Blog Archive

Monday, October 2, 2023

A Scurry of Squirrels


Plan ahead . 

Stay active. 

Look both ways before you cross the road. 

Eat plenty of fiber 

Spend time in the woods. 

Go out on a limb.

It's ok to be a little nuts!!!

Grab you nets and gloves ! We have some trapping to do!!!  Oh my, I think I have a scurry of squirrels  running amuck in my living room.  

My favorite squirrel coffee cup. Is he not the cutest? 

 Well don't worry, my friends. We will not have to go to all that trouble to round up those frisky critters because the squirrels I am referring to are my stitched ones. Wheew! We skirted by that  didn't we?

 Anywhoo. Last  month, I showed you my sofa table and 3 tiered tray buzzing with activity with a colony of bees.  ( Click here if you missed it ) The bees moved out and the squirrels moved in. Hmmm I wonder what critters will move in next month, but I digress.🤔


So are you ready to take a closer look at the autumn country clutter. I warn you- I packed it full.   

This tiered tray is one that I have had for a few years . I elevated it by putting it on a cake stand which gave me more display room below it. 

Most of the items stay on it year round like the bowls and coffee mugs, I just add small seasonal touches to those items. This month it is overflowing with acorn  salt and pepper shakers, leaves, pumpkins and squirrels. 


The are a few stitched pieces on the tiered tray including  Squirrel &  Acorns Stamp

Hmm.  There goes my memory again. Is the little pumpkin  sampler leaning out of the cup  from Heart in Hand  Needlearts or is it Bent Creek? Any help would be greatly appreciated. 🤗

The tray is loaded with  milk glass  and hanging off the side is  Acorn Stamp which I shared last year.  

Below the tiered tray there are more frisky rodents gathering acorns for the winter. 

These old books are my newest thrifty finds from an estate sale of my neighbor, 

 With Thy Needle and Thread's Oktober Feast is finished as Brenda suggested which is on the little wooden stool.  I just simply turned it on it's side. 

I finished Autumn Whirligig by Heart in Hand Needleart onto an old rusty bed spring.

Grandpa's old dough bowl is filled with doilies, glassware, fall leaves and an small oak tree with acorns. 


These are two autumn finds that I found at the Dollar Tree this season - squirrel which is on the book in one of the above photos and these felt acorn picks

Oh my, have these squirrels  multiplied . Not all of my squirrel stitches could fit on the table. Some of those that I have shared earlier include. 

1803 Autumn Home

Squirreling Around

Well the squirrels are wrangled. Thank you so much for dropping by  to tend to the little critters.

Now tell me -  Are you a squirrel lover? 

As always...

Happy  Stitching and Quilting, y'all


The squirrel does not bury his past, he buries his future so he is always prepared. 

Hugs and Stitches!!!!🤗🧵❤

"Happy Fall" was a freebie that I stitched years ago. Do you know who the designer was? 

Dedicated to my baby sister, Amy . I love and miss you Amo.❤❤❤

If you would missed my Pumpkins and Chicken Fall Tiered Tray in my kitchen and you would like to see it,  just click the colored text and you will pop over to that post.


  1. Love your post showing your squirrelly goodies. You tell the best stories with your posts. You should write a children’s book around a squirrel. Thanks for a good start to my day, it’s always good when you have a post. Keep your squirrels corralled. 🧡🤗

    1. Happy Monday, dear Patti. Well I am just beaming ear to ear from your sweet compliment. I had a fabulous time wrangling these furry critters even though a few got away from me . Lol Mr. Pinker tells me all the time that I should be writing children's books.- I guess I just like to gab. Hee! Hee! Thank you for the sweet visit. Hugs.

  2. Your tiered tray and coffee table are flowing in abundance of fall goodness, Melisa. Looks fantastic! Glad you don't have to wrangle the real ones out of the house. I do like squirrels as long as they stay in the yard. They are not welcome on the house as they are kind of destructive. Happy Monday!

    1. Happy Monday, dear Robin. Thankfully these little squirrels were well behaved. Oh goodness, you brought back a memory of years ago when a flying squirrel got into our house . Hubby and I were hopping from the living room to the kitchen trying to get it out. How it got in? I have no idea. We were so lucky to find it as soon as it got in though . Hubby finally  netted it up and put the little rascal back outdoors. Oh yes, they can be very destructive if they get in the attic.  Thank you for the sweet visit. Hugs. 

  3. Lori from Notforgotten FarmOctober 2, 2023 at 9:57 AM

    I adore squirrels! I've always wanted to have a pet squirrel :)

    1. Happy Monday, Lori. Well I am so happy to hear that you are a squirrel lover too. There are cute and frisky little critters that is for sure. I enjoy watching their antics here in the holler. I bet you have a lot out on your farm as well. Have a fabulous day and thank you for the sweet visit. Hugs.

  4. You have a lot of squirrels, Melisa. They all seem to be well behaved, though. I wish I had time to stitch all of your cross stitch treasures. I would have quite the display, too!

    1. Good afternoon, Jeanna. Thankfully , these little squirrels have not caused much havoc. Lol . I did not realize I had so many squirrel pieces until I started to pull them out and put them together. Lol. Thank you for the sweet visit and for such a warm compliment. Hugs.

  5. Me thinks you've gone a little squirrelly! LOL Love it all, Melisa.

    1. 😂😃❤ Lol I think I have too, Darlene. Maybe a little nuts too. Hee ! Hee! Thank you for the giggle and sweet visit. I had a ball decorating with the squirrel theme. Hugs.

  6. That is a delightful parade of squirrels!! Oh my! Oh and I loved the advice from the squirrels too!

    1. Wasn't the Advice from a Squirrel the cutest? I think I can follow their advice. Lol. Thank you so much for the sweet Monday visit, Diana. My squirrel collection has grown unexpectedly. Lol. Hugs.

  7. All the squirrels came to your house to brighten these first days of October!
    I liked seeing them here and there.
    Hugs from Spain

    1. Happy Monday, Isabel. I hope your day has been a delightful one. Your sweet visit to see my scurry of squirrels certainly brightened my day. Thank you so much, Hugs.

  8. You've a wonderful bunch of squirrels. I love the tree squirrels...not often seen in my neighborhood. We have ground squirrels...I don't love them. Think gopher with a bigger tail.

    1. Happy Monday, Betty. I have to admit that my collection of squirrels have sort of snuck up on me. I didn't realize till last year that I have so many. Oooh do the ground squirrels burrow into the ground like a gopher? That would not be so nice. We have some small chipmunks around here but they are a rarity to see. And it seems every farm in the neighborhood has a groundhog or two? Lol . Thank you for the sweet visit. Hugs.

  9. Oh, yes, I like those cheeky little tree monsters! They are always hopping on my bedroom deck railings and poking into things. So far, they haven't knocked anything off, but it's been a close call a few times! A wonderful post, thank you for showing us your treasures.

    1. Oh gosh , Susan it sounds like the frisky squirrels are entertaining in your neighborhood. So glad they haven't broke or destroyed anything. Thank you for the sweet Monday visit. Hugs.

  10. Your squirrel decor is just so fun, Melisa! I love the coffee mug and, of course, all the stitched squirrels. I enjoy watching the squirrels in our yard - they5so entertaining!

    1. Oh thank you so much, Diann. The little squirrel collection sorta crept up on me . I did not realize I had so many squirrel pieces until pulling them out. I just love watching the squirrels too; they can be little characters. Hugs.

  11. Melisa,
    Thanks so much for your visits and for all your sweet words!! I did have a lot of fun decorating for Halloween this year, changing things up and adding a few new things...Your tiered tray is delightful and love that you used milk glass....So pretty!!
    Thanks so much for sharing!!

    1. Aaaw you are so welcome, Deb and thank you . It is always a delight to visit your beautiful home. You are an inspiration. I have been working on my Halloween this week. I am looking forward to having it complete so I can enjoy it. Have a great week. Hugs. 

  12. The mini sampler is from Heart in Hand—I just finished it! I stitched it in brighter colors to go with a doll I just made. I love crafted squirrels and seeing them from afar! I’ve always had traditional red and brown squirrels wherever I live, but a town we live near has black ones, which I had never heard of! Love love love your fabulous country decor!!

    1. Oh thank you so much, dear. I thought it might be a Heart in Hand. It has been a few years since I have stitched it. I hope you enjoyed stitching yours. How sweet to pair it with a doll. Well I didn't know there were black squirrels as well. I bet they are adorable. We have gray squirrels and an occasional flying squirrel. Your brought a smile to my ; thank you for the sweet compliment. Hugs.

  13. Loved your tour - I do like squirrels though I do love hedgehogs even more. Did you know a group of squirrels is called a scurry? LOL! Makes sense! I love your tiered tray - what a great idea for decoration for any season - you're so smart! Will have to be on the look out for one. Thank you for your tour. Blessings!

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Donna. It was a lot of fun to wrangle all of the squirrels in one area for the fall. Scurry does make sense for a group of those furry critters. Lol . I have had a lot of fun decorating the tiered tray. My daughter bought it for me a couple of years ago. I hope you do find one that you like. Hugs.

  14. Grazie,molto interessante il tuo blog,allegro e colorato,son contenta di essermi iscritta e tu sei molto generosa! Flora 🙋‍♀️

    1. Oh thank you so much, Flora . You are so very kind. I am so touched and honored that you signed up to follow me. That means the world to me that you visit me often. Have a blessed day. Hugs.

  15. I love squirrels - the real ones and the ones in my quilt studio! I am slowly stitching the squirrel sampler and LOVE it! Thank you for this sweet pattern!

    1. I guess us quilters have to love squirrels . Lol. I am so excited that you are stitching the squirrel sampler. It will be perfect to put out for fall decor or for the quilt room. Happy stitching and quilting, Kathy . Hugs.

  16. Très jolie ta décoration d'écureuils . J'adore aussi les voir ,il y on avait un dans mon jardin la semaine dernière .
    Bonne soirée

    1. Good morning, Monique. Thank you so much for the kind words about my squirrel collection. I bet the little squirrel in your garden was very entertaining. I hope it did not cause any damage. Have a blessed day.

  17. I so enjoyed your squirrel-filled post, Melisa! We have many of the little characters in our yard and I so enjoy watching their antics. Your little stitched pieces and displays are all adorable. Enjoy your day ♥

    1. Oh thank you so much, Carol . The frisky little critters are loads of fun to watch aren't they? Thank you for the sweet visit . Hugs and Blessings.

  18. Squirrel!! OMGoodness! I guess I need to go to DT and see if we have that adorable little figure. That would be perfect on my little curio above my sewing machine. Hmmm....Love the little covered nut dish with the squirrel handle knob. So much cuteness! Thank you! I am not a live squirrel fan but the stuffies, stitches, and figurines are adorable. They are terrible nibblers in the garden and birdfeeders. I think we feed the squirrels almost more than the birds. LOL

    1. Lol , Ginny we feed our squirrels more than the birds too. It is a hoot to watch the squirrels and birds fight for the feeders. The doves seem to pay the squirrels no mind though. Lol. I hope you find the squirrel figurines at Dollar Tree. They had the squirrel, raccoon and hedgehogs and they are very heavy. They would look cute in the sewing room. That is where mine will reside after they leave the living room. Lol. Thank you for the sweet visit Hugs.

  19. Bonjour Melisa. Ici la France. J'habite à Toulouse et je suis passionnée comme vous par les tissus, la broderie...c'est toujours un plaisir de lire vos articles avec impatience chaque jour. Merci beaucoup pour votre enthousiasme. J'adore lire toutes ces nouvelles. Continuez à nous faire plaisir...des bisous de Toulouse.

    1. Good morning, dear. It just warms my heart to hear that you are as passionate about needlework and fabrics as much as I am . Working with needle and thread is a treasured and comforting skill . It means the world to me that you spend time out of your day to visit me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Hugs and blessings.

  20. Enjoyed your tour of all your pretties! You must have a very large and organized storage space! I’m putting another squirrel stitch on my calendar! Probably won’t see it til next fall!

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Judy. I did not realize I had so many squirrels until I started pulling them all together. I am so excited to hear you will be adding a squirrel to your fall stitching in the future. Have a fabulous day. Hugs.


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