Blog Archive

Thursday, October 5, 2023

Are You Putting It Back?

Good morning , sweet friends ! Are you ready for a great day?  I sure am.😀❤ 

Well, just grab you a cup of coffee or perhaps sweet tea and join me. I would love to show you a couple of my latest thrifty finds. 

How about we go outside and view the  thrifty treasures while we are serenaded by a bird or two which I am sure are perched high in the trees.  
Hmm where are those birds? Nary a one. 

A couple of months ago, Mr. Pinker and I went out on our usual date day- a long enjoyable stroll through the thrift store. 😂 

Anywhoo, I immediately made a bee line to the linen section when all of a sudden I spotted a splash of color.

Aaah quilting goodness! I pulled the quilt off the rack and immediately started inspecting it. It was full sized and made of polyester double  knit fabrics and boy, was it  heavy.  

After a few minutes of study, I put it back on the rack when out of nowhere Mr. Pinker appeared. 

"Why are you putting it back?" he asked. " "Is it too expensive or are you feeling sick?" He quickly put his hand on my forehead to check my temperature. 😳🙄

"No, neither one, silly.  I have so many of these quilts".  

"I can not believe you are going to leave it! " Mr. Pinker said.  

Well of course I had to give  it a 2nd look. 
"Alright , you don't have to twist my arm," I said with glee. And in a wink of an eye the polyester beauty leapt right into my shopping cart.  

This quilt is hand pieced and tied. It is a full size quilt which will be perfect for picnics or for spreading out in the yard , laying back and dreaming with my head in  the clouds.  
Not a bad purchase at $7.00. Don't you agree? 
Can you imagine all of the polyester knit suits that were cut up to make this beauty?

Hmmm. I believe my Granny had a dress in the red print. 

The 2nd thrifty treasure came out of Alabama on one of our jaunts. My heart went thumpity thump when I saw the reds and yellows. ❤💛

Did you notice that the nine patches are staggered? How clever. 

This Ray of Sunshine is hand pieced and is a twin size. 

I do believe I will add a yellow floral border using some of my vintage fabric. I just want it to be a little larger.  

 I have already purchased the batting and backing because I want to put this one in the hoop soon. 

Well , Sweeties I am so grateful that you dropped by to see my two latest thrifty  quilt treasures . 

Now tell me do you like to go thrifting? 
Have a wonderful day, y'all. 

As always...

Happy  Stitching and Quilting, y'all


Walk a mile in my shoes and you will end up at the thrift store. 

Hugs and Stitches!!!!🤗🧵❤

Dedicated to my baby sister, Amy . I love and miss you Amo.❤❤❤

The shadows of the trees are dancing on the quilt. 


  1. Toujours très agréable de commencer la journée avec un post de vous. Merci

    1. Aaah your sweet visit and kind words certainly got my day off to a wonderful start .Have a beautiful day, dear . Hugs.

  2. Hi Melisa, wonderful things again. But one question. Where do you find the time to do all these pretty things?? :)
    I have always great pleasure to visit your blog and... at the moment I stitch some little designs from you.
    Thank you for entertaining me daily.
    Greetings, Gabi

  3. Bonjour Mélissa toujours un vrai plaisir de lire vos post et de voir ces merveilles de couettes économes que tu prend soins de sauver de la friperie, grâce à toi elles reprennent du service.
    Chez moi je n'ai encore jamais vu ce genre de chose . Je fabrique donc moi même ms couettes économes avec des restes de tissus , chemise , short de mes garçons. Merci pour le plaisir de ces découvertes et le partage

    1. Good morning, dear. I always get so excited when I find a quilt or quilt top at the thrift stores. I am glad to give them a new home and will certainly treasure them. It warms my heart to hear that you enjoy creating your own quilts especially from your family's clothing. Doesn't each piece of precious cloth bring back fond memories? Enjoy your day. Hugs and Blessings.

  4. I'm always amazed at the beautiful quilts and tops found at yard sales and thrift stores. Maybe they know that someone will pick them up and either finish them or love them?
    The polyester one reminds me of the quilt I found at my inlaws - they were using to protect furniture in storage. I never got it unfortunately but I hope someone did! Blessings!

    1. It is a treasure hunt for me when I go to the thrift stores. Here lately I have had a lot of luck in rescuing quilts; I certainly feel fortunate. Thank you for the sweet visit, Donna. Have a great weekend. 

  5. The poly quilt is perfect for a picnic quilt or even as a tent over a clothesline, it will last forever!

    1. It was a great find, Gretchen. I enjoy looking at all of the colorful fabrics in it as well. Aaah a tent for the grandkids- they would love that. Thank you for the sweet visit. Have a very lovely day.

  6. Both quilts are beautiful. Thanks for the chuckle about that red 'checked' fabric in the polyester quilt, Melisa. I think everyone's Granny had a dress or jacket or pair of pants made out of it.

    1. Lol our Grannies and their polyester suits ! This quilt certainly brought back fond memories. Thank you so much, Robin. Hope you have a wonderful weekend. Hugs.

  7. Definitely two good finds and, of course, you are the perfect person to treasure and care for them. Definitely love to thrift. Have a good day.

    1. You never know what you will find at the thrift stores. It is always like a treasure hunt. Lol. Thank you so much, Tammy. I was over the moon to find the quilts. Have a great weekend .

  8. So glad you were able to save those quilts and bring them to a happy home. I love to go to thrift shops, they are lots of fun. You have a great day Melisa. 🧡🤗

    1. I was over the moon, Patti. Finding anything sewing related makes my day when thrifting. Hee Hee! Thank you for the sweet Thursday visit. Have an awesome weekend. Hugs.

  9. I've never been a thrifter except in my grandmother's house where I'd beg for something I spotted on a kitchen shelf. Begging didn't always work but she let it be known that it was mine when she passed. LOL I remember when one of my aunt's made a quilt using polyester fabrics - it was incredibly heavy. Lucky and wonderful finds, Melisa.

    1. Oh how fun , Darlene. If you are like me anything from your grandmother was a treasure. I was always fascinated by both of my grandparents' homes. I collect a lot of things that remind me of them. Thank you for dropping by for a Thursday visit. Hugs.

  10. What wonderful finds. I have to admit that I dont often go to thrift shops, except to drop off a bag of donations. But I surprised myself recently and delved into a shop in town, came away with a kiddies duvet featuring dinosaurs, just right for quilt backings for a child's quilt or two.

    1. You never know what you might find at the thrift stores. How wonderful to find the perfect duvet for backing fabric. I look for fabrics for backing as well or men's shirts to make country quilts. Happy quilting.

  11. Oh, my first thought when looking at the double knit quilt was how my hands would ache after cutting out an outfit made of that kind of fabric! And I made all sorts of things, jumpers, dresses, pants, jackets...It was the wonder fabric of the times. So glad you rescued these quilts and give them a good home. Kudos to Mr. Pinker for sending you back for a 2nd look! Can't wait to see the yellow & red quilt when it's done. I love thrift stores, but those near me don't have the bargains you seem to find. Maybe I need to go more often! Kris

    1. It is a very durable fabric and the colors were always so cheerful. I am so happy that I was able to rescue them . Mr. Pinker is pretty supportive about my quilting addiction. Lol. I have to admit that we are pretty lucky to have nice thrift stores that has a quick turn around of items. They are constantly putting items out . The sweet ladies at the store know what I will be looking for and often make suggestions to me. Lol I guess I may go too much. Hee ! Hee! Thank you for the sweet visit, Kris. Hugs.

  12. Melissa, you have a great eye for all things thrifted.

    1. I just love to go thrifting, Kim and fortunately I have some great honey holes nearby ; I feel like I have been very fortunate especially to find the quilts . Thank you for the sweet visit and have a great weekend.

  13. You certainly know how to find treasures, Melisa!! Ahhh, dating myself here, but I had many a polyester dress growing up and my granny always used the scraps to make quilts. They were definitely heavy, and oh so comforting...kinda like the weighted blankets today...only better IMO!! Have a great weekend. Our grandloves are headed over to spend the night and then tomorrow they are taking their new to them camper up to Grand Caverns. Pray they have a safe trip - first time pulling something this big for my SIL! I told my daughter they definitely keep her mama on her knees!

    1. I am so glad this little quilt brought back some fond memories of your granny using up all of the scraps to make quilts. Did she make your dresses too? Oh grandma time. I hope you had a great time with the little ones and I wish them a fabulous time when they leave on their camping trip. I bet your dear SIL will do just fine pulling the camper. It is so exciting to hear that they are going to enjoy the outdoors. If you are like me, I bet you told them to call you when they get there. Lol. We never stop worrying do we? Have a wonderful weekend, Brenda. Hugs.

  14. "Walk a mile in my shoes and you will end up at the thrift store." - love it, made me laugh! Two great buys recorded today.

    1. Lol I think my Nanny taught me well. She always loved to go to yard sales or go thrifting and I am the same. Hee! Hee! Thank you for the sweet Friday visit, Susan. I hope you are doing well. Hugs.

  15. What treasures you found. The double knit patchwork will wear like iron. They last forever. The red & yellow will be so nice when you finish it. Happy colors. I was on the hunt at the thrift stores for a nesting hen yesterday but no luck so far. I will keep at it.

    1. I wish you great luck on finding a nesting hen, Ginny. I bet you will find one when you least expect it. I went to the thrift stores today- no grand finds, but I did purchase a bunny teapot for Easter . I was over the moon to find the quilts. Oh yes the double knit quilt is heavy and so vibrant. I am glad hubby had me take another look. Enjoy your weekend. Hugs.

  16. Oh I love to thrift shop and I'm fortunate that my husband likes to also. I read yours does too? I too would have hesitated at the poly quilt but at least someone put all of those (ahem) fabrics to use! Perfect for a pasture picnic.

    1. Happy Friday, Betty. Oh, I am so happy to hear that you and your hubby enjoy thrifting together. It makes treasure hunting a lot more fun to have someone to enjoy it with doesn't it? I am so glad my hubby enjoys it too; we usually go once a week if only to look. I was over the moon to get the quilts; the poly quilt was hand pieced. I can imagine all of the hours that went into making it so I am glad I saved it. Thank you for the sweet visit and I wish you a wonderful weekend. Hugs.

  17. You found a couple of treasures in those two quilts, Melisa. Your husband has a great sense of humor LOL. (checking for fever!) I love thrifting but rarely find anything reasonably priced. I'd like to do the Alabama yard sale one day.

    1. I was thrilled to find the quilts. It is all luck which I have been having a great deal of lately in respect to thrifting. Alabama has some great thrift stores. I hope that when you travel through sometime you will stop at some and find some treasures. Thank you for the sweet visit, Jeanna. Hugs.

  18. You always find the best things, Melisa, and I love the fact that your husband is so encouraging of your purchasing :) Hope you can find some more goodies this weekend! ♥

    1. Oh thank you so much, Carol. I am fortunate that hubby likes to go with and he has a great eye for picking out things that I will enjoy as well. Have a great weekend. Hugs.

  19. Es una gran suerte que tengas tiendas de segunda mano para encontrar éstas preciosidades tan económicas.
    Aquí en mi ciudad parece que la segunda mano va despuntando, pero es difícil ahorrar en éstas tiendas ya que normalmente suelen ser un poco caras, hacia la época de Navidad suele haber rastrillos, pero no hay cosas interesantes, la mayoría son un negocio.
    Sí hay un gran rastrillo benéfico una vez al año con precios muy razonables y cosas antiguas e interesantes y que lo espero con ilusión, será dentro de un mes y todos los años hago unas compras estupendas.
    Disfruta mucho de tus colchas y BESICOS.

    1. I feel so fortunate that we have so many thrift stores nearby and that they are inexpensive . We used to have flea markets here to, but over the years they evolved into business like some of your has. I hope you find some great treasures at the upcoming charity flea market, Arish and hopefully more second hand shops will open in your area in the future. Enjoy your weekend and thank you for the sweet visit. Hugs.

  20. Hello My Friend!
    I am always amazed by your incredible finds! And Mr Pinker sounds wonderful!
    I always enjoy your posts! Hugs!

    1. Aah thank you so much , dear Christina. I have been very lucky here lately especially in finding quilts. Lol I guess Mr. Pinker is one of my best finds. Hee! Hee! , But don't tell him that. Lol. 😂😃❤He is a good sport and thankfully he enjoys going thrifting with me. Hope you have a wonderful day, sweet friend. Hugs. 🤗❤😘

    2. Oh I think he is just as lucky if not more ! Hugs 🤗🧡🤗
