Blog Archive

Sunday, July 10, 2022

Forever and A Day - Sunday

Good Sunday afternoon, ya'll. It seems like forever and a day since I have posted a Slow Stitching Sunday post and even longer since we have visited on the porch. Please grab a cup of tea .

 So sorry for the blurry photos. 

 I have 2 needles threaded if you want to join in. I have shared  this quilt several times.

 I bought the quilt top a few years ago at the World's Longest Yard Sale for only $12.00. I work on it here and there. The fun fabrics always make me smile; it sorta reminds me of sherbet ice cream for some reason. 


This will be my 15 minute a day project for the week though I know I will spend more time on it than that. The plan is to quilt one block a day. 

 Patriotic quilts hang from the shutters in the foyer.  I am fixing to change those out for some midsummer quilts.   


I almost always have a quilt hanging on one of the doors. 

Have you already starting making plans for the new week?  Mine looks to be a busy one. 

What's the Plans for the Week?  Well....

🌞 1. Work on my Summer Days quilt blocks.

🌞 2. Quilt on the Rainbow Sherbet Quilt

🌞 3. Finish a new saltbox cross stitch 


🌞 4. Take the grandbabies camping. 

Well I am off to  quilt the evening away. Have a wonderful day and thank you for stopping by and as always...

Happy  Stitching and Quilting, ya'll


Life is a journey to be experienced not solved. - Winnie the Pooh

Hugs and Stitches!!!!🤗🧵❤

Dedicated to my dear sister, Amy. Love and miss you. 

I am joining these lovely ladies' link parties. I hope you check them out; they always have so many wonderful projects going on and provide the opportunity for other needle workers to meet. 

     Kathy at Kathy's Quilts for Slow Stitching Sunday

Kate at Life in Pieces for  Stitching Stuff ( Sunday) 

Cynthia at Quilting is More Fun Than Housework for Oh Scrap - Sunday 

Beth at Love Laugh Quilt  for Monday Making
Judy at Small Quilts Doll Quilts for Design Wall Monday

Linda at Texas Quilt Gal for To Do List Tuesday - Tuesday


  1. Well, such a treat to sit with you on your porch, on that comfy chair covered in the pretty red and white quilt and watch you stitch that pretty quilt. Oh, and thank you for the cup of tea! So, so delightful!

    1. Well thank you so much, dear Kim for joining. I truly appreciate your kind words and encouragement. I hope you have a wonderful week. Happy quilting.

  2. Camping with the grandchildren sou ds fun, guess that trip will keep you busy as you wrangle kids, cooking and adventures!

    1. Lol yes it will, Jenny. They will be enjoying the sun and water. Have a great week . Happy stitching.

  3. Love the quilt! So vibrant. Your cross-stitch is adorable!

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Pam. I was over the moon when I found this top. I am looking forward to working on it this week. Thank you for the sweet visit.

  4. Sitting on the porch quilting on that sweet quilt would be wonderful. Your new saltbox in the making is delightful. Love the color and I'm a sucker for a cute crow. It sounds like you've got a fun week ahead.

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Sue . I was excited to pull this quilt out and add a few stitches in it. Hopefully I can make a bit of progress this week. Lol I am crow crazy. I am looking forward to finishing the new saltbox.

  5. Love the new quilt in the frame, she looks like a cutie! Happy stitching!

    1. Oh thank you so much, Gretchen. It is certainly a cheerful quilt. Have a great week. Happy quilting.

  6. I love the quilt you are working on. What a fabulous buy.

    1. Thank you so much, Christine. It was a fabulous find which I could not resist. Have a great week. Happy quilting.

  7. Sounds like wonderful plans for a full week. Enjoy!

    1. Aah thank you, Susie. Yes I believe the week is set for a grand adventure. I hope your week is a blessed one.

  8. Okay now I want rainbow sherbert!! Have a great week!

    1. Lol Shelly I do too. I have been craving sherbet every since I started working on it. Hope you get you this special summer treat. Happy stitching.

  9. Your quilt is looking good, Melisa. Glad you rescued the top!

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Robin. I was over the moon to find this top. In fact, I was able to get 3 that day. Lucky finds. Have a blessed week.

  10. I sure do want to join in... pass me a needle! I love this quilt and you have the perfect place to stitch! Enjoy!

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Kathy. I bet we could whip it out if you joined in . Have a great week and happy quilting.

  11. Only $12! What a deal! Enjoy stitching - and I can definitely see why you call it sherbet - the bright colors do remind me of summertime treats!

    1. I could not believe it when they told me the price and it is hand pieced . I was able to get a couple of more too. Too sweet of a deal to pass up. Lol. Have a wonderful week and thank you for the sweet visit.

  12. Every corner of your home, inside and out, seems to have something pretty to look at! Love getting your messages in my email.

    1. Aaaah Ginny. You are so very kind. I truly appreciate you heart warming compliment. That really means so much to me. Have a wonderful and blessed week.

  13. I love that quilt as well, Melisa. It has a happy look and I am sure it is fun to quilt on it. I took down my patriotic pieces today as I like to let my house "rest" for a while before bringing out the fall things. I am also doing fall and winter stitching. The colors of the fall stitching just speak to me. Enjoy your time on the porch!!

    1. Thank you so much, Arlene. I am really enjoying working on it. I am looking forward to fall decorating and stitching too. It will be here in no time. I hope you enjoy working on your projects. Have a wonderful week.

  14. That Sherbet Icecream quilt is gorgeous and what a great idea to set 15 minutes a day for the quilting of it. I guess its what you would call a 'rescue quilt'!

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Kathryn. I hope to make a bit of progress this week. It was a wonderful and unexpected find. I hope you have a blessed week.

  15. Well I'm enjoying your post with the last of my cup of coffee. ;) I hope the weather is cool for your camping trip with the grands! The quilt top is darling and looks like fun to work on. I bought an older quilt in 2017 for $25 with the intentions of repairing it. The kitties discovered it, and it has become their favorite bed (rolling my eyes), so I doubt it will ever get repaired.
    Thank you for sharing your goodies with us at To Do Tuesday!

    1. Oh thank you, Linda. Thankfully the weather has cooled a bit but we will be at the lake so the kiddos will enjoy the water. Lol it sounds like your quilt is being well loved by your sweet kitties and what a great find. Have a great week.

  16. I enjoyed all of these pics and I would gladly take up a needle! (Thinking about how much a year's supply of ice cream would be for us...!!!)

    1. Lol wouldn't a year's supply of ice cream be so nice. Thank you so much, Cheree, I would enjoy the help on this quilt. Have a wonderful week. Happy quilting.

  17. I have an old old quilt top that I found in my mom's basement. I should try to sandwich it then hand quilt it.

    1. Oh what a treasure Marsha, that would be a great project. I hope you decide to do that some time in the near future. Thank you for the sweet visit. Blessings.


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