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Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Are you Feeling Lucky? St. Patty's Stamp Freebie

Top of the morning to you and welcome friends. Lol I know it is not even March, and here I am talking about St. Patrick's Day.  Do you celebrate St. Patrick's Day?


 When I was a child , I always made sure that I wore something green to school on March 17th because I knew I would get a pinch from an eagle eyed friend if I didn't. Do kids still do that?  Even today, each year I make sure that I wear my green on that special day. My daughter does all kinds of cute things with the her children. The week of the 17th she will serve Lucky Charms or green eggs for breakfast as well as all kinds of green foods like celery, broccoli and green applesauce . She and the kids always do some type of St. Patrick's Day craft with rainbows, shamrocks or leprechauns.  On that special day, the boys wake up to see small footprints throughout the house where a leprechaun had visited during the night.  How fun!  

I do not have too much St. Patty's day decor, but I am slowly growing a collection. In fact I did not start stitching anything St. Patrick's day until last year.

 This wee  stitch is  called St. Patty's Stamp and the little leprechaun is named Lucky . Doesn't he look a bit like Lucky from Lucky Charms cereal?  Lucky  is surrounded by shamrocks and bits of gold. 


 I used 6  DMC floss colors to stitch this stamp which includes  782, 3347, 310, 986, 967, and 918, but you could choose your favorite colors. I just used what I had in my stash. 

 I stitched this up in about 1 1/2 hours on 14 count tea/coffee dyed aida. It is a small so it was a quick stitch . It just measures 35 x 35 . See I did say it was little. 

I finished it on the same stand that I have been using for the other little stamps. I bought this at the Dollar General about mid year  in 2020. I love it because of the little clip which makes it easy to change out the pieces.  

Some of you have probably figured out I'm sort of thrifty and always love to reuse things. So let me tell you about my finishing fabrics- Lol I love to use clothing. The large background piece is from my college robe. (" What that grandma still has her college robe? Lol I refuse to say how old that is😄) . The 2nd background fabric is from homespun den curtains. I just do not throw away anything, but at least I reuse those things. 

If you would like to stitch St. Patty's Stamp , just check out the pdfs below. Remember I am not a professional designer nor do I have professional software so I am unable to put each page on one pdf. I apologize for that. 

For the instruction page click here

Click here for the colored chart. 

Click here for the black and white chart. 

Hmmm , eye or no eyes?  I was looking at my previous stamps.  I did not stitch eyes on my Santa stamp , but I did on the other 2. One dear stitcher on Instagram posted a photo of Cupid without eyes, and it looked darling. I think that would be cute for Lucky too or add tiny French knots.  Just an idea. 


Last month I posted my Cupid Stamp freebie. It turned out so cute - well at least in my eyes. 

 If you missed Santa Stamp or Frosty Stamp, just click on the names and you can go back to those posts for the charts. 


Well now I am going to work on my hutch; pulling out anything green and of course adding Lucky to the mix.  Once I get it all decked out I will post a photo.  Thank you so much for the sweet visit and as always...

Happy stitching, ya'll


I would love to see your stitch . If you post on Instagram, please tag me and use #pinkernpunkinquilting or you can always Direct Message me.   - thank you so much, dear friends 

May love and laughter light your days and warm your heart and home... - an Old Irish Blessing



  1. Hey Melisa

    Thanks so much for the freebies. Your designs are so cute and fresh. I don’t have much st paddy’s day either but you can bet I will stitch this this weekend. Thanks again.

    1. Well thank you so much, Wendy for the sweetest comment. I am so thrilled that Lucky will be added to your St. Patty's decor . Have a wonderful week.

  2. Lucky is adorable, Melisa! Darling display!

    1. Thank you so much, Robin. I finally got my hutch decorated with all my greens. I think it is time to do the rest of the house in spring. Lol . Have a great week.

  3. Replies
    1. Aah thank you so much, Kathy for your sweet visit and comment. He was quick to stitch up. Have a great week and happy quilting.

  4. This St. Patrick's Day design is so darling, Melisa--thank you so much! I love using old clothing for my backing fabrics, too... I have lots and lots of flannel shirts here from having had three boys :)

    1. Oh wow, Carol , flannel shirts are awesome to use. To tell the truth,men's clothing is my favorite to use. I like the country or traditional look to the fabrics plus you can get a lot of fabric out of a shirt. Have a blessed week, Carol.

  5. Thank you for the wonderful design! I love smalls. Have you thought of doing a floss tube video on YouTube? My favorite ones are of Kimberly Jolly when she is actually stitching projects. Not having cross stitch shops, and not knowing many stitchy people in my area, have made her stitching videos fun to watch and stitch along.

    1. Aah thank you so much , Melody for the sweet compliment and words of encouragement. I have been asked several times to do a flosstube, but oh I would be so nervous. I like watching Kimberly too and love the stitch with me videos. I am in the same boat with you. I do not personally know many stitchy people and no LNS in my area too. It has been so fun to get to know sweet stitchers on IG and my blog now though.

  6. Thank you for charming Mr. Lucky! 🍀

    1. Aah you are so sweet, Maureen. Thank you so much. He was such a fun design to create and share. Have a lovely weekend, dear.

  7. I finally got a MacBook so I've subscribed to your blog. Ive followed you on instagram on my phone for a while and am so glad to have better access to your things, especially your freebies. You are so generous!!!! Thanks for all you share. Stay well and I'll be following here now as well.

    thanks again,
    the other Melisa

    1. Hi, Melisa. I was wondering if it was you from IG when I first saw your name.Lol. Not many spell our name with one s or l. I am so glad you have easier access now and am so delighted that you are following my blog. Thank you so much for your sweet visits and for following . I can not tell you how much that motivates me. Enjoy your new Macbook and have a fabulous week.

  8. Hi there your charts are just adorable! I was looking for the house with the reindeer flying in sky that you showed in your basket of 'houses' recently

  9. Melissa,
    Your St. Pat's decor is so cute!! I have yet to get mine out of the attic as I am so enjoying my Winter decor in the Den which is where I will decorate got St. Pat's Day!!!

  10. Thanks so much! Now I have two St. Patrick's Day things to stitch.


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