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Friday, August 11, 2023

I Snuck One In!

And a very beeeeautiful day, to you my Sweet friends. 

Happy Happy Friday!!!  Are you still bee stitching? 🐝🐝🐝🐝 I am! Last night , I fully finished "Free Bee "  a free design by Wendy at From the Heart Needleart.  

If you signup for Wendy's newsletter, she gives updates on new releases and ever so often she gifts a sweet freebie.  On her website, she has a freebie page with so many darling designs. This one is not on it yet, but she does have a sweet as honey sunflower chart that is next on my list. 

I finished this little stitch on a wooden photo easel from the Dollar Tree. It was one of those easy peasy finishes. 

One of my latest thrifty finds is  this Kind Edward's Imperial cigar box. It was well taken care of and since it was in a yummy sunny color, I thought it would look perfect with my bee decor. 

 I just nestled a number of busy buzzin' bee stitches into the box. Those stitches include  "Bee Blessed " freebie from my friend Vicki at Stitchy McFloss blogspot, "Queen Bee" from Little House Needleworks,  and "Bee Happy" which was a freebie by Prairie Grove Peddler , but I am not sure if it is still available. 

  My Honey Jar- From the Mason Jar Series   is all  comfy and cozy in a milk glass compote filled with buttons . 🍯🐝

The glass flower frog is a new thrifty find as well. 

Lots of stitching is on my sofa table. Don't look too close you may find a dust bunny or two. 🐇🐇

I placed a large Tractor Supply galvanized rooster in my dough bowl and nestled doilies and flowers around him.

Ooops!!! đŸ˜ČI guess  I have snuck another Country Clutter episode in on you. Didn't I? Lol. 😀😁😂 I wasn't meaning too , but we have gone this far so might as well continue.😄😁 🐝🍯🐝

My sweet daughter bought me the tiered tray a couple of years ago. I moved it to the sofa table for a change. It is always crammed full with the same old white  creamers , bowls and cups, but I tuck in seasonal touches here and there.  I think this tiered tray is the Bees Knees. What do you think? 

Below the tiered tray is my  Home  stitch which I finished on a Dollar Tree crate . In the crate is "Bee Kind" a freebie from Vonna Pfeiffer , The Twisted Stitcher.    Buzz Buzz  is one of my designs finished on a rough cut piece of plywood made to look like a hornbook.

There are lots of gifts from my friends on display here as well. Thank you dear, Joan, Kate, Robin and PJ. Every time I look at the table I am reminded of ya'll. Hugs .

Are you ready to take a closer look at the overfilled tray? I sure can cram it full. Can't I ? Lol you know me -Mrs. Clutterbug.   Ok well on the top shelf is Country Cottage Needlework's Bumblebee, "Love Bees'  which is a Hinzeit stitch and Bee Trifle which I shared awhile back.  You can see my " Busy Buzzing Bee stitch" slightly ( I never shared it- I wasn't quite happy with it. ) 

The 2nd tier holds a Fire King mug with a strawberry pinkeep, and  my " Skeps" design. Hmmm. Have I shared that one?  My memory escapes me at this moment.  

Isn't the rolling pin the cutest? 

The bottom shelf hold some milk glass with  a bird and a bear in it.  If you have bees, you gotta have a bear? 😀

In June, I posted a Bee Parade of stitches so if you are interested in seeing that just click the colored text. 

 Ok. Ok! I won't bore you any longer with all of the clutter.

 Let's talk about quilting. Shall we? 

 Well I thought I was only 1 week behind on dear Joy's QAL . Joy at Days Filled of Joy has been hosting a free Christmas QAL for the last 5 weeks. It has been so much fun.  Yesterday, I realized I had not pieced WEEK 4's STEP so off I went to the sewing machine in a flutter.   In a wink of an eye, I soon had four lovely star blocks completed.

  The blocks are all laid out.

 Hmmm. I know what you are thinking-I thought this was a Christmas quilt. Well it was supposed to be , but I didn't use Christmas fabrics.  Oh , but you should see Joy's  quilt - so adorable!!!.  

She has easy to follow instructions as well. 

 So I guess you know what is on the agenda in the near future! YEP ! STEP 5 which  Joy has already released. 

Alrighty , ya'll I have jabbered my jaws long enough. I better let you go for I know you have places to go , quilts to piece and stitching to be worked on. Wheew! It's going to be a busy day. Huh?   Thank you for the sweet visit, my dear friends. 

As always...

Happy  Stitching and Quilting, ya'll


Thank you for the sweet visit. 

Anyone who thinks they are too small to make a difference  has never met the honeybee.

Hugs and Stitches!!!!đŸ€—đŸ§”❤

Dedicated to my baby sister, Amy. Love and miss you, Amo . You were and still are the Bees Knees!  

Here are a few more of my thrifty finds from he US 127 yard sale. I was looking in an old barn and found a cigar box. I asked he gentleman how much for the box but I did not want what was in it . He was surprised. "You can have the box," he said and then he found another one for me.  How nice.  

The old wooden pulley would be great to hang from  the ceiling and hang a basket from it.  

The most expensive piece was the china bowl set . It came with the bowl, lid , 2 plates, gravy boat and salt and pepper shaker for $3.00. What a buy!

The old Hull pottery was from the 50 cent table. The Maxwell House tin was another freebie.  I paid up for the Moon Pie tin at $ 2.00, but I like it though it is not old. I hope one day to find a vintage Campfire Marshmallow tin.  More thrifty finds to come in future posts. 

 I am joining these lovely ladies' link parties. I hope you check them out; they always have so many wonderful projects going on and provide the opportunity for other needleworkers to meet. 

Nina at Creations, Quilts, Art , Whatever by Nina for Off the Wall Friday

Alycia's of Alycia's Quilts for Finished of Not Friday

Michelle  at From Bolt to Beauty for Beauty Pageant - Friday

Wendy at Wendy's Quilts for Peacock Party - Friday

Sarah at  Confessions of a Fabric Addict  for Whoop! Whoop! - Friday


  1. Love all your bee jewels, so fun to look at. I need to get all my bee finishes finished to set out. Thanks for sharing all you nooks and crannies, it’s a joy to see all you have. It shows how hard you work getting all your pieces of art completed. Hope you have a wonderful day and work on all your stitching you plan. ❤️🐝 hugs

    1. Aaah , Patti. You are always so sweet ; thank you so much. I try to use every bit of space available to enjoy all of my goodies. I have really enjoyed having the bee decor out. Soon it will be time to put out fall . Lol. Have a wonderful weekend. Hugs.

  2. Love your bee display, Melisa! Well done and thanks for the reminder about the newsletter from Wendy. Happy Friday!

    1. Aah thank you so much, Robin. That little bee stitch was darling. I think I will start her sunflower stitch this weekend. I hope you have a great weekend and are able to enjoy some stitching time. Hugs.

  3. Happy World Cross Stitch Day! Thank you for all you contribute to the stitching community.

    1. Well goodness gracious that day snuck right on by me. I did not know it was World Cross Stitch Day! I sure hope you had a fabulous day and hope you got to stitch till your heart was content. Aaah thank you so much for the heart warming compliment. I feel very blessed by this community. Isn't the cross stitch and quilting communities so warm an welcoming? Have a blessed afternoon, dear. Hugs and Blessings.

  4. I can't access Vicki at Stitchy McFloss blogspot blog. It says I have not been invited to read this blog. Do you know how I can access it?

    1. Good afternoon, dear. I just tried to access Vicki's blog and got the same message. I am not sure if she has made it private now or if something else has happened. I am so sorry. I will make a note of that here. I have stitched a number of Vicki's pieces and she is so sweet. I hope all is well with her. Thank you so much for telling me about it. Have a vey lovely weekend. Hugs.

  5. I enjoyed seeing all of your bee decor. And the Tractor Supply rooster in a dough bowl? I would have never imagined to do that but you are so creative. Your quilt blocks are looking nice, Melisa. This is going to be a beautiful quilt.

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Jeanna. I have really enjoyed having all of the bee decor out. That Tractor Supply rooster is a big guy. It's back is open to put things in. Being such a big guy I thought he fit perfectly in the bowl. My sister has hers on her counter filled with dish towels- so cute. Tractor Supply has cute stuff. Have a great weekend. Hugs. 

  6. Love, love, LOVE your Bee Collections and your newly found treasures. Love everything that you showed, especially the Rooster, Great!!! Have a wonderful day, sending hugs from sunny Arizona.

    1. My bee collection is growing, Mary. I have been enjoying the bee decor these last few weeks and was glad to add a new stitch in the mix with Wendy's chart. I hope you have a wonderful weekend. Hugs and Blessings.

  7. Tus costuras son maravillosas y tienes una gran suerte de poder comprar a tan buenos precios todos Ă©sos tesoros antiguos. BESICOS.

    1. Good afternoon, Arish, I was over the moon to find a few treasures at the yard sales. We look forward to going to the US 127 yard sale each year. There are so many people who set out their goodies to sell. Thank you so much for stopping by for a visit. I hope you have a very lovely day. Hugs.

  8. You're just like a honey bee, Melisa! Busy, busy and busy!

    1. Lol I try my best to stay busy, Donna, but I sure do wish I was as productive as the honey bees. Hee ! Hee! Oh well, I try. Have an awesome weekend and thank you for the sweet visit. Hugs.

  9. It's such fun to come online and find your posts! Thank you so much for the tour! You must have had a great time collecting everything! Someday you must give us a tour of your storage! ;-) LOL! Blessings!

    1. Aaah, Donna, you don't know how much that means to me. Thank you so much. I have been a collector all my life I think. Lol. Thankfully, Mr. Pinker doesn't mind and he is a bit of a collector himself- though he won't admit it 😂😉 . Lol I am going to have to tell about my storage sometime. Have a wonderful evening, Donna. We are having storms here, I sure hope you are safe where you are at. Hugs.

  10. I love all your bee collection goodies and your tours...whether planned or not! LOL

    1. Aaw shucks,   Thank you so much, Brenda. I have gone bee crazy with all of the stitching and bee pieces. Hee ! Hee! 

  11. Your bee collection is full of gems! You did well with your thrift shopping. That moon pie box is cute. I remember my cousins having those!--TerryK@OnGoingProjects

    1. Good afternoon, Terry and Happy Saturday. Aah thank you so much, My bee collection is slowly growing. We had a great time thrifting. I have an affection for tins whether old or new. The only thing- I wish it was filled with fresh Moon Pies. Lol. Have a great weekend. Hugs.

  12. So many special bits today! The three tier trays are so great for seasonal decorating in a single space. My special china is milk glass of my mother's and I always love seeing pieces. Flower frogs are something that is so special and from an earlier time. Your Joy QAL is really pretty. The fabrics you chose are really nice. This could definitely be added to and made into a pretty larger quilt pattern, too.

    1. Happy Saturday, Ginny. Aren't the tiered trays just a lot of fun to decorate with? What a treasure to have your Mom's milk glass. My mom used to collect it too ; she used to get pieces using the S&H stamps years and years ago. She gave me a few pieces and then I was hooked. I have 2 china cabinets filled with it . That is a great idea on adding to Joy's quilt. Her instructions make piecing so fast and easy. Have a lovely weekend, Ginny. Hugs

  13. Great finds! I really like that little yellow pitcher. I miss things like the S&H green stamps and Gold Bond. It was so nice to save up for something we really wanted, wasn't it? It felt free! Even as a young mom, I was still collecting them and the dishes and towels from certain brands of detergent, too. I never mind seeing more of your collections!

    1. Hubby and I had a wonderful time thrifting last week. I couldn't believe it when the young lady said 50 cents for the pitcher. I went right back to the table and started finding more treasures. ( That's the magic price . Hee! Hee! ). Oh I miss those stamps too. Hmmm the good ole ' days. Hope you are having a great day, Susan. Hugs.

  14. Love all your "Bee" goodies including the saying at the end of your post. Oh wait! That wasn't the end. Your thrifting finds were and you did very well!

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Susie, My bee collection is certainly growing. We had an awesome time thrifting. I haven't shared my most favorite find yet- a quilt top. It is already in the hoop. Hugs.

  15. So much fun "bee-ing" a stitcher!

    1. Lol it sure is Kim. There is always something to stitch and keep us busy bees . Isn't there. Happy stitching. Hugs.

  16. Oooh, so many bees to love, your display looks fantastic! I'll have to look out for the "Free Bee", I actually have that same easel so it would be perfect.
    I just framed my Queen Bee, and I know I have several of yours I'd like to stitch soon. Thanks again for sharing.
    Your quilt is coming along nicely and you found some great treasures.

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Astrid. My bee collection is slowly growing. The Free Bee was a fun little stitch and worked up quickly too. Don't you just love those Dollar Tree easels ? Your Queen Bee is just beautiful. After seeing your finish, I wish I had framed mine. Have a great weekend and thank you for the sweet visit. Hugs.

  17. Gosh - never bored - what a great collection!! And everything is so happy!! your bees are amazing!

    1. You are always so kind, Alycia. Thank you so much for the sweet visit. Have a lovely weekend.


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