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Friday, October 15, 2021

A Little Tale and an Autumn 1817 Quilt

Good afternoon, sweet friends. Hubby and I picked up our boots , loaded up the camper and hit the happy trails for a good ole' camping trip.

 Of course, I  loaded my bags with all kinds of quilting and stitching goodies to stitch the weekend away as hubby is going to be hunting and fishing.  

 Well let me tell you about the 1st leg of our adventure which started last night on our arrival. We arrived at the campground where a lot of full timers live , and I asked  hubby, "Ok what number are we?" 

Hubby replied, "He didn't give us a number- he said we will see it. It is on the outside." 

 "Hmmm . What does that mean ? " I asked  "Is our name posted at the campsite? "

 Well we looked like a couple of buzzards circling through the full time sites and then back through the parking lot by the bath house. We circled and circled and circled. Around and around we went.  And nope not a campsite with our name on it.  Hubby called the office. - No answer . 

So after about our 5th circle, 2 vehicles drove upon us as we maneuvered in the parking lot again . The gentleman and nice lady asked if they could be of help to hubby,  and he  promptly told them of the situation. 

They all looked around. Hmmm where could this elusive camping spot be? The advertisement said "Get back to nature but with full amenities."  

Well the sweet lady made a call and then told hubby "Well you are here;  you made it!"   🙋

"What? " A parking lot? "

 " Yes " , she proclaimed " The office manager said just maneuver your camper beside the other camper in the parking lot . Electric is near the bathhouse and you will have to share your water. The other camper is using the sewer."  

Ok can you imagine our stunned look? 😲😳

Well with no place to go, hubby backed on into the campsite. Not the "back to nature  quilting and stitching camping trip"  I had in mind.   But oh, well . What's one to do when it is almost bedtime. 

This morning hubby has been looking for new campground, but everything is booked within 20 miles . But being the Positive Polly that I am , I told him that is ok- he can go on his hunting/ fishing adventure. I am going to be perfectly fine enjoying every stitching minute- and I can certainly take a little jaunt to find that "Back to Nature" spot when I am ready. 

Now that you are caught up on today's going ons. 😊😄 Let's talk about a finish! Woo Hoo! I'm doing the happy dance !!!  💃💃💃 

Here lately,  I feel as I have been as slow as a turtle stuck in the mud about getting any quilting completed. But I got myself into gear and whipped up a quick prim quilt. 

First off, I took loads of yellow scraps that were just mocking me in my scrap bin,  and  I pieced them willy nilly without a care in the world. 

" I am going to wrangle you boys into a sweet autumn quilt , "I told those scraps.  

Oh, boy, look at those wavy strips.

  A little calico border will tame those waves down.  

Next, I took a hunka fabric out of an old orange plaid shirt and cut me a grand ole'  pumpkin.

 Sorry ,hubby, your shirt was needed for a quilting emergency. 

 I appliqued it  along with a crow to add to the mix. It didn't take long to hand quilt this little baby with freehand swirls and twirls.  

Now it is bound and ready for display. 

That is my story for the day- camping and fall quilting. 


Not too exciting but still I am doing a happy dance even at the campground in a parking lot. Lol. 😁💃

Thank ya'll so much for taking the time to visit me today. You always bring a smile to my day . As always...

Happy stitching, ya'll



I am joining these lovely ladies' link parties. I hope you check them out; they always have so many wonderful projects going on and provide the opportunity for other needleworkers to meet. 

Alycia's of Alycia Quilts for Finished of Not Friday

Sarah at Confessions of a Fabric Addict  for Can I Get a Whoop Whoop-Friday

Michelle  at From Bolt to Beauty for Beauty Pageant 144   - Friday

Wendy at Wendy's Quilts for Peacock Party - Friday 

Frederique at  Applique Patchwork Quilting for Patchwork & Quilts #69    - Saturday

Angela of  So Scrappy  for Scrap Happy Saturday

Life is better when you are happy. 

 Have a gourdgeous day!

Hugs and Stitches !!!

Dedicated to my sweet sister, Amy who always made lemonade out of lemons. Love ya, Amo! 


  1. Love that crow/pumpkin little "quilt-let"--sooo cute. Hope your trip will be fun...hugs, Julierose

    1. Aah thank you so much, Julierose. It was a no stress fun little quilt to work on. I just love those. Plus it cleared out a few of those scraps. Have a wonderful blessed weekend, my dear.Hugs

  2. Love your 'always-look-on-the-bright-side-of-life' attitude, Melisa. =) You were not going to let a concrete car park dampen your spirits. Fun little quilt. Your husband can always get another shirt. Hopefully, next time you camp you will be surrounded by Mother Nature!

    1. Aah thank you, Kim. I guess I am like most quilters if I have a needle and thread in hand not much can get me down. Lol . It has been nice to get away. I put in a few stitches into my Halloween quilt and worked on some cross stitching too. I hope your weekend is going to be filled with quilting joy as well. Happy quilting.

  3. Melisa, love the Primitive Quilt w/pumpkin and crow! I so admire your attitude, slow down and love where ever you happen to land. Enjoy the surroundings, even if you need to search a little. Have a relaxing and fun trip, hoping that hubby has a productive hunt. Hugs to all.

    1. Happy Friday, Mary. I hope your day has been a fabulous one. Thank you so much on my little quilt. It always feels so good to get a little something completed. Oh, yes! It has been a good trip so far. Very quiet and a perfect place to relax. Hardly any traffic has came through. So I have been able to stitch the day away. Have a wonderful weekend, my dear. Sending hugs and blessings.

  4. Your prim pumpkin is darling. I love the pumpkin from the shirt. (Ok, maybe he'd already worn the elbows through.) What a story. I guess more and more people are going camping these days so it must be hard to get camp grounds. Keep your sunny disposition and stitch away.

    1. Happy Friday, Bonnie and thank you so much for the sweet visit and kind compliment. Oh yes, hubby's shirts are fair game for anything quilt related and Lol so are my clothes if the right project comes about. All for the quilting . right? Lol. I think more people are camping too especially since the pandemic. Two years ago our camper might be the only one in the campground that we usually stay at this time of the year. It was booked solid this time. Have a wonderful weekend and happy quilting.

  5. Certainly not quite the back to nature camp site you were expecting, but I guess there are worse things than camping in a car park! At least your feet wont get wet if the weather turns bad. Hope hubby had a sucessful time doing his hunting and fishing, and you know all about keeping yourself occupied with your stitching.

  6. As full-timers, we've come across "back to nature" campgrounds that were, shall we say, less nature and more concrete. We also made the best of it but won't be back. 😉 Good for you to look on the bright side. Have fun!

  7. Your mini quilt looks fabulous, Melisa! Well done! Enjoy the rest of your trip!

  8. Your little quilt is so cute!!! Your camping story, though.... lol

  9. Oh that little punkin can make every day happy!! That is just too funny about your *camping spot* . No wonder the guy was a little elusive as to where you were supposed to set up... Good for you for enjoying it anyways!!

  10. Well that's certainly different to be camping in the car park! Anyway, it's always nice to get away. xx

  11. That back to nature campground certainly gave me a chuckle, Melisa! Great that you are a "glass half-full" type of person :) Love the little quilt you created and I hope you've found a real "nature-filled" campground by now! Sending hugs ♥

  12. Everything in life is a choice. Be happy or be miserable. I like that you and I choose to be happy with whatever comes. You certainly used your time to make a cheerful little quilt.


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