so hope they make it through the winter. Have a wonderful and blessed weekend and Happy stitching.

  7. So much fun to see all your bee collection!!! I enjoyed reading all the details of where and when they came from. Those bee houses are just too cute! I see you have a hob knob vase among it all. I was just given my grandmother's hob knob pitcher and matching glasses!

    1. Happy Friday, Nancy. Thank you so much for visiting me and for the the kind words on my bee buffet. That little hob knob vase was my Great Aunt's .I collect milk glass too, but do not have the pitcher. I do have the glasses though. It is always fun to find new pieces at the thrift store. It is indeed a treasure hunt. What a treasure to have your grandmother's pieces. Have a wonderful weekend, my dear and happy quilting.

  8. Melisa, thank you for sharing your bee buffet with us. It’s stinkin adorable. I know you had lots of fun making sure it all was to your satisfaction. It was a treat to check out all your pretties. ♥️❤️ I know you have lots of fun thrifting and I bet you let out a stifled yell when you find just the right treasure 😀👍

  9. Adore the Chicken Plates!! Your hutch is very happy "buzzy" place. Hugs to you

  10. So many gorgeous things. I love seeing all your collections. Have a lovely weekend Melisa. xx

  11. The bee display is adorable. The flag quilt finishes it off perfectly!

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