Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Itty Bitty Thumbprint Cookies Ornament- Christmas Freebie

Brrr! It is down right chilly out there! Well , just a little cooler than usual. 

Howdy, Sweet Friends!

Yesterday I was as busy as a beaver gathering up my plants to put in the greenhouse. The word from the weatherman was that it might just dip into the 30's overnight. Mr. Pinker bought a couple of wire shelves to put in the greenhouse to make storage a bit easier. 

We will add to them as time allows. 

Anyway, soon my pretty plants were tucked nice and safe as they awaited the overnight chill. Meanwhile, I just brought my large ferns in the house  . The ferns  will return outside today as the day warms.   By mid morning, I am sure I  will be running around in shorts so it is not too bad here yet.

Has it gotten chilly in your neck of the woods yet? 

Look up at the persimmon tree! 

There are large juicy persimmons and some are dropping to the ground. Though there are fewer of them , they are extra sweet this year. 

I have been walking up to the large tree on the hill to pick a handful each day. 

Hmmm, I wonder what the persimmon seed predicts for the winter weather this year. ๐Ÿค”
What is it? ๐Ÿค” If you split a persimmon seed and there is a spoon shape, it is going to be a snowy winter. A fork shape means a mild winter and a knife means - oh boy! that means it is going to be downright harsh! ๐Ÿฅ„๐Ÿด

Well you know I am going to have to dry out some seeds and split them! ๐Ÿ˜€

Aaah hah! The persimmon seeds have spoke! They have  predicted a snowy winter

retro winter birds clipart

Eeeh ! I have a stitch to share! 


It is a small called Itty Bitty Thumbprint Cookies- just a quick stitch to wet my appetite for Christmas.  

This little ornie has a bowl of dough, a rolling pin and lots of little cookies for Santa's munching pleasure. 



If you are interested in stitching this piece,  just grab , the images. For printing tips, refer to the post Tips for Printing which has loads of tips from my sweet friends. 



 I finished it just like I did Itty Bitty Gingerbread House. If you missed Itty Bitty Gingerbread House , just click the colored link and magically you will be taken back to that post where not only you will find the chart, but also the measurements that I used for finishing.


I dug out this little recipe that is going to be on my baking list this year. 

Turtle Thumbprint Blossoms

Servings: 36 cookies


1 roll of refrigerated sugar cookie dough

1/4 cup of all purpose flour

2 Tablespoons of heavy whipping cream

3/4 cup of pecans finely chopped

22 unwrapped caramels

3/4 teaspoon of coarse Kosher salt or sea salt

36 Hershey Kisses milk chocolate and caramel- unwrapped


1. Heat oven 350 degrees. 

2. In medium bowl, crumble cookie dough . Stir or knead in flour until it is mixed. 

3. Shape dough into 36  1" bolls. 

4. Roll and slightly press balls into pecans. Do not flatten. 

5. Place 1 " apart on ungreased cookie sheets. 

6. Bake for 8-10 minutes or until edges are set and a light golden brown. 

7. Using back of metal spoon make  1 1/4" indention in center of each cookie.

8. Cool for 1 minute and then remove to cooling racks. Cool completely for 30 minutes. 

9. In small bowl , microwave caramels and whipping cream on high for 1 -2 minutes. Stir after 1 minute until caramels are melted and smooth. 

10. Spoon  1/2 teaspoon of caramel into the center of each cookie. 

11. Sprinkle with salt . 

12. Top with Hershey Kiss - pressing slightly until caramel. 

13. Let stand for about 10 minutes



Well, I am off to see what kind of mischief I can wrangle up! If you have a chance , check out your persimmon seeds to see what the weather is going to be or better yet ask a squirrel. Yep, a squirrel with a bushy tail means a cold winter ahead. Brrrr!
"Squirrels gathering nuts in a flurry, 
Will cause snow to come in a hurry." -unknown


As always,

Happy Stitching and Quilting, y'all


"At Christmas , all roads lead home  and the path is fragrant with fresh baked cookies. " - unknown

Gingerbread Hugs and Stitches!!! ๐Ÿค—๐Ÿงต

Dedicated to my sweet baby sister, Amy. I love and miss you, Amo. ❤❤❤

Graphics from Graphic Fairy and  Pinterest. 

Monday, October 14, 2024

Off to a Good Start

 Monday , Monday  I am not blue! 

Monday, Monday What should I do!!!


Hello there, Sweet friends and welcome! Are you fired up for a fabulous week!!  


 I am counting down the days until the raggedy truck camper is hitched on the bed of the  truck and our wheels are spinning gravel as we hit the dusty trails. 

 But in the meantime, I  have chores to do - like buying groceries for the next couple of weeks, meal prepping ,and  I must not forget to pack my projects to work on.  Lots and lots to do on this beautiful day. 


Sooo...  I do have one quilt project that I am anxious to work on before hitching the wagon and that is work on my 16 patch quilt. 

 For the last few weeks, I have been piecing these charming little 16 patches using autumnal colors.  Each block measures 8 1/2" squared unfinished. 

 After much debate, I have decided to just piece 30 blocks. I had an intention to add sashing, but alas, Miss Fickle has changed her mind yet again and has decided to go sashless. Hee! Hee! Is sashless a word?๐Ÿค”- Hmm I am not sure, but you know what I mean.

Shirts, sheets, and pretty quilt fabrics in these blocks. 

 Anywhoo,  I will be playing with the layout and hopefully, will have these babies pieced up by the end of the day. 

Then I have to decide about the border.  I am thinking of using the pretty paisley that I have in  my stash. What do you think?  On the plus side- I already have the fabric and there are autumnal colors in this fabric. ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿ‚๐Ÿ๐Ÿ‚

Squirrrels, Squirrels, Squirrels . Hmmm what else can I get into?


Aaah yes!   Another  project on the  Monday to do list is finish quilting "Harvest Season " . It is almost done and soon a pretty binding will be attached.   

I do think this may turn out to be a perfect productive day don't you? If all goes well, I hope to post a wee Christmas cross stitch freebie tomorrow. So if you have the chance, I would love for you to drop in for  a Tuesday visit as well. 

Well,  I am off to tackle these chores so I can get to the good stuff-like quilting! ๐Ÿ˜ I better get on the move! 

Come on!  Let's start this day running! 1, 2, 3 and off we go! Have a beautiful, blessed day, Sweeties. 

As always,

Happy Stitching and Quilting, y'all


Every day is a good day when I spend it with you! 

Autumn Hugs and Stitches!!! ๐Ÿค—๐Ÿงต

See ya' later, gators! 
Sweet Mama has babies to tend to. 

❤❤❤  Dedicated to my sweet baby sister, Amy who loved cats and animals of all kinds. I miss you , Amo! Love ya'! ❤❤❤

Graphics from Pinterest. 

I am joining these lovely ladies' link parties. I hope you check them out; they always have so many wonderful projects going on and provide the opportunity for other needle workers to meet.

Melva at Melva Loves Scraps for Sew & Tell- Sunday

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Catching Up

Hello, Punkins and Happy Sunday. 

How are you doing on this fine Sunday morning? I hope you are chipper and are ready for a beautiful day.  

It is a gorgeous day here in the holler. The sun is shining, and it is supposed to be a fairly warm day though cooler weather is on the way. 

 Hip Hip Hooray!  The grandkids and nephews are on Fall Break this upcoming week! They will be running amuck on the farm and in the holler creating lots of entertainment for me and Mr. Pinker. I am not sure what they have in store, but I am sure they will come up  with many grand adventures. 

The Blessing House and an autumn quilt stack. 

   I have been missing in action  for the last few days; I do apologize. But boo hoo !!!   I have been under the weather and have done little at all except getting loads  and loads of rest. 

I sure have missed visiting with all of you. ๐Ÿค—❤  With all of the down time , you would think I would have been on the internet. But nope ; this is the first in a few days.   ๐Ÿ˜ฒ     I hope to catch up with my blogging buddies  and emails in the next few days.  I am just chomping at the bits to hear what you have been up to. 

The Wooley Ewe's Autumn at Sunflower Ridge and October House Fiber Arts" Hello Fall", a darling gift from sweet Barbara. Thank you friend. 

OK, Sweeties. Now for the plans of the day!  

It has been a blue moon since I have shared my progress on Alabama Beauty. If you don't remember , that is the quilt that I purchased on the 2023 World's Longest Yard sale for just a song and a dance. ๐Ÿ’ƒ๐Ÿ’ƒ๐Ÿ’ƒ๐Ÿ’ƒ

It was partially quilted with pretty pink thread so I have continued following the lead of the original quilter.  

 It  is time to move the hoop in  the Alabama Beauty quilt. 

Time to move the hoop! 

There are several small triangles in this particular fabric that will need to be repaired. I will find similar fabric in my stash and applique over the triangles. I will  show you how I did on  that in a future post. Fingers crossed I will have few problems. 

On the cross stitch front, - Hmmmm-  well not a lick has been stitched in the last few days. ๐Ÿ˜  Soooo..... today I will work on this darling chart sent to me from my sweet friend Susan. It is called "Autumn Basket " and is a design from Lizzie Kate
 You know me and baskets- I just love them. So I can not wait to get this little piece stitched.  Thank you , dear Susan. ๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿค—

Now onto the plans for the week. 

Are you writing out your To Do List? 

Hmm.... What Should I do This Week? 
๐ŸŒž1.Quilt on Alabama Beauty. I would like to move the hoop before Wednesday. 
๐ŸŒž2.Quilt on Scrapberries  . I have 5 more berries to quilt. 

๐ŸŒž3.Pack , Pack, Pack! Yahoo!!!! Mr. Pinker and I will be leaving out on a camping trip. If I have a chance and if we have service, I will try to post .  
 A darling gift from my dear friend, PJ. This camper stitch stays out year round. Just love it! Thank you  , sweet PJ. 

๐ŸŒž4. Post a hutch tour. Yep! A whole lot of clutter to share. Hee! Hee!  
๐ŸŒž5. Uggh! Oh double Ugggh, Ugggh!! (Envision me stamping my feet and pouting my lips!!!) 
 Gotta go to the doctor. So does Mr. Pinker!
๐ŸŒž6. And  last but not least my final goal for the week - as Brenda at Songbird Designs, says "Whatever Suits my Fancy". Eeeh ! I can do that. How about you? 
Whew! I have been quite the  chatterbox today , haven't I?  I guess I am making up for lost time.  I sure hope that I didn't chat your ears off . ๐Ÿ˜   
Anywhoo! You have a wonderful day, sweeties and enjoy your slow stitching time. 

 As always,

Happy Stitching and Quilting, y'all


"Because of you, I laugh a little harder, cry a little less and smile a lot more."

Hugs and Stitches!!! ๐Ÿค—๐Ÿงต

Dedicated to my dear sister, Amy. I miss and love you so much.   ❤๐Ÿ‘ผ

This little stray keeps coming closer and closer to me. ๐Ÿ’– Maybe it will adopt me ! Hee! Hee! 

I am joining these lovely ladies' link parties. I hope you check them out; they always have so many wonderful projects going on and provide the opportunity for other needle workers to meet.

Nina at Creations, Quilts, Art , Whatever by Nina for Off the Wall Friday

Frederique at   Quilting Patchwork Applique for Patchwork & Quilts - Saturday

Kathy at Kathy's Quilts for Slow Stitching Sunday

Kate at Life in Pieces for  Stitching Stuff ( Sunday) 

Cynthia at Quilting is More Fun Than Housework for Oh Scrap - Sunday 

Melva at Melva Loves Scraps for Sew & Tell- Sunday

Brenda at Songbird Designs for Monday Musings

Judy at Small Quilts and Doll Quilts for Design Wall Monday

Carol at Quilt Schmilt  for To Do List Tuesday  

Saturday, October 5, 2024

October's Year of Heart Doodle and Bonus Blocks- Doodle Freebie

Good afternoon, y'all and Happy Saturday. 

I just wanted to pop in for a quick visit and share my latest Heart Doodle along with a few bonus blocks.  I have not started any of these, but I have high hopes to pull out my fabric and crayons and begin today.   Block 10 is called AUTUMN DUSK.  I also included 2 bonus blocks that may or may not go into my quilt. They are FALL BAKING and for the Halloween lovers- JACK'S BUCKET.  

Remember that all of my doodles are hand drawn and are not perfect so please feel free to adjust them to your liking. 

I will be adding photos as I complete the blocks. 


If you are interested in stitching this piece,  just grab , the images. For printing tips, refer to the post Tips for Printing which has loads of tips from my sweet friends. 


                          My doodles are hand drawn and are never perfect.  

 The "Year of Hearts" blocks are embroidered on an 8 1/2" x 8 1/2" piece of cotton. You may want to cut your fabric larger for the hoop and then after embroidery trim and square to 8 1/2".  I used 2 strands of DMC floss and  the back stitch. I color tinted my design with crayons and colored pencils and carefully heat set the color with an iron. When you heat set the color, place a clean paper towel over the design and press .


If you have missed any of the other heart doodles, I do invite you to visit the previous posts by clicking the colored links. ❤

 Block 1 A Winter's Night

Block 2  Country Mail Delivery  

Block 3 A Country Spring Day

Block 4 Early Birds

Block 5 Strawberry Patch 

Block 6 A Buzzy Garden

 A Buzzy Garden with Bee Berry 

Bonus Block- Time for Gardening

Block 7 Jar of Geraniums  ( really block 8) 

 Block 8 Sunny Sunflowers

Block 9 Apple Picking

Thank you for dropping by and have a wonderful sunny Saturday! 

As always...

Happy quilting and stitching, ya'll


"Autumn colors remind us we are all one dancing in the wind.  "

Hugs and Stitches and Warm Autumn Wishes !!!๐Ÿค—❤๐Ÿงต

Dedicated to my dear sister, Amy . Love and miss you., Amo ❤❤

Ya'll come back now, ya hear ! 

God Bless the USA. 

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