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Wednesday, July 20, 2022

A Chickin Lickin Watermelon Hutch Tour and a Trifle

Good morning, ya'll. It's that time - time for another episode of Country Clutter . 😄 The other night I decided to change out my hutch decor from patriotic to a summer theme. I then realized that I  failed to show you my patriotic farm hutch . It was overly packed to say the least. Lots of stitching and ceramic farm animals.  

Last year after the fourth, I redecorated my hutch in the farm and cow theme. I am still in  love with  last year's Summer Farm Hutch 

2021 Summer Hutch 

 I was about to herd the cattle and corral them on the hutch when I got distracted by some clucking hens. And that is when it hit me  This year's theme would be watermelon and chickens.   

We will start off with the top shelf. 

I kept the white plates some of which I stacked. The old cow planter was a Big Lots find probably from the early 2000's. On top of the watermelon bowl is Summer Pasture which I shared last year. It is based on my Nanny's farm.  I finished it on a Dollar Tree tray. The slice of watermelon is made of fabric and was a thrifty find. 

Next to the watermelon is Summer on the Farm.  Nanny had the most wonderful red barn that served as a hay barn as well as a tobacco barn. Oh the stories I can tell about that old barn but digress.  In the watermelon sugar bowl is a wooden chicken. 

Sliding on down to the 2nd shelf. 

In the corner, is a gourd that I painted years ago  to look like a watermelon. I glued watermelon seeds around the birdhouse opening.  The stitch next to it is Summer Farmhouse

 The little slice of watermelon is from a piece of wood that I found as dad was sawing down a tree. I painted it years ago. 

 Lookie at my newest addition to my flock. The yellow hen salt and pepper shaker was a NC find on a previous camping trip. 

The ceramic chicken bank was a Big Lots find years ago. Isn't it the cutest with a quilt on it's back? 
Amy gave me the vintage salt and pepper shakers. They are always on my hutch.  
Hen Party is a Little House Needleworks stitch that I completed a few years ago. 
In the little milk can gifted to me by dear Sue is  my Red , White and Ewe Trifle which I shared earlier this year.  
Gotta have a John Deere tractor in my hutch vignette. This little one was gifted to me by dear, Gwen. Sshhh! Don't tell Mr. Pinker or the grandbabies that I have this John Deere tractor. They will certainly try to sneak it away. 😁🚜 ( I will have to share my 2nd hutch which is decorated in all John Deere sometime) 

Now we are strutting on down to the bottom shelf where you will find more watermelons and chickens. 

In the corner is my vintage juicer, with Lori Holt's tractor stitch in it. Though you can barely see  it , Country Cottage Needlework's  Farm Fresh is in the corner. The ceramic red truck is a candle that I bought at the Dollar General at Christmas time. I put a watermelon in it's bed which hides the candle. 

It has been a few years since I have pulled out my watermelon cookie jar. Isn't it darling? It is sitting on a large wooden watermelon platter.  Below it is my Life is Better on the Farm

On the vintage scales, I added a doily and some thrifted bowl and a wooden watermelon. Below it is my teeny chicken quilt. 

Well that's the scoop in the coop, my friends. Before you leave, I would love to share a little trifle with you. This is a teeny stitch where I used up a wee scrap of 14 count aida. It is a Chicken & Watermelon Trifle- just a token.

 If you are interested choose your favorite colors and stitch this baby up. It would be a great ornament or scissor fob. I used DMC 498, 898, 310, blanc, 3345, 783, and 840. 

Click here for the trifle. 

 Click here to visit my tutorial on finishing a trifle. 

 Thank you for stopping by for a visit . Now are you ready for a big slice of watermelon?  As always...

Happy  Stitching and Quilting, ya'll


Life is like a watermelon, you know you are going to get some seeds. Just spit them out and take another bite. 

Hugs and Stitches!!!!🤗🧵❤

Dedicated to my dear sister, Amy. Love and miss you. 

I forgot to add my Watermelon Stamp to my hutch. 


  1. Thanks for this year's tour of the summer hutch, Melisa. Totally enjoyed seeing this year's version of chickens and watermelon! Thanks also for the newest Trifle. Love how you finished it!

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Robin. I had a ball pulling out the watermelon decor especially the cookie jar. Lol. Have a great week. Hugs.

  2. OMGoodness! What a lovely post filled with so many adorable your Trifle and all the other lovely things you made as well. I do have a question. On the first shelf, the middle row...the black that one of your designs, too? I have been looking for a black rooster to stitch for years...this might work, too. :) Thank you for letting us have a peek inside your lovely home. Wishing you a day full of many blessings sweet friend. :)

    1. Hello dear. thank you so much for the sweet compliment. Oh yes that is my big black hen. I haven't posted her yet , but hope to in the future. I hope to make several more versions of her as well. I will let you know when I post her. I finished her on a Dollar General frame. Hugs and blessings.

    2. Oh I can't wait. Love your sweet designs dear friend. Blessings always. :)

  3. Just so exuberant and cheerful! What a cute summer display.

    1. Aaaah thank you so much for the sweet compliment. I had a ball decorating it with summer goodness. Have a lovely day.

  4. Chickens! Mine love watermelon 🍉:). Love your hutch decorating.

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Deb. Lol I don't blame them. It is one of my favorite summer time treats. Happy quilting.

  5. Melisa, always enjoy your post. I saw where you were working on a mason jar quilt; have you shared the patterns for this quilt? I love anything mason jar; I was soooo excited to see Ball canning jars are making PINK jars this year; but they are so hard to find. Thank you for sharing your hutch and all your creations with us; it is sooo inspiring.

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Deb. I have stalled out on my mason jar quilt , but I hope to get back to work on it. I plan to share those too. I am a mason jar fanatic too, I didn't know Ball was making the pink jars. I will certainly be keeping my eyes peeled for those. Have a great week. Hugs.

  6. Again, a wonderful and hutch filled with summer goodness. Chickens and Watermelons, such a sweet reminder of what summer is all about! The John Deere tracker is so darn cute!! Have a great week, sending you hugs from sunny Arizona.

    1. Aaah thank you so much, dear, Mary. I do love my chickens and watermelon is my favorite summer time treat. I am even trying to grow watermelon this year. So far I have 4 on the vine. Fingers crossed they will be big and juicy. Summertime hugs.

  7. I love the way you finish your stitching. You inspire me to decorate more.

    1. Oh thank you so much, dear Bree. That just means so much to me. I truly appreciate the sweet visit and kind words. You certainly gave me some much needed motivation. Hugs.

  8. Such a fun display to see. Thanks for sharing. Margie/TN

    1. Aaah thank you so much dear. Margie. I had a ball pulling out the watermelon decor. It has been awhile since these things have been out and of course I adore chickens. Lol. Have a great week. Happy stitching.

  9. Oh, my!!! Cuteness overload!!! My fav is the tree/wood watermelon slice that you rescued and painted!!! So much fun to look over your summertime collection!

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Nancy. I have several of those wood notches. I am always scavenging for crafty items even in the wood pile. Lol. Have a great week . Hugs.

  10. I just love your country clutter! Thanks so much for the tour and the sweet trifle pattern.

    1. Aah Karin that means so much to me. I am definitely not a minimalist. Lots of the pieces bring back fond memories. I have had all of that watermelon decor for 20 + years. It was fun to bring them out. Have a great week.

  11. Adorable trifle, Melisa, Thank you very much. Loved the tutorial on how to finish it off also. Again thanks! Your cupboard is filled with so much watermelon & love!

    1. Aah thank you so much, Susie. I love stitching smalls like that. I enjoy tucking them in here and there and everywhere in my decor or sometimes I just hang them on my seasonal tree. Plus I feel like I accomplished something even if it is teeny . Lol. I had a great time decorating with my watermelons. It has been awhile since they have seen the light of day. Have a great evening. Hugs.


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